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Adam Ryland

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You think any 5 guys in TNA would fit those roles?


If I had to choose...


The Manager - Ric Flair

The Flair - Pope

The Midcarder - Kazarian

The Tag Team - Beer Money


Pope can hold his own on the microphone without being overshadowed by Flair, which is important. He's one of the few guys I can see pulling it off. He's a bit too babyface though... and so are Beer Money. I'd be tempted to just put two singles guys together as the team. Demond & Kazarian maybe. I'd rather have Beer Money off on their own, being awesome, than lumped in a team.

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I never liked the latter-day versions of the Horsemen. I liked the original composition. 4 Champions who fought hard, partied harder, and stuck together to beat up babyfaces. A charismatic workhouse of a world champion. A cool midcard champ. A bad ass tag team. A manager.


Self, big problem with this theory. Not that I'd disagree with the sentiment. I certainly can't blame you for that. I'd probably share it if I gotten cable far enough back to have seen the originial composition of the Horsemen in the moment. But speaking practically,


You think any 5 guys in TNA would fit those roles?


I have to agree with Brother Lee here. I don't see the fit anywhere in TNA for a version of the Horsemen using your formula. At best I could see three of the five peices. AJ Styles as the world champ and Beer Money as the tag champs. And I'm sure many would question the wisdom of have AJ on this side because he's such a natural blue-collar, up by the bootstraps, face. But he is the world champ that has been most TNA so I use him.


Problem is where is the cool midcard champ? Where is the cool midcard title to have such a champ attached to it for that matter? The X Division belt is so far from being treated that way they can't even give it a decent name. A title worthy of the stature long-term TNA-heads want the X Division belt to have shouldn't need "Division" in the name of the title to separate the current champ from past ones. That cool midcard belt sure isn't the Global title. Having not watched for a few weeks, I'm not even sure I can tell you who's supposed to have that belt at the moment. Which means there's not enough honor to holding the Global title for it's current owner to be cool enough for your Horsemen recipe.


And that's not even getting into the state of the managerial ranks at the moment. Your old graybeards like Hogan and Nash could certainly play the role. But the closest thing to a managerial role being taken on camera lately was Hogan mentoring Abyss and before that it was Jimmy Hart working with the Nasty Boys like it was still the early to mid 90's Maybe Flair to AJ can also go on the pile. But nowhere in TNA is there a pure manager unless he's debuted since I through my hands up in the air over my character frustrations. That's why folks are trying to rebuild the latter-day Horsemen. That's the material is that's available.

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I really think Pope can do something great without being in a stable or team.


I kinda agree about Beer Money being able to be in. James Storm seems like a good fit. Bobby Roode just bores me though. If Chris Harris came back to be AMW again that would be better to me for the Fourtune Stable I think.


I can agree with Kazarian being your midcard level guy though.


Nobody works for the top guy though. Wolf should be a lonewolf bad guy. Kinda how Austin started whopping on people before people fell in love with his badass character.

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I kinda agree about Beer Money being able to be in. James Storm seems like a good fit. Bobby Roode just bores me though. If Chris Harris came back to be AMW again that would be better to me for the Fourtune Stable I think.


Perhaps. But Beer Money is more relevant and would be up to speed quicker than a reunited AMW would be.


I can agree with Kazarian being your midcard level guy though.


Can't see it. As a comparative Johnny come lately to TNA, I don't get what the big deal is about Kazarian. The dude does nothing for me. He looks more like an actor who got cast as a wrestler than a true wrestling champion to me and I really find it hard to be invested in him. Of course, I've only seen Kazarian as Kazarian post-Suicide so that may be part of the issue. But he comes off as just a guy to me.


Nobody works for the top guy though. Wolf should be a lonewolf bad guy. Kinda how Austin started whopping on people before people fell in love with his badass character.


I can kind of go along with that. I allowed for AJ as the top guy because he's been the face of the company. But his backstory is far better suited to a face alignment. I like the run with Flair as far as AJ learning to appreciate what it is to be a marquee heel from the inside. But it shouldn't be his long-term alignment. The association with Flair should ultimately be more of "know thy enemy" kind of deal.


Ideally, I'd like to see AJ play Dusty Rhodes to the Horsemen of Daniels, Joe and whoever you picked as the tag team. The subtext of Daniels and Joe having once been AJ's closest friends would add a whole other level to the recipe. Actually, the more I think about it, this is what the Nation of Violence should have been. AJ as target. Joe as the top talent, Daniels the right hand man, your tag team and Tazz as JJ Dillon

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To clarify, I don't like the idea of rehashing an old stable to begin with, but if I was forced to, those are the guys I'd pick based on (what little I know of) current storylines. I'm not a fan of Kazarian either. Just doesn't float my boat. Looks pretty good in a suit though, and seems like a good enough wrestler, per X-Division standards.
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Don't mean to butt into this conversation again but what I have to say may deem all of this moot. It looks like Paul Heyman will most likely be signing with TNA (according to the Wrestling Observer). And that while TNA wants him to be the leader of the ECW group, that he will probably be hitting the reset button.
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Don't mean to butt into this conversation again but what I have to say may deem all of this moot. It looks like Paul Heyman will most likely be signing with TNA (according to the Wrestling Observer). And that while TNA wants him to be the leader of the ECW group, that he will probably be hitting the reset button.


From a

where Dave Meltzer interviewed him after the Lesnar UFC fight - it doesn't look like he really gives two ****s about TNA. He pretty much said wrestling is dead and that nobody cares about it anymore. He laid out everything he would need to take a job at TNA. He said he'd want full control over everything and a number of years to put in place his vision (that includes taking the company public). And unless TNA is willing to cater to his every wish I don't see Heyman in TNA any time soon.


He's busy working with Brock on his book and he made it very clear in the interview I'm talking about that to leave his children and wife at home, he would need to be offered something HUGE in terms of money. Anything other then making millions isn't worth his time. TNA is putting everything they have behind Bischoff and Hogan. If they end up failing and Dixie's daddy still has the money to finance it, maybe Heyman would come in and swing the bat. If you watch that interview he is very adamant that wrestling is dead and he's looking to do bigger and better things.

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I don't know about the money, but that sounds like it would be in the ballpark.


I watched the same interview and it didn't sound like he was completely uninterested, he said that if TNA gave him enough money and power he would give it all. Like you said TNA has to cater to his every wish...well it sounds like Dixie is willing to do it. It's no secret she's been all over Heyman's twig and berries for months.

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I've read that Paul E has said he want $30m over 5 years I think, I read this on 'The Sun' websit so does anyone have a reliable source for this or is it BS


That is a false out take from that interview. If you listen carefully, which is hard given all the background noise, man learn to do an interview Meltz/Brian, he is talking about taking TNA public after they get big enough and that he would then want a 10 percent take of the shares, figuring TNA then being worth 300 to 350 mill shares wise it would make him 35 mill. Still I would take this all with a large pile of salt given to whom he is talking too as both are very pro MMA and against TNA and scoop seekers so he would always remain on the fence like and the location which is just post a UFC event.


From what I have been reeding and hearing from places I trust, a deal is pretty close to be reached.


But we shall see, Quality wise TNA does not really need him atm imho, perception wise it would help though.

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On Paul E coming in: If TNA is smart they will bend over backwards and jump through every single hoop Paul Heyman throws at them until he signs then give him the entire company creatively speaking (while making sure someone else is in charge of the financial side of things and making sure TNA doesn't go broke.) If anyone can take TNA and make it into something truly special it is Paul E.


On Fortune: The obvious group using the original Horseman type would be:


Ric Flair (the world champion): Mr. Anderson

Tully Blanchard (the secondary champion): Kazarian

Ole and Arn Anderson (the tag champions and enforcers of the group): Beer Money

Sting (the baby they can't take out): AJ Styles

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That is a false out take from that interview. If you listen carefully, which is hard given all the background noise, man learn to do an interview Meltz/Brian, he is talking about taking TNA public after they get big enough and that he would then want a 10 percent take of the shares, figuring TNA then being worth 300 to 350 mill shares wise it would make him 35 mill. Still I would take this all with a large pile of salt given to whom he is talking too as both are very pro MMA and against TNA and scoop seekers so he would always remain on the fence like and the location which is just post a UFC event.


From what I have been reeding and hearing from places I trust, a deal is pretty close to be reached.


But we shall see, Quality wise TNA does not really need him atm imho, perception wise it would help though.


I haven't seen it have you got a link?

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Have TNA forgot what happend to the last wrestling company Heyman owned and was in full control of? I think it went broke? and he did a number of different jobs for the WWE but he still had a number of people above him that he had to get permission from to do anything.


Heyman was a great booker and was a big part of changing the industry but that was OVER 10 YEARS AGO!!!


Heyman has made it clear a number of times he doesnt have the love for the business anymore. Heyman should just stay clear of TNA he seems to be living a pretty good life without having much to do with wrestling. He shouldnt join them just for the cash he should find his love for wrestling again and is willing to give a 100% commitment. Joining them for the wrong reasons could be a disaster


Just say'n

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"Just say'n"


Okay Helms. How about we clarify:


1. ECW going under had nothing to do with bad booking.

2. Heyman would have nothing to do with any TNA finances.

3. Heyman did excellent booking in OVW, Smackdown and (when he was allowed to) WWE:ECW.


Heyman knows solid booking. He knows how to run a proper Face vs Heel program. He knows how to get people over and build to their strengths. TNA has always had horrible trouble with frequent and illogical turns - say goodbye to that if Heyman has the reigns.


Heyman booking TNA by himself would be excellent. That said, I'm not convinced they need him at this stage. Bischoff seems to be finding his legs finally.

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Heyman has made it clear a number of times he doesnt have the love for the business anymore. Heyman should just stay clear of TNA he seems to be living a pretty good life without having much to do with wrestling. He shouldnt join them just for the cash he should find his love for wrestling again and is willing to give a 100% commitment. Joining them for the wrong reasons could be a disaster


Gotta love folk being able to enter other people's minds.


Heyman was a financial putz but a great wrestling mind. Those are fairly different avenues.

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Have TNA forgot what happend to the last wrestling company Heyman owned and was in full control of? I think it went broke? and he did a number of different jobs for the WWE but he still had a number of people above him that he had to get permission from to do anything.


Heyman was a great booker and was a big part of changing the industry but that was OVER 10 YEARS AGO!!!


Heyman has made it clear a number of times he doesnt have the love for the business anymore. Heyman should just stay clear of TNA he seems to be living a pretty good life without having much to do with wrestling. He shouldnt join them just for the cash he should find his love for wrestling again and is willing to give a 100% commitment. Joining them for the wrong reasons could be a disaster


Just say'n


1. Heyman wouldn't own TNA, so no problem there.

2. Heyman was a great booker less than 10 years ago when he booked Smackdown.

3. Heyman was still a very good booker when he was booking the revived ECW, until he basically couldn't deal with executive meddling any more.


It's not as though he's been twiddling his thumbs for 10 years here. Can't comment on Heyman's "love of wrestling" but if he can do the job he did in the WWE with Stephanie McMahon looking over his shoulder, he should be fine.

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Beyond the points lazor and other have brought up, I'd like to add this:


If you look at the rosters that Heyman had to deal with in ECW, and consider the fact that he had to deal with his biggest stars constantly being poached, he has WAAAAYYYY more talent in TNA to work with.

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I don't think Heyman was so much a financial putz as much as he was betting on ECW thriving and growing and it just didn't. He was a entrepreneur with a grand vision. That doesn't make him a putz. Lots of great minds have staked their future to the idea that their endeavor will be successful and grow. Heyman did the same. Unfortunately the financial side fell apart, but had things gone differently with TNN that might not have happened. Luck plays a huge role in what happens with projects like ECW.
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Why can't we have someone new?????


Seriously, can no one else on the planet other than Eric Bischoff / Vince Russo / Paul Heyman book a decent wrestling show?


For a company that used to be all about innovation they certainly don't seem to keen for promoting a new face on the booking front...

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