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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Trainer in FCW hehe so he is under a WWE contract. Thinking far out of left field how about Taker? Not as a leader but a supporter. Heel turn would freshen up his character and would alleviate ring work.


'Taker? Noooo, he's in a vegatative state :p


Maybe he (Danielson) has been genuinely axed but I'm thinking they could still have him involved in this for sometime without actually acknowledging it or using him, y'know?


This week, a mystery limo driver scaring the wits out of Bret, next week a hooded/masked attacked entering through the crowd and beating the crap out of Orton. Keep it up until the whole choking thing blows over (how long, realistically, do we think WWE would wait before bringing him back?) and then have a huge reveal, maybe Barrett challenging whoever the WWE Champion is at the time. Bryan could come out, still masked/hooded, and cost the champ the title. Then the reveal!!! It was Daniel Bryan all the long.

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I'd be stunned if the character who drove the car in storyline actually performed the stunt. Surely they'd get someone who actually knows what they're doing, a professional, as opposed to putting a wrestler at risk. Health and Safety guidelines, yo.
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Doesn't look much like Bryan to me.


Honestly, it looks like Emperor Palpatine to me.





And agreed earlier, Barrett should probably be the only NXT guy to touch the mic. As heavy as I mark out for Justin Gabriel (who will always sorta be PJ Black to me, such an awesome name), I'll be the first to admit he can't work a microphone. Couldn't since back in South Africa, and he still can't. Sadly, a big part of it is his accent, but not all of it by far. He just... seems uncomfortable on it. That said, he has the honour of being one of the rare high fliers I mark out for, and an athletic freak. Hopefully that's a sign he'll stick around for awhile.

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'Taker? Noooo, he's in a vegatative state :p


Maybe he (Danielson) has been genuinely axed but I'm thinking they could still have him involved in this for sometime without actually acknowledging it or using him, y'know?


This week, a mystery limo driver scaring the wits out of Bret, next week a hooded/masked attacked entering through the crowd and beating the crap out of Orton. Keep it up until the whole choking thing blows over (how long, realistically, do we think WWE would wait before bringing him back?) and then have a huge reveal, maybe Barrett challenging whoever the WWE Champion is at the time. Bryan could come out, still masked/hooded, and cost the champ the title. Then the reveal!!! It was Daniel Bryan all the long.


WWE mystery angle? It's probably Vince. The Greater Power is back to screw Bret one more time!


As for the continuation of the NXT invasion, it was always going to be a really difficult follow-on. When the WWE are on their game, they deliver big set-pieces better than anyone, but the ending to last week's RAW was really well done both in execution and impact that this week's RAW was almost gauranteed to be a let down for many people. The loss of Danielson is a hammer blow considering his profile in the first season of NXT, which didn't help, but the main problem with angles like this is that they raise expectations and fire the imagination... there are so many possibilities, whatever route the WWE goes, it's pretty much impossible to satisfy every individual whim and vision.


That being said, I was disappointed that the locker room somewhat emptied to save Cena and chase off the NXT rookies as it just seemed a lazy throwback to the old WCW/ECW Invasion angle. I was hoping there'd be some reason as to why Cena, Punk & co were left to the wolves last week... pros froze backstage watching, heels felt Cena had it coming to him, Orton decided it "wasn't his fight", Mark Henry was busy eating muffins, whatever. Instead if just sticks out as a loophole in the story that creative weren't bothered about covering, which is a shame considering they pretty effectively signed Danielson out of the story.


Beyond that, although vehicular assualts are hardly new ground in wrestling, it did leave a decent hook for the ppv and the continuation of the angle. Plus Barrett further sold himself as an effective leader of the group.

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WWE takes a lot of easy routes though Sebs. You know that. Many recycled storylines happen in the WWE all the time.


That happens in every promotion though. I know I read somewhere, that Vince is of the opinion that he can run the same basic storylines every seven years or so because there is enough turn over in the audience.


The one time this really stuck out with me was the Master Lock challenge that they ran a few years ago. It was a lot like Hercules Hernandez storyline that they ran in the 1980's.

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Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.


It's you


I actually like this stroyline so far.


This gets back to the main point, no matter what the WWE/TNA do, they are called on it. I seriously cannot remeber one angle from either company in the last two years that the IWC didn't pan for being stupid on some level.


It would be fun to let the IWC book a show for once. I bet it would be the most overbooked abomination on the planet.

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Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.


Just on that, WWE don't care if they mess with their Internet fans. Although a large and vocal group, they're remarkably loyal. Of far more interest to them is the "casual" fan, who are far more numerous, and couldn't care less what happened to this Daniel Bryan guy.

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I think it is yes.....that is why they went pg in the first place.


No it isn't, but you keep thinking that.


They went PG because the realized that Kids move thier merch. PArents were complaining about the fact that the attitude era stuff was too racey for thier kids to watch.


Once they lost Rock and Austin, they two guys who trancended that, they made a choice to "alienate" the older fans and focus on the kids.


And, condisering they are absolutly murdering it profit wise right now, they seem to have made the right call.


Kids, through thier parents, buy merch and buy PPV's.


Adults, such as myself, watch for free on TV and stream PPV's.


The Kids are the more lucrative industry with the buissness in a down swing.



Example: I'm 27, with two brothers ages 11 and 13. They are both huge Cena and Orton fans, and both own the action figures, shirts ect.


I own nothing, i wouldn't wear a WWE shirt in public, Nor spend 40 dollars to watch a PPV at my apartment, I'm to old for that crap.


Net profit to the WWE from catering to me and going back to Attitude ERa stuff: 0 dollars, still not going to buy a action figure, PPV (outside of WM) or shirt.


Net profit to WWE from making it PG and thus allowing my two brothers to watch: a couple hundred this year alone, Adding up the 2-3 shirts they both got dad to buy them this year + action figures + PPV's my Dad bought them.

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Just on that, WWE don't care if they mess with their Internet fans. Although a large and vocal group, they're remarkably loyal. Of far more interest to them is the "casual" fan, who are far more numerous, and couldn't care less what happened to this Daniel Bryan guy.


I agree, to the casual fan, Bryan Danielson has no real importance. To them he was just some dude that was on NXT, they have no cule as to his history.


My friend has a friend (The dude is no friend of mine as I can't stand him.:D) who refuses to even acknowledge that there is any other wrestling besides the WWF. When CM Punk first came in my friend was saying how CM Punk was going to be a star.


The other guy was like, "No I have never heard of this guy, there is no way he will be a star. I have never heard of him." Anyway, he is now a huge CM Punk mark.


Point being if the WWF had never pushed CM Punk this guy would have never even known who he is.

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I agree, to the casual fan, Bryan Danielson has no real importance. To them he was just some dude that was on NXT, they have no cule as to his history.


My friend has a friend (The dude is no friend of mine as I can't stand him.:D) who refuses to even acknowledge that there is any other wrestling besides the WWF. When CM Punk first came in my friend was saying how CM Punk was going to be a star.


The other guy was like, "No I have never heard of this guy, there is no way he will be a star. I have never heard of him." Anyway, he is now a huge CM Punk mark.


Point being if the WWF had never pushed CM Punk this guy would have never even known who he is.


Most WWE fans are like that and that's why they blindly follow the garbage that WWE tries to pass off as entertainment.

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"To whom it may concern;


I am a campaign worker for the Linda McMahon Senate campaign in Stamford, CT and I wanted to pass this information along to you. I am not a "fan" of Mrs. McMahon's family business by any means but I also do not like to see people's livelihoods taken away because of someone's political ambitions.


In regards to the released performer Daniel Brian this decision was made by Mr. David Cappiello the new campaign manager for Mrs. McMahon. After viewing the video of an incident of someone being choked and spat on Mr. Cappiello advised the campaign this could have very negative repurcussions to the campaign as a whole.


It was his decision that many in the media would use this against Mrs. McMahon in her campaign because of it's violent nature and it would bring up memories of the Chris Benoit tragedy which the campaign has tried very hard to distance itself from. He also felt it would significantly hurt her stance on family values to be associated with a product marketed towards children that allowed it's performers to openly spit in the faces of one another. It was this decision that led to the performer being released to show the media that Mrs. McMahon does not tolerate or approve of such behavior.


I am sending this to you from a temporary e-mail address. I will not answer further questions I just thought the truth should be put out there and not this rampant speculation. You can chose to print this or not, I leave that entirely to you."


I see!

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Mind you, this COULD be a hoax or something. I came across it trying to see who McMahon was running against in the election on a wrestling news site that to be honest, I haven't read anything from (but then again I mostly use GDS forums and the Torch). But it does explain a lot.
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It makes perfectly good sense that her campaign manager would believe that others would use it against her. But if he's good at his job shouldn't be able to fight off the fire from her opponents if they tried using that against her? I guess in politics you have to cover all your bases and Danielson was just a casualty of that. If that's true (which it does seem legit to me) then it's really disappointing that WWE has changed their hiring/firing practices due to "outside opinions".


I'd feel uneasy working for WWE right now while Linda's campaign continues. Everyone is apparently under a magnifying glass (besides the top draws of course).

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I don't see anything there that indicates it's not a work. Like I said before the show, if they mention Daniel Bryan, you have your proof it's a work...and you heard what Wade Barrett said. They never have and never will mention people after their release. (see Carlito, most recently)


Somebody else mentioned this on another site...after Skip Sheffield's clothesline on Cena, Heath Slater grabs the ring rope and goes to choke Cena with it but stops suddenly. If he had been allowed to choke him with it for a minute, it would made this very interesting.

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Yes, yes...only the intellectual giants that comprise the IWC can truly appreciate what great wrestling really is.


The WWE caters to the masses which means it obviously must be completely and totally without merit, despite the roughly 40 years or so that it's dominated the industry.


It's a wonder net fans don't dislocate their spines what with all the patting themselves on the back and saying how smart they are.

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