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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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After spending the past 2 days debating weather to buy this years Wrestlemania, because I haven't been following the product for months, I decided to for the simple fact it's bigger than the super bowl.


I think that speaks volumes on their confidence in Punk from the IWC, despite what the WWE is doing. We all thought that WWE would misuse him, and a lot of us never thought he would get to a main event champoin, as much as we believe he deserves it.


I don't know who said it, but someone once said "you can't stop talent."

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Actually, I heard Undertaker wanted to end the streak, or at least give the rub to someone. He offered it to Kane, but he refused. I think Orton was another, but he refused too. It was supposed to be Edge until Vince McMahon got cold feet and changed it back.


Although his streak shouldn't end, if he remains a face, it would be a good rub to someone that isn't a heel.


Lol, Orton would NEVER refuse something as ego-boosting as defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. If you believe the rumors that he was supposed to beat Taker, the reason it didn't happen was because Orton had a shoulder injury that needed surgery and he wouldn't be able to wrestle for three months.

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Wow.. What a lackluster start to Wrestlemania. Three first matches have been *-*½ quality and MITB was the worst ever in the history of MITB's. :(


It was too much a clusterfuddle. Shock win, though. Definitely not one I would've pegged to walk away with the briefcase.

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ordered Mania (usually dont) and its been "so so" so far. No real "HOLY ****!" moments in the MITB, I was suprised Shelton didnt do anything, and I was really expecting a SSP off a ladder to the outside to eliminate half the guys.


Tag match was TV-quality. Three way was okay, but really thought Dibiase or Rhodes needed the win more.


Now Sheamus vs. Triple H in the battle of boredom thus far. It sucks that Sheamus is basically a less talented version of Triple H, and it doesnt look like HHH is all that enthused to be making Sheamus look good.

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The PWTorch recap of Mania seems to think Orton is now positioned to be "the top heel on Raw." Surely after all this they're turning him face, right?


They're idiots. As long as the WWE doesn't mess with the way he works and turn him into a 'fan-friendly' character, Orton is the top face in the company after Cena.

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It wasn't a shock win to me, and its not a spoiler since its already happened, if people dont want to know who is winning the matches then dont read the WWE thread on the biggest night of the year.


Its not shocking to me b/c the only TV hes really had is doing the interview ringside about the match which is why it was one of the people I said I thought could win since there wasnt one dominant hott rising superstar

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Tag match was TV worth, but they needed a hotter opener.


I liked the Legact three way if only because of how insanely over Orton was


MITB was a letdown to be honest. Not horrible, but only a couple of memorable spots.


Trips/Sheamus was a slow starter, but ended strong. I though that the match could;ve really gotten Sheamus over if he'd kicked out of at least one Pedigree.

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It's sadly turned into a two match PPV. If these two main events pay off, it's worth it.


Really disappointed in the crowd. :(


Seriously. They sound like they're just waiting for big spots, and until they get them they shall be sitting on their hands.


Don't sound like they're big Cena fans either.


This is exactly what I mean when I talk about too many two-counts killing crowd heat. Someone none of you have heard me say before...

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