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I personally use Jack Avatar as my person...mainly because im to lazy to edit and put myself in with low/med stats. The 2nd real reason i use Jack is to put people over..generally any promotion im in, he tends to be +/- midcard, so its easy for me to throw myself under the bus and be a stepping stone. was curious to see what you others use and why?
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Almost always The Grand Avatar so 'I' have no involvement whatsoever. Will ocassionally use The Masked Avatar and train people in dark matches, but even then it feels like cheating.




I dunno, from an "RPG" aspect, you could say you were a wrestler trying to start his own show. I.E the jarret angle.

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I made a Masked Orange user character using this avatar. He is insanely good AT EVERYTHING, but...


...he always starts around LowMid/Midcard, gets built up to UppMid, then is eternally the guy who provides a gateway to the Main Event. I know, it's sorta dread, but the way I see it, if I never give him a title, or put him over a ME UM worker, I can go to sleep at night.


Except at SWF The Supreme Challenge. Rich Money was champ, I needed someone fresh, so from a couple PPV's before, I monster pushed myself, won a 30 man Rumble, for the #1 contendership, and have a new champion at supreme challenge!


Ah, it pays to be my avatar/me.

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I never like the idea of pushing myself, so I used to always pick The Grand Avatar. Nowadays I tend to make up a wacky side-character, normally someone who looks and act nothing like me, that I can treat as 'just another guy' on my roster. Fair skills. Enough to be easily sqaushable if I need someone cheap as a job guy, and give the rookies a bit of training if there's space on the card for that kinda thing.
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I make believably inept characters. My favorite is probably Jason Richardson (named after a basketball player), a former wrestler who is absolutely awful but retired to become a writer. After getting some success outside the business, he comes back to the business. I occasionally put him on commentary to boost overness, but even his charisma stats are only around 50%. I wish there were more incompetent options in the default data.
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I typically use a Grand Avatar type character (though not always the GA, just another person I won't use at any point), though I have also used managers and wrestlers as user characters before. For example, Spiros The Mighty is my user character in my EWA and a wrestler. He's just not a very good one, but it I wanted to see how having a wrestler as your user character worked out. Since then I've created a couple of other user character wrestlers, both of which aren't very good but are fun to mess around with.


Honestly, I only consider it cheating when you create someone who is truly godly and is the biggest reason for your company's success. Sure, Spiros wrestles and cuts promos for me, but it was Louis Figo Manico and Marat Khoklov who really got the ball rolling for me in EWA.

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Excclusively as myself. Doing it that way I find it easy to build the story if I ever want to use the avatar in an active role. I also will only use myself on screen in a personalty/authority/manager/announcer role although that is very rare, mostly I am just a road agent, albeit with phenomenal skills!
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I play differently in every game. Basically I look at unattached renders until I find a character who sparks my interest, then I give him a backstory.


In GCG I played an aging American technician with no charisma who had made a career in Japan by never speaking. I used my character to get Cameron Vessey over and to put on good matches while losing to the main eventers.


In CZCW I was simply an announcer.


I started my own lucha promotion as El Tigre Blanco, a young luchador who had traveled the world and was now trying to bring American and Japanese influences to Mexico. While in America he had befriended Pablo Rodgriguez and Pablo had agreed to join the new company to help get it started.


In my current FCW game I play Voodoo, a former Brazilian MMA prospect who was brutally beaten in his first match so he now wears a mask and wrestles. He has charisma and good wrestling skills but started very poor in performance skills. My idea was that I would change promotions every two or three years, but very few jobs have been open so I'm still in FCW in 2014. Because it has been so hard to hold on to any talent besides Puerto Rican Power I've reluctantly become the Puerto Rican champion. Now I've made it my goal to turn myself into a star while still being realistic in my booking.


I'd really like to be a manager or authority figure next.

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Myself, of course :p


Except I'm not really a retired former SWF midcarder with a bum knee in his late thirties...


No, I always use my diary character in my games. I start off as a great road agent and decent colour guy, but I note that by 2013 I have A* entertainment and announcing, so apparently I got randomised with high potential.


Still can't cut a decent promo, though :(

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My diary character "Uriel" is being pushed a tad more than I usually would a User Character. I actually wanted to make my User something backstage-y, but I wanted to do a storyline with a Religious Zealot, and try as I might, I couldn't get someone capable of playing the role in the Draft.


Ironically the character isn't really getting over and is now proving a bit of a chore to write. Tough break.

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In my DaVE '97 game I'm using the Grand Avatar, but that game has died off in 2000, without showing signs of rebirth...

In modern day TCW, however, I'm using Charles Avatar, or Charlie to his co-workers. I'm thinking of writing a diary for it... If I can get around to writing up the past two years... In a condensed format, of course.

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Depends on the game, but I usually use Jack Avatar, though with slightly increased announcers stats. I usually pick a different image to use, and figure out how to use the character to best suit the game. In my diary game, the Avatar characters get the occassional dark match, essentially working as a trainer, as I've hinted at in the diary. I've considered using him as a personality of some type, but haven't gone that direction yet.
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Almost always, I use my usual avatar, Remianen Valorian who is an amalgam of me at various stages of my life. I rarely play male dominated promotions so I don't need in-ring skills. But I do give myself backstage and supporting skills. So I make a decent to good road agent and announcer, an awesome manager and color commentator (very charismatic in reality so...), and an 'okay in a pinch' referee. 99% of the time, I autopush to color commentator but that never stops me from hiring a dedicated one (I'm always third chair unless there's a worker guesting). At first I gave myself goo gobs of overness but that's not really necessary anymore. I still have my rep from my younger hellraising days in the Tri-State (NYC area) and Southwest (Bay Area) so I still give myself some overness there. But with charisma and good mic skills, I can generate overness for my avatar (and others) at the drop of a hat, really.


The only exception was for my LFC diary because I needed the user character to be the star and owner of the promotion to build up others. I got her name (Kimberly "Kimmy" Bentsen) from a friend of mine who's a granddaughter of Lloyd Bentsen (former Congressman, Senator, and Treasury Secretary). She loved the character (though she's not a wrestling fan).

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Guest jtalley31
I use myself. Usually as an enhancement talent with low to decent skills. Since I wrestled a bit in a tiny comedy promotion in the late 90's, It's not terribly unbelievable that I could have turned into a halfway decent worker (think slightly lower than Prince Iaukeau) if I'd kept at it.
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