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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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You know TNA really messed up when Hyde Hill says he's done watching for awhile...




This is exactly what I was going to say! Between late last night and coming home from work 10 new pages were added to this thread - obviously I'm not going to read them all, and obviously whatever I say will be going over old ground. Haven't watched BFG but I'll try and hunt down the reveal of 'They' on youtube. Firstly, thanks to everyone who cleared up who 'They' actually were - from the recap I read it made no sense whatsoever (though it doesn't seem like it did during the show either).


All I want to say from the results is why did EV2.0 win? I thought they were supposed to be a one-off and now they are beating Fortune? I give up trying to understand this PPV :D

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After being disappointed with the obvious answer that EB and the almighty Hulkster were behind it, I'm looking forward to the future of TNA.


I feel Hardy will work well as the top heel and eventually Matt will join his brother to give them a bit depth and tag team credibility. Jeff Jarrett just must be a heel, he sucks as a face IMO and now he's the one to get his ass whipped in favour of the group. JJ can work well and has some charisma and now he's not the top dog, just the back up. Abyss is a good muscle for the faction. Hopefully EB & Hulk get ditched at some point.


Shame that Nash is leaving, I enjoyed his work for the first time in ages. In tag matches he's still a good guy to have. He has the size, look, history, basics and lacks the stamina and portfolio of moves.


Good spotfest kickoff to showcase athleticism and a lot of action. As said, the finisher was lame after all those spots. Cruisers as respectable tag teams and X-division members, I like it. The tag division is good and it's kind of modern feel to have more tag teams and differentiates from the WWE.


Why did EV2 win? What do they benefit? Nothing. Pele kick out of nothing leading to carbon footprint after EV2 domination from Kendrick surprise entrance and Rhino rampaging would've been good.


Did anyone else think the pin in knockout match was horribly executed?


Sorry if some points were already discussed, I didn't notice when browsing through approx 10 pages.

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I was debating on getting BFG but at the last minute I changed my mind because I didn't trust H&B and thank god I didn't. The reveal of 'They' was terrible. I caught the revealing on youtube this morning and it was terrible. Jeff Hardy as a heel could be ok but god damn he could be the most popular face of the company if they used him right.


I also don't see Jarrett in the group it just seems weird but oh well. I had no confidence it would be any good anyway so I'm not really disappointed in the outcome as it was just as terrible as I thought it would be. I doubt I'll catch any TNA for a while I might catch Impact this thursday just to see how they explain it and I don't trust that H&B will make it any better. I'll pretty much stick to watching ROH every monday now and catch PWG when there DVD's come out.


Damn, TNA I wish you didn't hype up something so big for it to be a huge disappointment. I want TNA to strive so WWE has competition but I just don't see it happening anytime soon and that's sucks because wrestling is so much better when companies are going head to head but TNA has blown chance after chance

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Know what I was just thinking.... Take out, Jarrett and Hogan... and I would've really liked this. You have to leave Bischoff as the one who got it started. Bring in James Mitchell and a couple of other "twisted" individuals... Have hardy play a dark character.... and I'd be down. I dont wanna see Jarrett on my screen unless he's putting over people.


I'm with you there. It wouldn't have been worth the hype, but I would have liked where it had left the Main Event (Hardy as a new heel, Angle to go back down to continue his way up the Top 10).


I guess it's still in the same place... but with some very, very old guys taking too much of the limelight.

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I just caught the ending on youtube - does anyone else think the crowd just stops when 'They' are revealed? It doesn't come across very well on a laptop, that's for sure. And I may be being cynical but I'm guessing that rubbish being thrown into the ring was either suggested to the crowd or they felt the urge to be 'nostalgic.' Despite Tenay's best efforts incensed isn't the word I'd describe that crowd with...indifferent, perhaps?
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Is anyone willing to take a bet on my over/under of .5 for the October 21st Impact?


The more I read on the internet about how much fans hated this, I'll be shocked if Impact lasts through the year without SpikeTV ripping up their contract.


Sure - depending on what your're comparing it to... it'll do neither by then.

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As much as I hate discussing ratings, I'd be stunned if next week's Impact does below a 1.0. Most of the people complaining are going to watch anyway, and the ones who don't... well I'm sure this angle with pique enough curiosity to make up for it (Hell, I'm curious and I haven't watched in months) I don't see the rating going up, but neither do I see it going down all that much.
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Comparing it to what? It's an over/under.


You choose what you think the Oct 21st edition of Impact's rating will be


Over .5 rating


Under .5 rating (smart money)


Sorry, I thought you were saying an increase or decrease in 0.5. I never considered that anyone would suggest the ratings would go as low as 0.5.


Smart money's on under .5? Send that money to me, please.

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As much as I hate discussing ratings, I'd be stunned if next week's Impact does below a 1.0. Most of the people complaining are going to watch anyway, and the ones who don't... well I'm sure this angle with pique enough curiosity to make up for it (Hell, I'm curious and I haven't watched in months) I don't see the rating going up, but neither do I see it going down all that much.


Thats why I said Oct 21st. This week may do well, but the ratings will quickly plummet into the toilet.

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So I've had 24 hours to try and think of something that interests me enough to tune in. I thought I would go through TNA and look at each part of it.



We've just had MCMG vs. Gen Me, now we're looking to have MCMG vs. TEam 3D again and we got Beer Money. Those seems to be the only active tag teams in TNA aside from Ink Inc and lets face it their pretty bland and generic. So all this "Vince doesn't care about tag team wrestling" whining that some TNA fans do (not here) is silly since they have about three tag teams that are any good in the ring and the only two out of the ring that are interesting are MCMG and Beer Money. Gen Me are bland and boring, so are Ink Inc. They have tats thats about as interesting as they are. Team 3D are great on the stick but forgive the pun their shtick is tired and played out. So there is zero interest in the tag team division at this point. Last night was as good as it gets and frankly that was just indy tag team spot fest v.234



When this division was created it had women like Gail Kim, Amazing Kong, ODB, since then its had Cheerleader Melissa/Allisa Flash, Hamada, Daffney, Tara etc. Everyone blasted the WWE for not having a legit womens division even with Natalia Hart, Mickie James and Beth Phoenix all still being a part of said division. Along with Melina. So they seem to reboot it focused on the BP's even if none of them can hold a candle to the "original" Knockouts. That being said atleast their not WWE cast offs, their once again going with their own girls and doing what they can with who they can. Then they bring Tara back, then they bring Mickie in. Even though Mickie is most likely getting more than the released girls combined and maybe more than all four girls in that ring last night. None the less they seem to have re invested in the Knockout division. What do they do with this investment? Do they use her to bring up the other gals in the division? Do they have her legitimize one of the BP's? Sadly no they start a feud off with two WWE Divas. For all the smack talk they have done on Vince and the Divas and now their main women's feud is set to be two former WWE divas. Its not even like Tara is the most over woman in the division she's a distant third behind Madison and Angelina. That doesn't matter to TNA when they can do WWE feuds.



Low Ki, Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Joe, even names like Michael Shane, Elix Skipper, Kazarian, Amazing Red they have had some of the most talented, original in ring talents of this decade in that division. Now who do they have? So far I've gathered the main stays are Doug Williams, Amazing Red, Suicide and Jay Lethal. You could argue Kaz but it seems he's busy jobbing to ECW at the moment. Even those names are respectable so who do they have Jay Lethal feud with? A man that was main eventing shows, opening and closing Impact, who was having the palm eating out of his hand as he feuded with the second biggest name in the last three decades of wrestling? They go from him doing that to feuding with a bad c list celebrity rip off. This is why this company fails they just can't pull the trigger on anyone that isn't in the WWE. Even guys like AJ Styles who have been there since show one take a back seat to THREE former WWE acts in the main event of their biggest pay per view. The division is a joke and if the best they can do is Rob Eckos than they should just give up. Could it be a fun little feud? Sure but you know what? Its not for Jay Lethal, the guy is above the fun little fued act and should be one of the top five babyfaces in the company at this point.


The Main Event:

Does everyone realize that the main event featured three former WWE guys? You can argue all you want that Angle has made himself a part of TNA and he has, and you can argue that Anderson has made himself into a star he has. My argument though is that they have AJ Styles, Joe, Pope, Jay Lethal, the names go on of guys they have built up and only knocked them back down the card to feature these guys. Do you know what Vince changed guys names and pushed homegrown guys or home grown gimmicks over everything else? Because you don't come across second rate that way. This main event could have main evented a RAW in 2006.


With Fortune clearly on the back burner and clearly going nowhere after their loss to EV2 and with Desmond Wolfe on the sidelines and even if he wasn't he'd be put in a position to fail anyway I have no reason to watch this company. I might give them a shot after they have their next life changing forever omgz event. You know once Eric and Hogan get done rap....er I mean working for TNA they might want to see what Ole Anderson is donig. Maybe the Black Scorpion can show up and next years BFG.

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Following last night’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV, Kurt Angle posted the following on his Twitter page:


“Despite redislocating my ribs and getting stiched up the match was awesome tonight! But…I am the best wrestler in the world and I don’t do politics. If Hogan doesn’t want the best I’m done. proved I am the best.Screw hogan! Politics will effect wrestling.Why would hogan pick a kid like jeff?I eat sleep and sh#t wrestling. B.S.”

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Following last night’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV, Kurt Angle posted the following on his Twitter page:


“Despite redislocating my ribs and getting stiched up the match was awesome tonight! But…I am the best wrestler in the world and I don’t do politics. If Hogan doesn’t want the best I’m done. proved I am the best.Screw hogan! Politics will effect wrestling.Why would hogan pick a kid like jeff?I eat sleep and sh#t wrestling. B.S.”


That's obviously a work. He's playing his part of being shocked and upset that Hogan "picked Jeff last night" and "screwed" him.

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A few quick thoughts on last weeks Impact, BFG and TNA in general:


- I understand the end of the Battle Royal was shown on Reaction... we don't get Reaction in Australia so we didn't get to see the end. Stupid, stupid move... people shouldn't be forced to watch another show, just to see the end of the show they were originall watching. That's only going to piss people off!


- The whole Battle Royal was stupid! I was constantly asking myself why? Why bother having it, what is it actually acheiving... plus the match itself just plain sucked (you could tell on TV the crowd wasn't in to it either). Seriously, a Battle Royal for $100,000... why? If you're going to the effort of having one, at least put a title shot on the line (eg: the Battle Royal on Raw last week... at least that meant something).


- Impact pretty much sucked (as most people here have previously said). Awful job of hyping BFG, 4 matches in 2 hours just isn't right. The Abyss angle at the start goes on way too long (as have most of his backstage promos where he beats someone up... they sem to stretch to 15+ minutes when they only really need to take 5 max)


- As for BFG... as most people have already pointed out, nWo v2. So we now have ECW, the nWo and the Four Horseman... plus possibly Sting v Hogan. It's been done over and over again... plus the random group of guys that seem to be part of "They" is just weird... Jarret, Abyss, Jeff Hardy and Hogan in a group together? That just doesn't look right to me. I thought Anderson or Angle would've been a better fit?


- A heel Eric Bischoff is so much better to watch, I'm sick of hearing about how he "respects the hell" out of this guy and that guy (same for Tommy Dreamer and EV 2.0...) Hopefully now he goes back to being the obnoxious, annoying, heel authority type... because like him or not he fits that role perfectly.


- To expand on that point above, can the roster please get back to wrestling and hating each other? I'm sick of every week seeing someone in the ring saying how they respect someone else and what they've done "for the business" blah, blah, blah. Shut up and get back to hating each other!


- Oh and stop using the phrase "the business" or anything like that. And stop talking about what happened 20 years ago, why not talk about what's happening NOW? (Or at least in the last few years at the most!)


- What is TNA's obsession with blood? There's seriously someone getting bloodied in a match every week! Overuse means no one cares... and if no one cares why do it? Save the blood for bigger matches so when it happens it actually means something. Do we really need to see barbed wire every single week? It's good for something different or to really emphasis a fued, but do we need to see it every week? It doesn't really mean anything if we do...

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A few quick thoughts on last weeks Impact, BFG and TNA in general:


- I understand the end of the Battle Royal was shown on Reaction... we don't get Reaction in Australia so we didn't get to see the end. Stupid, stupid move... people shouldn't be forced to watch another show, just to see the end of the show they were originall watching. That's only going to piss people off!


- The whole Battle Royal was stupid! I was constantly asking myself why? Why bother having it, what is it actually acheiving... plus the match itself just plain sucked (you could tell on TV the crowd wasn't in to it either). Seriously, a Battle Royal for $100,000... why? If you're going to the effort of having one, at least put a title shot on the line (eg: the Battle Royal on Raw last week... at least that meant something).


- Impact pretty much sucked (as most people here have previously said). Awful job of hyping BFG, 4 matches in 2 hours just isn't right. The Abyss angle at the start goes on way too long (as have most of his backstage promos where he beats someone up... they sem to stretch to 15+ minutes when they only really need to take 5 max)


- As for BFG... as most people have already pointed out, nWo v2. So we now have ECW, the nWo and the Four Horseman... plus possibly Sting v Hogan. It's been done over and over again... plus the random group of guys that seem to be part of "They" is just weird... Jarret, Abyss, Jeff Hardy and Hogan in a group together? That just doesn't look right to me. I thought Anderson or Angle would've been a better fit?


- A heel Eric Bischoff is so much better to watch, I'm sick of hearing about how he "respects the hell" out of this guy and that guy (same for Tommy Dreamer and EV 2.0...) Hopefully now he goes back to being the obnoxious, annoying, heel authority type... because like him or not he fits that role perfectly.


- To expand on that point above, can the roster please get back to wrestling and hating each other? I'm sick of every week seeing someone in the ring saying how they respect someone else and what they've done "for the business" blah, blah, blah. Shut up and get back to hating each other!


- Oh and stop using the phrase "the business" or anything like that. And stop talking about what happened 20 years ago, why not talk about what's happening NOW? (Or at least in the last few years at the most!)


- What is TNA's obsession with blood? There's seriously someone getting bloodied in a match every week! Overuse means no one cares... and if no one cares why do it? Save the blood for bigger matches so when it happens it actually means something. Do we really need to see barbed wire every single week? It's good for something different or to really emphasis a fued, but do we need to see it every week? It doesn't really mean anything if we do...


Agree with this. spot on

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Yeah, this doesn't really appeal to me...



then again i'll still watch :p




I really think that this wasn't half as bad as everyone is making it sound. I didn't watch the PPV, but I'm not gonna act like I didn't think something like this was going to happen. Fact is, most of the review's I've read have been all positive untill they talk about "THEY". Well, here is my thoughts.


Although it's not what most people wanted, included yours truly here, it is something that has the whole internet buzzing. Will Hogan and Bischoff "Destroy" TNA as they did WCW? Will TNA ever get smart? How long can they keep doing crap like this? Hogan can't even "Walk"! What's going on here? This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen! Way to blow it AGAIN, TNA!!


Now, remember we are talking about people that think even "Bad" Publicity is good publicity. I really don't think it did the job they were hoping for, and I don't think it's anything like what people thought they were hoping for... I really think they are looking for this "Climatic Moment" to be so "HATED" that even more people will here about TNA and toon in. Although this theory of "Bad" publicity has been shown to fail at times, I dont' think it's going to be this big failure everyone thinks its going to be today.


How many people did reviews for this years, as compared to last years? I mean, this is being talked about probably 10 times more then any event that TNA has ever done... I really think although it's all negative, that they actually did do what they wanted to, just to a much lesser degree. IF TNA wasn't the Internet Darling it is today, for example... if it was more of a mainstream entity then an internet hero, it would probably have payed off more then it will... However, I do think it's going to pay off alot more then this .5 rating people are claiming they won't reach on the next Impact.

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