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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Sorry for the back-to-back posts but...


I think it's a shame the divas underperformed considering their recent actions and claims that they could step up. I personally think the last few months had better stuff from the divas than Mania. They seemed off tonight.


The Knockouts in TNA are simply the better Women's Division. I am not saying that based on the match tonight as I have not watched it but I just feel that TNA puts on the better show when it comes to women in wrestling.

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Sorry for the back-to-back posts but...




The Knockouts in TNA are simply the better Women's Division. I am not saying that based on the match tonight as I have not watched it but I just feel that TNA puts on the better show when it comes to women in wrestling.


Honestly, lately the Bellas, AJ, and Paige have closed that gap. Same with um... the girl with the Usos, and Nattie. All six could have a very workable division, which I would've laughed at for hours a year ago this time.

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I was very pissed off that Sting lost to HHH. The Kliq pulled there BS again, HHH using his backstage powers to get the win over Sting, it almost ruined the whole show for me had Rollins not won the belt it would have.


I'm not thrilled at all about it either. Total BS and it had to be all on Vince cause he's still bitter that WCW dared to compete with WWE.


And then JBL trashing WCW on commentary. Trash trash trash trash.

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Edge against Ric flair New Years revolution 2005 he lost the IC title and went on to cash in the first brief case after Cena retained in the elimination chamber.


Also, Edge lost the WWEC at the start of No Way Out 2009, and went on to win the WHC at the end of the night.

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i really enjoyed Wrestlemania, Lesnar/Reigns was really enjoyable and i was going to stop at that match and go to bed but glad i atched it


Sting/HHH was the worst for me, i just don't think they connected and all the run ins were nice but when DX came down and pretty much look like DX then followed by NWO, it was a bit oh dear...can they make it down the ramp


there was a bit where Scott Hall was going to do the Razor Edge and got flipped i really thought he was going to land on his head, and thought X-Pac killed Hogan when he knocked him down


i really did not like the Rock segment either, it seemed they were stalling, but it was a right turn off for me, for an otherwise really good show, but then these last few years i have only watched WM30 and Fastlane and after Fastlane i never thought i would watch another show

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i really did not like the Rock segment either, it seemed they were stalling, but it was a right turn off for me, for an otherwise really good show, but then these last few years i have only watched WM30 and Fastlane and after Fastlane i never thought i would watch another show


Of course they were stalling, they were about to have an Undertake entrance, at WrestleMania no less, in broad daylight. You'd have stalled too. :p


I think personally that anyone expecting Sting to win was delusional, and the backlash against Triple H is mainly of the hurting butt variety.


This isn't Starrcade. Starrcade ain't around any more, wonder why.


Firstly, unlike Sting who will probably never wrestle again, or if he does then only in Undertaker-like circumstances, Triple H still has future feuds and storylines to consider.


He's lost (or drawn via DQ) his last nine matches since beating Lesnar at WM29, excluding a dark match with the New Age Outlaws. This includes losing to Daniel Bryan at last year's WM. Most people seem to conveniently forget that Bryan never lost to Triple H, the return match was a no contest draw on Raw.


Secondly, and most importantly, the whole match was WWE vs. WCW. Nobody watches Braveheart and is pissed that the English won. WWE won, get over it. Yes, the nWo backing up Sting was a bit weird after being sworn enemies for what feels like centuries, but like I said this is WWE vs. WCW, the Monday Night Wars distilled into one match. Who else is going to represent WCW? Team Canada? The Filthy Animalz?


Triple H was 100% always going to win this, and what you're all ignoring is how damn fun the match was, for what it was ever going to be.


I like to think that Vince saw Joffrey's wedding in Game of Thrones, looked at the midget re-enactment of the War of the Five Kings and said "we're doing that at WrestleMania!". Then the creative team in unison said "no, no more midgets!", so Vince said "ok we'll use Triple H and Sting as the avatars of their respective companies instead". (There's a zero percent chance this is what actually happened, but...).



That aside, I thought this was easily the best Wrestlemania since XX, possibly even since X7. The main event was an incredible match. Reigns stiffs Lesnar, makes him bleed hardway. Immediately realises he's made a terrible mistake. Lesnar DESTROYS HIM.


Reigns gets the shit kicked out of him and actually looks pretty good doing it, Rollins wins the title without Brock losing. There is no way that could have gone better.


Cena winning was a slight disappointment, but like the Triple H win was inevitable so, whatever. The tank was amazing, though.


I thought the divas slightly underwhelmed but weren't 'bad', like divas matches have been outside of NXT for so long now. And Daniel Bryan won a title. What's there not to like?


As for the Andre the Giant Battle Royale, it would've been weird to have an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale and have Big Show never win it. He wasn't doing much this year, so why not? It's not like the battle royale is a huge launching pad for future stars or anything, it's not as if he won the Rumble or MITB, it wasn't even on the main card. So I see nothing wrong with that at all.


Overall, the most fun I've had watching wrestling in a very, very long time.

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to be fair i didn't mind who won the HHH/Sting match some wrestlers can take loss after loss and would not hinder them


the show looking back really was a great show, i usually get lost or distracted watching shows but me and my mate sat down and watched the whole thing


Lesnar/Reigns was a highlight, for a bit during the match i actually thought Lesnar was genuinely pissed about being punched and bleeding, reminded of Nelson from Simpsons where he says "you made me bleed my own blood"


glad i watched it, The Network froze on me during Rusev and Cena, and it came back on just as Cena pinned Rusev


Rusev is an absolute tank of a man, and i didn't mind Cena winning, never had anything against Cena


the other thing i liked was how they did the Wyatt/Taker match, the story spoke for itself and didn't need the build up like the other matches, it really worked, unless they did a hype package and i missed it


The build ups on Raw, did Undertaker appear at all or talk, my mate said he never and it was Bray doing on his own for pretty much all of it

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I was very pissed off that Sting lost to HHH. The Kliq pulled there BS again, HHH using his backstage powers to get the win over Sting, it almost ruined the whole show for me had Rollins not won the belt it would have.


I'm not thrilled at all about it either. Total BS and it had to be all on Vince cause he's still bitter that WCW dared to compete with WWE.


And then JBL trashing WCW on commentary. Trash trash trash trash.


I'm very glad to see someone else posting about this, as I felt the exact same way. They NEVER miss a chance to take potshots at WCW. Sadly, I kinda did let it ruin the show for me - as much as I like Rollins, (and he is one of my favorites), and as much as I'd hate to admit it, (and I do hate to admit it), after the Royal Rumble fiasco, what Lesnar was doing to Reigns was... pretty much... exactly what I was hoping to see. I found myself hoping for a clean Lesnar win, and... I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some part of me that was screaming, "If they were gonna make it a three way anyway, why oh why couldn't it have been D-Bry?"


So... there is that.


I also found myself rooting for Rusev in his match with Cena, which I wasn't expecting. I was always lukewarm to Rusev, but something about this match kinda made me a fan.


I've managed to get over most of my quabbles, FTR. It was a pretty good show.

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Well I don't really watch wrestling anymore but I am a wrestling fan, and due to playing TEW it actually got me guessing what they were going to do.


For me though a lot of people who watch it these days aren't happy, and don't get me wrong it's a shadow of its former self, but people are unhappy with certain people winning and certain people losing?


The rock was my favourite wrestler to the point I stopped watching it when he started taking time out, but when he lost did I think that bull? No. I hated kurt angle and every time he beat the rock I just thought you got lucky or he couldn't beat him fairly, and that's how it's supposed to be looked at.



Anyway I was talking yesterday about it and here are what i think.


Big show winning

I didn't really know who was going to be in this, but the big show has had a lot of heat (not the good heat) and they need to start getting him over with the fans one way or another, because there's no denying he can be. Plus who better to win the Andre the giant memorial than the closest thing to the giant himself?


Daniel Bryan

If someone said here's a million pound you have to put it on a bet then this would be the one, Daniel Bryan needed to win no matter what, the fans have changed so much over the years, that if they don't accept one thing it spoils the rest of the night, I thought they would have found a way to get him in the title match, but seen as he wasn't he HAD to win. This one I think was obvious


Seth Rollins

There was no way Roman reigns was walking out champion that's for sure, i originally thought it would go the Yoko, bret, hogan way, reigns would win Brock (with some help from the rock) then Rollins would cash in and win.


I wasn't far off, Rollins is a much better champ than reigns, I reckon they need to turn reigns heel because he's already getting heel heat. Turn Brock face, anyway as soon as I saw a picture and it was the open arena I just thought it would play out exactly like the wrestlemania with yoko and bret, wasn't far off though


Triple H

I was 50/50 on this, I thought sting would probably not wrestle if he was going to lose because of what he's said in the past, and I thought they may go with it because they want him for marketing purposes (sting is much more valuable to them outside the ring than in it) and thought maybe triple h would do the job for this reason. I also thought well really this guy has never wrestled in Wwe, for years he has been skating them, does he just come in on the biggest event and beat someone who's wrestled for 20years at the Wwe?


So really if they could get sting to accept a loss and get him on board it's a win, win. He has done nothing to deserve a win here.


And to be honest the way they did it sounds really good



Well again I was 50/50. I thought with the streak ending last year they would want to give undertaker a win because the streak is not over is it really, it's something that goes down in history and is going to be talked about for years, so if taker lost then last years match becomes less of a talking point and the record isn't as good. But on the other hand I thought they might use it to put wyatt over as taker doesn't wrestle much.


I personally from a watching point of view would have enjoyed it more if I watched undertaker win, I don't think it can harm wyatt losing to undertaker at wrestlemania. I mean look at everyone else he beat.


I also can't believe that he would lose fans because he lost lol




I think along with Bryan winning and Rollins cashing in this was another obvious one. Mr merchandise v Mr Russia in the old America v whoever it's at war against. Cena is still the biggest star outside the ring but is dropping inside it, so a rusev generates loads of heat and get beat at wrestlemania by the biggest selling star.



One last thing, people that go on about vince and WCW


Do you realise vince owns WCW or what is left of it? He owns all the footage and everything, he doesn't want to make wcw seem weak. Why should sting win? He's never wrestled in wwe before why should he win?


As far a burying wcw in the first place, none of the top WCW stars came over anyway to begin with, plus as a WWF fan at the time for the WCW to come in and beat the top wwf wrestlers it just wouldn't have cut it with most people, there's a reason Wwe won the war, so why would you take the oppositions wrestlers and make them beat yours who won the war lol

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I also found myself rooting for Rusev in his match with Cena, which I wasn't expecting. I was always lukewarm to Rusev, but something about this match kinda made me a fan.


He's been one of the best things about WWE for nearly a year now. I just hope they find something for him post Mania and he doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

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My opinion doesn't really matter but I feel compelled to run down the card and give my thoughts as well. Feel free to call me out for being a moron :p


Tag Titles - Good match, I actually thought New Day was gonna win for a second. Just not sure where they go with Cesaro and Kidd from here. The tag division is pretty bad, especially since they're not doing anything with The Ascension.


Andre Battle Royal - If you thought Axel had a shot of winning or should have come close to winning, I think you might be delusional. The second he announced himself for the Battle Royal I said he's going to be the first one out. Mizdow, on the other hand, I thought was going to get tossed by Miz at the end to swerve the fans and Miz was gonna win. I'm not mad that Big Show won though, he deserves the reward whether you like him or not (I don't).


Ladder Match - I was unrealistically pulling for Harper or Stardust but I love the decision to put the belt on Bryan. Some tough looking spots, like Ambrose through the ladder and Barrett's Superplex to Stardust. Good to see Bryan get through the match intact and with the belt after all those headbutts (stupid finish). The one thing this showed me is that WWE has no credible midcard heels other than Rusev and I guess Wyatt, and this makes it tough to do anything further with Bryan/Ziggler/Ambrose right now other than fight each other.


Rollins/Orton - I thought this was a pretty good match that was overshadowed by some other things that took place, but I knew as soon as Rollins lost he was cashing in at the end or on RAW tonight. The right guy won this match with a really cool finish.


HHH/Sting - Sting looked pretty good considering he's 56 years old. This was the only result that shocked me, but it really shouldn't have. I don't think this was necessarily about HHH and his 'backstage powers' or Vince and his superiority complex, although it totally could have been the latter. The former is absolutely absurd. What about Sting? Was he a helpless pawn in all of this? He held out for all these years, so why wouldn't he just say no to losing to Hunter? I think Sting looked at it and realized that he's a 56 year old man who doesn't really have anything to gain by beating HHH. Him being at Mania was the spectacle, the win was sort of superfluous. Like someone else said (sorry I'm lazy), Hunter hasn't won in his last 9 televised/PPV matches or something like that. How can he be perceived as credible if he loses to a 56 year old balding Sting? I didn't like it at first, but this was the right call, in storyline. I also liked seeing the nWo/DX thing despite the consistency being shaky. Best moment was Nash going down and grabbing his quad. This was all about the spectacle, I don't think anyone should have been expecting a mat classic.


Divas - This was fine. Brie still kinda sucks. It was after the stupid concert segment so I wasn't paying all that much attention but the right team won.


Cena/Rusev - This was the only way it could have happened. Rusev's undefeated schtick is already getting old with the saturation of 3-hour RAWs on top of SD/Main Event or whatever else their programming is, plus PPVs. I understand the dislike for the USA/Russia storyline because it's so antiquated, but that was how this was going to end. Rusev looked great, Cena got his win back (I think some people are forgetting that Rusev already beat Cena), and the storyline and both men's characters progressed naturally from where they were before the feud. I echo what others said about hoping they can keep Rusev moving after this loss. Him coming out on a tank was brilliant.


Rock segment - I lol'd at HHH shaking Sting's hand and then needlessly trashing him a little while later. Rock was charismatic as always. I'd much rather see a segment like this than a stupid celebrity match. Ronda's a good person to have in there because she's white hot in the sports world right now. Legitimately think this segment dragged to let it get darker outside for Taker and Wyatt or possibly to cover up for Wyatt's ankle injury and have him work a shorter match.


Undertaker/Wyatt - This was the least entertaining match of the night IMO, and it was still decent. Rumors of Wyatt's ankle injury may have hampered it, although he didn't look much slower. 'Taker going over was the right call. To whoever said Wyatt would be a 'made man' with a win, I disagree. He would have been helped a lot, but Brock was a made man after beating 'Taker. Wyatt wouldn't have been because he wasn't undefeated anymore. My ideal booking would be Undertaker coming out on RAW tonight and being brutally taken out by Wyatt so he still has the 'I put out the Deadman' for a year until they figure out something to do with him. I'd like Finn Balor to come up and feud with him.


Lesnar/Reigns - This was MOTN in terms of storytelling and booking. Reigns looked good and took a nice step forward, Lesnar obviously looked good, and Rollins looked good. Reigns gets pinned after 4 F5s and a Curb Stomp, Lesnar's credibility is preserved, Rollins being an opportunistic weasel by cashing in and immediately sprinting back up the aisle fits his character perfectly. Don't think much more needs to be said.


Overall - There wasn't really a bad match on the card. They did what they could with the Undertaker and Sting matches, and the Divas match was decent. Orton/Rollins, the Ladder match, the main event, Cena/Rusev....all were very good matches that could've gone a number of ways. I stopped watching wrestling from like 2008-13, so I can't really judge any of those, but this is by far the best Mania of the last three, and I liked WM30. I thought it was really enjoyable and everything they did last night pretty much made sense (except for the nWo helping Sting), and redeemed a subpar build and some anxiety over questionable booking. Here's to hoping they run with this momentum a bit.


EDIT: Oh, and can we talk about this for a second? Cena is the man, whether you like it or not haha.

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Wrestlemania thoughts:


-First of all, IMO, two solid Wrestlemanias in a row now!


-Big Show winning: Who cares? I didnt hate it didn't love it. He's been jobbing at Wrestlemania for 15 years. I'm not going to complain because a giant actually won a battle royal. He's a great worker (who by the way is arguably on TV more now than he's been in a long time) who deserves some respect and success as his career winds down.


-Daniel Bryan as IC champion: We'll see. I think it's beneath him. The match was beneath him. I would have much rather seen a good story built around him vs Ziggler but we got a decent gimmick match instead. Didn't hate it, but like I said we'll see where it goes. Whenever they've tried to elevate these secondary titles in the past it usually just doesn't work. The guy gets buried more than the title gets elevated. We'll see.


-John Cena: I think the psychology of him having to fight and claw his way into wrestlemania wasn't established at it's full potential. They went with a typical, "Don't you crap on my country!" build and I disagreed with it but still a lengthy, meaningful build and a good match. Hopefully he get's a more premier matchup and someone exciting to work with next year. Rusev is WONDERFUL in the ring and I think the match was good, but it's John Cena. The stakes should have been higher. That said they delivered.


-Divas match: Good match. They deserve it. The Bellas have gotten so much better in the last few years and Paige and AJ are as good at wrestling as any woman in the States. Impressive, solid match with a nice build. Happy to see it.


-The Rock/Rousey: That ANYONE complains about this is beyond me. WWE has had WAY worse ways to kill 10 of your precious minutes. As far as a time-eating promo is concerned I really don't know what more people wanted.


-Bray/Taker: Bray losing to Taker can't really hurt him. He looked pretty strong in that match. Heels can always lose, save face ina promo, and circle right around. If Bray has a crappy 2015 it'll be because they didn't have anything for him, not because he lost to The Undertaker ina fantastic Wrestlemania match. Hopefully they pull the trigger and put something behind him and let this guy be the top heel the fans seem to want to see him as.


-Main Event: AWESOME! Reigns and Lesnar were absolutely killing it in there and totally impressed me. Violent, brawl-heavy match with decent psychology. I was very into it. The Cash-in was well timed and well executed. It was PERFECT quite frankly. For me, anyway. Reigns can still go on with "I CAN. I WILL!", Lesnar saves face, and Rollins gets to become what all of us wanted him to become all year long. To me, you are perfect, Wrestlemania 31.


And finally:

-HHH/Sting: Too many of you (and all wrestling fans in general) get too caught up in trying to worry about whats happening behind the scenes that you can't just sit down and enjoy a decent show when it's in front of you. Great match between two legends. Quite frankly, if you didn't appreciate this match then you didn't deserve to enjoy it anyway. I don't mean to sound snobby but it really is that simple. We got to see Batman fight Iron Man yesterday. If you don't think that's cool then fine, I get it. But don't worry about whys and ifs. Sting's going to go home for (most likely) at least a year and Triple H has to be on TV every night for the foreseeable future. This is how wrestling works, kids. Triple H needed that win a lot more than Sting did, especially after losing as many huge matches as he has the last few years. Both guys put on a hell of a match. I loved it and it delivered to my expectations.

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I'm interested to see if Rollins managed to aid the completion of a double turn in the main event.


By taking the title off Lesnar, he pushes him further towards being a face, particularly if Lesnar comes charging back at him for revenge. Heyman, having earlier teased an alliance with Rollins, could transition this further if they wanted to confirm it.


Likewise Reigns, already being crapped on by the fans, could be seen to have avoided the clean loss many were hoping he'd receive. He'll stay in the title picture, chase after the other pair, but realistically has no claim to a rematch (not being the champion means he isn't entitled to a rematch, although I'd bet on a triple threat at some stage). I could even see him going down the Christian 'one more match' route if needs be.


I like the booking. Having Reigns win clean could cause a backlash. Having Lesnar win clean could set Reigns way back. This scenario allows a shifting of alignments while keeping everyone fresh and involved.

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I enjoyed the show, there were a few things I didn't agree with but overall I was marking out pretty hard.


Like most people, I don't understand the decision to put Taker over Wyatt. I liked the idea of Wyatt bing "the new face of fear" it was a perfect pass the torch moment. Now you're right, you don't have to win to get "over" but it certainly helps.


I see both sides to the US title argument, I would've liked to see someone other than Cena go over Russev just because he doesn't need the rub, but I am glad they are trying to put more star power behind the titles.


Loved the Brock match. I knew the second Reigns made it to the ring there was no way he was going over, the fans where crapping all over him, if I didn't know better I would've thought Brock was the face the entire match. Like everyone else said I think having Seth cash in and win the title was the perfect ending I loved it!


I am disappointed Sting lost, but it was fun to see him in the ring. I get the symbolism of having NWO come down and do the entire NWO Vs. DX thing, but I hated it. Sting was never really aligned with the NWO and it was over kill, I would've like it better if it were people like Flair and Booker T who came down to help the Stinger, but I'm just being picky.


Also, the Rock and Ronda segment was comedy gold, maybe the highlight of the show for me.

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That's what his look was! I knew it was a comic book reference but I couldn't remember who though.


I was in a group of like ten people, and I just kept going "No freaking way...NO FREAKING WAY! MISTER SINISTER!" and everyone goes "THAT'S WHO HE'S DRESSED AS!"


They all had the same thought process as you :p

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Undertaker/Wyatt - This was the least entertaining match of the night IMO, and it was still decent. Rumors of Wyatt's ankle injury may have hampered it, although he didn't look much slower. 'Taker going over was the right call. To whoever said Wyatt would be a 'made man' with a win, I disagree. He would have been helped a lot, but Brock was a made man after beating 'Taker. Wyatt wouldn't have been because he wasn't undefeated anymore. My ideal booking would be Undertaker coming out on RAW tonight and being brutally taken out by Wyatt so he still has the 'I put out the Deadman' for a year until they figure out something to do with him. I'd like Finn Balor to come up and feud with him.

I agree with your post on the whole and thoroughly enjoyed Wrestlemania to be honest, but this is the only bit I don't agree with. I think it's the complete opposite, because I think it's pointless having The Undertaker just add to his record now because it's always going to be XX-1, no matter what the number eventually finishes on. The only thing more surprising than The Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania would be to lose two times in a row at Wrestlemania, and Wyatt could have played off it for years as "the new face of fear". Bray deserved it after basically carrying the feud leading into 'Mania with 'Taker not making a single appearance in the lead up. I know there were probably some good reasons for him not appearing, but that doesn't take away from the brilliant job Wyatt did.

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Wrestlemania Play Button Review:


Tag Team Championship - Fun match. Just what the tag division needed. Now they need to start a Lucha Dragons vs Brass Ring Club feud and tone down the cheesy aspects of New Day and Ascension.

Battle Royale - OK match. Just enough decent spots to make it watchable. The ending with Miz & Mizdow was good. Big Show winning this type of match makes sense so I didn't mind.

IC Ladder Match - Good match with a few crazy spots. It should have been at least 5 minutes longer and Ambrose got taken out too early. Now I want a triple threat with Ambrose and Ziggler at Extreme Rules.

Rollins vs Orton - Good match. Was that the 1st ever kick out of the Curbstomp? That Curbstomp/RKO finish was awesome.

Sting vs Triple H - Cool but nonsensical entrances. Good match. It was slow-paced and over-booked to nostalgia heaven but they couldn't have scripted it any better. Nash grabbing his quad was funny :D I was shocked Sting lost and Triple H shook his hand. Looks like the match might have been a one-time deal for Sting, unless there's a rematch at Summerslam.

Paige & AJ vs The Bellas - Solid match. Still not NXT quality but they're getting better. Even Brie looked decent.

Rusev vs Cena (US Championship) - Rusev's entrance was epic. Good match. Rusev is a great heel. Cena's Springboard Stunner was nice. I really wish they had let Rusev have his Wrestlemania moment and had him tap out at Extreme Rules. I'm not suprised though as the big names tend to win at Mania because of the mainstream media coverage it gets. Rusev turning his back on Lana was interesting development.

Rock 'n' Ronda vs The Authority - Fun follow-up to the Rock's last appearance on Raw where he and Trips butted heads. As soon as Rousey got involved I was marking out and I don't even watch UFC. Tag match at Summerslam?

Bray vs Taker - The sun went down just enough not to ruin the entrances too much. Old school look for Taker. Solid match (given Taker's age and Bray injuring his ankle warming up). Bad result, IMO. How can Bray be the new "face of fear" after losing to the old one? They can still salvage it with a Summerslam rematch.

Reigns vs Lesnar (WWE Championship) - Great match. That was a balls-to-the-wall stiff fight, more so than the Cena matches. I've turned into a Reigns fan since the Rumble but I was rooting for Lesnar because of the new contract. Seth Rollins cashing in made me mark out so hard I almost gave myself a hernia! It was an awesome swerve. That's 2 Wrestlemania endings in a row that delivered big time.


Verdict: Entertaining from start to finish and a more consistent Wrestlemania than usual. I didn't agree with a few of the results but I still feel satisfied. The open air stadium and stage looked good but they should have started the show later for better lighting.



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I really enjoyed the entire show. The pre-show matches were excellent. I was hoping to see Mizdow eliminate the Miz, so I enjoyed that. I was hoping Mizdow would get the win, but his battle at the end with Big Show was entertaining. The tag four-way was really good too.


I was looking forward to the IC ladder match for weeks. It delivered and I'm happy with the result. I wanted Bryan, Ambrose, or Ziggler to get the win. It was a great match. I also knew that Harper would powerbomb somebody onto a ladder, I didn't predict it would be THROUGH a ladder though. That spot was awesome in my opinion.


Orton vs Rollins was as expected. Good solid match. I wanted Rollins to go over, but in the grand scheme of things it made much more sense for Randy to win it. The curb stomp into an RKO was a major highlight of the night. Great spot.


Couldn't believe that Sting vs HHH was the third match of the night. They had a packed card, so I understand why they had to have it so early. Great match that showed me that Sting vs Taker next year could truly happen (if they both take the year off and get ready). Sting looked great and HHH helped him to an awesome match. I was upset at first that Sting lost, but throughout his WCW career he was still the man even if he didn't win. That's kind of the way Sting is. I'm proud of the match and glad to see him on the biggest stage of them all.


The divas match was nice. I expected Paige and AJ to get into it, so that was surprising that they kept it all together. Good solid wrestling from four women.


Rusev vs Cena was good. I enjoyed Rusev's entrance a lot for some reason. Reminded me a lot of Rocky IV. Good solid match. I've enjoyed these two wrestling the past few months. Solid in-ring work. I wasn't surprised by Cena going over, lets see if he brings back the spinner US belt!


I wanted to see Stephanie and Ronda get into it a little more but that was a cool moment. Nobody does pop culture better than the WWE. I thought the segment dragged on a bit here and there, but it was obvious they were trying to kill some time (while the sun went down a little more).


Am I the only one who was looking forward to the Bray/Taker entrances more than the actual match? I hate to say it, but I dislike outdoors West Coast Wrestlemania's. The sun takes too long to go down and it ruined the opening of this match to me. I was invested in seeing two incredible entrances that were extremely dark. The timing and sunset didn't cooperate. I knew that was going to be an issue from the moment they announced the match. Decent match for what I expected. I was actually glad that Bray didn't keep kicking out of finishes and the match didn't keep going. They got the story across just fine and it was solid.


The main event was amazing in my opinion. I felt that Reigns and Lesnar had a battle, not a wrestling match. These two beat the crap out of each other. I loved how Lesnar dominated and Reigns would get a few good shots in here and there. The ending was superb. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to Wrestlemania. I would truly love to see a triple threat match between Rollins/Reigns/Lesnar.


I hoped that WWE would have Rollins cash in and win, but I didn't think they'd pull the trigger. I didn't think Reigns was walking out with the belt, especially after Lesnar re-signed with WWE. When news broke of him re-signing his deal, I fully expected him to retain last year. It was a really nice shakeup to the entire show.


I agree with pretty much everyone on here. This Wrestlemania was excellent and WWE should be proud of themselves. From the pre-show to the ending this show delivered. All the years without the WWE Network and paying $60 for a subpar show. Now we only pay $10 for the month and get some of the greatest moments in wrestling. WWE is doing it right again. :)

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Of course they were stalling, they were about to have an Undertake entrance, at WrestleMania no less, in broad daylight. You'd have stalled too. :p


I think personally that anyone expecting Sting to win was delusional, and the backlash against Triple H is mainly of the hurting butt variety.


This isn't Starrcade. Starrcade ain't around any more, wonder why.


Firstly, unlike Sting who will probably never wrestle again, or if he does then only in Undertaker-like circumstances, Triple H still has future feuds and storylines to consider.


He's lost (or drawn via DQ) his last nine matches since beating Lesnar at WM29, excluding a dark match with the New Age Outlaws. This includes losing to Daniel Bryan at last year's WM. Most people seem to conveniently forget that Bryan never lost to Triple H, the return match was a no contest draw on Raw.


Secondly, and most importantly, the whole match was WWE vs. WCW. Nobody watches Braveheart and is pissed that the English won. WWE won, get over it. Yes, the nWo backing up Sting was a bit weird after being sworn enemies for what feels like centuries, but like I said this is WWE vs. WCW, the Monday Night Wars distilled into one match. Who else is going to represent WCW? Team Canada? The Filthy Animalz?


Triple H was 100% always going to win this, and what you're all ignoring is how damn fun the match was, for what it was ever going to be.


I like to think that Vince saw Joffrey's wedding in Game of Thrones, looked at the midget re-enactment of the War of the Five Kings and said "we're doing that at WrestleMania!". Then the creative team in unison said "no, no more midgets!", so Vince said "ok we'll use Triple H and Sting as the avatars of their respective companies instead". (There's a zero percent chance this is what actually happened, but...).


Thank you! I didn't have a problem with the Sting/HHH match either, and I'm pretty sure that the Klique and Hogan weren't "conspiring" to bury Sting. If anything, Sting was probably looking forward to having some fun out there with his wrestling brethren and finally getting to wrestle for WWE, and at WrestleMania no less. Besides, if this is his last match, then that's how you go out: on your back. As for why have the nWo help Sting... Sports rivalries, while sometimes can lead to utter contempt between foes, can also lead to foes building respect for one another. That's how I look at the nWo helping Sting as.

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He's been one of the best things about WWE for nearly a year now. I just hope they find something for him post Mania and he doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


Oh, after being beaten by Cena's golden shovel he will.


And what a shocker, people defending WWE's burying of Sting and WCW. Shocker.


And screw JBL and his burying of WCW on commentary which was probably all Vince. Screw Vince as well.


As a matter of fact, this sums up both Rusev and Sting's career after last night.


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