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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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While I understand all the criticisms of TNA, I can say that I've been enjoying the Bischoff/Hogan era. It's awful but at the same time a delight to watch. There's no defending the Nasty Boys, the fact that they're still around after this long is just mind boggling. But watching the show tonight, I was just entertained. I don't just dismiss angles and pushes purely because it may be a **** booking decision. When the Jeff Jarrett angle started, I thought it was retarded and didn't make sense. But as I've followed it, I can see the entertaining value. I think it's hilarious that Bischoff took away Jarrett's music, made him a janitor, etc. If you look at it as a wrestling show it will be frustrating sometimes. I'm in touch with my inner mark that fell in love with wrestling oh-so-many years ago. TNA makes me happy, I think it's good television. I hope it succeeds, mostly so I have a weekly wrestling show that I can watch and enjoy.


Criticize it all you want, I understand, know that out there, there is a long time wrestling fan, that enjoys TNA and isn't a TNA fan boy.


Good day.

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i watch wwe every show they have and must say it has got better im just tired of people bashing tna just to bash them i mean some the people who were bashing flair/hogan getting in the ring for tna would be on hands and knees worshiping vince for it. Iike both and i dont agree some of what tna is doing (DAMN NASTY BOYZ) but its no were as bad as some people make it sound
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Sorry, but you can't ask people to be reasonable and then say stuff like "TNA is 10000000X more entertaining than wwe"


Both shows have issues. But while the WWE's problems seem to involve being way too conservative, TNA goes in the total opposite direction.


So the E comes off as predictable and boring.


But TNA comes off as a hot mess that just slaps random **** together half-assedly, turns characters for no reason, drops storylines w/o explanation and (in general) is trying to do way too much.


It's a train wreck. With brief glimpses of brilliance.

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Okay I enjoyed this show way more then I enjoyed the frantic show of last week. Plenty of breathing room and nothing flying at me.


I really hate the new version of Jeff Hardy's music.


Way to sell RVD's beat down Sting. WTF? And the angle ended on Hogan, which although from a thematic stand point I do like it "Hogan just can't let go" the booker in me thinks to only pull out Hogan for Bound For Glory. Treat him like The Undertaker post Wrestlemania XX.


Jeff Hardy going over the champ? Styles is playing the Flair-chicken**** heel. It doesn't matter if he loses in a non-title match up. He's suppose to be a guy that can be beat but somehow always seems to get away because the hero can catch him.


Good GOD will someone get the razor out of Flair's hands?


again these points aside, I enjoyed the show and bassically watched it with out switching over to RAW.

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It's like watching the end of Twin Peaks' second season every week! It's gold, Jerry!


Just so we're clear, you mean the absolute final? With Cooper going to the Black Lodge and all of that?


I love that show, and that episode was such a trip. Not so much story-wise (Mulholland Dr had me reeling for weeks trying to piece it together) but just aesthetically how creepy everything was. I'd definitely much rather watch that every week than TNA in its current form.

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TNA: Cross the Line (of retirement)


e: Wow when you think about it it's disturbing how similar TNA is to WCW. Except everyone's ten years older.


Other than some of the talent, how exactly is TNA similar to WCW? I keep hearing this but I have yet to hear a solid explanation other than just the talent being used.

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Sorry, but you can't ask people to be reasonable and then say stuff like "TNA is 10000000X more entertaining than wwe"


Both shows have issues. But while the WWE's problems seem to involve being way too conservative, TNA goes in the total opposite direction.


So the E comes off as predictable and boring.


But TNA comes off as a hot mess that just slaps random **** together half-assedly, turns characters for no reason, drops storylines w/o explanation and (in general) is trying to do way too much.


It's a train wreck. With brief glimpses of brilliance.


lolwut that makes no sense too many periods and punctu puncta too many periods wut do u know anyway ur just wwefanboi trash tna rox n impact iz awesome hater


Ow, hurt my head just typing that.


Anyway, this is a very good point. It seems that while the 'E is content to go with their proven draws, TNA by contrast is just throwing lots of poop on the wall to see what sticks. Eventually that timeslot is going to resemble a monkey cage (if it doesn't already). But on the bright side, with how...brown and soft most of the show is, the good segments shine even brighter.


That said, be right back. I'd heard that lives were on sale and apparently, I need to get one. :rolleyes:

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Other than some of the talent, how exactly is TNA similar to WCW? I keep hearing this but I have yet to hear a solid explanation other than just the talent being used.


Classic nonsensical Russo booking, young talent being pushed down in favor of old guys no one wants to see, HOGAN, abandoning what made the company stand out as an alternative to WWE/F to become a parody of it, etc.

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I don't think the majority of people who say TNA is like WCW actually watched WCW. They aren't really similar at all to be honest.


As for TNA, I hate it. I want to like it because I can't stand the E and TNA has a lot of people I like but...I just can't. I DVRd it last night and I could barely stomach watching it.


1) The Nasty Boys need to be off tv. I gave TNA the benefit of the doubt with them, but it's awful. They can't wrestle, the crowd hates them, the IWC hates them, and to top it off, they are actually WINNING their matches. It's a joke. I do love Jimmy Hart and wouldn't really be opposed to him being back at ringside, but not with the Nasties.


2) Look, Ric Flair is a legend. Even though he appears to be a pretty bad human being, he's a great in the business. But dude...it's time. It was a time a long time ago. He's an old man, and he looks older than he is. Watching him gushing blood last night was disturbing. At first it was kind of cool, but then I thought, man, are they sure Flair isn't going to die out there? Having him as a manager is great, but it needs to be more like Harley Race with Vader as opposed to Flair with Evolution. As crazy at it sounds, Evolution was nearly a decade ago.


3) I like Hulk Hogan. I really do. I think him as an authority figure has a lot of potential. GET HIM OFF MY TELEVISION! I'm already burnt out on Hogan. Every story has to involve Hogan in some way and he ends up taking away from them. It's awful. I'm tired of him getting so much air time and having his hand in every matter.


4) Yawn. Wake me up when Foley/Jarrett/Bischoff is over. Jarrett has never been over with anyone other than TNA faithful who thank him for giving them the company. He was a good heel midcard act, never anything more than that. Foley reminds me of later WCW Roddy Piper. Entertaining when given in small doses, but way overexposed. When do we get a Foley vs Bischoff with Jarrett on a pole match?


5) I love Rob Van Dam and Sting. I will keep DVRing TNA if only to see RVD and Sting. I hope they get a chance to work a real feud that isn't centered around whether Hogan is going to come back to the ring again. Get Hogan out of that feud and let Sting and RVD work together. This is a dream match for me as they are two of my favorite wrestlers ever.


6) When will Abyss start carrying a bunny rabbit to the ring? And shouldn't he be going by Ssyba? This is pure wrestlecrap. It was wrestlecrap when Dave Sullivan did the exact same stupid stuff, but it worked then as it was a different era. The Abyss character is almost as ruined as Kane. Almost.


7) I hate Jeff Hardy using the face paint.


8) At least the X-Division still looks cool. I guess as long as they get their 10 minutes once a week TNA can still claim to have something different.


9) Turn Scott Hall into an announcer and never let him wrestle again. Sean Waltman on the other hand still has ring time left in him.


10) Seems like TNA is going to give me at least 45 minutes of some combination of Hogan/Flair/Bischoff every week. Unfortunately for them this will guarantee that I will never watch the show live because I can't stomach TNA without my DVR fast forward button.

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well atleast the nasty boys looked better than flair in the ring, god his chair shot to abyss last night were awful lol. I don't agree with taking hogan and bischoff off the show completely as they both could be great authority figures. But, they really do need to stop using hogan and flair in the ring i will agree with that. It really makes you sad to see guys like that in the ring these days. I will say that they did some what cut it down from last week. I really hope they can get things right within this next six months or so because they have so much young potential in that business and could really make things happen if they would use it to it's best. If not they are gonna run out of these veterans and have no young potential to keep them at the top. I am sure Hogan, bischoff, Russo, and others dont wanna repeat what they did before. I am gonna give them a chance and keep watching. I am really pulling for them to turn it around. And please god get them out of the impact zone.. It will make them look so much better if they do.
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AJ cut a good promo, he stammered a bit and had some ackward pauses but he wasn't horrible and sounded as good as most of the WWE scripted guys. Flair started out making no sense and somehow pulled it back in. I liked the "you see this, you wanna play here, expect to get this EVERY day of your life".


Wasn't AJ vs. Hardy already advertised? So why did AJ challenge him in the ring and then why did the announcers sound shocked by this challenge? Was this not common knowledge in the advertising that this match was happening? Also AJ would do better if Flair didn't interupt AJ every time. Also Flair talking about Hardy "getting high". Hardy having "creatures of the night" isn't that what Taker's fans were called?


Before "the takeover" Jesse Neals new direction was one of the best things going. The Rhyno, 3D stable was actually interesting. Now Jimmy Hart is in there, Brother Runt, these guys are seriously blowing money out the window here. Wow Jimmy Hart just got a pinfall. Hasn't this "feud" been going on since the first week Hogan came on board? Are Team 3D in Japan mostly and just kinda show up every few weeks to get jobbed out to the Nasties?


Is Hemme really getting paid more than most of these women to hold a mic? Hemme has a lot of charisma but to just hold a mic?


This show was so good about not cluttering itself up and then this X Division crazyness happened. Are the Machine Guns heel now? They love to do these faces acting like heels. Geneartion ME look very bland compared to the Machine Guns.


The rest of the show was in good order. The ending was good with Abyss slamming Flair into the ramp while AJ looked on in fear.


I don't know which show was better and I can't believe I'm saying this but I really felt like they were on equal ground for the first time last night. Keep this up TNA and I'll keep watching.

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I wholeheartedly agree with justtxyank's assessment. Well, except for the Sean Waltman part. Yes, he can probably still wrestle. But to me, he is as entertaining as medbay duty after a port call to the Philippines. It's like watching another guy get kicked in the junk. While it's not quite as bad as getting kicked yourself, it's not a 'OMG rewind that, bro. I wanna see it again!' type of event either.


Personally, I don't care how much I like their other workers (what other workers? EXACTLY!), I dislike 45 mins of Hogan/Bischoff/the Nasty Boys/Flair bleeding far more.

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This show was so good about not cluttering itself up and then this X Division crazyness happened. Are the Machine Guns heel now? They love to do these faces acting like heels. Geneartion ME look very bland compared to the Machine Guns.


I think the Machine Guns have been 'heels' for a couple of months now. Which is completely ridiculous, because they're two of the most over home-grown babyfaces they have. The reason no one seems to have noticed is that the MCMG either don't know how to wrestle as heels, or they simply don't want to. They do their spots. Get their pops. Whenever they act ****y (boo hiss) they do so in a funny, entertaining, babyface way. It reminds me of the last Sting heel turn, where he (allegedly) purposefully sabotaged the turn by going off script a lot and playing babyface.


In other news, I watched the RVD/Sting thing in last week's Impact, and I was floored by the pop RVD got. MASSIVE. I knew the guy was over, but man alive!

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One thing about last night show that I really like is AJ Styles' new persona with Ric Flair. Sure, Flair kinda overshadows the guy but he really fits in well with this arrogant, "I'm the Champ"!, Ric Flair-esque kind of character. Sure, there are times where he seems like he isn't really "checked in" or goes to speak & you don't believe what he's saying really... BUT... I like this character ten times more than the bumbling idiot persona that once gave him.


I especially loved the fact that he held off on a high spot that would certainly get the crowd behind him slightly. It was perfect heel genius.

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I especially loved the fact that he held off on a high spot that would certainly get the crowd behind him slightly. It was perfect heel genius.


One of the better moves they made with him. That's the best way they're going to turn him truly heel.

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And an other unbalanced Impact this week, what a surprise lolz.


Bad stuff so far:

the Nasties. Morley and OJ. Hogan, EB, Jarrett, Foley getting too much screen time. Going overboard with AJ becoming Flair and Abyss becoming Hogan and the magic ring. Too much Hall and X-Pac. Not enough time given to matches. Either do a squash or storyline match or at least give them 5 minutes. Daniels push down. Bubba and the plants. The Kong incident.



Rest of the stories etc have been very interesting and entertaining though imho. Plus the pacing and presentation have gotten better. Instead of cramming 3 hours into 2 hours its now 2 and a half hours lolz. Still long ways off to realizing their full potential. RVD and Jeff Hardy!


Too much bad stuff that overshadows the good stuff making the net balance 0. (Again.)

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I'm thinking the Nasties are in TNA only because of Hogan's involvement. With a friendship with one (can't remember his name; the blonde one), I'm guessing it was part of his demands when he signed on with the company. I'm positive of that. Would explain how much TV time they're getting & the overall focus they've found.


With that said, I don't have any problems with them. Sure, they're annoying. Yes, they can't wrestle much anymore BUT they can be used as a great tag team. It would just be better if they were just another tag team in the division versus one that's getting more focus than anyone else. If booked right, they could be complimentary.


The one thing I'd like to see go is Hall and Waltman; which kills me to say. I use to be a HUGE fan of these guys back in the day but come on... Waltman's "degenerate" attitude is getting really stale & actually seems crazily forced. Plus, it doesn't resonate anymore as we've seen it from him for like a decade now. Not so "shocking" anymore. Now just looks senselessly crude.


Hall, for another reason, The guy really can't work on a high level anymore. I would pay to see an X-Division match over his involvement on screen anyday.


As for Hogan/Abyss....


All of Hogan's trademark taunts, phrases, and movements look STUPID on anyone but him. haha. I like Abyss. I really do. However, this pseudo-Hogan thing is really making me dislike the guy.

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I would have been fine if paying the Nasties and giving them screen time came with the deal but then why not make them Hogan's bodyguards or hell make em part of the weak ass security team. Not even as one of the tag teams do they ad anything to the table. They simply take away time.
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