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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I have no problem with how they're using Danielson. He comes as the much hyped prospect - but they're making him work for it. And why not? If he is so good he doesn't need an uber push, he can do it himself. I know people we don't want pushed do get uber-pushed, but that's wrestling. Batista draws money. That's more important to the WWE than us. And rightly so.


So, what have they done with Danielson? They've put him against some top talent, and given him decent offense. They've given him a storyline. They've given him promo time. They've given him an excuse to stay around after being cut, while others are going to have to slink onto Smackdown sometime with no explanation.


They're currently letting the crowd decide whether to back him or not. And if they back him as a face while not clean cut, that's a major result. If not, heel's are probably easier to build up.


He's got several feuds he can go down (Cole (or a representive), Miz, the NXT winner). If not he can still make people look good, before forming a tag team (which would almost guarantee a tag title reign).


We all moan like hell when they uber-push an untalented giant. How can we justify uber-pushing Danielson. Suer, I know, no-one's asking for an uber-push. But despite all the defeats, he's not being buried.

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We all moan like hell when they uber-push an untalented giant. How can we justify uber-pushing Danielson. Suer, I know, no-one's asking for an uber-push. But despite all the defeats, he's not being buried.


I don't know maybe because he is talented? :D


I loved Danielson's promo last night. It showed he could work a mic (something I never question as this isn't 2005) and Regal nodding his head when Danielson said he is better then the Miz and CM Punk signing not just a little but way better was quite funny.

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A few matches not often seen in the U.S. showing a WWE Hall of Famer (a big guy) using a little bit more than his usual power and brawling styles.












One showing WWE Hall of Famer Andre the Giant attempting to get Antonio Inoki to submit using a hold I've never seen him use over here.



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This, really.


I'm ultra bored of perfectly flawless good guys and cowardly heels. Mix it up, everyone has a line people can cross or a button to push, regardless of how good or friendly you are. Shades of gray, mate.


Yep shades of gray is true, problem is it is a balancing act so that it doesn't become a big ball of gray. Cough Russo Cough.

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In other NXT news I loved when Darren Young got voted off the crowd "NANANA HEY, HEY, HEY...GOODBYE." Just proving that Vince's muscleheads wont work for the WWE Audience.


I wouldn't exactly call Darren Young a "musclehead"..he's billed at 240, I think that's about average for WWE.

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An announcer who's been lambasting you the whole ride along, I'd say why not. Most wrestlers kayfabe-wise have an 'attitude' and if one catches the announcers talking **** about them, can't rule out a mudhole stomping.


Promo was exquisite.


I agree about the promo, but still...it's an announcer. You're really attacking an announcer? At least do it properly, get him in the ring and beat him from corner to corner, pushing him and trying to kick him? Really? Why don't you just pull his hair and slap him? As a fan, that leaves me saying "Well, I guess Cole was right all along" and kinda hoping I never see Bryan Danielson again. Unless he's in the ring and actually winning.


I'm the kind of guy that gives the writers the benefit of the doubt and lets storylines play out, but they have a lot of ground to make up on this one.


last week he denouces the daniel bryan name....refers to himself by his proper name.


this week hes still referred to as daniel bryan. doesnt make sense IMO.


Re-read this. HE denounced the Daniel Bryan name. HE referred to himself by his real name. Matt Striker tried to stop him from doing that, and nobody else made any reference to those comments...as far as the WWE is concerned, he's still Daniel Bryan. Seems perfectly logical to me.

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The only "muscleheads" on the show AFAICT are Skip and Wade Barrett.


Nobody liked Skip, and lo, he left.


On the other hand, Vince has us eating out of Barrett's hand.


I'd say Vince's muscleheads work alright.


I liked Skip :(


Didn't watch NXT this week. As much as I love the concept of the show, WWE killed it for me last week. Even Daniel Bryan beating up Michael Cole can't get me back watching it.

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Back on the NXT topic, I think I would book it like this:


I would get rid of the people that don't look like they are going to make it quickly.


Then I would get rid of the one's I know would make it, to bring onto Smackdown or Raw as a new named wonder.


I would then keep the one's I thought needed the most work, that will work, longer. I would make sure that I had a way out though, meaning, I would keep at least two people that are good to go, so that I can use one of them if it doesn't look like plan A is going to work (for the winner).


This would allow me more time to help get them ready for TV shows.

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You know, I hate to say this, but I'm not sure Heath Slater can make it. He's... so, well bland. He's not bad in the ring, but he's not good either.


Even when Lance Storm started, who, by a lot of accounts, comes off as bland, was pretty good in the ring. The same can't be said for Heather Slater. He looks and sound dull.

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Why do you 'hate to say' that? Heath's been one of my least favourite guys since the beginning. The hair. The terrible "one man rock band... without the instruments" tag. The bizarre win streak. The fact he keeps saying he'll "blow ours minds" despite not doing anything particularly different or interesting. He does nothing in the ring I can't see from 500 other guys. With this gimmick, to me, he's the definition of 'not special'. His relationship with Christian is pretty much the most boring rookie-pro relationship they've done.


Now Skip? There was a guy with size, power, mobility, an infectious energy and a relationship with his pro that had fabulous potential. Yep Yep Yep. What it do?

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I'm actually not impressed with any of them (no Bryan Danielson doesn't count). I think they are all too green and not ready for the prime time. I really, really dislike WWE's developmental strategy, because they can find better in the indies that are better in terms of... well, everything.


A lot of need more work, but the WWE developmental system isn't a real good place to start.

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Why do you 'hate to say' that? Heath's been one of my least favourite guys since the beginning. The hair. The terrible "one man rock band... without the instruments" tag. The bizarre win streak. The fact he keeps saying he'll "blow ours minds" despite not doing anything particularly different or interesting. He does nothing in the ring I can't see from 500 other guys. With this gimmick, to me, he's the definition of 'not special'. His relationship with Christian is pretty much the most boring rookie-pro relationship they've done.


No! I thought that at first, then Heath Slater blew my mind. His mind-blowing skills are subtle but they are there for those who wants to believe.

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You were watching NXT whilst on acid, weren't you?


No, certainly not. I am as straight edge as CM Punk ... except not as stupid so I drink and take a painkiller if I am in agony.


It's just Heath Slater comes across as just this absolute fricken idiot the on first impression ... a ginger one man rock band without the instruments who claims he will blow your mind while being decent but not spectacular in the ring and not making a lot of sense.


But he seems so earnest in his belief that he will blow my mind that it was largely by force of personality and refusal to lay down his mind blowing claim that I was won over. It was a triumph of the will on his part, I held strong but in the end the one man rock band blew my mind by the power of his soul and strength of his convictions. Also his keg carrying ability.

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No, certainly not. I am as straight edge as CM Punk ... except not as stupid so I drink and take a painkiller if I am in agony.


It's just Heath Slater comes across as just this absolute fricken idiot the on first impression ... a ginger one man rock band without the instruments who claims he will blow your mind while being decent but not spectacular in the ring and not making a lot of sense.


But he seems so earnest in his belief that he will blow my mind that it was largely by force of personality and refusal to lay down his mind blowing claim that I was won over. It was a triumph of the will on his part, I held strong but in the end the one man rock band blew my mind by the power of his soul and strength of his convictions. Also his keg carrying ability.

Okay, you ARE on drugs, or you are have issues. And that's not even about the part about liking Heath Slater. You might be Yandere. ;)

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I admit I actually became much more accepting of him after winning the keg carry. He legitimately won something. While his wrestling victories were given to him, he took that one. Then he was asked a question by Striker, and his reply was to stick out his tongue, shake his hair around, and yelp. It was so gleefully ridiculous I couldn't help but smile


Most of the rookies did 'something' to make me like them through the show. Skip & Otunga's intro video's. Barrett's promo in the talk-off. Gabriel's 450. Darren Young's bizarre feud with Luke Gallows. Michael's Tarver's hilarious ineptitude (he nearly threw up chugging the soda!) and Daniel Bryan's feud with Miz. It wasn't much in any example, but it was something.

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