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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I love when one of my "fantasy bookings" come to life. A month ago, I remember posting on her that the whole debacle of the "Affair" storyline would end with Dolph and AJ getting together and look at that, they are now together. Which by the way I am so happy that they are. But I've seen a lot of mixed reactions to this on Twitter and other wrestling forums. Some(like me) are high on this. Some aren't. So I think this is an interesting debate here. Are you guys in support of this or not? What are your pros and cons?


It's not really a surprise exactly. I think most of us thought they were together with those hotel room vids lol. sounds so seedy...


I mean i didn't exactly see her turning on Cena like that. I more envisioned them doing a storyline where Dolph took advantage and Vicki filmed her going to Dolph's room to blackmail Cena or something.


It's o.k. though I mean AJ has been changing her character quite a bit over the last year so it's nice to see them evolving a character like that. Glad they aren't letting her stagnate. I think her and Dolph should be good for both of them.


I just dont wanna see a Vicki face turn... that's just dumb...

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It's not really a surprise exactly. I think most of us thought they were together with those hotel room vids lol. sounds so seedy...


I mean i didn't exactly see her turning on Cena like that. I more envisioned them doing a storyline where Dolph took advantage and Vicki filmed her going to Dolph's room to blackmail Cena or something.


It's o.k. though I mean AJ has been changing her character quite a bit over the last year so it's nice to see them evolving a character like that. Glad they aren't letting her stagnate. I think her and Dolph should be good for both of them.


I just dont wanna see a Vicki face turn... that's just dumb...


I completely agree with that! It's the one thing I'm really worried about with this storyline, Vickie turning face would be so stupid and I hope WWE realizes that.

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I completely agree with that! It's the one thing I'm really worried about with this storyline, Vickie turning face would be so stupid and I hope WWE realizes that.


vickie is the best thing going in wwe they would be stupid to turn her face, which means they prob would turn her face.

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are you really supposed to take TTTT seriously?


and it was taped like a month ago, before ADR even turned


It's just WWE programming. Who cares if it makes the story make no sense, huh?


Why is Flo Rida singing, again? He bored the world to tears with this garbage at Mania. He bored people to tears an hour ago. Now we have to listen to him sing again? He must work cheap.

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What's the problem with Flo Rida? Who would you have rather seen? He did a fine job at Wrestlemania and at TTTT. Dude absolutely kills it live and has great crowd reaction and energy. He's perfect for WWE events, especially something like TTTT where they want someone with broad appeal. Do you know anything about modern pop music at all?? The dude's a massive success and every single he's had was a gigantic hit. He also sells to both young males and young females, something very few artists do these days. I literally don't think they could have picked a better act for TTTT.


There's ALWAYS a little storyline glitch at TTTT due to the fast storyline progression this time of year and the fact that it's a month long delay. Most WWE fans are smart enough to realize that and just go with it when everything goes back to normal next week on Raw.

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I dont chime in very often; and its even less frequent that I'm up to date..


but the six man tag at TLC is absolutely amazing.. its taken me nearly a week to watch the ppv but this match has been well worth the wait..


this is close to being better than TLC 1 and 2.. its really that good..


thank god CM Punk got injured (and I never thought Id say that)..


Im struggling to think of a reason this shouldnt have gone on last; unless of course Cena vs Ziggler (Im guessing that went on last; cant see it being Show vs Sheamus Part 43) is as awesome as it has the potential to be..


I've managed to avoid spoilers all week and I'm so glad..

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Hey guys. I was wondering what you all thought about Sheamus? I recently watched his 2/3 Falls match against Daniel Bryan and was really surprised with how much i enjoyed it. i don't know why but i could never really get into Sheamus. Maybe it's cause I always felt like he was forced upon us fans. I really don't know.


I started to watch some more of his matches and they are pretty solid main-event stuff, even his 36 matches against ADR. What are your thoughts?

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Don't have anything bad to say about Shaemus in-ring work, but his character might need some love. One or two layers to be added to the existing character should do it, just something to keep things fresh. We all get he's Irish, loves to fight and a good pint, but there's so much so you can do with that.
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<p>You know what I thought was cool? When Sheamus and Big Show first began their current feud. You had Sheamus openly mocking Big Show, who was furious that he wasn't being taken seriously. While slightly hypocritical in the age of "Be a Star" WWE nonsense, I thought it was good character work with both guys.</p><p> </p><p>

It was slightly risky and a bit more subtle than your average title feud. Big Show was <em>almost</em> sympathetic at times. And Sheamus really played up the overconfident champion. Both guys managed to stay in their heel/face roles respectively, but kinda delved just enough into the opposite territory to take a slightly different angle on a tired and overused storyline.</p><p> </p><p>

It stood out to me because it was the first time I remember Sheamus evolving a little bit as a character. And I agree, he needs another layer or two. That was an excellent point and well said. He doesn't need an overhaul but something a little more than what we're getting can make him hit another level.</p>

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Hey guys. I was wondering what you all thought about Sheamus? I recently watched his 2/3 Falls match against Daniel Bryan and was really surprised with how much i enjoyed it. i don't know why but i could never really get into Sheamus. Maybe it's cause I always felt like he was forced upon us fans. I really don't know.


I started to watch some more of his matches and they are pretty solid main-event stuff, even his 36 matches against ADR. What are your thoughts?


I'm a big fan. He's got the body, a unique look, he works hard and he's decent on the mic. Main eventer who can float into the upper midcard between title pushes. I am glad he lost to Show because he was getting the Super Cena treatment since Mania.


My only gripe is the way his matches are scripted. He's put on some great matches against the likes of Ziggler, ADR, Bryan and Cesaro, even Show (and I'm not generally a fan of big slow wrestlers). But until recently he was kicking out of pinfalls at one counts regularly to make him look dominant. And his brogue kick is getting as bad as the RKO. Let the fella win with White Noise or Cloverleaf every few matches so it doesn't get predictable.

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<p>I first thought Cena was terribly unfunny in his promos and corny references and then Sheamus started being less funny than Cena with horrible family references. I appreciated him a bit more now that The Miz has turned face and is using every boring sarcastic joke and tired pop culture reference in the book.</p><p> </p><p>

So you could say I've warm to him <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I can't bare his character but he is always at least solid in matches.</p>

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To answer Bosox's question I love Sheamus. I think he's improved leaps and bounds since debuting three years ago. I love his style of wrestling of just being this dude that wants to fight and takes punishment in order to dish it back out. He's not the finished article just yet but definitely someone I can see being one of the top guys in WWE for a while.
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Del Rio ran over santa claus lol. This angle is taking some heat around the meme-verse for being dumb. I'm not saying it wasn't dumb. But it was funny as hell.


I thought it was funny (and it was Santa's fault because he ignored ADR's beeping) and it led to a good fight with Cena. Comedy street fights are perfect for Cena because he's out of the ring. ADR and Ricardo were awesome in that match too.


So it's not a full face turn as expected, which is probably for the best. ADR will be trying to win the fans over but keep screwing up instead. Decent tweener storyline to keep him busy.

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Hey guys. I was wondering what you all thought about Sheamus? I recently watched his 2/3 Falls match against Daniel Bryan and was really surprised with how much i enjoyed it. i don't know why but i could never really get into Sheamus. Maybe it's cause I always felt like he was forced upon us fans. I really don't know.


I started to watch some more of his matches and they are pretty solid main-event stuff, even his 36 matches against ADR. What are your thoughts?


Really Really hate him as a face,just like with Cena WWE push him down out throats.. i usually fast forward trough his matches.

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I'm a big fan. He's got the body, a unique look, he works hard and he's decent on the mic. Main eventer who can float into the upper midcard between title pushes. I am glad he lost to Show because he was getting the Super Cena treatment since Mania.


My only gripe is the way his matches are scripted. He's put on some great matches against the likes of Ziggler, ADR, Bryan and Cesaro, even Show (and I'm not generally a fan of big slow wrestlers). But until recently he was kicking out of pinfalls at one counts regularly to make him look dominant. And his brogue kick is getting as bad as the RKO. Let the fella win with White Noise or Cloverleaf every few matches so it doesn't get predictable.


I'd like to see more kick-outs at one. That's one of my favorite things about Puro that is completely ignored by the US. If they're that tired 2 minutes in that they're almost completely out (2-count) then why can they go on to kick out of 3-4 finishers in a row?

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