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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I can believe Triple H being the 'influential voice' because the arguments against it fit his old-school style of thinking when it comes to wrestling logic and he's made them before concerning Wrestlemania main events.


But hey, I'm sure Meltzer made it up like he made up the story about Lesnar quitting MMA. Oh, wait; he never made that claim. Never mind.

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I can believe Triple H being the 'influential voice' because the arguments against it fit his old-school style of thinking when it comes to wrestling logic and he's made them before concerning Wrestlemania main events.


But hey, I'm sure Meltzer made it up like he made up the story about Lesnar quitting MMA. Oh, wait; he never made that claim. Never mind.


Dont wanna let that go, huh? Well, smartypants, I couldn't find the Yahoo story originally because they take stuff down after awhile. But check out some articles and posts talking about the story and in some cases directly quoting it. Best I can do.










I dunno why you keep saying it never happened because it did. Guess your memory sucks. You can appologize to me whenever you're ready.

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He said that Dave Meltzer made comments that were mis-interpreted as saying Brock Lesnar was looking to leave the UFC. I don't know or care what the truth is, but linking to other people summarizing his statements doesn't prove him wrong, it proves him right.
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Well the original story was taken down, probably due to embarassing inaccuracy lol. what can I do except provide links of other articles quoting the story? Don't tell me something didnt happen when it did.


We can sit here and use semantics until we make anything say what we want. But Meltzer reported that he ha "sources" (my favorite... when they never tell you where this crazy information comes from) Lesnar was trying to quit MMA. That DID get reported.


I used it as an example of bad journalism because it's directly proven to be lies. Lesnar shortly agreed to be on "The Ultimate Fighter" and he and Dana White had to do some damage control and talk about how Lesnar was NOT quitting MMA. Dont believe me? Throw, "Lesnar not quitting MMA" or "Lesnar not quitting UFC" into a google bar and do the research yourself.


Maybe the Lesnar story is a bad example because it happened so long ago that now people can twist it to say whatever they want it to say, but look at the story that was posted above that happened TODAY. LOL at the idea of the Rock/Cena match not happening. Later in THIS VERY DAY lol Vince McMahon is quoted as saying that the Rock will show up at more PPVs yet wrestling journalists STILL went ahead with that crazy nuts story.


It's our fault as wrestling fans. We want to believe we have some kind of grasp on backstage nonsense but we only know what is given to us, and probably not even that much. Journalists know we eat up backstage stuff. So if they hint at the possibility of a guy like Triple H trying to swash people, we eat it up as wrestling fans rather than use our brains and realize whats realistic and what's silly.


If you are saying Melzter reported it differently then back it up. I backed up my argument the best that I could, taking stories that talked about the story since it was taken down. It was actually originally reported on the radio show I believe. Either way, if I'm wrong I'll admit it, but back it up. you cant just say, "Meltzer never said that" when he clearly did.


I'll accept that apology whenever you're ready :-)

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1. Who was the annonomus GM for the last year and a half? The podium is gone now, so I am assuming the gimmick is over...I don't care if Trip had simply said "one of the changes I'm making is that the GM is gone." but at least, you know, address why and how a major gimmick is simply gone with no warning.


*wave hand in a Jedi-like fashion* There never was a Annonymous GM for RAW.

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just watched raw, didn't understand the comment by CM punk about HHH in bed with steph. was there a reference there or am I just a bit naive on something? The crowd seemed to eat it up though.


HHH and Steph are married in real life.


Won't spoil it, but being at the Smackdown taping. The crowd was nuts for Orton

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The anonymous GM angle was stupid anyway. If they just drop it it's better than having to force a bad reveal. In my opinion anyway.


I agree. Whatsmore, if the anonymous GM just goes away, the idea can always be brought back later if needed to introduce a new authority (not what a lot of people would want, but always best to keep options open), which wouldn't be the case if it was given closure by making a reveal which wouldn't be that good (unless they could get someone good in).

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1. Who was the annonomus GM for the last year and a half? The podium is gone now, so I am assuming the gimmick is over...I don't care if Trip had simply said "one of the changes I'm making is that the GM is gone." but at least, you know, address why and how a major gimmick is simply gone with no warning.


*wave hand in a Jedi-like fashion* There never was a Annonymous GM for RAW.



The podium has been on all of the last few episodes of Raw, it just hasn't been used. Presumably the email alert will go off at some point over the next couple of weeks and the GM will say that they didn't want to step on HHH's toes or something or they were given a few weeks off by HHH and things will continue as before.

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Melina abd Vladimir Kozlov both released.


Bit surprised about both tbf, although also not surprised if that makes sense :D


Melina was pretty much the dominant diva for a long time but it seems her attitude got her demoted down the pecking order over the last 18 months or so.


Kozlov also, whilst not the best or most exciting worker, was someone I didn't particularly expect to see released soon. Would be hard to ever have him as a viable main event heel though after the way he has been used over the past 18 months.


Presumably there are more releases to come as they usually have quite a few releases every year, although normally a little earlier than this.


As long as they don't go and release someone like Drew McIntyre, someone who they can still actually do something big with, then I'll be happy.

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The podium has been on all of the last few episodes of Raw, it just hasn't been used. Presumably the email alert will go off at some point over the next couple of weeks and the GM will say that they didn't want to step on HHH's toes or something or they were given a few weeks off by HHH and things will continue as before.


I was reviewing a few things on youtube, and thought I seen it as well, and you just confirmed it. I don't think the anonymous GM ever did anything when Vince was on either. Just figured if a "higher" authority is on, the anonymous GM doesn't have to be.


I am one that don't really dislike it, at least not as much as other's. What always makes me wonder about things, is how whenever something grabs our attention like the Punk stuff, people seem quick to bring up something NOT being mentioned, when they seemed to hate it in the first place. Out of all the things that they might forget about, I never thought people would be like "Dang it! What happened to the Anonymous GM!! I want him back or I want closure!!!" Me on the other hand, being a fan of both the anonymous GM gimmick, and mainly what it has done for Cole, I do want closure or it brought back. I even liked the weird voice they gave it for one show.


I think the term "nit picky" comes to my mind when I see stuff like this. I understand the reason people are always so quick to point out stuff they think is lacking/being ignored/forgotten about, etc. It's the speed in which stuff is pointed out, and the fact that there is no way they could know anything about it yet. Maybe they did, and the things on the podium for house shows, pre-shows, or after-shows, just for the live crowd, but we can't possibly know if it's gone or not for good yet. If the thing come up while HHH or Vince was around, it wouldn't even make sense... Why would ANY general manager try to change anything that a higher power is doing, unless it was part of the storyline.... like HHH vs. The Anonymous GM. Just don't make any sense.


If it comes back, I suspect it will be on a show that HHH or Vince is not going to be on. Might be sooner then we think.

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I was reviewing a few things on youtube, and thought I seen it as well, and you just confirmed it. I don't think the anonymous GM ever did anything when Vince was on either. Just figured if a "higher" authority is on, the anonymous GM doesn't have to be.


I am one that don't really dislike it, at least not as much as other's. What always makes me wonder about things, is how whenever something grabs our attention like the Punk stuff, people seem quick to bring up something NOT being mentioned, when they seemed to hate it in the first place. Out of all the things that they might forget about, I never thought people would be like "Dang it! What happened to the Anonymous GM!! I want him back or I want closure!!!" Me on the other hand, being a fan of both the anonymous GM gimmick, and mainly what it has done for Cole, I do want closure or it brought back. I even liked the weird voice they gave it for one show.


I think the term "nit picky" comes to my mind when I see stuff like this. I understand the reason people are always so quick to point out stuff they think is lacking/being ignored/forgotten about, etc. It's the speed in which stuff is pointed out, and the fact that there is no way they could know anything about it yet. Maybe they did, and the things on the podium for house shows, pre-shows, or after-shows, just for the live crowd, but we can't possibly know if it's gone or not for good yet. If the thing come up while HHH or Vince was around, it wouldn't even make sense... Why would ANY general manager try to change anything that a higher power is doing, unless it was part of the storyline.... like HHH vs. The Anonymous GM. Just don't make any sense.


If it comes back, I suspect it will be on a show that HHH or Vince is not going to be on. Might be sooner then we think.



Like you I've never had a problem with the Anonymous GM, to a certain point anyway. While I don;t mind the idea, it now seems to have dragged on and the more it goes on, the bigger the reveal is going to have to be for it to be worthwhile imo. Of course, whoever it is revealed to be (if it ever is revealed) will make no sense what so ever given the things the Anonymous GM has said, mostly in the early months of it's usage.

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Like you I've never had a problem with the Anonymous GM, to a certain point anyway. While I don;t mind the idea, it now seems to have dragged on and the more it goes on, the bigger the reveal is going to have to be for it to be worthwhile imo. Of course, whoever it is revealed to be (if it ever is revealed) will make no sense what so ever given the things the Anonymous GM has said, mostly in the early months of it's usage.


Dude...it's pro wrestling. It's like portuguese soccer: What today it the truth, tomorrow shall not. It never makes sense. It would never work if they always (every single time, every single storyline) followed the cannon strictly. That's not even possible to do. Other than that, we, as the rest of the IWC, are nit picking. We're the Sheldon Cooper's of wrestling. If it's not on the house sharing agreement, we immediately dispize it. :D


Ps: And then we open TEW and go do things like hire Batista and possibly pitting him as WWE champ. (not yet decided, but if it happens, not my finest hour,i admit.) :D It's really different when he have all the inside information. We just speak of an outsider perspective.


Edit: DH Smith also released...

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Hopefully with Melina gone, JoMo can get pushed again.


He has literally looked like crap since his return, even going to SD to get buried.


Yes, by losing a competitive match to a world champion while they sold he was not at 100%.



Also it seems like a colossal waste to cut Melina, even though she hadn't won a match since her idiotic heel turn and had clearly po'ed somebody over the Wrestlemania thing. The crowd still reacted to her in the ring in a way that they still don't (and never will) for somebody like Alicia Fox.

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