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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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The List Now:





AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus


Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero

Daniels It hurts..but I think it's obvious he's never going to be a major player in TNA and he'd have an epic return to ROH

Desmond Wolfe

Don West

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me (for some reason, listed as one person on the Roster page)



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Kevin Nash


Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Orlando Jones



Rick Flair

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy



Team 3D (Weird. Wonder why Sabin and Shelley got separate pages, then...)





Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich

Madison Rayne



So Cal Val


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky

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You missed the point: hardcore environment aside, you just said that JBL could get carried to a good match by two guys who were even worse workers than he was and had to be carried by wither their opponent or -more often - the type of match they wee in.


Jack and Sandman could really ONLY put on good matches in overbooked hardcore spotfests. (Which had their appeal at the time, don't get me wrong)


It sort of completely defeats your argument.


And it goes back to the point that it's hard to take your assessmentof TNA seriously. Because we just don't see the same things when we watch a wrestling match.


No sir, I said JBL could have a great match with New Jack or Sandman two guys that are no where near as talented as JBL is.


If anything can make my opinions of TNA less valid is that, for the most part, I'm very easy to please person in general. I'd like to think though I don't look at someone's thrown out coffee filter in their trash and go "What? Why are you throwing this out!" lol but generally, if I sit down in front of a show and am entertained by it I can overlook the things you nit pick at.


We should do a 2 player TEW game sometime, see who the better arm chair booker is Pete. lol

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Abyss - The guy has a unique look, he's over, should he get the push he's getting? No but he's more than capable of being a big part of the roster.


AJ Styles - The franchise of TNA and obviously should stay


Alex Shelley - After making some vet tag team cuts this guy would be part of the premiere tag team in TNA


Amazing Red - He can't talk, his in ring work hasn't been nearly as amazing since he returned as it was in his "prime" his look isn't interesting. The guy is talented but not talented enough to keep around.


Brian Kendrick - This guy would make a good X Division jobber or if they get London back I have no doubt we could have a Hooliganz vs. MCMG feud.


Brutus Magnus - I have no idea why they added this guy to a bloated roster already in the first.


Bubba - Nuff Said


Chris Sabin - Like I said this guy and his partner should be the premier tag team in TNA and if not that then they both are more than capable of being stars in the X Division.


Consequences Creed - The guys got a neat costume and a fun gimmick but with only two hours of television a week neither of those things is enough to keep him around when the same can be said for two dozen other guys on his level.


D'Angelo Dinero - The Pope should be the upper mid card champion but not until after they do away with the global championship, bring in a new championship the t.v championship and have it be the reason the pope blesses our t.v's every week pun intended.


Daniels - The guy is good X Division fodder, he's not getting any younger, he can still go in the ring. No major push but he's good at making others look great.


Desmond Wolfe - If you want to get rid of Desmond Wolfe you're a bloody wanker


Don West - The only reason this guy still has a job is because he's been there since show 1 which I can respect.


Doug Williams - I was a huge fan of this guys....eight years ago. The time has come that he doesn't offer anything they can't get elsewhere


Dr. Stevie - I have no idea why they rehired this guy


Eric Bischoff - I'm a fan of Eric's booking most of the time and that may be a reason why I've enjoyed TNA the last few weeks


Eric Young- Every single thing they have asked of Eric he's done, Paranoid face, comedy face, brash ****y heel, now vengeance seeking bad ass face. He's done it all, he's good in the ring and very underrated on the mic. This guy should be up there with Wolfe and Pope in the upper mid card.


Generation Me - I'm not impressed with these guys and I think there are several teams on the roster that can duplicate their in ring skills. They look bland and boring to me.


Hernandez - The guy won't be a superstar but he is an upper mid carder and under the right push could even get a throw away world title pay per view main event.


Homicide -The guy is talented but their not doing anything with him now and the whole thug wrestler thing feels so 2005 to me. I like the guy but his last memorable feud was with Amazing Red I say let him go.


Hulk Hogan - Obviously just having Hogan on board legitimizes them to the mainstream media. I see no reason to cut the guy his contract is with Panda Energy so you have to include him as "free money" since he doesn't technically cost TNA Entertainment a dime.


James Storm - Beer Money need to be kept on board as the "established" team they can do for TNA what they wish Team 3D and the Nasty'd could do and for cheaper.


Jay Lethal - Jay's only charisma is pretending to be Macho Man. He rarely wrestles and I never remember him being in a single memorable feud. Gimmicks that rip other gimmicks off to me are lame and you can't see that person as a credible threat. If you try and take that gimmick away from him the Impact Zone is going to make a stink and ask for it back putting the guy in a position where he can't get over as long as their in the area their in so just cut your losses.


Jeff Hardy - I think the guy is in it for a free paycheck but realisticlly I don't see TNA letting go a guy they just I would assume paid top dollar for.


Jeff Jarett - The guy still owns part of the company and he's playing sympathetic underdog really well now days.


Jeremy Borash - Again with the company from the start and IMO is the best backstage announcer they have.


Jesse Neal - I like his look but there is no place for him on this bloated roster.


Jimmy Hart - Why even bother?


Kazarian - The guy was interesting five years ago, after several gimmick changes I've lost interest in him. He's decent in the ring but the guy has little charisma and I liked his gimmick of being the future but he was the future six years ago. I say let him join Tracy on the SoCal indy scene.


Kevin Nash - The guy has actually stayed with the company semi regulary even when there was heavy talk of him going back to the E for one last run. He's a naturally funny guy, he's got charisma and honestly for what his matches are he's not bad in the ring. If he wanted to hang 'em up he'd be the best color guy in the business.


Kiyoshi - Who?


Kurt Angle - This one is kinda cheating. I'd release him but I'd give him one last run up until Bound for Glory. I'd have him winning against everybody and everything and then use him to elevevate someone like Pope or Desmond Wolfe at Bound for Glory into the main event scene and release. him.


Matt Morgan - Matt looks like a superstar....kinda. I don't see Matt as "the future of this business". He's not that great of a talker, he's big but he's not got the "superstar look" he's not really well defined, he's balding, etc. So although he's big and talented in the ring for his size I would put him in that upper mid card. along with Pope, Hernandez, Young etc.


Mr. Anderson - The guy isn't the greatest talker but he just LOOKS brash and arrogant I may be alone but the guy has much more than just saying his name a bunch of times. He does that sideways smirk while chewing his gum and he just looks like he's daring you to smack him in the face.


Nasty Boys - Why Hulk why?


Orlando Jones - See Above question


Raven - I like Raven and if they wanted to make him a booker I could see him making sense but honestly with a booking team including Russo, Hogan and Bischoff I think Raven would have an "odd man out" feeling about him.


Rhino - I loved this guy but really he's not been interesting to me since he feuded with Christian in Detroit years ago.


Rick Flair - Ric needs to be on a short leash but a stable with A.J, Ric, Desmond Wolfe and maybe a tag team and a monster body guard is money IMO.


Rob Terry - This reminds me of the type of guy WCW would have tried pushing in 93 or so. "hey he's big and has muscles who cares if he's boring"


Rob Van Dam - For all the begging to bring this guy in I think he could freshen up a stale Main Event scene. If RVD has anything left in the tank RVD vs. A.J could be fun. I don't think it'd draw anymore than Abyss vs. A.J did but I think it'd be a better match.


Robert Roode - Again part of the most established team in TNA no reason to stop that now.


Samoa Joe - I see no reason to let go of the guy but he's never going to be main event. Just part of that growing list of solid working upper mid card guys.


Scott Hall - Hall seems like he's motivated and trying to give it one last go. He looks better than he has in recent years and I see no reason to get rid of him. More people channel surfing know who he is than know who Joe is.


Sean Waltman - Sean has proved he hasn't lost much in the ring and hanging around bigger stars being their buddy is his gimmick why squash it now?


Shannon Moore - Clearly brought in as a party favor to Hardy so let him have his cup of tea and show him the door.


Shark Boy - Sharky Boy may be a good jobber but honestly I've just never gotten behind the guy ever.


Sting - Sting is on his way out the door anyway I'm sure.


Suicide - Keep him around he's a great gimmick for trying out new guys


Team 3D - No matter how much they want to be they will never be "the greatest tag team in wrestling"


Tomko - Why did they bring this guy back?


If the total was 58 I just cut 22 leaving us at a solid 34 guys and gals on the roster.

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Here are my people that I would cut...




Amazing Red

Brutus Magnus


Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero

Dr. Stevie

Jay Lethal

Jesse Neal

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Rob Terry

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy






So Cal Val


I would have added Lacey Von Erich but I'm actually starting to like her! I think with some in ring training which she has started she could develop into a decent wrestler in the lines of someone like Velvet Sky.

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I see what you did there...


I wouldn't have a problem with the Bi thing if they did it right but WWE started to do it and failed and this angle looks as stupid on tv as reads then just...wow.


This is how I would do it, take it leave hate w/e.


first, I dont think it should be so obvious that he is bi, dancing kinda iffy giving cute smiles and winks, plus its rumored his life style helped get him fired from the 'E then he had pictures on MySpace making out with guys, so the cats already out of the bag.


Second, have him actually on TV and winning, then have his "friends" be on TV with him, and dont have it be a guy so stereotyped and out there.


Third, instead of focusing around OJ, have the friends fight for his attention over a couple of weeks, i.e. leaving the arena with one, hugging one after a win and not the other, etc. etc.


Fourth, have the friends have a match with OJ as the guest ref, there are two ways you can then go, either the girl or guy wins and he embraces them


Fifth, since this is a bi storyline to begin with, we assume in step 4 he picks the guy, you can then have a wrestler attack him for his "choices" and then they feud, giving the whole bi thing an actual lead in purpose to something else.


Is it perfect? No, I've said before when I talk about booking I don't claim to be awesome. However I think this way provides some entertainment while focusing on the wrestler instead of him being Bi and wouldn't come across offensive to either side, and lets be honest, since this whole thing is to create controversy you know its going to be offensive


Certainly it'll be interesting to see how a positive gay role model is going to be booked and how well it'll get over with the fans. There is a lot to work with creatively, you can do so much with sexuality since wrestling historically has always gone the over the top flaming homo route.


It's really something though that needs to be decided by the crowd, Orlando's alignment I mean. Sure he can be the whole "I'm Bi, get with it" deal and kick ass and then get Mathew Sheppard by some bigot. But right there, either the crowd is going to side with the bigot or feel sympathy for Orlando. If the crowd turns on Orlando... good god, it would be interesting for Orlando to play a serious heel bi-sexual character and just flip off on the crowd after returning from a heinous assault.


He could go all militant gay pride.


But like you I'm just playing armchair booker, my point is, it's going to be interesting for sure.

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No sir, I said JBL could have a great match with New Jack or Sandman two guys that are no where near as talented as JBL is.


HOLY SH*T! You know what the problem is...I don't think you understand how misleading your posts are or are misreading how people are responding. Let me explain:


This was the initial post


Many now a day would say like... JBL wasn't a good champ in 2004 either, and I would disagree. He's no Kurt Angle, he can't have a good match with anyone, but in his brawling element against the people he can have good matches with he's a tremendous worker.


Remi responded that saying JBL was a good worker because he can be carried doesn't really make him a good worker.


Put simply, ANY worker can look "tremendous" if put in the ring with far superior workers. That doesn't make the worker tremendous though. No more than catching a pass from Peyton Manning makes you a first ballot Hall of Fame receiver.


Your response completely ignored that and then mentioned two other guys who were poor workers (but they'd have a great match with JBL!) and then talked about him working with Batista.


And then strangely enough how somehow his matches with JBL (which were brawls) would suck because Batista needs to be carried (as if somehow Sandman and New Jack don't)


PUT JBL in the ring with guys like Sandman, New Jack or any other guy that knows how to brawl and what you'll get with is a great wild brawl. Put him in there with a guy like Batista, who needs someone to make him look good, and of course the match is going to suck. It's going to suck even more if you don't play to his strengths (brawling) booking 101 sir.


If JBL is a knife, I'm not going to bring him to a gun fight. I'm going to bring him to a knife fight, why? Because he's a pretty sharp fn' knife! Your example is lame, sir.




We should do a 2 player TEW game sometime, see who the better arm chair booker is Pete. lol


No. Because I hate you.

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red- Hate. Hate. Hate. his current look. No charisma. Small.

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus- Again, it's about look. He's just plain looking.


Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West-Honestly don't think his ads influence anyone to buy, only keep if he's the mastermind behind moving merchandise.

Doug Williams- If I'm pushing Rob Terry, I don't want two other british guys on the same show.

Dr. Stevie- Doesn't add anything to the product.

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me

Hernandez- Re-establish LAX

Homicide- Re-establish LAX

Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal-Green. Adds nothing to the product.

Jimmy Hart- see nasty's.


Kevin Nash

Kiyoshi- Just my general ignorance, I have no idea who he is so I have no idea what to do with him.

Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys- already brought them in, fade them out over the next year and a half jobbing to tag teams

Orlando Jones

Raven- Only use would be as a manager at this point, and I have nothing per the moment.

Rhino- Tremendous talent, but theres no where for him here. Release him... Hope he'd find success elsewhere.

Ric Flair- In storyline break his spine, keeping him wheelchair bound, simply because I find him in a wheel chair humorous.

Rob Terry- start of a very slow long goldberg push to the top.

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe- Try to re-build joe as the fat somoan that WILL kill you. If that fails, keep him around in a Kane type role.

Scott Hall- Waste of money and air time.

Sean Waltman- Less of a waste of money, but dudes been flaky in the past. To hell with him.

Shannon Moore- He's only here to keep Jeff Hardy happy. If I don't fire him he'll be left to his own devices to get over in the X-division. Plus he bailed on the company before.

Shark Boy

Sting- He can't have to much left in the tank, lets have him establish our stars and put a bullet in his head over the next year.

Spike Dudley- adds nothing to Team 3D at this point in their careers.

Suicide- I can deal with it being a video game character, except the gimmick brings nothing to the product and it isn't over at all. Kill it off.

Team 3D

Tomko- He looks like poo, wrestlers like poo, and has all the charisma of poo. Drop him.




Angelina Love- Shes talented, but looks crackwhore ugly. If I keep her around it's only to put over the other women.

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich

Madison Rayne

ODB- This ones debatable. She's over, she's relatively talented, but her lack of sex appeal annoys me. Would depend on other factors (attitude, how much merchandise she pulls in, how badly the fans like her.)


So Cal Val- I'm a biased Christy Hemme fan. I have other women on the roster who look pretty, AND can wrestle. Why the hell should I pay to keep her around?


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky- Pushed to the moon. Looks, charisma, talent (and the fact that Awesome Kong is MIA.)



The Briscoe Bros. who would be managed by New Jack (i'd take a chance on for his charisma)


Scott Steiner, has charisma, still in great shape, well known ala nash. Theres no better person for that uppermidcard role because christ, who wouldn't look good holding a victory over a guy that looks as huge as this guy?


Candice Michele, I really started to grow fond of her as she improved.


Too Cool, this is selfish booking and just something I want to see in general.


thats about it. I've always been fond of a tag team combination of Steve Corino and DDP however I haven't seen Corino since his ECW days so I have no clue what he looks like today and the like. Nor do I even know why I like the idea of them teaming.


People from the E I'd want to bring in is pretty limited. Chris Jericho is the only one I really fancy, and Matt Hardy for obvious reasons. Kane, like Too Cool, would be a selfish desire because I've been a fan of his forever.


Women wise from the E: Gail Kim, Melina, Mickie James... you know, the usual suspects. Hell if those girls left, I doubt it would matter to Vince.

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HOLY SH*T! You know what the problem is...I don't think you understand how misleading your posts are or are misreading how people are responding. Let me explain:


This was the initial post




Remi responded that saying JBL was a good worker because he can be carried doesn't really make him a good worker.




Your response completely ignored that and then mentioned two other guys who were poor workers (but they'd have a great match with JBL!) and then talked about him working with Batista.


And then strangely enough how somehow his matches with JBL (which were brawls) would suck because Batista needs to be carried (as if somehow Sandman and New Jack don't)








No. Because I hate you.


*shrug* Yeah your right, I'm not making clear points with my posts I'll be more clear from now on. But for the love of christ, I hope your kidding about being frustrated. Bickering over booking is suppose to be fun dude.


Batista isn't a brawler in my book, because calling Batista a brawler is like calling Andre The Giant a brawler. Batista's style is what I call "Traditional Big Man Style" a sort of bland simpleness where the everything he does is simply based on his size and relies heavily on psychology to have a good match. Hogan is good example, same style, great psychology. Bland as all hell but got the crowd involved.


Batista obviously, has no real grasp of psychology. Neither does JBL, thus that's why their match suffered. Though if you remember, once it was clear they were oil and water what did the WWE do? BOOK THEM IN A STREET FIGHT, why? Cause that was the only was JBL was going to carry someone to something halfway decent because that's his element.


New Jack and Sandman need to be carried in everything BUT hardcore matches because, like JBL, they know how to have wild brawls.

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Doug Williams- If I'm pushing Rob Terry, I don't want two other british guys on the same show.


...What? Why don't you sack all the other Americans if you're pushing Angle too? :rolleyes: You've still got Wolfe staying i see by the way.


Surely by now we're past "only Americans on an American show"? Especially as we're the 51st State and all.

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus

Bubba - Has no real use other than knowing the right people

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West - Has no real use, Taz, Foley or even Nash are better on Colour

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie - Can't think of much for him to do but I like him. Road Agent

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me


Homicide - Tell him to shape up or ship out, I like him so he'd stay for now

Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal - I don't even think they know what to do with him

Jimmy Hart


Kevin Nash


Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys - More hurtfull to the product than useful

Orlando Jordan - Was a fan in the WWE but he is just a filling up the midcard right now



Ric Flair

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman - Boring and tired, Nash and Hall could use the Wolfpac to build new heels. Not Needed

Shannon Moore - IMO better potential X-Division workers exist

Shark Boy


Suicide - Not relevent anymore

Team 3D - Part time, let them work as many Japanese dates as they want and bring them back to give a rub to a tag team

Tomko - Was good, now going nowhere fast




Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich - Make her a valet and not a wrestler

Madison Rayne



So Cal Val - Valet or the Highway


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky


TNA need more Female workers if they are going to keep the ko tag belts, however they don't need more wrestlers at this point.




I think we need a list like this for the WWE thread too, it would make for good discussion.

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...What? Why don't you sack all the other Americans if you're pushing Angle too? :rolleyes: You've still got Wolfe staying i see by the way.


Surely by now we're past "only Americans on an American show"? Especially as we're the 51st State and all.


Williams and Magnus have been doing the same gimmick as Big Rob, sort of a throwback to the British Bulldog. British pride and all that jazz.


Desmond Wolfe is a c0cky guy who happens to be British. Which maybe I'm being lazy, but for the life of me I can't think of a new gimmick for either one of them so it's best just to let them go.

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Angelina Love- Shes talented, but looks crackwhore ugly. If I keep her around it's only to put over the other women.



The Briscoe Bros. who would be managed by New Jack (i'd take a chance on for his charisma)


Scott Steiner, has charisma, still in great shape, well known ala nash. Theres no better person for that uppermidcard role because christ, who wouldn't look good holding a victory over a guy that looks as huge as this guy?


Candice Michele, I really started to grow fond of her as she improved.


Too Cool, this is selfish booking and just something I want to see in general.


thats about it. I've always been fond of a tag team combination of Steve Corino and DDP however I haven't seen Corino since his ECW days so I have no clue what he looks like today and the like. Nor do I even know why I like the idea of them teaming.


Matt Hardy for obvious reasons.


You think Angelina Love is unattractive? Yet you'd keep Lacey Von Erich who is not as attractive (IMO and about a hundred times less talented?)


The Briscoes are just as bland as everyone else you were releasing? Seriously what would be the difference between them and any other indy tag team? Also why in the WORLD would you choose a hardcore wrestling "street gangsta" to manage the Briscoe Brothers? Also since when did New Jack have anything in the way of charisma other than jumping off of high things, threatening to kill people and bleeding?


Candice Michelle is prego so she won't be available for quite some time.


Too Cool? These guys haven't even been a tag team in what NINE years? Seriously we're talking of cutting dead weight and you want Too Cool brought in?


I'm lost on the obvious reasons to bring in Matt Hardy? Because of his brother Jeff? Because other than that Hardy is pretty much a waste at this point. He's not over, he's not getting any younger and would demand a HUGE paycheck from TNA just for showing up.

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That isn't his best "promo". None the less thats when New Jack was still somewhat sane and roughly 12 years ago. I think New Jack had a place and I could appreciate him but the guy isn't nearly stable enough to be involved with any major wrestling promotion and I certainly wouldn't book him as a manger. None the less New Jack was entertaining for what he was. This promo went on way too long and would have been more effective if they would have walked down a block or what not instead of just standing in once place cursing at people saying "when I'm done here I'm done, F those guys that went on. Then he proceeded to "move on" even pitching an idea to be the one that "stabbed" John Cena during his Carlito feud.
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In my opinion these should get the boot, keeping in mind i dont watch tna on a regular basis but seen all of them.



AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus Just hate him, but Dixie's pet project so wont see him go

BTLS Again a part of Camp Hogan so sitting pretty safe

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West pretty obvious reasons why, the Michael Cole of TNA

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart



Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys They had their moment in the sun along time ago but camp Hogan keeps them safe

Orlando Jordan


Rhino lost in the shuffle with al the new people coming in

Ric Flair

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Wolfpac (Nash. Hall, Waltman) somebody tell them that nWo is so dead

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy The Funaki of TNA should have got the boot along time ago


Suicide Stupid Character

Team 3D





Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich Seeing as Hogan likes Lacey she probably wont get the boot unless she screws up very badly

Madison Rayne

ODB I freaking hate ODB she is so annoying


So Cal Val


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky


What was once a great division has been reduced badly due to Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, Cheerleader Melissa leaving.


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Shame on all of you for wanting to cut Doug Williams! His promo at Destination X was good, and his finish is awesome!



Weird, but I'm interested in seeing where it goes. I've been an advocate of having a positive gay role model in wrestling for a while, although I don't think that's what they're doing. A babyface would be comfortable with his sexuality, without flaunting it. It looks to me like he'll be a heel, playing off of the crowd's homophobia, in a slightly different way than the norm. Different is good. I like different.


The key is if the character can be used to create interesting feuds to set up matches folks will pay to see. Hopefully TNA have some plans on that, and aren't just relying on the controversy.

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Right. But he was problaly talking about the japanese guy they have on loan who also weared it, if i'm not mistaken.


From what I've read, Kiyoshi is going to take over the suicide role, but I would get rid of the suicide character in general as I think it's just a bad idea.

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Okay here's mine:


Amazing Red: They've dumped the notion of Don West trying to mentor/manage him and it doesn't seem like the past history within the company is going to be much help to him.


Brutus Magnus: Hasn't been of much use since World Elite splintered and isn't interesting enough on his own. That's why he was teamed with Williams and Terry to begin with.


Bubba: His act is boring and tedious. He adds nothing.


Dr. Stevie: Seems to have run his course since the feud with Abyss ended.


Eric Bischoff: See Bubba


Jeff Hardy: I get why he's wanted but he's just too mercurial. I wouldn't be able to trust him


Jimmy Hart: Let him go tend to that Wrestlecious show. Wrestling needs some new managerial blood. Not old holdovers like Jimmy Hart.


Kazarian: I get what he was to TNA's past but there have to be a lot of newer members of the TNA fanbase who don't know him from Adam and couldn't care less about the guy. Or am I just imprinting my feelings on the crowd in general?


Kiyoshi: There's been talk he could become Suicide. But I don't know. I think I might just let him go back to Japan and give the character to someone else. He wasn't able to make himself matter without World Elite and served mostly as cannon fodder with them. Someone else can serve as Suicide.


Mr. Anderson: I know I'm biased but he's a big lump of nothing. I'd be more than willing to take the chance of some other company making something of themselves with him at the lead.


Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person): Once the feud with Team 3D runs its course anyway.


Orlando Jordan: Boring and has nowhere near the name value he had to have been brought in for in the first place.


Raven: Nothing really for him. His role kinda died off with Stevie's


Rob Terry: An even bigger lump of nothing than Anderson. At least with Anderson, I understand why he's supposed to be have appeal and be entertaining. But as I've said, I'd want Terry to hang around long enough to have that X Division run Williams yanked out from under him. Preferably a short one before a more traditional X Division guy outquicked the belt away from him. As bad an idea as giving Terry a storyline was to start with, it would sadden my old school heart to not see it have a proper conclusion.


Samoa Joe: They clearly don't want to do anything coherent with him. Let him go somewhere that will value him.


Scott Hall: Do I even need a reason? :)


Sean Waltman: I don't have much problem with the guy as a talent but he hasn't made enough believers over the years for him to have much value.


Tomko: Don't like the guy. Never have. Don't really see the appeal. Probably cheaper guys on the indy level you could bring in who'd be just as good if not better

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I've saidthis before: they need to cut the roster. Maybe in half.


It's great to have all that talent, but TNA literally has too many guys for them to really focus on anybody for an extended length of time. They 're trying to pay attention to so much, that the booking of the whole roster suffers.


And yes..I know that if you cut 30 people or so you'd be releasing some very good, very talented individuals. But the storytelling would become more concise and the product would improve tenfold.


Exactly...most of them wont go to the WWE, because the have everyone they need/want. So they'll go overseas, do the indy thing...if TNA needs to pick them up again in 6 months or a year, most of them would still be availible.

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