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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Flicking through RAW (very dull night in the land of Self) and I love the narrow entranceway. Getting rid of the stage and having that tunnel makes it looks so different from the year-in year-out fare. Plus, the visual of the fans reaching down and coming oh-so-close to touching the wrestlers make them look more like stars than when they have to wander over to the crowd themselves. Still prefer the UFC way of entrances, but this is pretty cool.


Is... Is The Miz' catchphrase getting over? I don't watch RAW often, but are people actually chanting along with it on a weekly basis, because that's... AWESOME!

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Is... Is The Miz' catchphrase getting over? I don't watch RAW often, but are people actually chanting along with it on a weekly basis, because that's... AWESOME!


The MSG fans were the hottest I've heard for WWE in a long time. I know that money-wise it makes sense to hit the bigger venues, but having the occasional show from a smaller venue where all the fans can get right up to the wrestlers (comparatively) does make the whole thing seem more special.


But yeah - Miz has actually been getting over for a while now. It's amazing how quickly that can happen: Punk, Miz and Kofi all stepped up with just a few dedicated promos/segments in the last six months or so. Equally, though, you can see that Swagger had the chance and hasn't taken it yet - but whoever thought that ragging on Pat Patterson would get him over (even in Montreal) greatly overestimated Pat's value to the crowd that night.

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I didnt even realize that was tonight. Whats on the card?


* Cena v. HBK v. HHH

* Undertaker v. Big Show v. Y2J

* Batista v. Mysterio

* Team Orton v. Team Kofi

* Team Miz v. Team Morrison

* Team McCool v. Team James



Watching. Don't think Batista got quite the reaction they were looking for.


lol, yeah... They wanted Rey destroyed...

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Well, they're in DC, according to R-Truth's cheap pop... DC loves them some home-grown Batista.


Indeed. Plus, based on my limits Smackdown! viewings, it seems like Rey's been getting somewhat mixed reactions ever since his steroids bust.


They're really not messing around with Kofi's push, are they?

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No, they aren't. He's gone straight from "Feuding with a main eventer" to "Beats two former champions in six seconds." I'm calling it right now; Orton gets his hands on the title somehow, and we get Orton/Kofi for the title at Mania. And after tonight... I'd buy that.


EDIT: This is why we love Jericho.


Fan: "Go back to Toronto!"

Y2J: "I'm from Winnipeg, you idiot!"

  • Haha 1
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Fan: "Go back to Toronto!"

Y2J: "I'm from Winnipeg, you idiot!"


Heh, I must profess man-lub for Jericho. Great wrestler, awesome entertainer. A great ability to steal shows with one liners that don't appear so droned out by scripting because he has great timing to deliver them as they're required.

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I stayed up until 4am to watch Survivor Series and it has been the best PPV since Backlash, although Bragging Rights was okay.


Team Morrison vs. Team Miz was a good opener


Batista vs. Mysterio was short and told a story although like said above didnt get the reaction they wanted as Batista was cheered after desimating Rey at the end.


Team Orton vs. Team Kofi was very good was surprising as i was sure Orton would pounce with the RKO after Kofi pinned Punk but the transition from Roll Up to Trouble in Paradise was really cool and a good reaction for the win there :)


Undertaker vs. Big Show vs. Chris Jericho was good, i wanted Jericho to get the win but with so many title changes this year it would be nice to see them not change hands for a while.


Team McCool vs. Team James was decent for a Divas match only a few slight botches but better than most TV matches.


John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H was awesome i really enjoyed it and was wondering if/when it happened i never saw it coming straight from the bell, Sweet Chin Music was awesome. some really good spots and reversals and again i wanted HBK to win the belt but again the titles need to be kept on someone for a decent amount of time.


Overall like i said earlier my favourite PPV since Backlash :)

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Everyone knows there is no chance in hell for Sheamus to get a title run this early. It wuold be nice if he atleast got the Kane title run. I mean for god sake they gave it to Khali why Not Sheamus. I think some how Sheamus actually gets the win on the ppv. Cena demands his rematch the next night. Some one like Henry or MVP or whoever distracts Sheamus or costs him the match to give Cena the title back. This gives Sheamus a reason to abandon the fight for the title and go after whoever costs him the title and gives Cena the title back. It would be slightly more interesting then having Sheamus job to Cena.
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Sheamus means "change the channel" in my household. Of all the new guys to push :(


I thought the same thing. I don't mind Sheamus but he isn't exactly screaming Main Eventer here. I would of rather seen Miz or Swagger in this spot for sure. Hell i would of wrote Ted Dibiase in this spot.


Basically keep pushing the Marine 2 movie. So come time for the battle royal it is down to Kofi, Orton, and Dibiase. Orton is in the process of throwing Kofi out and Dibiase dumps both of them.


Next week on RAW orton confronts him and wants to challenge him for his #1 contender spot. Kofi interferes and costs Dibiase the match.


The following week we get Legacy vs DX match. Jerishow interferes and Dibiase gets the pin on HBK.


The week after that it is Legacy vs Cena/Kofi. Well Orton interferes costing Kofi the match and Dibiase gets the pin on the hottest wrestler in WWE Kofi Kingston.


The whole time they keep playing up the Marine 2 being better then the original Marine.


I could buy that as a sub main event to Batista vs Undertaker. Hell it would go on before DX vs Jerishow too. A card that features


Orton vs Kofi - No Holds Barred

Dibiase/Cena - Table Match

DX vs Jerishow - TLC

Undertaker vs Batista - Ladder


Isn't too bad in my eyes. Hell throw in some sort of US title scramble with Miz, Swagger, Bourne, and MVP. Then Punk vs Truth and Morrisson vs Ziggler its not too bad of a card.

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Who is this Sheamus character? He needs a tan and why is he main eventing vs Cena?


He won a battle royal. He's a heel. Cena-vs-Sheamus isn't the main event of the card. He's new. And no matter what, smarks will find something negative about scenario. Despite that, he got a decent reaction from the crowd. But smarks don't understand that.

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