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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Class Act the final match. Best Performance I've seen out of Taker in a while. The ending was the sort of thing I expected, they did it with Flair. With the loser basically going "I'm giving up and letting you retire me by hurting me quite badly with your finisher".


Glad the Streak didn't end. If it ended, then in fourty-fifty years when people look back on Taker they'll be told about the seventeen years in which it was captivating and one of the most important factors in people buying into many Wrestlemania's, but with a big mark on it.


Missed the first hour, bloody Daylight Savings Time. I got down just in time to see Swagger win, which I was surprised about (he was maybe third or fourth on my list of who I thought would win, but with Edge losing it makes sense.)


The Women's wrestling disappointed me. It was just a huge botchy vessel from which the WWE could legitimise Guerrero as a heel wrestler. Was Gail Kim this botchy in TNA? I don't remember her being this botchy.


Batista and Cena was a good match, if anything it out-performed Edge and Jericho, which didn't have enough speed and energy. Only problem with Cena and Batista is you spent the whole time thinking "S***, somebody is going to have their back broken. This is gonna be brutal...". The way Batista landed was really Over The Top. If Cena makes HHH land on his back when thrown why would the heavier Batista land all the way on his ass?


HHH Vs Sheamus wasn't all bad. I do think Sheamus should have won, because the announcers got it into their head's to tell everyone that if Sheamus loses they can't take him seriously as a Main Eventer.


Punk Vs Rey was very predictable. I spent half the time gasping as Rey did the moves he always does, the counters he does with such regularity and stood open-jawed in amazement as he managed to win. CM Punk may be one of the better wrestlers and heels around at the moment but if they keep on giving him these losses I don't think people will take him seriously.


A Good Wrestlemania on the whole, better than WM25, but WM24 for me was much better.

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I give it a meh. Taker HBK was what I expected, but still good. Nothing else really got my toes tapping. Punk-Rey was too short, Edge-Jericho was nice but really didn't stand out. Same with HBK-Sheamus. Chick match, opening tag match and MITB were collectively crap. Was hoping for Christian to win MITB, Edge to win the title to lead into Edge vs. Christian.
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I enjoyed it, just not so much as to justify the price tag hung on it. The tag match was weak, and felt more like filler than anything. Could've left this match off, and given other matches more time. The triple threat ... pointless? Yay, Randy won ... now what? Although I will always enjoy that serpentine way he drops for the RKO set up.


The MiTB was a clusterfuddle, as I said. Too many people. And it took Swagger ten minutes to pull the briefcase down, and 9 other guys were out? MVP was still suffering from a shot 5 minutes earlier? HHH vs. Sheamus served it's purpose, I think. It was slow to start, but by the end, a small part of me could see (hoped) Sheamus winning. I also think the whole "rookie mistake" costing him the match saved SoS from kicking out of a pedigree to legitimize himself, but that's probably just me.


Rey/Punk was all right, but without knowing the future, think it's a squandered ending. I was expecting a run in from the newest SES member to help win the match for Punk, causing another couple of months of the interesting dynamic they'd built up. The Hart vs. McMahon match was what I expected, but I got bored with it. Yeah, yeah, I'm all for vendetta matches, but 10 minutes of chairshots to a 60 someodd year old man? I could find an old folks home to watch that.


I liked Edge vs. Jericho. I felt the ebb and flow of it was good. Not a career highlight match, maybe, but still good. And the table to table spear was all right, but I figured it was setting up an "injured" Jericho (due to his DNA bragging), allowing for Swagger to cash in. The woman's match ... happened. So there's that.


I winced a few times watching Cena/Batista. Especially the AA, where he tried to lawn dart someone who doesn't exactly scream "great bumper" ... the only match I felt myself go totally internet wrestling community throughout too. (Case in point - what the hell were they talking about for 2 1/2 minutes before Batista tapped?) But I digress.


The final match was cool. It was a story. It was great to see them back and forth, to see `taker "injured" early, giving the illusion that it was really HBK's time. Could've done without the defiant moment, but again, may just be me. And the end was cool. Little weird to see `taker welling up, but being the two warhorses of the company, can't really blame the guy.


So all in all, it was all right. I definitely enjoyed parts of it. Could've lived without some others, though. And for the love of all things holy, will someone at the `E realize that big pink pantied Vicki in the ring is not a good idea ... EVER!

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I thought it was far from awesome, probably not great but a good PPV. It was definitely worth the normal $35-40 tag, but $55? Probably not. I thought the 3 main events did their job. Jericho vs Edge was good, Batista vs Cena was as good as it possibly could of been. Neither are the ebst in ring talents, but both have size, charisma, and the ability to entertain. They did as best as they were going to in ring. I give them credit. The main event was phenomenal. I have been a wrestling fan for 20+ years and pretty much the SMARK in me guesses outcomes and whatever a good 75-80% of the time. Up until the very end, even though I knew Taker would win, up until the very end I still held a glimmer of hope that HBK might actually pull it off. But oh well, awesome match. HBK in my opinion is the greatest wrestling talent since I would say 93ish. He can put on a 4* match with about anyone, he can entertain on the mic, he was the total package. He will be the top of the 2011 Hall of Fame Class, where I see some sort of angle going down possibly with HHH. Then I see some sort of build up for 1 more match between HHH and HBK at WM 28 in 2012.


Overall I would say a 7 out 10. Not a bad way to spend a sunday night with the kids.

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Very good show IMO. I personally think that this has been the best PPV so far in 2010 and better than the tail end of 2009. So anyways, some more of my personal thoughts:


1. Tag match was alright, but it went way too short for my tastes.


2. I kind of thought that there was really no point to the Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes match. Although I thought that it was kind of cool to see the offspring of legends duking it out at WM.


3. As for the MitB match, well, I don't really understand why some people on here didn't like it. It was a cluster[you know the rest], but an entertaining one at that. Although it didn't have all that many high spots and crazy bumps, I thought that it was better than WM22's MitB match.


4. I wasn't really anticipating HHH vs Sheamus, but it surpassed my expectations. It was actually pretty good.


5. Mysterio vs Punk was decent, but I thought that they should've given it more time.


6. As for Bret vs Vince, I personally hated this one. The only highlight in this match IMO was when The Hart Dynasty gave Vince "The Hart Attack" (is that what that's called?). I thought that it went on way too long.


7. Y2J vs Edge was a great match, although I thought that it was forgettable. The spear on top of the announce tables through the barricade was awesome.


8. The divas match, was personally a bathroom break for me.


9. Cena vs Batista, was decent, but didn't surpass my expectations. Also, I personally thought that it had way too many botches for a WM World Title match.


10. Taker vs HBK WM match #2 was epic, to say that least. I don't think that it surpassed Taker vs HBK WM match #1, but it definately matched it IMO.


All in all, I think that WM26 was way better than WM25

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What a tremendously average show. I'm not even going to bother bringing up the tag team title match, the triple threat, HHH-Sheamus, or the divas match - needless to say, they could've cut all those and made the show two hours and we'd all be better off for it. The MITB match was poor by MITB standards, not surprising given the little high flying talent involved. Jack Swagger needs a little more practice with that hook, apparently...my guess is this will be the first time somebody cashes in MITB and LOSES - it needs to happen eventually, and I don't see Swagger winning a World title anytime soon. I was really hoping he'd come out and challenge Cena and lose after the Batista match. Both world title matches were decent, but nothing we're going to be talking about five years from now. The rematch made the show - I don't think it surpassed the original, but it was a great match on its own. The post match was interesting, it's very rare that deadman Undertaker sort of breaks character like that. Even when Flair retired, they waited until the show was off the air to have Undertaker come out and salute him.


As for the Hart-McMahon match...I guess that was about what you should have realistically expected. There's both extremely old non-wrestlers at this point, so they're not going to give you something watchable...but I guess it needed to be done for the sake of closure. The thing with the Hart family double crossing Vince was a clever way to get them at ringside.

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After spending the past 2 days debating weather to buy this years Wrestlemania, because I haven't been following the product for months, I decided to for the simple fact it's bigger than the super bowl.


Ah, I musta missed that. When exactly did WM become bigger than the Super Bowl? I mean, it's a fact and all so I'm just curious if you could provide a link?


The Women's wrestling disappointed me. It was just a huge botchy vessel from which the WWE could legitimise Guerrero as a heel wrestler. Was Gail Kim this botchy in TNA? I don't remember her being this botchy.


Ever hear the saying 'high tide raises all boats"? Works in reverse too (low tide makes everyone look like s...poop). As you probably know, a good match requires its participants to all be on point. Takes two (or more) to completely botch an entire match. I've noticed Gail has looked like trash since returning to the 'E but if you look at her work in TNA and compare it to her more recent work, you'll see that it's mainly the people she's working with.


The moment I saw it confirmed that Vickie would be in the match, I knew it was going to be pure stinkage. Sometimes I hate being right. :( But I'd like to know who the genius was who thought it would be a good idea to have, uh, "Reubenesque" Vickie do a frog splash (and they called it a HOG splash, OMG!).


I give it a meh. Taker HBK was what I expected, but still good. Nothing else really got my toes tapping. Punk-Rey was too short, Edge-Jericho was nice but really didn't stand out. Same with HBK-Sheamus. Chick match, opening tag match and MITB were collectively crap. Was hoping for Christian to win MITB, Edge to win the title to lead into Edge vs. Christian.


I concur. What's funny is, I watched it at a friend's house (the man's such a huge WWE mark, his wife BANS WWE merch from the house....so the garage is like a shrine to VKM). Sure, $55 isn't much but I'd rather spend that on a bottle of wine or lapdances or something I'm sure to enjoy. He spent the whole broadcast yelling "What the [censored] was that [censored]?". Hilarious! Taker-HBK was on point but that basically left it as $55 for one match (to him). The bad thing about that is, he had to pass on the UFC 111, 112, 113 package to get Wrestlemania so he's feelin' really salty right about now.


Honestly, this felt more like a Summerslam quality PPV than Wrestlemania.

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The Women's wrestling disappointed me. It was just a huge botchy vessel from which the WWE could legitimise Guerrero as a heel wrestler. Was Gail Kim this botchy in TNA? I don't remember her being this botchy.

She was a botch machine on Raw before she went to TNA. That said, I saw it as definitely being her opponent's inability to take the Pull-back Big Boot, but Gail having to throw that low kick twice was kind of embarassing.


Batista and Cena was a good match, if anything it out-performed Edge and Jericho, which didn't have enough speed and energy. Only problem with Cena and Batista is you spent the whole time thinking "S***, somebody is going to have their back broken. This is gonna be brutal...". The way Batista landed was really Over The Top. If Cena makes HHH land on his back when thrown why would the heavier Batista land all the way on his ass?

THIS. Someone challenged me on "why is Cena such a bad wrestler?" a week or so ago. Because he's sloppy as all hell. He was messy getting Batista up, and dangerous with how he threw him off. He whiffed his top rope 5KS, and generally just looked rather poor in the ring.

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Very good show IMO. I personally think that this has been the best PPV so far in 2010 and better than the tail end of 2009. So anyways, some more of my personal thoughts:


1. Tag match was alright, but it went way too short for my tastes.


2. I kind of thought that there was really no point to the Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes match. Although I thought that it was kind of cool to see the offspring of legends duking it out at WM.


3. As for the MitB match, well, I don't really understand why some people on here didn't like it. It was a cluster[you know the rest], but an entertaining one at that. Although it didn't have all that many high spots and crazy bumps, I thought that it was better than WM22's MitB match.


4. I wasn't really anticipating HHH vs Sheamus, but it surpassed my expectations. It was actually pretty good.


5. Mysterio vs Punk was decent, but I thought that they should've given it more time.


6. As for Bret vs Vince, I personally hated this one. The only highlight in this match IMO was when The Hart Dynasty gave Vince "The Hart Attack" (is that what that's called?). I thought that it went on way too long.


7. Y2J vs Edge was a great match, although I thought that it was forgettable. The spear on top of the announce tables through the barricade was awesome.


8. The divas match, was personally a bathroom break for me.


9. Cena vs Batista, was decent, but didn't surpass my expectations. Also, I personally thought that it had way too many botches for a WM World Title match.


10. Taker vs HBK WM match #2 was epic, to say that least. I don't think that it surpassed Taker vs HBK WM match #1, but it definately matched it IMO.


All in all, I think that WM26 was way better than WM25


Are you finished?.... Well let me retort (Doc Holliday in Tombstone for those who don't know)


Have to concur with the general mehness of it all. And last years last ppv's where better Final Resolution and Turning Point as examples.


1. National Anthem: Crapptastic 1

2. Opening promo: Kinda flat meh 4.5

3. Tag Bout: This as opener and not MITB? too short, lacked flow. 5

4. three way: same old crap but better flow. 5.5

5. Female promo + Slim Jim: CRAAAP 1.5 ( +0.5 for the joke and cameos)

6. MITB: underwhelming and I like spotfests 6.5

7. Extreme rules promos: why waste time on this? 3

8. Hall of fame recapping: Took too long and is Gorgeous George or his wife inducted? 5

9. Sheamus vs Trips: same old crap with more time and some nice moves by Sheamus 5.75

10. Slim Jim commercial: A full on commercial at WM??? 1

11. Punk vs Rey: finally something good but too short 7

12. Bret vs Vince: took way too long making you almost sympathize for VKM and fell flat. Other matches needed this time 4

13. Atlanta promo: Again why waste time especially for something a year away? 2

14. Edge vs Jericho : Pretty good second best of the night but not super special, Striker ruined the start with his bs. 7.25

15. Divas: No place this high up the card and botchamania 1

16. Cena vs Batista: Could have been worse 6.25

17. Michales vs Taker: Not as good as last year as expected, still good 8

18. Michaels farewell: Pretty well done but he will be back 7.5


So overall meh. Flat crowd as well. Didn't have that true mania feel for me somehow even 25 felt more wresltemania isch. Hope next year will be better.


Favorite fan signs: HHH fears Divorce, I Hope a Canadian wins ( Edge vs Jericho), McMahon: The richest there is, the most evil there was and the biggest loser there will be.


And don't put this on me liking TNA as I am not the only one that feels like this and I followed the entire build.


Also Wrestling Century read your review and then think again if it was an awesome show? See how many decent and bad you had in there?

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Had to put this into TEW terms with some RA notes included :p




1. National Anthem: D- (That Fantasmo girl is over enough with the general public and I'd guess would have decent ent. skills lol)

2. Opening promo: C

3. Miz & Big Show vs R-Truth & Morrison: C-

4. Orton vs DiBiase vs Rhodes: C+

5. Female promo + Slim Jim: C-

6. MITB: C+ (This match suffered due to cluster%#$@ syndrome) (Jack Swagger gained overness from this bout :p)

7. Hall of fame recapping: C

8. Sheamus vs HHH: B-

9. Slim Jim commercial: C-

10. Punk vs Rey: B (This match lifted the crowd) (This match suffered from being too short)

11. Bret vs Vince: C- (This match brought the crowds mood down) (This match suffered from being too long)

12. Edge vs Jericho : B (This match lifted the crowd)

14. Divas: D- (This match brought the crowds mood down)

15. Cena vs Batista Vignette: B+ (This segment lifted the crowds mood)

16. Cena vs Batista: B-

17. Michaels vs Taker Vignette: B+

18. Michales vs Taker: B+

19. Michaels farewell: B+


So overall: B


This event can be considered a success :p

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This weekend as a whole was a fairly big letdown as far as ppv's go. After the UFC's deduction of my bank account, I felt a little stiffed... But after Wrestlemania, wow... It's like I got held at gunpoint. I can't remember a Wrestlemania this bad since WM11.


Jack Swagger winning the MiTB seemed underwhelming, especially how he's been booked in the past half-year. They couldn't decide if they wanted to make him the next Kurt Angle/Brock Lesnar or if he was a jobber. I guess they've chosen the "Next Big Thing" approach finally, but I hope it's not too late for anyone to take him serious.


All of the title matches pretty much sucked, especially Cena and Batista. The only people who could have really enjoyed this match are various unattractive 30-40 something moms and their children. Anyone with any understanding of proper flow and wrestling would be taking a big crap all over this match. This match was barely above a RAW calibur match, aside from the top rope antics... Nothing really amazing, aside from the fact that with all the failed moves one of them isn't injured, especially Hurtista.


I am kinda glad that Jericho retained, and maybe we can see a real classic between Edge and Jericho at the next PPV.


The Punk/Mysterio match was waaaay too rushed. For a guy who was constantly putting on exciting 30-60 minute matches on the independents they sure don't want to let Punk do what brought him to the dance.


Bret Hart proved he has no business in the ring outside of managing the Hart Dynasty(which needs to happen, Bret Hart was an -awesome- heel at the end of his WWF run).


WWE really dropped the ball on the Undertaker/HBK II... Hasn't anyone at WWE taken notice of how popular "rubber matches" are? Forget the streak, it's nice and all... But Taker's legacy is already carved out, it wouldn't have hurt him too bad to lose, imo... And it would have given Shawn Michaels so much momentum that they would have absolutely burned buildings down on his "I'm going for the title one last time" campaign. HBK vs. Taker III at next year's Wrestlemania would have been epic... missed opportunity in my opinion.

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overall i enjoyed the show. loved taker/hbk. jumping tombstone was sick.


Bournes splash was un expected from where he was during mitb.


Although he didnt win from it, i did call jerichos reversal of the spear with codebreaker. (also predicted his win, and cenas) :)


Swagger inability to pull the brieftcase off the hook was pretty funny.


punk and rey was good, loved cm punks gi joe themed tights.


main gripe:

I feel the annoucing took a bit away from the event for me. Needed JR, at least on main event.... i do NOT like cole and striker as a unit. King barely jumped in it seemed. Cole is just terrible in general. During hbk/taker he states "no one has ever reversed hells gate like that...i think.." sad he forgot a few short years ago Angle BEAT taker at no way out with that same reversal of hells gate.....

On top of that i felt Cole was very repetitive in his work, its like he couldnt think of anything creative he just repeated things over and over.. they also botched the call on Christians reverse DDT off the ladders, they thought it was a twist of fate from hardy. they seemed perplexed when christian was up and fresh climbing ladder after that... As you can tell by this rant, i felt the annouce team hurt the show.

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Yeps Cole was terrible Lawler was Lawler and pretty quiet and Striker was hit and miss. Hated the whole trained and worked together story on Edge and Jericho. So they are from Canada so they must have come up together??? Plus confusing Jericho with Christian. And then making up for it with the different career path statement which actually discounts what you said before. Either believe the lie or apologize for a mistake don't contradict yourself. They really brought the show down. Too bad Striker doesn't have chemistry with Cole either to compensate for his crappiness. Only one so far that could work with Cole was JBL imho.
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WWE really dropped the ball on the Undertaker/HBK II... Hasn't anyone at WWE taken notice of how popular "rubber matches" are? Forget the streak, it's nice and all... But Taker's legacy is already carved out, it wouldn't have hurt him too bad to lose, imo... And it would have given Shawn Michaels so much momentum that they would have absolutely burned buildings down on his "I'm going for the title one last time" campaign. HBK vs. Taker III at next year's Wrestlemania would have been epic... missed opportunity in my opinion.


i can not DISAGREE more with you here. respectfully of course.:)


Taker IS the streak. it will go down in WWE history as one of their big spectacles and stories. it is of legendary status. It just retired HBK. nuff said.


taker is Joe Montana of wrestling. Very good career, but his legacy is defined by his performance on the biggest stage and being undefeated, much like montana and the super bowl :)

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Haven't seen the show yet, from what I've read it seems like a mostly one match PPV, which is a shame. Mysterio and HHH going over isn't surprising, but it is poor decision-making for WWE, who continue to be absolutely terrified of accidentally pushing somebody towards the top of the card. Seriously Mysterio is a great talent and can work a great match but he will never be a champion again and is on the downswing of his career- what does anyone lose by him putting over Punk, a former champion who can and should be champion again?


And for all of the talk that Triple H has changed his evil ways and now wants to put over talent, why is he going over Sheamus, a guy that has been booked over Randy Orton and John Cena? Conventional wisdom says Sheamus will get a win back at Extreme Rules or whatever, but on a show with a smaller audience and a match of less importance. HBK used to pull the same stunt, winning on PPV and then losing on TV where it wouldn't hurt him as much. Why does HHH need that sort of protection? Are people going to not like him if he isn't booked to have a 9.5 durability in the next Smackdown game?


Seriously, how long can WWE milk its own nostalgia for the Attitude era? Bret Hart and HBK in marquee matches, Triple H still being booked like a main eventer? The only guy that isn't an established name that went over was Swagger, and people are already saying how he'll be the first guy not to successfully cash-in because he's not "ready" even though he can go in the ring and was ECW champion only a year ago.


Also Hyde, as far as the divas match having no place up the card, there's this thing called peaks and valleys in TEW that you may want to look into. See, it's a "bathroom-break" match separating the #3 match (Jericho and Edge) from the main events. It's exactly where a match like that goes.

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