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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Some decisions WWE make really baffle me. Back when they released the likes of Shelton Benjamin, Carlito etc. I gave up and stopped watching completely.


Well... Shelton and Carlito had both been around for years, and WWE had tried to push them multiple times, and it had never quite worked. They likely got several raises over the years, and with rumours of laziness abound, I think it's perfectly acceptable to cut their losses with those two. Kaval, on the other hand, they didn't even try with.


Sucks for him not to be making the big bucks, but for purely selfish reasons I'll be stoked if I can see him mixing it up in PWG or DG-USA.

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If it cost money and you don't pay it is stealing...period...exclamation point!


Can we justify stealing an over priced wasdte of 3 hours? Yeah, but so can Hitler eradicating all those nice Jewish folks. If you do not want to pay for it because it cost too much then don't but do not try to say stealing it is ok because Vince is rich. Last time I checked stealing was a crime no matter how much money the victim has.


If you had any desire to maintain credibility in this discussion, you threw that out the window with the bolded part here. Not only is that a offensive comparison to make, it's also completely baseless and irrelevant. Not only because of the scope of the crime, but because they are two completely different crime. But, while that's the dumbest part of this post, it's not the only dumb thing.


Stealing is taking something that does not belong to you. Watching something without paying for it? Who am I taking it from? The WWE? Are you telling me they don't own the PPV anymore because I didn't pay for it? Does anybody else not get to watch it because I didn't pay for it? Who am I taking it from? Pirating...IS...NOT...STEALING. Period. That's why they have a different word for it.

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You two sicken me. It's jerks like you two who make the PPV prices go up, so people like us who pay for it and watch it legally have to pay more money. Thanks a lot. Plus, you two are basically ripping off the WWE and the pro wrestlers, who are PROVIDING the entertainment that you are stealing. Jerks.




Just caught this now. Bit of an overreaction.


The only reason I watched it online is because I felt the PPV was going to suck and had it on sort of in the background as I was doing some stuff for work. And I was right. It was a crappy PPV (IMO) that I had zero intention of ordering and having a friend send me a link why not watch. Kind of like someone robbing a bank then offering you 50 bucks. I'd take it, and so would most people.


I do however completely agree it is 100% stealing and I 100% stole in that sense. But too many people get holier than thou when it comes to such things. Never download a song? a movie? video game? get software from a friend? take a pen from work? It's all stealing and everyone in the world basically does it who doesnt have the money to toss around at petty things.


I very much look at wrestling PPV's the same way I look at downloading music (and its a good comparison to me.) Now a CD is what, 15 songs lets say? Now most bands have 1, maybe 2 songs I'll ever want to listen to consistently more then once. To me, that's not earning $20-25. Really, 10 bucks a song? and I don't care about album art or stuff like that so it is literally just the song. Even the CD I will throw away at some point (after copying the music to my computer). So they didnt earn their money IMO. However, if I go out and download a CD (or listen to samples) and realize more then 8 minutes of the CD is decent I'd then go out and buy it. (granted iTunes has changed this somewhat).


Wrestling is the same way, a PPV has what, 8-9 matches/segments? Now if only 1 of those things really interest me, should I have to pay $55 bucks for that one thing? Now sure, I may get lucky and end up liking more, but thats the gamble. And I'd rather have the odds in my favour. The only difference is I cant see a sample of each match to know if its worth my time. So you have to judge the book by it's cover. You mention WWE PROVIDING me with entertainment, well what if I pay my $55 and then am not entertained? Did WWE steal from me? Wrestling PPV's (and MMA for that matter) are like big gambles, and I've never been one to bet when I know there's a good chance I might lose. So I look at the odds of me being entertained in advance and order/don't order based on that. And I'm usually right in my assumptions.


Why must I have an undying loyalty in ordering WWE PPV's that I hope entertain me but 50-75% of the time dont, but WWE has no loyalty to me it seems? The only way to make WWE care about me is to not order. But not to watch is a little different. I ended up turning the PPV off before Cena/Barrett went on out of bordom. Now had I ordered, WWE would count their cash and thing "look how good we did".


Don't get me wrong, I buy PPV's too, when they interest me on the whole, but WWE sometimes doesn't do the best job at that. I know I'm kind of rambling (tired) but had TLC been a good PPV that would of guaranteed I ordered the next one to "make up" for it anyway. Thinking of it, wouldn't that be a brilliant move by WWE? Some sort of "order one get one free" or loyalty system? but they'd never do that. They might have to be consistently entertaining and in recent years they have shown no true effort to be that for a 23 year old guy.

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Stealing is taking something that does not belong to you. Watching something without paying for it? Who am I taking it from? The WWE? Are you telling me they don't own the PPV anymore because I didn't pay for it? Does anybody else not get to watch it because I didn't pay for it? Who am I taking it from? Pirating...IS...NOT...STEALING. Period. That's why they have a different word for it.


From Webster's Dictionary:


: 1. an act of robbery on the high seas; also : an act resembling such robbery

2: robbery on the high seas

3a : the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright


b : the illicit accessing of broadcast signals.


Seems like it is stealing to me...


Anyway, I was sad to see Kaval go. That being said I never felt he fit into the WWF (still refusing to call it WWE). In fact I was shocked when I heard he was signed to wrestle for them in the first place.

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You two sicken me. It's jerks like you two who make the PPV prices go up, so people like us who pay for it and watch it legally have to pay more money. Thanks a lot. Plus, you two are basically ripping off the WWE and the pro wrestlers, who are PROVIDING the entertainment that you are stealing. Jerks.


I seldom watch anymore, but occasionally iwill catch a PPV. I agree it's wrong to watch and not pay, but it's not what drives the prices up. Prices go up out of greed. Is $50 bucks a bit much for a PPV? Yes.


They make a lot of money on ticket/concession sales. I've read that Wrestlemania tickets have gone for a few grand. Is it worth it? Not to me.


Really the fact is even if people watched it without stealing it the prices would be what they Are now.

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Just caught this now. Bit of an overreaction.



At the end of the day Vince McMahon probably isnt going to get to riled up about a person watching a PPV for free but if he could get his hands on the person giving out the free live stream hed probably try and take that person down.


Just dont be the one sending out the free link and Im sure your sin is forgiven:)

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Just found this little tidbit over at NoDQ.com...


The latest on Kaval's WWE release was that it was more his decision than WWE's.


Kaval wanted to be released from his contract because the company had no plans for him, as demonstrated by the way he was squashed on SmackDown this past week.


At this point, WWE is now more or less granting releases to whoever asks for them and not attempting to keep talent as much as they did last year. Last year, WWE didn't want people jumping to TNA, while right now they don't see them as serious competition.

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I got the History of the WWE Championship Book for Christmas and it looks amazing as far as what is inside it. It starts with Buddy Rogers and ends with Sheamus. It looks very interesting and I can't wait to delve into it. When I first got the book I couldn't help but read the chapter about the Montreal Screwjob still so many years after it happened reading different takes on it intrigues me. It was written by a guy named Kevin Sullivan (Not the Wrestler).
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LOL@the internet @ jumping 2 conclusions omgwwesatan. Even wrestlers are automatically jumping to the conclusion that WWE are the dicks.


Wouldn't that tell you that more often than not WWE are dicks? You always assume the promoter is a dick when a well behaved wrestler is fired. Because that's usually the case.

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I'd heard about this incident a few times but didn't know there was footage of it around. Stumbled upon it while researching for the 1987 mod. The guy who rings in is Barry Orton, Bob Orton Jr's brother and Randy Orton's uncle. Not the nicest subject but I thought it an interesting vid.....




Fixed that for ya :p

Watching it now out of sheer boredom. The Orton family doesn't interest me at all, but oh well. :p


I love when Barry O mentions cliques in wrestling and Vince shakes his head like it doesn't happen...I'm 99% sure every wrestling autobiography talks about the politics and cliques backstage

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Notes on RAW so far:








CM Punk's good friend: Dave Batista


DiBaise Status: Jobbed


It's Santito's ****(Cobra) in a box


Twin Cobras!






;_; JoMo isn't even getting a title shot at RR


:D Tyson Kidd can cut a promo! Also possible Kidd/Bryan feud in the works!


Edit Dos:




:( when Kidd promises to be US champion in 2011 to then only be squashed by Mark Henry in 3 minutes, then also have his bodyguard squashed.

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Further Notes:




Jerry Lawler: The 2010 Christmas Miracle




Punk builds the Dungeon of Doom/Plot to end Hulkamania/The Anti-Cenation?


Alica has gone Rihanna.


Edit Dos:


Daniel Bryan/Ryder get a third of the time the divas get


Mind of a Madman: Miz


Yet another edit:


Sheamus continues to be the Mike Awesome that never was (I mean that in a kind way)


That Edit:



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