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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Probably I should have written this in the first reply to milamber. From a pop perspective he's an upper carder now, from a skills perspective, he's a lower carder. He's a basic brawler with evident lacks in lifting weight and stamina. But those skills are enough to back his overness for the bookers.


You don't think that something this guy has can make the company money? There is a reason he was pushed back to the top regardless of skill. Despite how much you want to act like booking is the only reason for his reaction many people haven't gotten nearly as far as him with much more support. Are we supposed to forget Tensai during Ryback's original run? He also debuted undefeated. He killed Cena and CM Punk as opposed to Ryback killing jobbers and he fell flat


You can't teach charisma and when people cheer for someone you push them, simple as that. That is why you see Mizdow getting a pin tonight and Ziggler pulling a Shawn Michaels. Anybody can have skill, but skill doesn't keep the company running. It's true in combat sports and it's even more true in pro wrestling.

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Survivor Series was a great show.


eh. It was a one match show where the one match delivered but the rest of the show felt like an obvious journey to fill 2 hours before the main. A lot of things just went too long and didnt do anything to justify the time


Main event was almost flawlessly booked (the Ryback elimination could have used work and nobody really cares what Big Show does) and the Ziggler segment at the end put it over the top. To top it all off some mime dude fought HHH too

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I'm a network subscriber mainly for archive stuff, but will watch the major events live (well, slightly delayed, but still night of).


The main event salvaged what was to that point a mediocre show. The Ambrose/Wyatt match would have been a show-stealer if it hadn't gone so OTT post match - got no problem with teasing a TLC match next month, but seriously?


Still...that moment...oh my word.

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if it hadn't gone so OTT post match - got no problem with teasing a TLC match next month, but seriously?


Especially getting a ladder out ...for no reason at all. It was a clunky and awkward set up for TLC, but hopefully their TLC match can make up for the lacklustre post match stuff at SS.

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You're forgetting the bunny! But in all seriousness, I thought they did a great job. I can't get invested in Bray...just looks like a greasy dude. The ladder bit was pointless but I did enjoy seeing Bray be put through the table.


Intrigued by the finish of the divas SS match. Guessing we move on to Nikki v Brie, then Paige getting the winner down the line?


Edit - Ziggler beating Cesaro 2-0 in the 2 out of 3 falls match last month makes more sense now.

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A few thoughts on survivor series


I completely understand the logic behind Nikki as diva's champion because if dirtsheets are to believed then AJ will be leaving. What I don't like is now we are perfectly positioned for another Nikki vs. Brie match this time with the title involved that I am not interested in what so ever.


The main event was amazing probably the best Survivor Series elimination match I've seen since Survivor Series 2001 (13 years).


I'm mixed on the ending, was it a cool moment yes but my main question was why now because to me this is happening 12 years too late at least.


Either way I am looking forward to RAW tonight for the first time in a while.

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A few thoughts on survivor series


I completely understand the logic behind Nikki as diva's champion because if dirtsheets are to believed then AJ will be leaving. What I don't like is now we are perfectly positioned for another Nikki vs. Brie match this time with the title involved that I am not interested in what so ever.


The main event was amazing probably the best Survivor Series elimination match I've seen since Survivor Series 2001 (13 years).


I'm mixed on the ending, was it a cool moment yes but my main question was why now because to me this is happening 12 years too late at least.


Either way I am looking forward to RAW tonight for the first time in a while.


Because Sting didn't want to sign with WWE 12 years ago? And they've got to use him for something, especially after that huge pop for the 2K15 reveal. It's better than another depressing Taker match.

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Survivor Series Review:


Opening segment - Nice try upping the stakes but neither outcome will stick and there's still nothing on the line for Cena if he loses.

Fatal 4-Way (Tag Team Championship) - Fun match, good result. I wonder if everyone else is jealous of how over Mizdow is. A face/heel tag team is perfect because they can face any alignment of tag team.

Divas Survivor Series Match - One of most entertaining Divas matches in awhile if not the most technically sound. It gave a few oft-forgotten Divas a chance to showcase their talents, especially Emma. LOL at Paige calling Summer an idiot. Tyson Kidd is the best Diva of all :D

Ambrose vs Wyatt - Great first match in the feud. Smart having Ambrose take the low road in the same situation Bray put Cena in. The TLC rematch should be even better.

Rose & Bunny vs Slator Gator - I kind of like Rose as a rockstar cult leader but this match had no place on PPV.

Nikki vs AJ (Divas Championship) - Hot kiss, good result, terrible match. I hope Nikki has a long run with the title, just keep her mic time to a minimum.

Team Cena vs Team Authority - Started off poor but turned into a great match by the end. Henry's elimination was funnier than it should have been. Ryback out early was disappointing (setup for a Ryback/Rusev feud I guess). Rusev's suicide table dive count-out was a smart way to protect his record. Rowan looked impressive before Harper pinned him. Big Show heel turn #5000 was lame but at least it was Cena he turned on (I guess that ironclad contract expired). Huge push for Ziggler being the last man standing. The Ziggler/Rollins sequence and Trips, Noble and Mercury getting involved was so damn exciting. I really want a Ziggler vs HHH match at TLC. At this point I thought it would be a non-finish but no... Sting! I've only ever seen a few WCW highlights but I still marked out.


Verdict: Good PPV. Given the weak card that was one hell of an achievement.



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Because Sting didn't want to sign with WWE 12 years ago? And they've got to use him for something, especially after that huge pop for the 2K15 reveal. It's better than another depressing Taker match.


I'm perfectly aware that he didn't want to sign back then and I can't say that I blame him but him being there now is not at all interesting to me. The guy is 55 years old (56 by mania time) and in an era where WWE is trying to push this so called "Youth Movement" Sting seems very out of place.


I understand he will probably only work with HHH at the Rumble and Taker at Mania but it's still a weird fit for me.

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He's very out of place because he wont be on TV every week. It's not much different than Rock (who's gone now) being on shows the past few years. Just look at it for what it is which is purely a dream scenario coming true.


Unless you're foolish enough to expect some kind of great match from a guy who was merely good even in his prime (over 20 years ago), I don't think his WWE run will be anything good or bad but it will have a few memorable moments.

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I knew about Sting before watching the show today thanks to the Facebook trends thing, but I still got goose bumps and marked the heck out over that. My roommate who doesn't like wrestling watched the main event with me and had a blast. Dolph Ziggler looked like a freaking rockstar. I won't get to watch Raw until tomorrow, but this is the most excited I've been about wrestling in a long time.
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It was surreal to finally see it happen, but damn the guy's losing his hair haha. I love Triple H 'giving' himself another moment :D ... Sting looked good delivering the Scorpion Death Drop, I'm hoping he could at least tell a decent story in the ring for a couple of matches but my expectations are low. I think it's way too late, as many others do, but I'm gonna be open minded here and give the guy a shot. Most of his appeal to me was always his mystique anyway and it doesn't seem that he's lost a step in that regard. I'm cautiously excited for his WWE run.
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I loved it. I could only watch half the show last night before I passed out. I finished watching it just now and I had already read that Sting debuted (even though I had been reading it all week). I enjoyed the entire thing. It gave me goosebumps to see Sting in a WWE environment. It was everything I've always hoped for and it was done well. I'd like to see a match (just one) from him and it'd have to be at WM. One and done. Let us wrestling fans see one of the greatest of all time perform and end his career at the biggest wrestling event in the history of the wrestling industry.
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I can't get invested in Bray...just looks like a greasy dude.


That's the best part about Bray! He looks and acts like a hillbilly (who, in my experience, are pretty greasy dudes) who would be more at home in an asylum than a wrestling ring. It's certainly more unique than another guy with a short haircut and black tights.


EDIT: ...Jingle All the Way 2, starring Santino and Larry the Cable Guy...WHYYYYYYY!?!?

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Because you don't like him, or because it seems wrong to have WCW's franchise guy in WWE?


No, I like him a lot. It seems wrong to have the man who has been the face of the alternative to WWE.


It's a questions of symbols. Last night was Vince McMahon's nail in the coffin of WCW and a clear message to all the competitors. There's only WWE. Then. Now. Forever.


Sting probably had an agreement with WWE, because he didn't want his legacy tarnished like they did in the beginning with the Ultimate Warrior.

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