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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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I'm just going to have to disagree completely with the whole don't run brute gimmicks in a comedy fed vibe I'm getting. While brutes or serious-as-a-heart-attack fighters may not be able to deliver comedy, they can be on the recieving end of and react to it just as well as anyone (think the straight man in a two-person comedy duo).


While I guess I can see the reasoning in it if it's to ensure that the AI and users have comedy wrestlers main-eventing their comedy feds, having them lose to a comedy wrestler (who could very well be the biggest deal in the eyes of the fans) in a comedy promotion doesn't seem to me like it'd be any more damaging to their cred than if a non-comedy person beat them.


Otherwise, say I wanted to have a worker with a Monster like gimmick, but despite his ferociousness he still gets beaten by blow-up dolls.. or for another example, I bring in a legitimate MMA crossover and then have him get KO'ed by an invisible hand-grenade. Their non-comedy gimmicks would actually emphasize the wackiness and comedy as opposed to detract from it.. yet they would get penalized for it (unless you created a work-around gimmick for it).


At least that's how I'm seeing it atm. Definitely not a big problem, but just thought I should get it out in the open and see if there's something I'm overlooking


Then that worker doesn't have a brute gimmick if he's losing to blow up dolls or the straight man in a comedy duo. He has the comedy gimmick of monster who loses to blow up dolls or comedic straight man.

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Then that worker doesn't have a brute gimmick if he's losing to blow up dolls or the straight man in a comedy duo. He has the comedy gimmick of monster who loses to blow up dolls or comedic straight man.


Pretty much this. You either have to give the worker a comedic mock brute gimmick or pretty much just accept that a brute is going to be hurt by working in a comedy fed and will have to work that much harder to get ahead.

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Then that worker doesn't have a brute gimmick if he's losing to blow up dolls or the straight man in a comedy duo. He has the comedy gimmick of monster who loses to blow up dolls or comedic straight man.


I'm not certain I agree with this.


Besides the fact that creating comedy sub-sets of existing gimmicks would bloat a data file, it appears to me that a gimmick dictates the image that a worker maintains, and that it doesn't dictate what a worker can be involved in. You seem to be suggesting that anyone with a gimmick set to brute can only lose matches in a way that meet a certain level of criteria, and that this should be industry-wide regardless of the what fans expect from the product.


If Abyss joined a comedy fed and did his exact same schtick, except that instead of dominating everyone he was getting punked, it shouldn't magically make his gimmick comedic; it's the situation and instigators which are comedic.


It may be semantics and splitting hairs (and i don't expect my argument to change the game at all), but creating extra gimmicks for a worker who is expected to do exactly the same thing as they would with another gimmick just doesn't seem right in theory.

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I'm not certain I agree with this.


Besides the fact that creating comedy sub-sets of existing gimmicks would bloat a data file, it appears to me that a gimmick dictates the image that a worker maintains, and that it doesn't dictate what a worker can be involved in. You seem to be suggesting that anyone with a gimmick set to brute can only lose matches in a way that meet a certain level of criteria, and that this should be industry-wide regardless of the what fans expect from the product.


If Abyss joined a comedy fed and did his exact same schtick, except that instead of dominating everyone he was getting punked, it shouldn't magically make his gimmick comedic; it's the situation and instigators which are comedic.


It may be semantics and splitting hairs (and i don't expect my argument to change the game at all), but creating extra gimmicks for a worker who is expected to do exactly the same thing as they would with another gimmick just doesn't seem right in theory.


But using your example...if Abyss joined a comedy fed (say Chikara, for example) and got repeatedly punked by say...the Colony, it would KILL his momentum dead! It would destroy his credibility as a dangerous monster not to be trifled with. Which this new mechanical addition emulates perfectly.


EDIT: Another example...think about what would happen if Undertaker did the job to Doink the Clown. His cred would be shot and I doubt we'd have the Streak today. ;)

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Woah! Opening your own Developmental Territory's and Dojos ala EWR? Opening your own venue like many indies have (small gyms called "Promotion Name Arena", ECW, NWA Wildside/Anarchy spring to mind, not to mention TNA's Asylum back in the day) AND the ability to buy defunct titles?


That was a hell of an update! I assume if you have titles in the database that are default not assigned to a promotion they will be available to buy as well? That's great, I think I'll put in some titles from the past to my database to buy at some point...

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Sweeeeet. Now money actually has some use. :D


I don't yet see the relevance of building your own 'venue', apart from spending that hard earned smack :)


I'm-a buildin' one with a marble hallway and all. And walls made of chocolate. Gotta love me some chocolate. :p

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Fantastic. I think the concept of being able to open (and presumably thereafter invest in) development territories and dojos is a great move. Buying old titles is great news (presumably all the defunct titles on the CV site will be in? PPPW, TWL and so on) and having your own private stadium (more than one? Why not!) should be cool, too.


I think I'm going to enjoy splashing the cash :D

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I really like these new features. Im already imagining how i can break the gameworld with them...


Like opening 10 dev territories and the cancelling the link (presuming relations still works a bit like TEW08).

Or stimulate an australian wrestling boom by opening several dojos specializing in brawling females and creating the dev territories to support them.


So many possibilities, so little knowlegde wheter they will work or not...

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My first actions in a TEW10 game?


1) Buy TWL titles.

2) Open TWL dev in texas. (Im hopeing against hope you can send "down" titles to dev's)

3) Buy up all the former aged TWL talent & send them down.

4) Cut all ties with TWL.

5) Sit back and enjoy the ride. Again. TWL2010 ftw.


Again? In 08, when you cut ties to a dev fed, all those workers you sent down....return to your promotion (they signed with you, after all).

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I think the last update has (officially, though I would've anyways) sold me on TEW2010.


Though I suspect its unlikely we'll see AI controlled companies take advantage of it. Even so, the fact that I will be able to do it makes me all kinds of happy. No more praying a company opens that I can use a Dev territory.


And heck, I can create my own dojo!


Bam Bam's School Of ALPHA!!

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