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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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When I read Kane kicked Taker's ass I got so excited. The card didn't look that great too me so I didn't start watching until the Nexus/WWE match.


Sheamus and Orton just aren't my cup of tea.


I knew Dolph and Kofi would have a terrible finish.


Melina and Alicia Fox both suck.


and I'm sick of Rey Mysterio, so yeah. Wasn't a fan of the undercard.


But seriously, three DQ's in one night...really? REALLY?!

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But seriously, three DQ's in one night...really? REALLY?!



Kayfabe speaking, blame Nexus for sending a message by interrupting Dolph/Kofi so they can send the Raw locker room a message (we can do what we want when we wwant to). After-all, it's hard enough getting promos if you aren't Santino or main eventers on pay per views. It's like what Scott Hall use to do when he first showed up on Nitro. He came into ringside during a jobber matchup demanding he has something to say. Nexus did that same thing since they were going to start the show with a message and they intended to leave one at the end of the show (which Cena prevailed... something his fans will never forget). And what Nexus did is what heel stables (nWo) do.


Sheamus did what any heel champion should do, opt for a DQ since the title doesn't change hands. Something they should do more often in order for the heel to have the advantage of leaving as champion. I remember during the Attitude Era, world title matches on pay per views generally were declared before right the match, no-disqualification. No backup plans. They can always cheat to win using the dirtiest player playbook.


Bret Hart getting DQed was appropriate because that's an appropriate opt-out of a match for the eldest statements in the 7v7 match. Bret didn't need to take a finisher from an Nexus rookie, let alone last the entire match like a bench warmer in a NBA game. In TEW, WWE used the protecting booking card on Bret and wrote him out of the match. And the match ended with Cena prevailing because he is the face of the WWE.




Kudos to NXT Season One. Is this the first time that eight unknowns/rookies (counting the experienced AmDrag) were able to participate in a PPV main event, nonetheless, on the second biggest pay per view of the year.




Did the Miz break a stipulation from last year? On the August 3, 2009 episode of Raw, The Miz lost a match to Cena, which meant that, in storyline, he was banned from the Staples Center, Raw and SummerSlam. However, Miz regained his WWE contract the next week disguised under a mask as The Calgary Kid. He faced a returning Eugene (who disappeared afterwards) on a contract on pole match.

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Wouldn't have been so bad if Nexus had been made to look strong throughout the match... but they only got clean eliminations on Truth and Morrison, the two lowest members of Team WWE, and given then Gabriel had to kick Morrison in the back of the head to get that one done.


With the Jericho/Edge stuff (both the way they got pinned and attacking Cena), Bret being DQed, Miz attacking Bryan, and Nexus having to use the concrete floor, there were loads of reason why Team WWE could lose without looking at all weak.


Also annoying was how Cena did his little superman act, he didn't just avoid Gabriel, he practically jumped out the way and then sprang to his feet. Plus Gabriel is out from missing a 450 but Cena can get his ass handed to him and be fine? And then Barrett got made to look like an idiot. He's supposed to be this calculating leader... but he gladly gets straight into the ring with a fired up Cena? Would have added to his shrewdness if he'd waited for Cena's "adrenaline rush" to wear off but eh, they didn't do that. Hell, have Barrett jump off the apron, the ref goes to the ropes to remonstrate, then behind him the eliminated Gabriel kicks Cena in the head. They could have easily had Nexus win this match without hurting any member of Team WWE.

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At least we can FINALLY put the rest the rumors that Daniel Bryan's firing was in any way legitimate or real and not a complete work. I didn't love the PPV, but that was a good moment for those of us that saw through the facade that was his "release" the entire time.


Lol you are joking right? He was legit fired and he was legit rehired.

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This a different subject but has any one else seen how much WWE's stock has dropped latley?


No but if it has I do know that the PPV buys are down again as the novelty of the gimmick ppv's is possibly starting to wear off and the E has done all they can as far as improving the margins.

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Clear this whole angle has just been to get danielson over, now Wade et al are abandoned...:p


Nah, I think Wade will be fine. As for the rest of Nexus, who knows. I don't think last night was the end of the whole thing, far from it. There's been all this talk of somebody turning and being revealed as the person behind it all but we still don't know who. I guess we'll have to see what happens on RAW tonight...

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I do think Danileson was legit fired/hired


I mean thats what happened with Matt Hardy during the Edge/Lita thing and I doubt that WWE would allow for him to work elsewhere.


still it was a good twist, and it looks like Danielson is gonna get over huge with a program with the Miz. Possibly 2 members of Nexus go for the titles (Otunga and Tarver would be a good team imo).

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Clear this whole angle has just been to get danielson over, now Wade et al are abandoned...:p


I love the interwebs. We have 10 hours till Raw, but everyone already knows what happened to nexus


Everywhere I go to read impressions of the show, people are convinced this means the Nexus is gone. Was there a stipulation i missed? It's a 7 x 7 tag match they lost by one guy to supercena, how on earth does that lead to the conclusion that they are buried, broken, or off TV?


Explain to me again why a Heel stable is going to disband over a close loss? No Heel stable has ever come out and dismissed a loss as inconsequential right? or just jumped the guy who beat them and said they don't give a poop about what happened?


They will probley Tone down the "NExus runs the Shows" angle, because 2 DQ's a night is getting annoying and the writers made their point, but I still expect them to be a big angle.


And also, no way are they abandoning wade barret, gabriel, slater or skip. Word backstage is that the creative staff is very happy with those 4, espically wade.


Now If your name is darren young or micheal tarver.....save your money boys.

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Every time I watch Tarver, its like he's trying to be the MMA version of Monty Brown. The way he moves and everything is very reminiscent of Monty. Only difference is, Monty had charisma and ended up developing into a pretty fine worker.



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Every time I watch Tarver, its like he's trying to be the MMA version of Monty Brown. The way he moves and everything is very reminiscent of Monty. Only difference is, Monty had charisma and ended up developing into a pretty fine worker.




me and my boys have a running joke about him when he puts his mask on for matches/beatdowns, thats the only memorable thing about him so far for me.


I do like asking people i'm watching with if they notice that you never see traver and the guy with the mask in the same place at the same time though :)

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lol I know :D


Really can't see what anyone sees in Slater, I'd say Tarver would be more useable as a generic midcard menace but maybe Slater does have something unique that I just haven't realised yet :o


I haven't really connected with Slater's character, but he can really work in the ring and is probley the best guy at selling in the group.


He might never rise that high, but i picture him at least as a guy who you can always have around to look credible and put other workers over in the midcard.


ya know, a jobber who won't hurt people with no painful botches :D


and who knows, mabey he catches fire with the crowd and does better than that.


Tarver and young...I just don't get the appeal, but they are useful for now as faces in the "numbers game"

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Every time I watch Tarver, its like he's trying to be the MMA version of Monty Brown. The way he moves and everything is very reminiscent of Monty. Only difference is, Monty had charisma and ended up developing into a pretty fine worker.




The Pounce never died, it just changed location




Human Tornado in PWG also pulled it off often enough

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Just watched it after carefully avoiding spoilers all day. Undercard was exactly what it looked like on paper; weak. Kofi messed up his pretend dive (making it a dive) and the entire flow of the opener suffered. Did Melina legit hurt herself? Big Show vs SES was pretty fun. Haven't seen Mercury in a while, he looks very short. I enjoyed The Miz' promo, even if the crowd didn't get fully behind it. I loved the video package for Sheamus/Orton, but the match was an effort to get through. I fast-forwarded Kane/Rey. Post-match shenanigans did nothing for me.


The main event... I'm gutted Nexus didn't win, but I liked the match, and thought they did a lot of things right. They got Daniel Bryan and his move over. Skip Sheffield looked strong. Heath Slater impressed me in his selling for D-Bry. Justin Gabriel's survival warmed my heart. I would have liked more rampant cheating on the part of Nexus, it was a pretty civil affair all-in-all, but I enjoy survivor matches, and this was no exception.


I'm still of the belief that Daniel Bryan was legitimately fired, because if it was a work it's the single worst work I've ever seen. His reappearance tonight was cool, but could have been so much cooler if built properly.

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Every time I watch Tarver, its like he's trying to be the MMA version of Monty Brown. The way he moves and everything is very reminiscent of Monty. Only difference is, Monty had charisma and ended up developing into a pretty fine worker.




Yep a lot of his body language is very reminiscent of Monty, Brown was a better worker in all respects though. Too bad about those family problems.

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Ok gave the E a chance again and severely disappointed. This is their no2 ppv and they give me this? 2 decent matches and 1 mediocre and that is it? Puleeaze.


I didn't watch the show, but I just checked and to be fair, one of those matches was as long as two or three usually would be.

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