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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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So I take it the belt-buying only has value as a "role-playing" feature, since you can create belts with instant prestige yourself?


I would guess that the defunct belts would have their histories intact. That seems like a small thing, but it means a lot to many users (it would seem).

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if i open a dojo with the new feature, will it mean that workers will be created from my dojo and available to use in my game?


Per the dev journal post, workers from your dojo are offered to you FIRST. They only hit the common free agent pool if you decline to sign them. Right of first refusal rule. It doesn't guarantee dojo output (that's determined by the game) but it does allow you to produce and develop your own talent, in a way.

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I'm like everyone else, I hope we have some kind of control of our child promo,

I mean I'm sick of sending guys down just so the booker there can job them out every match! I can do that to them on the main roster! Atleast let us control some kind of aspect of it, push, booking the show,making the tag teams for it something? Now if you send a young tag team down most likely the booker books them againest each other? How does that help them grow as a tag team? Just a few thing's I'm sure we all would like to see!

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I'm like everyone else, I hope we have some kind of control of our child promo,

I mean I'm sick of sending guys down just so the booker there can job them out every match! I can do that to them on the main roster! Atleast let us control some kind of aspect of it, push, booking the show,making the tag teams for it something? Now if you send a young tag team down most likely the booker books them againest each other? How does that help them grow as a tag team? Just a few thing's I'm sure we all would like to see!




But any ways. Onto the Developer journal. I look forward to owning a Dev. and Dojo! Mostly the title thing. Feel like ECW/WCW 2010...maybe. If you know...WWE...lost..the rights and what not...*cough* Still. Looking forward to play!

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I'm like everyone else, I hope we have some kind of control of our child promo,

I mean I'm sick of sending guys down just so the booker there can job them out every match! I can do that to them on the main roster! Atleast let us control some kind of aspect of it, push, booking the show,making the tag teams for it something? Now if you send a young tag team down most likely the booker books them againest each other? How does that help them grow as a tag team? Just a few thing's I'm sure we all would like to see!


The problem is that, unless the parent-child relationship has changed a great deal from TEW 2008, then most of that isn't necessary. And it isn't realistic, either. Child promotions function as promotions unto themselves. The WWE doesn't have that kind of control over the child promotions' its had. Letting the user decide who that child promotion should push could be quite harmful to the promotion. If they don't have the overness or talent to be upper midcarders for the child promotion, why should they be?


Does having the workers lose in the child promotion hurt anything? Moreover, what would wins gain them? Are they coming out with significantly better overness or momentum? It doesn't effect their skill improvements any - so long as you have good trainers and the worker has room to improve, they will get better. A lot better.


I agree on the tag team aspect, but it bothers me much less than it used. I used to get quite annoyed at the child promotion not putting together teams that I wanted to develop more experience together. Then I realized that they wouldn't gain that much experience together anyway. In 2008, I never had a child promotion which could maintain a weekly TV show (whether Cverse or real world), so they are usually only running one show per month. Even if the child promotion put them together and used them on every show, how much do they gain? If they were in development for a year, that would be 12 points. Two grades, basically. If I have a B show and "spam" that team between my B show and dark matches on my A show, they can gain that much experience in 6 weeks. But the amount of skill they can gain in that year of development (assuming good trainers, room to improve, etc) could be massive. I'm okay with that trade off.

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But any ways. Onto the Developer journal. I look forward to owning a Dev. and Dojo! Mostly the title thing. Feel like ECW/WCW 2010...maybe. If you know...WWE...lost..the rights and what not...*cough* Still. Looking forward to play!


i agree, wheres the pre-order?

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Eleventh Personality Trait: A new personality trait, Conservative-Liberal, is now in.

Simply the best announcement in the entire Journal! Now I can finally set up my Conservatives vs. Liberals War Games match accurately.



Hair: Workers have a hair statistic, which keeps track of the length. This is set via the editor, and obviously allows for bald wrestlers. This stat is used in conjunction with a new Shave Head road agent note that allows wrestlers to lose their hair. Once shaved, hair can grow back slowly over time. Wrestlers will also eventually start going naturally bald as they age.

I hope the game understands that not all males go bald. And those who do can always get hair plugs.

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Phew, now let me try and let it all sink in.... from what I remember I loved the Hair and Mask option, but feared updating my database, only to be relieved by the mass edit option (that would have taken forever otherwise!). Love the more incidents and injuries probability, I always thought too little happened in the game, where as in EWR I always got a few minor injuries each year (and I loved the challenge of having to change booking plans). Love that National and higher promotions will fight to stop falling to Cult. The quick add moveset is great, it saves so much time, same for a lot of the features, this TEW should be a breeze to navigate!


There's more but I can't remember right now, that was a lot to take in at one time...


I think there are only two minor things I would like to see added, but I'll save that for a few months time after I've played the game for a length of time, then I'll post them in the 2010 suggestion thread (because for all I know they could have been addressed as a side effect to all these new additions, so there's no point in talking about it now)

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Show Analysis: The show analysis feature has been improved to not only show who hasn't been used, but also what their disposition is and when they were last used. Furthermore, it also calculates the current wage expense based on what has been booked.


This addition will make running a company with financial difficulties less of a chore and more of challenge! Previously calculating your show expanses was horrible... Every feature that gives the user easier access on information that was present already in previous versions makes the game that much more enjoyable :)


Popularity View: There is now a switch at the bottom of each roster screen, allowing you to swap between the traditional "skill" view and a "popularity" view that gives the worker's average overness in each game area.


This feature would be much more useful if it would take a similar approach than the new "Smart Auto Push" feature does that it would take into consideration regional stars... What I mean by this is that if your promotion is based on the east coast and only has popularity in lets say three regions then it would show my workers popularity on those regions. There isn't much use for the info on my workers pop on Europe or Japan as my company only runs shows in the East coast... But if it showed my workers popularity in the three regions my promotions has popularity I could easily get the info on what workers would be best served by being used in lets say Tri-State and what would be best served used in the New England area.


Hopefully someone on the development team can answer me if this is the case (or I'll just wait until the 20th). If this is already included in the feature then awesome! If not I probably should make a thread in the suggestions forum...

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Absolutely mind blowing.


The only features I wanted that haven't been announced are the return of Quick Roster (although the new layout of the Analysis screen should suffice!), and Trios being treated as proper teams like Teag Teams currently are.



A whole lot of awesome, amazing features announced. I'm super excited. A few making their returns from previous games, some excellent little things, and some damn huge things.


I don't really see the point in the Hair stat, surely "Hair vs Hair" matches aren't widespread or popular enough to warrant having to set a new stat for hundreds of workers in any given database? I have to imagine it incorporates deeper things like Hair matches/angles mean more if the losing worker's hair stat is higher (longer). Does it allow for things like when Nash lost a match and didn't go completely bald?



Starting Storylines is going to the stand-out feature, I think. It will make historical mods absolutely brilliant. The only thing that could make them more accurate would be the ability to have a game start at a time which is not the 1st of the month, but that's no biggie at all.


Excited for Masks, I remember reading a thread about that, mentioning stuff like "Fake Kane", and how Festus/Gallows/Freakin' Deacon wouldn't have been able to pull it off in TEW08 terms. Also dig the "Area Alter-Ego" for the plethora of workers who run a different character in Mexico than America, etc. And I guess A-Train/Giant Bernard would fit here as well.


Wow, just so much to go over... I'll be back again tomorrow to join in the no-doubt fantastic discussion we'll all be in!

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I don't really see the point in the Hair stat, surely "Hair vs Hair" matches aren't widespread or popular enough to warrant having to set a new stat for hundreds of workers in any given database? I have to imagine it incorporates deeper things like Hair matches/angles mean more if the losing worker's hair stat is higher (longer). Does it allow for things like when Nash lost a match and didn't go completely bald?


To me the Hair feature was the only one that for me didn't really make any sense... How will the game determine weather a worker likes to wear his hair short or long? And even more so, how cares? Of course this makes Hair vs Hair matches feel more special but in my view that really isn't enough to warrant a totally new stat for it.


I'm just hoping this won't add unnecessary strain on mod makers (I think stat can largely be ignored)...


On the other hand... who am I to complain when there were dozens of great features in the mix as well!

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Hall Of Records Top 10s: Via the promotion profile, you can now view a selection of Top 10s for that company, including lists like Top Matches, Top Attendance Levels, etc, etc.


HOI Tracker: When viewing workers, it will show in their profile how close they are to entering the Hall Of Immortals. This is a nice way of letting the user get a sense of how legendary the character is regarded as being.


these are my favorite.

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Under 16: Workers can now be added to the game world down to as low as 5 years old. There are checks and blocks in place to stop odd things happening (like them getting married) and so that there stats don't become incredible due to the "extra time" they get in the game world.


And now I can have my idea of a fed made of wrestlers under 10 yrs old!! Woooo!!


Loving alot of the new things added today, most are purely cosmetic but help out alot and make life easier (like Champions being easily identified)

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