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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Please let "really?" be the new "what?"


I've already caught myself saying it irl.


Didn't see the PPV yesterday, but I heard Byran vs. Ziggler was pretty good. Only thing is that I really came into wrestling when Spirit Squad was stilll around, I think, so I can never believe that Dolph would rise above those horrid, horrid times. :D

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I should think he was being sarcastic. As it is quite customary one should think that after a buried alive match one would be off screen for a while. Unless you where being sarcastic as well then my apologies.


You missed something. Undertaker was supposedly going to WIN the match, but that plan was scrapped due to his injury. So the injury is, indeed, very poorly timed.


Also, I didn't see this mentioned in the report quoted, but other sites are saying they're not sure if Undertaker will even be available to wrestle at Wrestlemania due to this injury. At this point, you really have to start wondering if we've seen the last of the Undertaker.


So Otunga is turning. Cena tears down the Nexus from the inside. So disappointed how this program turned out.


Lol, shouldn't you make sure you're actually right before you determine how you feel about how you think the program will end?

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You missed something. Undertaker was supposedly going to WIN the match, but that plan was scrapped due to his injury. So the injury is, indeed, very poorly timed.


Also, I didn't see this mentioned in the report quoted, but other sites are saying they're not sure if Undertaker will even be available to wrestle at Wrestlemania due to this injury. At this point, you really have to start wondering if we've seen the last of the Undertaker.


Lol, shouldn't you make sure you're actually right before you determine how you feel about how you think the program will end?


You really believe this is the last of the Undertaker? Even if he takes Wrestlemania off this year, there is no way he's letting being buried alive be his final match ever.


I love how in one thread we have him facing Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania and in this one we're wondering if we've seen the last of him.


I'm starting to wonder which has the greater odds he fights Lesnar at WM 27 or we have seen the last of him?

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I see taker getting a flair "retirement" type of deal. There is no way the biggest star in wrestling is going to go out like this. Yes i think he is bigger then hogan, flair, hhh and hbk. He has atleast one more mania in him. I relly can't wait till he retires and becomes an agent or something and we get to see him in backstage roles or running to the ring to break up fights like anderson does.
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I see taker getting a flair "retirement" type of deal. There is no way the biggest star in wrestling is going to go out like this. Yes i think he is bigger then hogan, flair, hhh and hbk. He has atleast one more mania in him. I relly can't wait till he retires and becomes an agent or something and we get to see him in backstage roles or running to the ring to break up fights like anderson does.



You think he's a bigger star or you like him more? There is a vast difference between the two. I'm not sure you could even make a credible argument for Taker being a "bigger" star than Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, etc. Consistant, loyal, etc but not "bigger".


To each their own though I actually liked Big Evil Taker more than this Taker.

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You think he's a bigger star or you like him more? There is a vast difference between the two. I'm not sure you could even make a credible argument for Taker being a "bigger" star than Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, etc. Consistant, loyal, etc but not "bigger".


To each their own though I actually liked Big Evil Taker more than this Taker.


I guess i am counting the years he has been one top. austin and rock had what 5 or 6 years as "top draws" taker has been hot since 96ish. fourteen years on top is huge. The point can be said that flair was a big name for a long while also but it was a diffrent time * i know that should not matter* hogan ok maybe taker is not bigger then hogan.

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He's a very big deal and he's done a lot of things that nobody else has done. No doubt about that and you're a fan of the guy clearly so hey no argument out of me. Its just I can't call him the BIGGEST name ever.


Consistent, loyal, accomplished, talented, instantly recognizable to fans and non fans alike, etc.

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I've already caught myself saying it irl.


I really came into wrestling when Spirit Squad was stilll around, I think, so I can never believe that Dolph would rise above those horrid, horrid times. :D


Ah-HA! Jay and I's theory is confirmed :D


people need to let that go and get on the dolph bandwagon. I've been keeping a seat warm since Rey refused to drop the IC title to him a year and a half ago :)

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Ah-HA! Jay and I's theory is confirmed :D


people need to let that go and get on the dolph bandwagon. I've been keeping a seat warm since Rey refused to drop the IC title to him a year and a half ago :)


I can't let that go. The thing is, he is still a whiney cheerleader, still.... It's the character he is always going to be it seems..


Although I will say, I couldn't get behind Orton and some of the other's before for similar reasons, and somehow they figured it out and finally acted like adults rather then whiney girls.

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I can't let that go. The thing is, he is still a whiney cheerleader, still.... It's the character he is always going to be it seems..


Although I will say, I couldn't get behind Orton and some of the other's before for similar reasons, and somehow they figured it out and finally acted like adults rather then whiney girls.


I guess, though i fail to see how his current gimmick is "whiney cheerleader"


If anything, it's the classic "****y young prospect" gimmick with a metro Twist due to all the mr. perfect like preening he does.


He's a heel, he's going to cheat and hide behind authority (vickie). other than them both being heels, i don't really see alot of similarities between Spirt squad dolph and ziggler.


Certainly not in work rate, his only problem is he's on smackdown and he's faced all the good athletic guys he can have a matchup with. We've seen dolph vs rey, and dolph vs kofi....I'm not a very big edge fan and edge is too over for the IC belt.


MVP-ziggler has been meh, not a big fan of MVP. kaval is to green to go for the IC belt, but that could be good given time. Would have loved to see dolph vs Christan but injury took that away from us...


Del Rio would be good, but he's a heel so that's out...Just not seeing alot of new fueds for ziggler over on smackdown. Too bad bryan's on raw, that would be a great fued. these las two matches have the "great chemistry" note from TEW stamped all over them

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I guess, though i fail to see how his current gimmick is "whiney cheerleader"


If anything, it's the classic "****y young prospect" gimmick with a metro Twist due to all the mr. perfect like preening he does.


He's a heel, he's going to cheat and hide behind authority (vickie). other than them both being heels, i don't really see alot of similarities between Spirt squad dolph and ziggler.


Certainly not in work rate, his only problem is he's on smackdown and he's faced all the good athletic guys he can have a matchup with. We've seen dolph vs rey, and dolph vs kofi....I'm not a very big edge fan and edge is too over for the IC belt.


MVP-ziggler has been meh, not a big fan of MVP. kaval is to green to go for the IC belt, but that could be good given time. Would have loved to see dolph vs Christan but injury took that away from us...


Del Rio would be good, but he's a heel so that's out...Just not seeing alot of new fueds for ziggler over on smackdown. Too bad bryan's on raw, that would be a great fued. these las two matches have the "great chemistry" note from TEW stamped all over them


Took the words right from my mouth.

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I guess, though i fail to see how his current gimmick is "whiney cheerleader"


If anything, it's the classic "****y young prospect" gimmick with a metro Twist due to all the mr. perfect like preening he does.


He's a heel, he's going to cheat and hide behind authority (vickie). other than them both being heels, i don't really see alot of similarities between Spirt squad dolph and ziggler.


Certainly not in work rate, his only problem is he's on smackdown and he's faced all the good athletic guys he can have a matchup with. We've seen dolph vs rey, and dolph vs kofi....I'm not a very big edge fan and edge is too over for the IC belt.


He's whiney, not ****y. He's young but no Mr. Perfect to him at all.


I liked the match last night. There's no denying that, I'm not talking about in ring, I'm talking about character. He sounds and acts like a whiney brat, not a man at all. In other words, three minutes against Dolph from anyone in the Main Event, is two minutes too long to be believable... they should crush the little whiney boy.


Now, if I don't look at his character at all, I can see alot of potential, and maybe one day he can live up to it. Just not the way he is presented today... he will stay midcard or lower forever.

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Is this serious? Kaval is "too green"? The dude's been around for years. I reckon he could have some great matches with Dolph over that strap.


Think what is moreso implied is that he's too green on the show... Meaning the overall WWE Universe doesn't know him yet. Daniel had to go through some things before they really got to know him, and he was talked about almost non-stop, by a heel Cole.


Kaval is fine, and should succeed fine. However, I don't think the goal is to make him a huge star, as much as just to have him fill in voids at this time.

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Is this serious? Kaval is "too green"? The dude's been around for years. I reckon he could have some great matches with Dolph over that strap.


i understand that self, but for the majority of the WWE universe kaval is that dude who won NXT a few weeks ago.


I meant green in the sense that he hasen't built up any momentum or impact with the crowd yet.


DJ: yes, exactly :D i missed your much better explination by hitting qoute before reading the rest of the thread :D

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When you called him the biggest star in wrestling ever and that he was bigger than Flair and Hogan I sorta caught on that you might kinda like the guy :D


I think "internally" he could well be the biggest star, if that makes sense. As in, to professional wrestlers, Taker is THE guy to work with, learn from, generally be around. The ultimate locker room leader, I suppose.

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these las two matches have the "great chemistry" note from TEW stamped all over them


Please correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Adam said a lot of times now that the chemistry note is along the lines of "Can't put out these kind of performances with anyone else" rather then "they work very well together"? And beeing Ziegler a talented guy,then the chemistry note thing wouldn't apply, cause he will be capable of putting on good matches with other guys.

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The chemistry definition is two guys that work better together than they do apart or vice versa.


Some real world examples. Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect are two of the best wrestlers on the planet but its widely thought that their matches together at Summerslam and KOTR are below what their skill sets are. So you could call that neg chemistry. Two amazingly talented guys that don't work better together than apart.


The definition is that they put on better matches together than they do seperatley. We have seen Dolph put on great matches with Rey and others. Danielson puts together great matches with everyone. You can't give the "great chemistry" note for Danielson/Ziggler just because they put on a good match. Just like you can't give it to Flair/Steamboat. When you have two very talented guys putting on a great match thats just good pro wrestling.


Nothing erks me more about TEW than people wanting to give a chemistry note to everyone on the roster just because they work well together. Its supposed to be for two guys that have better matches together than they do apart and since thats not the case here its not great chemistry its just good wrestling. I'll stop ranting now but you are correct SM82 that this wouldn't be good chem.

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