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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Then a couple of questions.


#1: Why did Cena try and go after the case?


and #2. I thought they said there was no such things as Brands anymore..


But I wouldnt be surprised if they had a loophole "going around" that rule. Because if you noticed all this year, Ziggler has been willing to cash it against both the WWE and World Champion without prejudice. (although I might be wrong)


And also Cena didn't go after Ziggler's MITB briefcase. Mr. McMahon forced Vickie Guerrero to make their Ladder Match at TLC for Ziggler's briefcase.

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I don't post very often, but I figured I would pop in and put my two cents in on Wrestlemania and Ziggler's MiTB Case. I don't want another Rock V. Cena, I didn't care all that much for the first one after a year long buildup. It's rather clear that Cena will win their match, but there is a way to have him not leave Wrestlemania as WWE champ.


The way I would book the Rock/Cena match is having Rock win, mostly so Cena doesn't add another title "victory" to his list; I've always found title runs that last less then a days to be very misleading when you say that, "So-and-so is a five time WWE Champion," or something along those lines. Anyway, back on track, I would have Rock win and Ziggler cash in MiTB after the match. It solves several things at once; Rock no longer has the belt, Cena can have a storyline over his own self doubt which can keep him out of the Title picture for a while and possible put over some other talent, and Ziggler walks out of Wrestlemania as a Champion.


Then again, that's how I would book the match. Knowing the WWE, Cena will win and beats the odds against Ziggler and walks out of Wrestlemania as WWE Champ. I feel very cynical for typing that, but it really wouldn't surprise me at this point.

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Ziggler's briefcase is only for the WHC. He can't cash in on the WWE Champion. I dont get why I keep seeing posts from people that think it can happen that way, but it won't IMO and WWE has never done anything to make anybody believe that you could cash in MITB on a different title other than the one specified.
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Ziggler's briefcase is only for the WHC. He can't cash in on the WWE Champion. I dont get why I keep seeing posts from people that think it can happen that way, but it won't IMO and WWE has never done anything to make anybody believe that you could cash in MITB on a different title other than the one specified.


Really? Well, that is why you do a fact check before you go off a rant then. :D

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Ziggler's briefcase is only for the WHC. He can't cash in on the WWE Champion. I dont get why I keep seeing posts from people that think it can happen that way, but it won't IMO and WWE has never done anything to make anybody believe that you could cash in MITB on a different title other than the one specified.


Except the time Vince sent Del Rio out to cash in on Punk when Punk was leaving the company with the title :p

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Even at the rumble during his promo I believe Ziggler said that he would win the rumble and go on to win the world title at wrestlemania and cash in his briefcase to win the WWE title.


I don't watch wrestling much anymore but I happened to pick a good day to go to Buffalo Wild Wings!!! I left after the rumble though.


He said he'd cash the briefcase in on the World Heavyweight Title and use his Mania match for the WWE title

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Raw Highlights:


All segments involving Heyman

All segments involving Bryan

Mark Henry!

Lesnar destruction

Jericho vs Punk

Set up for Cena/Ryback/Sheamus vs The Shield match


Raw Lowlights:


Dead crowd

Booker T shouldn't be on Raw

US and Intercontinental champs on losing streaks

No Ziggler/AJ/Big E

No Rock



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Bryan/Mysterio was an awesome match, man. As was Jericho/Punk. I don't know what that says about me as a person that I get all excited when I get two great matches on TV lol, but regardless, I thought it was a decent Raw.


Really happy Bruno Sammartino is getting into the Hall. Seems stupid to even have one if he's not getting in.

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Bryan/Mysterio was an awesome match, man. As was Jericho/Punk. I don't know what that says about me as a person that I get all excited when I get two great matches on TV lol, but regardless, I thought it was a decent Raw.


Really happy Bruno Sammartino is getting into the Hall. Seems stupid to even have one if he's not getting in.


I knew it had to be him, by the build up, but still didn't believe it til' it happened. From what I understand, Bruno didn't want anything to do with WWE, let alone be a part of "their" Hall of Fame, where non-wrestler's get in. To him it didn't mean much at all. He also hated the product, especially during the "Attitude" era. I'm thinking the "PG" era, and it going on for as long as it did, might have changed his mind about it, feeling that the WWE finally grew out of their adolescent behavior. I also think probably HHH had more to do/or say about it as well.


In any case, I agree with you 100%... How can you have a Hall of Fame, without putting the guy that basically built the company (star power wise). I can't think of anyone, wrestler or other, that sold out MSG as many times as he has.

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Bryan/Mysterio was an awesome match, man. As was Jericho/Punk. I don't know what that says about me as a person that I get all excited when I get two great matches on TV lol, but regardless, I thought it was a decent Raw.


Really happy Bruno Sammartino is getting into the Hall. Seems stupid to even have one if he's not getting in.


Speaking of, can't WWE induct Randy Savage and Elizabeth into the Hall already?

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I knew it had to be him, by the build up, but still didn't believe it til' it happened. From what I understand, Bruno didn't want anything to do with WWE, let alone be a part of "their" Hall of Fame, where non-wrestler's get in. To him it didn't mean much at all. He also hated the product, especially during the "Attitude" era. I'm thinking the "PG" era, and it going on for as long as it did, might have changed his mind about it, feeling that the WWE finally grew out of their adolescent behavior. I also think probably HHH had more to do/or say about it as well.


In any case, I agree with you 100%... How can you have a Hall of Fame, without putting the guy that basically built the company (star power wise). I can't think of anyone, wrestler or other, that sold out MSG as many times as he has.


I read that it also had something to do with how they fired his son David; he also hated the rampant drug use that was going on in the WWF/WWE locker room for most of the 1980's and 90's.


This does give their HOF more credibility in my eyes. The thing is still a joke mind you (Because it has non-wresters in it, people who never worked for the company, to many midcard wrestlers, and Vince McMahon Sr.'s limo driver) but at least now it is a more credible joke.

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I really hope they do at some point build an actual building. I'm not sure if it could sustain itself business wise since businesses built mostly if not solely around a wrestling theme have never really worked out in the long term. (Hogan's restaurant in the Mall of America, WCW Nitro Grill, WWF New York, etc) but I think it would be cool. Of course then again I think the novelty could wear off pretty quickly once you get there and you're staring at a pair of Randy Orton's boots thinking "why the hell did I pay money to stare at wrestling boots?".
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Speaking of, can't WWE induct Randy Savage and Elizabeth into the Hall already?


If the dirt sheets are correct Lanny Pofo (Savage's brother) will only let the WWE induct Savage if he himself gets in (as a sort of "Family Entry" I guess). While I enjoyed Pofo's work (as Leaping Lanny he was the king of enhancement talent and one of the first to bring moonsaults and the like to the WWF/E and I loved his Genius character) he's nowhere near a Hall of Fame place on his own and I can see why the WWE don't want to bring him in.


That's to say nothing of his em... shall we say... "different" stories which have come out in shoot interviews...

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Rhodes Scholars are no more. I've read rumors of Prime Time Players breaking up so Vince can push Titus solo (D-Young for the de-push!). Hell No won't last past WM29. I'd like to Sin Cara/Rey stay together (they're more interesting as a team) but doubt it will happen.


What a waste! The tag division was finally interesting again. Now they'll have to promote a bunch of NXT rookies to start rebuilding. 12 months ago I read Triple H wanted to make tag wrestling good again and he did. What the hell changed? Vince must still be calling the shots.


http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/why2cj/Smilies/HHHv3_zps1c7d290a.png "Vince, we need to push the tag teams more."

http://i.imgur.com/EwVd5.png "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!"



On another note, the Divas division could be more entertaining than the tag division soon :p


Triple H: "Really good day today, @TheSaraDelRey is doing marvelous work with the #NXTDivas

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Maybe they'll put new teams together who knows? Their tag team division has kinda been treated like the divas division. Push two teams at once: The champs and their challengers. Then have another two teams that win TV matches occasionally so we can push them next month. It hasn't been deep. For the past year or so we've basically seen 4 teams "get over".


It's not unrealistic that they'll come up with a few more teams as time goes on. I know that they've found a way to make tag teams entertaining in today's wrestling which I doubted could be done. Credit should go to the performers though. Do they have performers that work well together like Kane and DB do or Cody and Damien did?


If they bring up Kassius Ohno and put him with Cesaro I'll mark out :-)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> In any case, I agree with you 100%... How can you have a Hall of Fame, without putting the guy that basically built the company (star power wise). I can't think of anyone, wrestler or other, that sold out MSG as many times as he has.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know the Grateful Dead played MSG 52 times during their career, not positive if all were sellouts but many were. That might be the only thing close, WWWF & then WWF I think used to hold monthly shows there so Bruno has to be on top.</p>
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Smackdown was pretty solid as a build up to the Elimination Chamber. Swagger and Henry looked good. Surprisingly the best moment of the show was Sin Cara resersing a Cesaro powerbomb into a perfect, botch-free Manami Roll. Props to Cesaro for being able to work well with anyone on the roster.
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I know the Grateful Dead played MSG 52 times during their career, not positive if all were sellouts but many were. That might be the only thing close, WWWF & then WWF I think used to hold monthly shows there so Bruno has to be on top.


/nod, very impressive by Grateful Dead. "Bruno sold out the building on an astounding 187 occasions" from his page on wwe's website: http://www.wwe.com/superstars/bruno-sammartino


Someone might have come close, but I can't think of anyone that comes close to Grateful Dead, let alone Bruno's headlining. Elton John with 63?

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Accidents happen.


Yep. Shit happens, and it looks like Punk wasn't seriously injured. That, and I don't think Punk is the type to bitch over something like that, unlike other WWE stars.


Best part of that house show results is that Justin Gabriel picked up a win. I still really, really, really want to see him and Daniel Bryan face off in a 20 minute match. But it's becoming apparent the WWE isn't ever going to do much with Gabriel, so I'm not gonna hold my breathe.

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