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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just saw a clip of Tyson Kidd and Cesaro using Montezuma's Revenge(Big swing/drop kick combo) and marked the hell out. I've always thought it was a pretty awesome tag team move and I loved Halloween and Damian 666.


He did it with Punk in last year's Royal Rumble match, too.

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So basically Seth Rollins is probably only in the match so Lesnar and Cena don't have to be the ones that take the pinfall.


My other thought was Cena pins Rollins to win the title and Lesnar beats the snot out of him and Rollins cashes in MITB on Cena.


I don't care what the reason is that Seth Rollins was put in the match, I'm just happy he is there because I don't need another Lesnar vs. Cena one on one match because it's happened way to much as of late for my liking.

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What a train wreck that was.


All I could think last night was how pissed I would be if I had paid to see that show.


It started with the authority desperately trying to get the crowd to care they were back, to which the crowd seemed pretty indifferent. Of course, that wasn't helped by the entire roster looking like sad little kids.


What the WWE seems to be missing with the whole authority storyline is the Heels running the company only works when you have strong babyfaces (ala Austin and Rock bucking Vince). You need some threat that the Heels will eventually get what's coming to them.


Having the entire roster stand there and shuffle their feet looking not to get fired was not the way to go. Plus, they got no response because they've trained the audience not to care. and now the next time the authority goes away, the audience will just sit on their hands, because you just "ended" the authority so that Trips and Steph could go on vacation. (seriously, they left in mid November and returned January 5th. not obvious at all they wanted the holidays off TV guys.)


Then we move on to the most awkward transition to a 2/3 falls match of all time. After the first fall, when barret was destroying ziggler prior to Kane coming out to announce he forgot to tell the guys involved and the ref it was a 2/3 falls, where was Cena? or any other strong babyface to come down and save ziggler? good thing everyone but ziggler, barret and the ref knew somehow that the 10 minute beating ziggler was about to take was part of the "match" and not just barrett going off on cena's supposed friend.


Then we had the what, 8th gimmick match in 2 months between Bray and ambrose? talk about beating a dead horse.


Then the rest of the night happened, squash after squash of the guys on Cena's team. I mean, I obviously get the whole "now your lives are miserable muahhaha!" storyline. but Christ, what a boring show to watch when you know it's going to be nothing but the authority winning squash matches and Authority talking segments with no hope for the faces, who all acted spineless all night.




By the time we completed the death march and got to the "firing" of the three guys I was like thank good, can we move on to next week or the week after when predictably the three of them will stomp Cena prior to the Rumble to get their jobs back?

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I absolutely HATED the way that JBL completely crapped on the Ascension, sure the people they were facing were no where near LOD or Demolition but the point was that they are going to be more dominate and for him to do what he did is going to ruin them for a lot of fans now.


JBL is unbearable on commentary these days, he's the kind of commentator I try to mute out.

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JBL is unbearable on commentary these days, he's the kind of commentator I try to mute out.


See I think he's fine the problem is more Cole and King are such wishy washy faces and don't call him on it.


Back when King was the Heel, it was fine, Because JR stood up for the faces.


My problem with him in the Ascension call is, what the hell is the direction with the ascension? Why is the Heel commentator calling them out for beating chumps? Shouldn't Cole be making that point and JBL sticking up for them?


I honestly don't know why they changed the gimmick to the metro sexual road warriors. IS the play that they start out as a team no one takes seriously and then become a threat?


I wonder if WWE knows.

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See I think he's fine the problem is more Cole and King are such wishy washy faces and don't call him on it.


True on Cole and King. I dislike JBL mainly because he craps on segments regularly and seems to flip flop alignments based on personal preference. The Cesaro segment last week being a prime example. Who cares if he botched a line? Hype him up, he's a heel, that's your job. Why crap all over him? Who does that benefit?


My problem with him in the Ascension call is, what the hell is the direction with the ascension? Why is the Heel commentator calling them out for beating chumps? Shouldn't Cole be making that point and JBL sticking up for them?


This falls into the flip flopping of alignments on JBL's part. Clearly he didn't like the crack the Ascension made at The Road Warriors so he decided to verbally bury them which benefited no one.


Another example being Sting's debut. As the heel commentator he's been hyping up the Authority all match, hell not just all match, all freakin PPV. Rollins is about to win for the Authority and Sting's music hits. JBL practically marks out and starts listing his accomplishments in excitement. Err what?


JBL is a guy I liked back in his first run on commentary so maybe it's just poor face work from King & Cole, maybe he's lost his touch or maybe it's McMahon yelling in his ear. Unfortunately he's just become really irritating.

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I absolutely HATED the way that JBL completely crapped on the Ascension, sure the people they were facing were no where near LOD or Demolition but the point was that they are going to be more dominate and for him to do what he did is going to ruin them for a lot of fans now.


^This, if the commentary team refuses to take their talent seriously then how in the hell am I supposed to? Granted I wasn't taking the Ascension seriously because they are for all intents and purposes the Legion of Demolition but with what JBL said the chance I had to take them seriously is now gone thanks to one stupid comment. I wonder if Vince told JBL to say that through a headset because if that's the case then it's even dumber and people should just stay down in NXT. I wouldn't mind it at all if NXT was moved to Monday's on the USA Network and RAW could be shown on the Network in NXT's place because it's gotten that bad.


I try and remain positive and find the good in things but after this past Monday's show it's pretty hard to do so.

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I know there's an NJPW thread but I'm posting here because I think the conversation is more relevant here.


But after Wrestle Kingdom 9 does WWE have legit international competition again? Yes? No? Thoughts?


I don't think it could be called competition really. As much as I enjoy NJPW it will never come any where close to WWE's popularity in America or really anywhere in the West. I think even if it did pick up some momentum, the two just have two completely different target audiences. The millions of kids and families that make up the large proportion of WWE's audience aren't going to switch to NJPW anytime soon. It's said everywhere but WWE's main competition are other entertainment shows, not other wrestling shows.


That said, although I can't imagine NJPW ever being true competition that doesn't mean it couldn't affect WWE or perhaps influence it.

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How come America decides how big a company can be?


I think in fact Wrestle Kingdom 9 brought NJPW a lot closer to WWE, the only reason WWE was ahead is because they used English commentators and English is the most used language across the world. IF NJPW did more shows with English speaking Commentators then I can see it catching WWE.

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How come America decides how big a company can be?


I think in fact Wrestle Kingdom 9 brought NJPW a lot closer to WWE, the only reason WWE was ahead is because they used English commentators and English is the most used language across the world. IF NJPW did more shows with English speaking Commentators then I can see it catching WWE.


I think the mentality in the USA is too different for NJPW to catch on to a mainstream audience. To smarks like us yeah but to everyone else no.


WWE's ahead due to sacrificing their future for their present. If John Cena was injured badly enough to take a long extended break or retire WWE has no one to support the entire roster. Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin had other main eventers (Savage, The Rock) around them. John Cena has only himself. They basically spend the last 10 years building around Cena and the WWE brand that they are synonymous. No Cena no WWE. No WWE no Cena.

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Nothing will be competition to WWE, not even NJPW. NJPW at it's core is a completely different product and style than the WWE. When the E' comes to Japan, they make a killing, but that's not a reflection on Japanese wrestling habits, merely the fact that the Japanese fan appreciates both style and likes seeing WWE as WWE.


Conversly, anyone who enjoys NJPW from abroad will still have an enjoyment of WWE, simply because it's such a different product you might as well argue that they're not in the same category of professional wrestling. The NJPW themselves don't consider the WWE a professional wrestling company if their commentary in putting over ROH is anything to go on, and the WWE itself don't consider themselves a wrestling company, but rather a multimedia organization whose biggest arm happens to be wrestling.

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Personally, I think try to compete with WWE is a no-win situation. Either you fail due to WWE's deep rooted foundation, or you win and now you become the standard-bearer of pro wrestling in the US and eventually stagnate and decline just like WWE is doing now. The better choice would be to strive to be an alternative, not a competitor to them.


Using a fast food example, Popeyes, despite offering a similar menu, is not a direct competitor to KFC, as both give focus to different things, KFC builds around their secret recipe and Popeyes focuses on spicy Cajun foods. While this still puts them in slight competition with each other (as there's always overlap), there's no war over the exact same audience and usually winds up making both companies strive to be better.


If NJPW tried to expand into the US, I think their best bet would be to focus on how much more grounded Puro is compared to Sports Entertainment and try to get a highlight show on a sports network. Which would allow them to not only tap into the pool of people sick of WWE and TNA, but also potentially MMA fans as well.

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I'm curious to see what the buyrates were for WK9. Males 18-39 are still the top PPV buying audience and I wonder if this one event did well in that demo stateside. I don't think NJPW is giving WWE serious competition. At least not yet. This time next year though NJPW will have had a TV show on so we'll see. But if WWE feels a little pressure from them I wouldn't mind that too much.
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Anyone check out the "Fall of WCW" episode of Monday Night War? Hogan dropped a little bombshell when he said he'd never cashed in his "creative control" clause until the infamous Bash at the Beach incident with Jarrett.


Puts an interesting little spin on the notion that he single handedly helped create then destroy the Nitro juggernaut. A notion that the "Monday Night War" has helped perpetuate as they show several talents, specifically Nash (who from what I've read was a lot more liberal with his creative control clause), outright blaming Hogan specifically. Weird little tale they're trying to tell. On one hand they're making it clear that a variety of factors led to WCW's demise. On the other hand it seems like they pick a new scapegoat each episode. This particular episode took it's time to bash Russo pretty hard. With previous episodes, you might see WCW doing something bad on TV but you'll see what WWE countered with that night. And you'll see why the ratings were slipping because WWE/F simply had a better TV show for a period of time there. As WCW simply had a better show for the time before that. But in this episode it's like they almost went out of their way to bash Russo, and not highlight the good things WWE/F was doing at the time.

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