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What kind of user character do you use?

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I was wondering what kind of user character other people play with... personally, I use an unskilled and unknown character with my own name - but just lets him sit there, not interefering with gameplay. But as I see it, there are many different kinds of user characters, and I was curious what most people prefer... the different types:


- Yourself, but unused

- Yourself, used ingame

- Fictional character, but unused

- Fictional character, used ingame

- Real life character, but unused

- Real life character, used ingame

- Other...?

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<p>- Fictional, used in game</p><p> </p><p>

I wanted to take advantage of a storyline relationship with Rip, so I added about twelve years to my age, gave myself good RA and decent entertainment skills.</p><p> </p><p>

Six years in, to my mild embarassment, I'm the best road agent/announcer/colour guy in the game as my stats hve risen to god-like levels. </p><p> </p><p>

In a non-diary game, I'd probably just leave myself backstage or as a road agent. </p><p> </p><p>

I <em>have</em> previously used 'myself' as a wrestler, thoeorising what level of talent I'd have if I'd got training when I was young and stuck with it.</p>

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<p>Back in the day I just chose Grand Avatar and had him sit back, doing nothing, but nowadays I tend to create a fictional worker of moderate in-ring talent. Cheap, happy-to-job midcard act. The idea of making 'myself' and pushing him to the moon makes me oddly uncomfortable, so the majority of the characters are either black, female or weighing 400lbs (and in one happy occassion, all 3). Anything to distance myself from the User Character.</p><p> </p><p>

For my diary game I had tried to find a real C-Verse guy to play a particular gimmick, but failed miserably and created a User Character to fill the void instead. Uriel. The Eyes of God. However, I once again balked at the idea of pushing a character that readers would assume was 'me' so I basically killed him off.</p>

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<p>Recently, I've been enjoying taking wrestlers from the very fun 1975 Cornellverse mod and using them as my avatar in 2008 games. </p><p> </p><p>

Right now, I'm playing Sid "The Kid" Streets, one of the SWF's top prospects back in the day, though I've decided that his in-ring career fizzled out thanks to drugs, alcohol and an enormous ego, and he's since gotten his life back together, successfully working his way up the indies as a manager, road agent and booker to get Richard Eisen interested in having the now 51 year old "Kid" replace the flailing Peter Michaels as head booker of the SWF.</p>

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I usually use The Grand Avatar in my own games with large promotions, but in any of my highly praised and often short term diaries I tend to make up my own jobber character. In games with small promotions I tend to make a guy who would be a good indy star in terms of talent, but with little overness. Enough to be upper card maybe, perhaps even main event at a push but probably never good enough to be a true star without some serious development.
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<p>I usually just pick Jack Avatar and then edit him in-game to be a different character. I leave the stats for the most part, but change the name, the bio, and the pic. I pick Jack becuase he's quite talented and can be used in many different ways... Almost none of which end up happening. I always think he'll be useful as a dark match jobber/trainer, yet rare end up using him for some reason. Probably cuz it feels cheap. Might as well pick the Grand Avatar and have him do nothing. </p><p> </p><p>

I've long meant to create some custom ones in the data, so there are already there rather than having to be edited each game. Just never get around to it. I also quite like the idea of taking a character from the 75 or 97 mod and bringing them back - someone else suggested that at some point, I seem to remember.</p>

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<p>For most of my games I use The Grand Avatar, taking myself out of the equation pretty much. However for some games like PSW I use Blaq Star</p><p> </p><p>

Blaq Star is Bryant Davison, the son of Charles Davison aka The Boston Bomber. Basically he's driven by the need to restore his family's pride after it took a bit of knocking due to Bomber's drug use. Stats wise I keep him low enough enough, although not so low that's he a complete jobber. He's a young prospect with good High flying and brawling skills, not to mention ok on the mic. If I ever do a modern day version of CWB I use him. I steal Xavi Ferrara's blond with sunglasses look to fill in a his pic base.</p>

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<p>Interesting... so if not most, at least lots of people create their own character for use ingame - while The Grand Avatar also seems pretty popular.</p><p> </p><p>

I myself either use TGA or a Hive character I created - but no matter which of the two I pick, I don't use them in any way.</p>

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<p>I always use Charles Atavar and rename him Necrophim (its a title of a comic story), i use one of the GDS picture packs that i downloaded, the Swift wrestler </p><p> </p><p>

Depending on the company i pick he usually is a jobber to future stars or a quick storyline to a bigger heel name until, a better story for the heel comes along</p>

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<p>For the large promotions like WWE/TNA/SWF/TCW, I usually pick guys who won't really make any difference - usually, a road agent.</p><p> </p><p>

However, I made a young character (the 'son' of the usual), set him up to be a pretty decent technician, and played a MAW game with him. Tagged him with Jacob Jett, and they're pretty good together. I can imagine him playing the straight man to Jett's wisecracking, sort of like a reversed DX. <_<</p>

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<p>Well, I've only played one game so far. Considered both Jack Avatar and the grand avatar. Decided on Jack. Use him as needed (kind of has the Kaz push - always on the cusp of winning a title, never does). No title runs at the time, although I've considered giving him my tag title or all-american title to help raise value. </p><p> </p><p>

Have a major nWo/LAX type storyline going on and the heel group is going to kick him out of the promotion entirely along with a few other mainstays. Then he'll lead the way back either as more of a manager type role (in which case no titles in his near future) or return with a suicide like gimmic and dominate for for a bit (still leading the returning faces, and in this case winning titles)</p>

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I'll either create a fictional character for diary purposes or just create/use a Heidenreich challenge character for added fun.


(that's where they're active wrestlers with A*'s in every outside of the ring and F-'s for everything in the ring and the challenge is to develop them enough that they get auto-pushed to the main event. It's pretty tough just to get through without seriously injuring anyone :D)

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