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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Haha I have been watching RAW again for the past month and CM Punk/HHH movie stuff actually made me laugh out loud and question whats scripted/whats not and really, isn't that why we watch wrestling?


"Wheres your movie?" (I'm a bigger draw than you a-hole)


"straight to dvd just like yours" (yeah but youre still a douche)


edit: I haven't watched wreslting (a year? since i last gave TNA a chance) for awhile and all this recent stuff has been wondering where WWE is going? Have they been hit hard enough they are forced to air everything open? Or is just for a change of pace to draw you in then go back to crap? While their main storyline is intelligent the rest is still typical WWE crap. Wheres the tag teams? (I love the tag teams division and building wrestlers through it), wheres the US champ? (Dolph and Ryder are both douches with no real storyline) Im curious from a business perspective now mroe so than a fan stand point its just so...interesting? Which is hopefullly good long run.

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Incredible show. The last 20 minutes had so many great lines/comebacks/rants. Cena may be annoying when he's doing his face gig in the ring and on the mic, but the guy is good at trash talking someone 1 on 1. I almost thought thet went too far with the shooty comments, but these two are great at timing them just right, and also know when to hit the brakes. For once, I wish I had access to PPV, cause I definitely would be ordering SS (as well as the last MITB). Fck streaming, these guys deserve my money.
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Finally a contract signing that was worth watching.


Good time to fix the Divas division. They should sign Sara Del Rey, bring back Kharma and Serina, throw them together with Nattie, Beth and Tamina and they've got a heel stable.


Anyone else spot the Kevin Steen sign?

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Good time to fix the Divas division. They should sign Sara Del Rey, bring back Kharma and Serina, throw them together with Nattie, Beth and Tamina and they've got a heel stable.


Anyone else spot the Kevin Steen sign?


I do not get the love for Serena Deeb as a worker. I watched some SHIMMER last night and she didn't impress me at all. From a work and character perspective. Plenty better fish in the sea. Athena, for one.


In other news, I totally forgot RAW was on. The angle is losing me.

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Finally a contract signing that was worth watching.


Good time to fix the Divas division. They should sign Sara Del Rey, bring back Kharma and Serina, throw them together with Nattie, Beth and Tamina and they've got a heel stable.


Anyone else spot the Kevin Steen sign?


I think Kharma's out until atleast January - probably a little longer, I imagine she'd want to stay at home with her baby for a while...

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I'm still loving Cena vs Punk and I'm really curious to see where they go with it. Punk's been pure gold.


Cena's a guy I always appreciated. The smarks love to hate on him but I think he's one of the best mic workers I've seen in this era. He's no Rock or Austin but he's the best of his generation. The guy works good angles to get the crowd to do things he needs. He's benefited from decent writing in the last year or so I think with the Nexus and what not. They've had to be creative and do different things to keep him fresh. But his "top guy" status is more in jeapordy now then it's ever been. He also helped propel many guys to new hieghts in their careers the past few years. Batisa was never more entertaining to me personally than when Cena and he had that fued. Shaemus, Barrett, Miz, and now Punk reached huge levels of popularity when facing Cena and all did good work with him I think. I dont want to say Cena "put them over" as they are all great talents on their own, but even the smarkiest smark has to admit that they all had great runs against Cena.


The landscape of the company is changing it seems. CM Punk might be issuing a new era but he also might be booked stupidly and end up "just another guy" on the roster. He has to be the champion after Summerslam if they want him to be the new "top guy" eventually. He's nowhere near at the level of merch sales and mainstream exposure that Cena is. Not yet.


We'll see what they do but I think Punk pretty much gotta win at Summerslam... which is shaping up to be one of the bigger summerslams in a good while.

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I was reading Creative Recall (http://creativerecall.wordpress.com/) he saids

"Can you guess who has the HD Title and who has the House Show Title?"


Is their really a different?


The reality is there are many duplicate belts. Since the conversion to HD, WWE has a common practice to now have "TV Belts" and "House Show Belts". The TV belts are carried by WWE production instead of the wrestlers themselves, the wrestler's carry what are called House Show belts or promotional appearance belts.


The only reason for this is the TV belts are now kept highly polished/flawless so they do not have scratches or worn spots on the leather which would really show up on the HD tv's these days.


Back in the day, promotions simply had one belt, but I've been under the impression WWE has abandoned that and likely have 2-3 belts for TV in case ones gets scratched up by being thrown around or a belt shot or what not, even in the middle of a show.

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The reality is there are many duplicate belts. Since the conversion to HD, WWE has a common practice to now have "TV Belts" and "House Show Belts". The TV belts are carried by WWE production instead of the wrestlers themselves, the wrestler's carry what are called House Show belts or promotional appearance belts.


The only reason for this is the TV belts are now kept highly polished/flawless so they do not have scratches or worn spots on the leather which would really show up on the HD tv's these days.


Back in the day, promotions simply had one belt, but I've been under the impression WWE has abandoned that and likely have 2-3 belts for TV in case ones gets scratched up by being thrown around or a belt shot or what not, even in the middle of a show.


Interesting stuff, I had no idea. Those sneaky bastards.

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He also helped propel many guys to new hieghts in their careers the past few years. Batisa was never more entertaining to me personally than when Cena and he had that fued. Shaemus, Barrett, Miz, and now Punk reached huge levels of popularity when facing Cena and all did good work with him I think. I dont want to say Cena "put them over" as they are all great talents on their own, but even the smarkiest smark has to admit that they all had great runs against Cena.


Batista didn't need Cena to get over, especially not after his Smackdown wars with Taker.


Sheamus won one worthwhile match against Cena which most call a fluke and still believe Sheamus was supposed to fall through a table outside the ring and a different ending was to happen.


Wade and the entire Nexus were completely buried by Cena after coming in with some serious heat. They proceeded to NEVER accomplish anything except for putting over John Cena.


The Miz was never put over by anyone. Everyone made him look like trash in the ring week in and week out despite him being their best hope for a huge heel at the time. His shining moment was winning _because_ of The Rock. Whoopie.


Cena did, what, again?

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