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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I still can't believe Morrison isn't in MitB as he seems like the perfect fit to win it this year. That said I love the slow-burn feud between Miz and Morrison and their match a few months back was very good, so their tag title match should be solid.


I agree Christian's the current favorite, but I just can't buy Christian as a babyface champion. He's small, not particularly flashy, and while he has good charisma, his look has never been special. Seriously he's like Chris Jericho Jr. That said Christian vs. Edge ladder match for the title would be pretty money, even if both started off as babyfaces.

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I've been watching a few old Raw episodes from january 98 on Watchxonline. I noticed that at the end of the first hour,they show the opening credits again, and change the commentary team(drop Cole and Kelly for Lawler). Its still the same show(stuff advertised as still to come in hour 1 are shown in hour 2 for e.g.). It throws me off when watching and confuses me.


Was it like this when first broadcast?

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I've been watching a few old Raw episodes from january 98 on Watchxonline. I noticed that at the end of the first hour,they show the opening credits again, and change the commentary team(drop Cole and Kelly for Lawler). Its still the same show(stuff advertised as still to come in hour 1 are shown in hour 2 for e.g.). It throws me off when watching and confuses me.


Was it like this when first broadcast?


wcw did the same thing..........they had an hour one announce team and an hour two announce team......and brough in mike tenay for the "lucha" matches.

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I've been watching a few old Raw episodes from january 98 on Watchxonline. I noticed that at the end of the first hour,they show the opening credits again, and change the commentary team(drop Cole and Kelly for Lawler). Its still the same show(stuff advertised as still to come in hour 1 are shown in hour 2 for e.g.). It throws me off when watching and confuses me.


Was it like this when first broadcast?


One of the hours was Raw is War and the other hour was WarZone. They actually had two different shows and took credit for having the top two rated cable tv shows.

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I think they are handling him great.......They are not going to super push him because it would not fit the storyline.....He is going to without a question be moved onto a show after this.......he does not need to win where a guy like gabrial does.........he is over and he is starting to show some more entertainment skills. He is doing what he needs to do.
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NXT is making me worried. Danielson is 0-3. Pretty soon he'll have to be called Daniel Regal.


His first loss was against the HW champion, his second while injured, his third because of The Miz.


The guy is getting a big push and is really over, come on. His storyline with Miz is the focus of NXT. I don't think he'll actually win because he doesn't need it (probably save the win for Gabriel, Barrett or someone like that who could use the momentum more) but they're getting behind him big.


I'm more worried that after NXT he might end up in the RAW midcard hell.

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I agree with the last two comments.


I heard mention by some commentator on NXT that the "winner" gets a contract for RAW...mhh, personally I think Smackdown is more Bryan's type of show.


Anyways, I have to say I'm really enjoying NXT at the moment. I mean it's simple stories, and young, mostly untested talent but I'm really digging it. The 8 pros, 8 rookies system is so much more engrossing then WWECW was. I like the idea of everyone having positive relations and alliances as well as negative feuds, as well as the feeling that every star on NXT has solid story behind them already. You can't name anyone whose being left behind or in the shuffle on NXT.


Personally I see Bryan and Otunga as the main rookies of the show. At first I didn't like Otunga but when he showed me in episode 2 that he could work a match instead of just botching a finisher I warmed up to him. His gimmick is great...because it's not a gimmick. The guy is a pre-made celebrity that can actually go...that's mainstream appeal baby, and mainstream is money.


Darren Young in the SXS will be money. I can totally picture Punk transforming Young via a head shaving somewhere down the line. It doesn't have to be straight away, some more teasing will make for good TV, but when/if it happens it should be great. Also then we'll really see how much Young is Cena 2.0 :)


Justin Gabriel as the new Hardy Boy is great. He can't replace Jeff but I do actually think the fans want to see another Hardy Boyz style team, and that should be great for Gabriel's career. Gabriel and Hardy teaming on Smackdown would be a great fit.


Wade Barrett has been criticised by some as silly with the jacket thing, but as of the last show where Cole explained it it actually shows Barrett has some depth. I mean the different English Roses symboling different messages has appeal, and those that look up his blog will be rewarded for it.


Heath Slater is doing ok. Delivers his lines well despite a weak kind of voice. His pairing with Christian seems natural enough, as people are correct to say he is somewhat like a young Christian.


Tarver and Sheffield we haven't seen much of so judgement should be held off but I'm hopefully for these two as well.

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Danielson's 0-3, but I'd say he's made a better impression than any other rookie on the show. His storyline with The Miz is the highlight of the show, in my opinion. Of course, I might be biased.


No you're absolutely right.


Also (future spoilers) apparently Danielson will be sabotaging Miz's attempt to cheat in a match against R-truth on Smackdown so I think you can safely say the Miz - Bryan feud is going to eclipse NXT.


I'm glad he adjusted to the WWE style so quickly. His early dark matches had a bit too much indie in them but he shook that off. His kicks got a very nice reaction and the crowd got behind his sorta heel hook since both Jericho and Otunga sold it like death.

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Otunga doesn't look very good in the ring and his mic skills are also lacking. He's got a good look and he's well known, but I'm not digging him right now.


Besides Danielson, Barrett is my favorite to win the show. He's got a good mix of in-ring ability, looks, charisma, and mic skills.


Gabriel looks like Adam Lambert on steroids. He didn't impress me in his first match, but he and Barrett put on the best match yet between the rookies I think.


I would like to see Young get a complete transformation going straight edge.

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As before, I'm not going to predict 'winners'. Just the NXT guys in the order I like 'em.


1 Skip Sheffield - I sorely missed the Cornfed Meathead dishing out knuckle-sandwiches this week. Yup yup yup. What it do?

2 Daniel Bryan - The Miz feud is chugging along nicely.

3 David Otunga - A great heel character saddled with a babyface role for the last couple of weeks. A shame.

4 Justin Gabriel - Disappointing video package. The clips of flippy-moves were fun, but there's little substance to the character thus far.

5 Wade Barrett - I don't like him, but he's at least shown something. Jericho yelling at Cole and Josh during his matches is awesome!

6 Michael Tarver - Three weeks. No knockouts. Come on, dude. 1.9 someone already!

7 Darren Young - Disappointing video package. Visually he's such a wacky guy, but what he was saying was bland, bordering on serious. He spoke in such generic, abstract statements. "I like being entertaining, I like having fun". Show, dude, don't Tell. Be entertaining. Be fun. Make us want you to defy the Straight Edge Society!

8 Heath Slater - Has done nothing that I find appealing or likeable.

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Is it me or does it look like Kofi will be off the Mania card while not so long ago being touted as a breakout star? Or will he just steal the intercontinental title of McIntyre in a squash?


For the record: This is not a bash just an observation.


Not sure if this is true but...


According to certain sites it's going to be a Ten-Man Money in the Bank this year. SPOILERS IN WHITE


This Friday on Smackdown!, McMahon is going to pick a Local competitor to face off against McIntyre for a Money in the Bank spot, McIntyre is set to dominate him and win a spot in the match.


Next Monday, Kofi Kingston will also get a shot for the MitB, and He'll also win, making it a Ten-Man Match.

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