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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I agree Rob is a big, muscular guy that could hurt someone and has little wrestling skill. Please remember in 2002 Batista was that way as well.


Would I be alone in thinking that Batista still pretty much sucks? His match with 'Taker from WrestleMania a few years ago was pretty good, but I throw up in my mouth a little at the memory of his Umaga match. And a lot of other matches.


He does walk for miles throughout a pit of danger though, so...take that for what it's worth.

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That's great but you guys are making the wrong comparison.


What would you rather see: a division filed with hot girls that's scarce on actual character and in-rin performance? Or a division with a bunch of great workers and developed characters, but the girls are shaped like pears and they have faces that looks like they were beaten with the proverbial ugly stick?


What do you pick in that situation? What would most fans?


Saying "Id rather have hot women who can do everything" is great. Thanks, Mr Obvious. But the crux of my point is that fans want to see hot women first and foremost, and their relative 'talent' is like the cherry on the sundae; appreciated but unnecessary.




Self, I think you are a really, really different cat when it comes to wrestling fans. When we have these discussions about what fans will watch and are interested in, you should maybe excuse your own POV completely.


Because the vast majority of the people watching wrestling aren't as invested in character development and original storytelling as you are.


I don't think theres any knockout on the roster that's particularly ugly, but everyone floats their own boat.


I'd still choose the show with the better developed characters.

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Yeah but Batista has a better look then Terry. More menacing and better star quality.


the only thing I see Batista having that Terry doesn't have is a better hair cut, he's from the states, and he's got some nice tats.


With some work Terry could look like a star, what really sets him back is he doesn't have a character yet. He reminds of those really nice guys that were real big in school but couldn't hurt a fly.


If they gave him a haircut, new tights, some cool music and had him squash X division jobbers in four minute matches he'd get over. Do this for a while working with him and hoping his in ring work can atleast be safe. After a few months of doing this evaluate where you're at take the next step and put a title on him or have somebody else just utterly destroy him and move on.


Terry isn't impossible to get over but "nice guy who hangs out with Hogans Superpower Squad and feuds with Orlando Jordon while doing some strange pose where he grabs the ropes and makes a face like he's taking a dump is not the way to do it. Start slow with the guy, work on his safety, his in ring skill and go from there.


He has a good look big and muscular or not TNA doesn't have anybody with near his body. Say what you will about the guy but there is still a place for big, over muscled stars, there always has been and there always will be. Well built guys get pushes and theres a reason for that.


Don't under estimate the squash match Goldberg built a career on it, and if people remember Wrath did the same thing. Heck they could have done Wrath vs. Goldberg in a streak vs. streak match at Starrcade he was getting over that much. Even recently with Big Daddy V they built that guy over night by having him destroy poor unfortunate souls. Have Orlando beat Rob for the title, why not? It clearly means nothing to them anyway if their letting someone as green as Rob hold it. Have Orlando beat it, Rob freaks out "goes away for a while" he comes back new haircut, music, tights, and just starts crushing people have him DESTROY Orlando to get his title back and you might have a star on your hands. Its not like the guy is Colin Delaney he can be a star if handled properly and patiently.

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Have Orlando beat Rob for the title, why not? It clearly means nothing to them anyway if their letting someone as green as Rob hold it. Have Orlando beat it, Rob freaks out "goes away for a while" he comes back new haircut, music, tights, and just starts crushing people have him DESTROY Orlando to get his title back and you might have a star on your hands. Its not like the guy is Colin Delaney he can be a star if handled properly and patiently.


I wouldn't count on this part of the plan. Booking symmetry like this seems like it's anethema to to TNA. See my recent rant about the way they separated Terry from Magnus and Williams and blew off the Feast or Fired scam Williams pulled on Terry.


That said, even though I don't like Terry as such, a move like this would bring me closer to his side. Talented or not, it would be a step in the right creative direction for TNA. And if they could get Terry's push in a consistently symmtrical pattern, I might his lack of talent slide some. I'm just that big a mark for symmetry.

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Finding stuff's never been a problem of mine. Can't really say why, because it's really the only skill I've got that I never once tried to work on, but obscure stuff always seems to be within arm's reach.


I was mostly just asking for recommendations. :p But I'll look into Joshi.


Joshi promotions do tend to get silly quite a bit but it's to keep the gravitas-levity balance.


NEO and Oz Academy are personal favorites, and ICE Ribbon is awesome for seeing really young (like 13-16 year old) workers really tighten up their game. ICE Ribbon's top title (ICE x60) also has a weight limit (60kg) and its current champion (Emi Sakura, the owner of the promotion) is about 17 lbs over the limit so she has to "make weight" before the next event or forfeit the title. Kinda like when Matt Hardy was cruiserweight champion, but lots funnier due to the various videos they produce showing her trying to lose weight.


Hmm speaking of which, I need to see about hitting a few shows this summer.

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I agree Rob is a big, muscular guy that could hurt someone and has little wrestling skill. Please remember in 2002 Batista was that way as well.



I truly hope you meant: In 2002 Batista was that way as well, and though he still his, some people (very sadly) buy everything that WWE throws at them. :D


Would I be alone in thinking that Batista still pretty much sucks? His match with 'Taker from WrestleMania a few years ago was pretty good, but I throw up in my mouth a little at the memory of his Umaga match. And a lot of other matches.


He does walk for miles throughout a pit of danger though, so...take that for what it's worth.



No, you are not alone. He is still a walking piece of ****. :D


Seriously, Rob's push can actually work, because it wouldn't be the first time that a talentless guy made it. Again, Batista is a good example. I can't stand any of them, but it seems that they look good for some demographics. Although i don't this it has nothing to do with that. Everybody (including here) is always criticizing the IWC, and yes sometimes we exagerate a bit because we do have much knowledge about the subject, but i believe that the true reason why guys like batista make it is because most people don't understand that much about the business and will take every little thing that WWE (for example) throws at them. If everyone was like the IWC, or at least if everyone had a minimum understanding of what they are watching, you can bet that WWE's product would be completely diferent.

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Joshi is funny. :p


As for the knockouts, what's with Taylor & Stock? They haven't appeared in so long. Is there a problem or something? The division kinda sucks, since they abuse speciality matches, toy with the title, make a tag title for a division that only has like 7 active workers. Fail...


As for the rest of the promotion. I am bored or seeing the same match over and over. Make it interesting. And fire those old dudes. As much as I loved them in the past, no one wants to see them anymore. Flair & Hogan can stay to build some stars by interacting with them, but that doesn't seem to happen now, does it?

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Heard Vinny Ru is taking a break cause he's burned out, and no longer wants to head creative when he comes back.


Smartest move in the world imo, he shouldn't be head of creative but he's definitely a great ideas man.


While Heyman is the ideal choice, don't get me wrong, it actually makes me wonder about who else if not Russo could take that spot? Eric's a business man and not creative. Raven maybe?


It annoys me that when we all call out for someone to save the booking we all turn to Heyman. Paul E. isn't always going to be there to save us.

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The rumor going around is Vince Russo out as head writer, Paul Heyman in. Not confirmed by anyone in TNA yet.


Russo out permanently or just as a head writer?



I read that that was a possibility in the Observer last week, but they seemed to think it was a dwindling one. Hopefully this is true, and they just let Heyman do his thing (from a creative standpoint, I mean. Don't let the dude anywhere near the financial aspects of running the company.)


Heyman doesn't stand a chance. For years all i heard from the IWC was: "Hope TNA signs Bischoff and/or Heyman and then WWE will have to wathc it's back!" Seriously? Come on! Bischoff is already there and we can all see how that work out. Heyman is seriously overrated. I mean, i ain't saying he's bad but the only good moment of him came in a trash hardcore promotion back in the 90's, AND,whem he took control of WWE's ECW we all saw how that worked out. Sure, Vince never made his life easy, but still, heyman is no Messias about to save TNA. I agree that quality would probably increase if he came in, but i repeat he is no Messias about to save TNA.

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Heyman doesn't stand a chance. FOr year all i heard from the IWC was: "Hope TNA signs Bischoff and/or Heyman and then WWE will have to wathc it's back!" Seriously? Come on! Bischoff is already there and we can all see how that work out. Heyman is seriously overrated. I mean, i ain't saying he's bad but the only good moment of him came in a trash hardcore promotion back in the 90's, AND,whem he took control of WWE's ECW we all saw how that worked out. Sure, Vince never made his life easy, but still, heyman is no Messias about to save TNA.


Someone in the IWC put Bischoff in the same league as Paul Heyman? I thought Bisch was universally derided as one of the two men responsible for booking WCW into oblivion.


I was a Heyman fan back in the day, but I've always been a supporter of looking to the future; new creative forces with new ideas, rather than looking to past icons. Although clearly that's not TNA's stance. Still, I'd welcome change. I gave Hogan the benefit of the doubt, so I'll do the same for Heyman.


Not that this week's Impact was bad. Not at all. I enjoyed it a lot.

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Russo out permanently or just as a head writer?





Heyman doesn't stand a chance. FOr year all i heard from the IWC was: "Hope TNA signs Bischoff and/or Heyman and then WWE will have to wathc it's back!" Seriously? Come on! Bischoff is already there and we can all see how that work out. Heyman is seriously overrated. I mean, i ain't saying he's bad but the only good moment of him came in a trash hardcore promotion back in the 90's, AND,whem he took control of WWE's ECW we all saw how that worked out. Sure, Vince never made his life easy, but still, heyman is no Messias about to save TNA.


*COUGH COUGH SPLUTTER* Heyman also booked Smackdown around 2002, 2003 which is frequently cited as it's best era, with it's stars being nicknamed the Smackdown 6. *COUGH COUGH SPLUTTER*

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Heyman doesn't stand a chance. FOr year all i heard from the IWC was: "Hope TNA signs Bischoff and/or Heyman and then WWE will have to wathc it's back!" Seriously? Come on! Bischoff is already there and we can all see how that work out. Heyman is seriously overrated. I mean, i ain't saying he's bad but the only good moment of him came in a trash hardcore promotion back in the 90's, AND,whem he took control of WWE's ECW we all saw how that worked out. Sure, Vince never made his life easy, but still, heyman is no Messias about to save TNA.


You clearly didn't see ECW as it happened. The wrestling was trash a lot of the times, but he took guys that had very little going for them and turned them into frickin stars based on the stories and rivalries he created.


Matches aside, ECW had some of the most inventie, brilliantly executed storylines of any era, past or present.


I have no idea if Paul is still relevant as a writer, but if TNA is trying to find someone to get the most out of their talent and oucnh up the characters that have gone stale, he's not a bad choice.

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Someone in the IWC put Bischoff in the same league as Paul Heyman? I thought Bisch was universally derided as one of the two men responsible for booking WCW into oblivion.


I was a Heyman fan back in the day, but I've always been a supporter of looking to the future; new creative forces with new ideas, rather than looking to past icons. Although clearly that's not TNA's stance. Still, I'd welcome change. I gave Hogan the benefit of the doubt, so I'll do the same for Heyman.


Not that this week's Impact was bad. Not at all. I enjoyed it a lot.



Lot's of people actually. While acusing him of the WCW destruction they actually put him in that league. Strange, but true.

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You clearly didn't see ECW as it happened. The wrestling was trash a lot of the times, but he took guys that had very little going for them and turned them into frickin stars based on the stories and rivalries he created.


Matches aside, ECW had some of the most inventie, brilliantly executed storylines of any era, past or present.


I have no idea if Paul is still relevant as a writer, but if TNA is trying to find someone to get the most out of their talent and oucnh up the characters that have gone stale, he's not a bad choice.


and am I the only one who feels WWECW wasn't that bad under heyman?

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Lot's of people actually. While acusing him of the WCW destruction they actually put him in that league. Strange, but true.


Even though, ya know, there was that whole year where he managed to get WCW in the black.


Cause ya know, being the only guy to get that perpetual money loser to turn a profit... and didn't Heyman fail in terms of being a business man?

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You clearly didn't see ECW as it happened. The wrestling was trash a lot of the times, but he took guys that had very little going for them and turned them into frickin stars based on the stories and rivalries he created.


Matches aside, ECW had some of the most inventie, brilliantly executed storylines of any era, past or present.


I have no idea if Paul is still relevant as a writer, but if TNA is trying to find someone to get the most out of their talent and oucnh up the characters that have gone stale, he's not a bad choice.


Oh i saw ECW as it was, and i don't disagree, but it was still a trash hardcore promotion regardless of it. But i'm not saying you're wrong,that's why i said he ain't bad. He was pretty good, but still overrated, bearing in mind that those acomplishments were years ago, among other things. Everything changes.

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Oh i saw ECW as it was, and i don't disagree, but it was still a trash hardcore promotion regardless of it. But i'm not saying you're wrong,that's why i said he ain't bad. He was pretty good, but still overrated, bearing in mind that those acomplishments were years ago, among other things. Everything changes.


So who should book TNA?

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- The AJ Styles-Rob Van Dam title change was originally slated for the Sacrifice pay-per-view on 5/16. Creative brought the match forward to try to take advantage of WWE's travel plight. Styles wasn't very happy with the way things went down but the idea is that RVD as champion would sell more tickets at house shows.


... I really don't know what to say. That was smart of TNA to do it, all around. The money they would of made in terms of buys would of been pennies compared to the help it would do them to pull the trigger on it tonight and increase their fanbase... And of course house shows are where they make their cash, at least thats what I've heard Double J say.

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So who should book TNA?


Well, i dind't mean to imply that he shouldn't be given the position. That Heyman doesn't stand achance remark didn't came out as it should wich lead to incorret interpretations for what i was trying to say. Wich is: He is no messiah and he is overrated. Who should book it? Someone other then russo. Keep russo as a writter and get a skilled head booker. Maybe Heyman could do the trick, but i doubt it. Hope i'm wrong, it would be good if TNA succeeded. It would be great, actually. Answering your question: ME! I should book TNA.

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Lot's of people actually. While acusing him of the WCW destruction they actually put him in that league. Strange, but true.


You must've misread those rumors. The TNA fans who talked about Bischoff/Heyman wanted the two to come in as a team with EB as the finance /business guy and Heyman as the booker. Playing to their strengths as it were...


and am I the only one who feels WWECW wasn't that bad under heyman?


Possibly. It was pretty bad at times.


Oh i saw ECW as it was, and i don't disagree, but it was still a trash hardcore promotion regardless of it. But i'm not saying you're wrong,that's why i said he ain't bad. He was pretty good, but still overrated, bearing in mind that those acomplishments were years ago, among other things. Everything changes.



I still don't understand how the wrestling relates to the stories..and as someone else pointed out he had an extremely successful run on SD.

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Well, i dind't mean to imply that he shouldn't be given the position. That Heyman doesn't stand achance remark didn't came out as it should wich lead to incorret interpretations for what i was trying to say. Wich is: He is no messiah and he is overrated. Who should book it? Someone other then russo. Keep russo as a writter and get a skilled head booker. Maybe Heyman could do the trick, but i doubt it. Hope i'm wrong, it would be good if TNA succeeded. It would be great, actually. Answering your question: ME! I should book TNA.


You keep saying that..but his promotion completely changed the way wrestling promotions tried to present themselves and how far they were willing to go with thier characters and storytelling. Every new 'cutting edge' promotion that has come after him is basically doing a spin on his style.


he's like Qunetin Tarantino..yeah his best work was years ago but if his style and approach is still something people are copying, how can he possibly be "overrated?"

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