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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Did anyone else notice at the very beginning of Taker's entrance just as his music hit he was heard very briefly saying something? I couldn't make it out but I know it wasn't something normally in his entrance.


Also it was funny as hell to see Taker break character during his entrance to put himself out after his jacket caught on fire.

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Did anyone else notice at the very beginning of Taker's entrance just as his music hit he was heard very briefly saying something? I couldn't make it out but I know it wasn't something normally in his entrance.


Also it was funny as hell to see Taker break character during his entrance to put himself out after his jacket caught on fire.


Dunno if this has been posted in here yet, but I figured I might as well show it here.



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You're not getting it. He doesn't "predict" or do ridiculous fantasy booking type posts.


He posts in the comments section the day of the PPV and tells you what happens on the card. Not just W/L's but suprise appearances, surprise appearances, the whole bit.


He almost HAS to be an employee of the WWE; he predicted Sheamus' win, the Edge appearance..I could go on.


In the years that I've read the site, I can count the times he's been wrong on one hand.

Please point to me in Mr T's post where it explains all that extra information. Of course I don't "get it" based on only knowing that he called two things - one which was remarkably obvious.


BTW, if this guy's so good, why do Dirt Sheets run any other stories at all? Why not have him be the sole voice, since he's the only right one?

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I've been hearing folks calling the HBK interference for weeks. Just like they'd been calling Edge's Rumble appearance for weeks. WWE is becoming slightly more predictable these days, which I guess is better than constantly trying to swerve folks and messing up storylines in the process (like with last year's Matt/Christian switcheroo). I'm a little shocked to see folks gossiping in apparent awe of an "insider" though. Never quite saw the appeal of spoilers.


Just finished watching EC. Okay show.


- RAW Chamber was fine. Set up the Cena/Batista & Dibiase/Orton matches for Wrestlemania. Not sure how Triple H/Sheamus will do without the belt, but the match was a fine opener. Ticked the boxes.

- How can anyone say Vickie Guerrero isn't awesome? The heat she got was white hot. She was talking about the Diva's, and people cared enough to loudly boo her. Fantastic heel.

- Diva's were fine. I like seeing the girls, and I dig Layla's new uber-lackey persona.

- The Miz is AWESOME! His angle with Daniel Bryan is going to be great from the looks of it.

- CM Punk rules.

- I thought the Smackdown Chamber fell off a cliff when Morrison first came in. I cheered for him throughout, but for the first few minutes he was all over the place. Clunky.

- Jericho also rules.

- For a second, I thought Morrison was going to pin Undertaker. I was so gutted when he got the knees up.

- Good finish. Like I said, I'd heard a bunch of folks predicting it, and I wanted it to happen. I didn't like The Undertaker as Champion. Not a huge fan of Jericho with the belt either (he's cooled off these past few months) but it works into the Edge thing, so that's fine.


It was fine.

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Didn't really know which thread this belonged in but since it was a WWE event, there was a TNA sign in the front of the crowd and got on camera quite a few times most notably in the Miz vs MVP match before it gets visibly taken away. The first sign, pun intended, of the times of change lolz.


Anyways decent but not great ppv, last years chambers where better imho but the smackdown one was good as expected.

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Yea, that's fine that the Michaels finish was predictable. None of you called the women's title match turning into a tag match. None. None of you called the suprise US Title match either. Why the hate, this Mysterious guy is clearly in the know. No need for any of you get get your E-peen's in a tangle. He's got to be an employee.


I liked EC mostly. I wasn't that familiar with Vicky Guerrerro and didn't get involved in the earlier debate about her, but there is no denying she got possibly the most of the entire night, interfering in a freaking Diva's match. And is DiBiase or Orton supposed to turn or is it just heel on heel bad blood?

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Yea, that's fine that the Michaels finish was predictable. None of you called the women's title match turning into a tag match. None. None of you called the suprise US Title match either. Why the hate, this Mysterious guy is clearly in the know. No need for any of you get get your E-peen's in a tangle. He's got to be an employee.


I'm just kinda surprised at the apparent "OMG he must be an insider!!!!" reactions. In an age where Chris Jericho is twittering about getting arrested and Matt Hardy is on Youtube asking fans whether he should wear tights or cargo pants, why do we care that a mysterious message board poster may or may not be an 'insider'? Celebrity worship run amok. :)


Besides, folks who reveal spoilers should be hunted down and beaten with brooms, not applauded. They spoil things. It's right there in the name.


I liked EC mostly. I wasn't that familiar with Vicky Guerrerro and didn't get involved in the earlier debate about her, but there is no denying she got possibly the most of the entire night, interfering in a freaking Diva's match. And is DiBiase or Orton supposed to turn or is it just heel on heel bad blood?


Currently both heel, but Orton should be turning babyface. For reasons that escape me, WWE are trying to keep him heel for the time being. Orton could /should be a GIGANTIC babyface. The crowd popped huge for his entrance. There were tons of RKO chants. He seems to be mainly fighting Heels right now, so I don't know why they haven't turned him. No way fans are gonna cheer Cody or Ted over him. Maybe they're just saving the turn for the build to Wrestlemania.

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Please point to me in Mr T's post where it explains all that extra information. Of course I don't "get it" based on only knowing that he called two things - one which was remarkably obvious.


BTW, if this guy's so good, why do Dirt Sheets run any other stories at all? Why not have him be the sole voice, since he's the only right one?


He posts in the comments section of the live play-by-play article the day of the event. That's it. He doesn't write stories. IIRC he doesn't even post on the site's message boards.


Really, if you don't check the site regularly enough to know the comments section is pretty f'n entertaining, you would have no idea who this guy is.


But everyone who does read the comments regularly during the live PBP knows who Mysterious is.


The columnists mention him/her every once in a while, but I'm sure if the site tried to make a big deal out of it, the insider would be found pretty quik and it'd be done with.

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I'm just kinda surprised at the apparent "OMG he must be an insider!!!!" reactions. In an age where Chris Jericho is twittering about getting arrested and Matt Hardy is on Youtube asking fans whether he should wear tights or cargo pants, why do we care that a mysterious message board poster may or may not be an 'insider'? Celebrity worship run amok. :)


In a world full of web writers and fans talking out their ass, someone who actually knows what's going to happen comes off as cool. Especially because they are posting in a really obscure section of the site.


EDIT: Here's the live PBP thread. Do a search for Mysterious and you'll find his posts. Not that big a deal, but it keeps the commentors entertained.




Currently both heel, but Orton should be turning babyface. For reasons that escape me, WWE are trying to keep him heel for the time being. Orton could /should be a GIGANTIC babyface. The crowd popped huge for his entrance. There were tons of RKO chants. He seems to be mainly fighting Heels right now, so I don't know why they haven't turned him. No way fans are gonna cheer Cody or Ted over him. Maybe they're just saving the turn for the build to Wrestlemania.


His last face turn was a disaster. A face turn here would probably be as well.


He gets face pops because of how he's portrayed as a heel...so he can't go full-fledged babyface. And in this environment, I'm not sure how the E would do with an anti-hero type. They're better off just leaving him as is actually and allow the fans to respond to him based on his opponents.

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I'm just kinda surprised at the apparent "OMG he must be an insider!!!!" reactions. In an age where Chris Jericho is twittering about getting arrested and Matt Hardy is on Youtube asking fans whether he should wear tights or cargo pants, why do we care that a mysterious message board poster may or may not be an 'insider'? Celebrity worship run amok. :)


Besides, folks who reveal spoilers should be hunted down and beaten with brooms, not applauded. They spoil things. It's right there in the name.




Currently both heel, but Orton should be turning babyface. For reasons that escape me, WWE are trying to keep him heel for the time being. Orton could /should be a GIGANTIC babyface. The crowd popped huge for his entrance. There were tons of RKO chants. He seems to be mainly fighting Heels right now, so I don't know why they haven't turned him. No way fans are gonna cheer Cody or Ted over him. Maybe they're just saving the turn for the build to Wrestlemania.


Oh, I don't read spoilers, and I don't like them. I find this all interesting because given the way WWE operates it truly amazes me they could have a long running leak and not be able to plug it. That's all.

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His last face turn was a disaster. A face turn here would probably be as well.


He gets face pops because of how he's portrayed as a heel...so he can't go full-fledged babyface. And in this environment, I'm not sure how the E would do with an anti-hero type. They're better off just leaving him as is actually and allow the fans to respond to him based on his opponents.


A "full-fledged babyface" turn, wherein he becomes a hand-slappin' fun-lovin' happy-go-lucky babyface, would be the dumbest thing ever. No one would be dumb enough to suggest that. However, lets not confuse gimmick with disposition. Your gimmick doesn't have to change when you turn babyface. Orton needs to be the exact same guy (RKOing, Punting, slithering, The Viper) just fighting Heels instead of Babyfaces. That'll work. They came close with Sheamus, but clearly WWE weren't ready for it, otherwise they would have booked it differently.


His previous babyface run shouldn't be a factor. He's on a completely different level now. The look. The personality. The performance. All he has to do is fight with a little more fire, sell a little more dramatically and stop fighting babyfaces (not make friends, just stop fighting them) and he'll be WWE's number one guy. Bar none.


Expecting a 'turn' tonight on RAW. No gimmick change, no change of heart, no pandering to the fans, just straight up beatin' down Legacy. Instant babyface.

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A "full-fledged babyface" turn, wherein he becomes a hand-slappin' fun-lovin' happy-go-lucky babyface, would be the dumbest thing ever. No one would be dumb enough to suggest that. However, lets not confuse gimmick with disposition. Your gimmick doesn't have to change when you turn babyface. Orton needs to be the exact same guy (RKOing, Punting, slithering, The Viper) just fighting Heels instead of Babyfaces. That'll work. They came close with Sheamus, but clearly WWE weren't ready for it, otherwise they would have booked it differently.


His previous babyface run shouldn't be a factor. He's on a completely different level now. The look. The personality. The performance. All he has to do is fight with a little more fire, sell a little more dramatically and stop fighting babyfaces (not make friends, just stop fighting them) and he'll be WWE's number one guy. Bar none.


Expecting a 'turn' tonight on RAW. No gimmick change, no change of heart, no pandering to the fans, just straight up beatin' down Legacy. Instant babyface.


Agreed. Have him start thrashing heels and give him all clean finishes vs. cheap old school wins and he's a huge hit as a face. He can still play the loner card, he doesn't have to buddy up with Cena. I think it would actually be a nice change of pace for him to play the favorite but still have a cold reception to Cena, DX, etc.

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Agreed. Have him start thrashing heels and give him all clean finishes vs. cheap old school wins and he's a huge hit as a face. He can still play the loner card, he doesn't have to buddy up with Cena. I think it would actually be a nice change of pace for him to play the favorite but still have a cold reception to Cena, DX, etc.


Give the guy the Austin push!!!!

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Completely random musing... As somebody who only recently started watching wrestling again, I'd like to say that Orton's new music completely blows in comparison to Burn In My Light.


Couldn't disagree more. The start of this music is as good as any in the WWE right now, impact-wise.


And just saw it suggested elsewhere that a Mania match might actually see Bret winning the WWE title. Now that'd be interesting.

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Just a couple of random WWE questions after the EC last night:


I realise that Jericho stopped using the 'elevated' Walls of Jericho some time ago, but was there a particular reason he went from using that to the regular Boston Crab? I always though the old version looked great and made it stand out more.


Also, I read somewhere else that there was a bit of controversy with one of the comentators saying that Morrisson should "take a shot of cortizone and suck it up"...apparently his mike went dead for a few seconds afterwards...anyone pick up on this or know why thats such a boo-boo - is JM one of the guys who had drug issues?


Also, those were the first Elimination Chamber matches I've seen since the original chamber bout at Survivor Series (I think?) some years ago...now, I don't remember a whole lot of the bout, as I wasn't following wrestling at the time (I do remember there being an awsome tag bout with Benoit/Angle vs The Guerrero's vs Edge/Mysterio that night).


Anyway, from what I do remember, that first EC match was awsome...loads of crazy high-flying moves off the sides of the cage and the top of the pods, lots of blood and broken glass from guys getting smashed through the pod doors. Just a real stand-out bout.


What I saw last night was totaly weak-sauce in comparision...was there even a single move from the top of the pods? I dunno if it's WWE's toning down the violence (which I guess would explain the lack of blood/broken glass), but no big spots? I had it on in the office while working, but I'm sure I didn't miss anything.


Have all the recent EC matches been like that? Seems like it makes the whole point of Chamber/HITC redundant.

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Jericho switched because the real Walls of Jericho actually hurt. WWE went all low impact on their moves. The Walls of Jericho strains even when it isn't being done "for real" if it you do it in at least a half believable manner. None of the submission moves in the E are done in a way that causes and strain on the body anymore and that includes the (lol?) Boston Crab that Jericho does now that is really more of a "constipated squat leg hold."
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