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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This is basically the sum of everything, in a way I feel its been since WCW folded (if not shortly before then, when everyone started watching WWF and going to WWF events). For a time maybe it was the power of Rock & Austin, but after that it was the only show in town, so wrestling became "WWF/e" to most people.


The other big problem is the size of wrestling fans versus sports entertainment fans. With the line becoming more blurred everyday, I think people forget the old way of wrestling isnt true anymore. That simple. The old way of wrestling is a dieing thing. The last couple million people left who like that stuff during the '90's are now the same group on boards like this, and watching TNA already.


This is why TNA will never truley grow until they somehow become as trusted a brand as WWE or somehow rock the foundations of the sports entertainment world. They already have the wrestling world's attention. All couple million of them (dont forget, TNA's ratings are just based off of US TV ratings. Add Canada, the UK, internet, and the sprinkled other regions to that, its a couple million who likely watch impact in some way). Those are all thats left of wrestling fans.


Thats what sets WWE apart from TNA. Also I feel a lot of the fans now are the workers on the indy scene. Anyone can get involved in it these days. A main reason I think indy shows struggle is because the people who would go watch them, and get "smark" enough to know about them, end up wrestling on them... And thats also to say you dont often see random indy workers at other shows paying to watch. So guys who work crap local shows who then call themselves pro-wrestlers, dont then go to the bigger shows (be it ROH or the local "big indy") and are hurting the business they think they love.


Actually they get/got around 2 mill watching in the US so its more then a couple mill but that is for the other thread.

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Yep and if its bad the main course is ruined. As is the whole experience. The top guys can't exist without the lower guys. And the top guys draw a lot less when the rest of the card is not as strong.


3 weeks ago Jake "the Snake" Roberts, who now is one of those bad hunks of meat, pulled 500 people in a small town to a show that averaged 60 people.

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If you want to see who's popular on the undercard. Watch the people in the back of the audience and see who leaves to go get refreshments or to hit the bathroom.


Don't even pay any attention to the front row because they'll stick around so their friends can let them know if they were seen on TV.


below: Al Snow (pre-ECW) and Unabomb (Kane) in the old SMW that ran in the NC and TN mountains. They looked big because of people that appeared but they didn't last long trying to act like a major promotion.



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Yep and if its bad the main course is ruined. As is the whole experience. The top guys can't exist without the lower guys. And the top guys draw a lot less when the rest of the card is not as strong.




ME: Triple H vs Randy Orton


Semi-Main: John Cena vs Edge


Chris Jericho vs Batista


You got three major matches. All three are not gonna be bad. So nobody cares who worked before.


Plus, if its a house show in Chester, Pa.?


Odds are 99.9999999% of the WWE fans didn't even see it.


edit: which is why only locals saw John Cena pin Sheamus a dozen times already.


And why Goldberg had what was called in his book: "the Lost Loss"

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People tell me his bringing in kids and what not, but I hate to say this, but he pushes out as much as he draws in. Anyone that didn't like he's booked has already left the WWE BECAUSE of the way he's booked. Drawing in kids what won't get them everything. The economy is in the tank, and since parents hold the money purses, I doubt buying your kid a Cena shirt or a ticket to RAW is all that important.



Yeah, that's stupid.


EDIT: Having read through your other posts, I think what your really saying is that the WWE product is pushing out as many fans as it's brought in, which is fair enough. (although..again..who cares? If I'm a giant corporation, I'd rather have the family crowd with disposable income than the insanely fickle net fans and young male audience who will spend hours trying to find a stream to avoid pying for a PPV)


Cena as a performer is doing his job. The way he's booked is definitely gettning a mixed reaction.

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Yeah I do know, I went a lit overboard to make the distinction clearer, but in general they are viewed in a very positive light.


Someone hasn't been to the 411 comments section. There RoH is as hated as TNA, because apparently there are hundreds of morons out there who can't grasp the fact that every promotion has to start someone ie build an audience before going supernova, especially when you've no money to do it with.


Yep, apparently wrestling isn't good if "no-one" sees it. In these retards minds (I'm very choose about using the word retard) Taker and Cena could have 5 star classic in a forest, but it would sit suck ass because they didn't see it. Hint: The forest is Ring of Honor, and Taker and Cena could be any wrestler not on TV.

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Am I the only guy becoming more and more sold on Luke Gallows?


I mean as Festus I found him entertaining in the ring kind of. Some unique offense, especially in the world of "slam! elbow drop!" big man wrestling. But now with the new character I am always left thinking why they made this guy a mute character in the first place. He's no CM Punk, sure, but there is nothing wrong at all about his mic work. And his matches are becoming better and better.


Sure maybe I dont see him as a main player, but playing a Fake Kane may of been an omen of sorts as he seems like he may one day graze the top spot, but always will have some use.

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I've been pleasantly surprised with his promos for some time. He's not exactly electrifying but he's comfortable and gets his point across. His matches with Rey Mysterio have been pretty great (even considering Rey's usual awesomeness) so yeah, I like Luke Gallows.
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You know, with what you guys are saying about Gallows, you are so making me wish the E were able to sell me on their ability to be consistently entertaining so I could comment first-hand.


While I do like my Rocks and Hogans (back when anyway), I've also always liked guys like Gallows as you portray him. It's those guys who are comfortable and just get the point across that make the illusion more solid. The guys who have excess charisma oozing out of their pores and puddling on the floor at their feet may be the ones who sell and get all the glory. But it's support guys like you describe Gallows to be that provide the perspective to make the charisma kings not feel like drama queens. I've always had great respect admiration for those guys. They are the ones who maintain the stage the stars are on rather than just having them play the living room to friends and family.

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I've been pleasantly surprised with his promos for some time. He's not exactly electrifying but he's comfortable and gets his point across. His matches with Rey Mysterio have been pretty great (even considering Rey's usual awesomeness) so yeah, I like Luke Gallows.


Yeah that was good booking between him and Rey. Especially that first match where Rey won but Gallows was made to look like a real threat.

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Spoilers for Raw if you aren't watching:


It was pretty weird to hear Cole being a face announcer the entire show, only to be a total heel during the Bryan/Miz match. Glad to see Bryan win, even if I think it should've been via tapout when he got him in that crossface. But he made up for that by throwing Miz into Cole. :D


Though I wanted to see Miz tap I think they are saving it for a bigger (and longer match) plus I think the ending was to show that Bryan knows more then Miz. Miz reverses the submission into a pin only to have it reversed into a pin on him.


Also Rikishi's sons' promo was just awful. It was a bad combination of horrible writing meeting horrible delivery.

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Though I wanted to see Miz tap I think they are saving it for a bigger (and longer match) plus I think the ending was to show that Bryan knows more then Miz. Miz reverses the submission into a pin only to have it reversed into a pin on him.


Also Rikishi's sons' promo was just awful. It was a bad combination of horrible writing meeting horrible delivery.


I agree because they left some of their things unanswered like the hole question of their family? Like who for all the non-hardcore fans??

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