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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What I don't get is why he got put as commissioner, makes me wonder if he has request release or something.


I think he was put has commish because he can't wrestle for now if ever again. Correct me if I'm wrong but last I heard he had hep C is why he's stepped away from wrestling for so long.

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I think he was put has commish because he can't wrestle for now if ever again. Correct me if I'm wrong but last I heard he had hep C is why he's stepped away from wrestling for so long.


Yeah, I've heard that, I was more wondering why they would put him in that role, and then have him leave so soon after. Wondering if it is a bit of a Foley deal because I can't see a reason for such a quick change, so I was thinking he might have requested his release.

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Okay, so, despite all of the craziness, and what I feel they could do 'better', I have to say that I am MORE of a TNA fan these days than the WWE. Case in point...



Sure, there were moments where Sting wen't a little too far with the madness BUT there were also some great spots here as well. While I would like to see more time focused on other guys, I feel this segment came away pretty well.


Is it just me or did Hogan's face look a little weird after the attack? I mean, like he's actually wearing some sort of mask. ha.

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Okay, so, despite all of the craziness, and what I feel they could do 'better', I have to say that I am MORE of a TNA fan these days than the WWE. Case in point...



Sure, there were moments where Sting wen't a little too far with the madness BUT there were also some great spots here as well. While I would like to see more time focused on other guys, I feel this segment came away pretty well.


Is it just me or did Hogan's face look a little weird after the attack? I mean, like he's actually wearing some sort of mask. ha.


Very joker esque from sting there. Would love to see a character in wrestling like that however without a straight up face to combat him not sure it's gonna work.

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When Hogan reemerged from behind the wall or whatever, his face looked so funny :D


Felt the angle was over the top and the acting was a bit weird at times. I didn't like the I know stuff other people don't know crap and the use of calling him Terry, but the content of the mask and Sting AGAIN paining someone was pretty cool. And I liked the start of the angle and the end of the angle but felt it went a bit weird with the OOT acting in the middle but I liked the content of the angle. Just watched it again. Hogan's face :D


Sting sounding like Jim Carey made me smile, but from when he said "And I'm not done yet" with the stupid hand movement the acting was bad, and Sting repeating himself annoyed me a bit, I like what was said, but not how it was said basically :p.

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Very joker esque from sting there. Would love to see a character in wrestling like that however without a straight up face to combat him not sure it's gonna work.


Agreed. Sadly, though, I would much rather see that kind of character from a younger guy (So we could have it fleshed out for quite some time).


These days, though, wrestling has become rather 'friendly' and has stepped away from more dark-personas. For a joker-esque character to work, there would need to be a focus on more vile demeanor's.





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Agreed. Sadly, though, I would much rather see that kind of character from a younger guy (So we could have it fleshed out for quite some time).


These days, though, wrestling has become rather 'friendly' and has stepped away from more dark-personas. For a joker-esque character to work, there would need to be a focus on more vile demeanor's.






Ever hear of Conrad Kennedy III? He's doing a Joker-esque character now named Krimson. He started the name before Tommy Mercer did in TNA btw. Which is funny because Mercer is another local wrestler...:p


Krimson is actually REALLY good at the gimmick too. The transition was phenomenal too. He was fed up with busting his ass for the last 10 or so years and not making it anywhere in the business he's given his life to and I think he said something about going through a divorce because of his devotion to the wrestling industry. He's done a lot of great promo work in Pro Wrestling Ohio and I was certain it was going to get him mainstream attention, but so far nothing. He's some of his bad ass promos.



Also, Jeff Jarrett won the AAA title, anyone think this will come up on Impact? I mean, there's been rumors about El Zorro joining TNA for at least a year and it has yet to happen, but Jarrett beat El Zorro for the AAA title.

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I was wondering when I watched this the other day, do you think he


A) Would fire RVD & Angle (since both are 40 +) and he'd only keep one, or would he not class these as legends, in the case he does count these a legends does he fire Sting (I imagine at the time he would have let his contract run out.)


B) Could he fire Jeff Jarrett? And if not would he keep him as his legend?


It's not huge stuff from Heyman, but watching it would have been awesome (I'd imagine)

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It's not huge stuff from Heyman, but watching it would have been awesome (I'd imagine)


What really stuck in my mind was that Heyman had a vision. Regardless of whether it is really feasible to fire everyone over 40, at least you get the impression that he had a focus and that TNA really would have been a different product from the WWE (which I still believe it badly needs to be).


TNA's current (and only) focus seems to be cramming as many people on TV as possible.


I started watching Impact this week and was immediately confused by Gunner. Is he a face or a heel? Do we not care anymore? And how many times do we need to see Angle vs Jarrett - it feels like it's been going on for months!

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What's sad about what Heyman had to say is that it was simple, common sense stuff. It wasn't anything creative or intricate or something never before seen or heard of before. It was basic, logical booking that made sense. Which is the complete antithesis of the TNA approach of the last five or six years.
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What really stuck in my mind was that Heyman had a vision. Regardless of whether it is really feasible to fire everyone over 40, at least you get the impression that he had a focus and that TNA really would have been a different product from the WWE (which I still believe it badly needs to be).


TNA's current (and only) focus seems to be cramming as many people on TV as possible.


I started watching Impact this week and was immediately confused by Gunner. Is he a face or a heel? Do we not care anymore? And how many times do we need to see Angle vs Jarrett - it feels like it's been going on for months!


I absolutely concur with the bolded. So long as TNA sticks to the same basic approach as the WWE has used for so long, its not going to stand out. It is stuck in a rut with the same basic number of people watching it, week after week, with no real notable growth. They are not appealing to a wider audience. They need to change things up. They talk about doing it - "wrestling mattters" - and yet don't actually change anything.

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Heyman imo is the most Overrated man in wrestling just another person yall IWC people speak so highly of that isn't all that much. If he was sucha gensis ECW would still be around.


Everything he touched in ECW became wrestling GOLD. ECW went down because he didn't know how to manage money. It had nothing to do with his knowledge of wrestling.

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Heyman imo is the most Overrated man in wrestling just another person yall IWC people speak so highly of that isn't all that much. If he was sucha gensis ECW would still be around.


That not really the point. Did you watch the video? If you did, would you prefer that to what TNA put out now (if you even watch it) , regardless of what you think of him.


Nobody here said he was a genius, in fact everyone has basically said it's basic stuff. It is logically and for me, (and from what I've seen elsewhere about this video) it is an improvement, which could have come from the mouth of Dixie Carter, or Eric Young , or Jeremy Borash for all I care, the fact is what he said makes sense (to me :)).

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Heyman imo is the most Overrated man in wrestling just another person yall IWC people speak so highly of that isn't all that much. If he was sucha gensis ECW would still be around.


How in the hell do you mistype 'genius' as 'gensis'? Or did you just smash the keyboard randomly with your meaty fists and hope for the best?

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Heyman imo is the most Overrated man in wrestling just another person yall IWC people speak so highly of that isn't all that much. If he was sucha gensis ECW would still be around.


Everything he touched in ECW became wrestling GOLD. ECW went down because he didn't know how to manage money. It had nothing to do with his knowledge of wrestling.


This is something most people don't get. There seems to be a perception that if you're good at one thing, you're good at everything. The mere suggestion that someone (like, oh I dunno, Paul Heyman) could be great at one critical part of wrestling and woefully inadequate at another critical part, seems unfathomable to some folks.


"How did Mike Tyson go bankrupt? He was such a great boxer!"

"How did Toni Braxton go bankrupt (twice!)? She was such a great singer!"


How in the hell do you mistype 'genius' as 'gensis'? Or did you just smash the keyboard randomly with your meaty fists and hope for the best?


I lol'd. :)

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I couldn't see Heyman elevating the show to the moon, but I think he would guide it into a positive direction. I think I trust him more than the team they currently have running the show.


If he was sucha gensis ECW would still be around.

Everyone says that, but it's such an unfair argument. The guy was a genius because of all the personalities involved on the show, and that it pushed limits, yet somehow was growing in popularity. ECW is not physically still around (even though it did return twice in the two top promotions as a brand), but the influences are all over the effin place. Terrible businessman, probably, but I don't blame the dude for wanting to put out an awesome show no matter what the cost was. I would just be bitter that all my ideas got picked up by the top companies, who made a assload of cash off of them.

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Question: Has any wrestling promotion that has presented something markedly 'different' to what WWE does survived for a significant amount of time on TV and made money?


If there's no evidence to support that doing something different to WWE can make money and generate longevity, surely TNA should be doing everything in their power to be as much like WWE as possible, for the sake of their future?

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Question: Has any wrestling promotion that has presented something markedly 'different' to what WWE does survived for a significant amount of time on TV and made money?


If there's no evidence to support that doing something different to WWE can make money and generate longevity, surely TNA should be doing everything in their power to be as much like WWE as possible, for the sake of their future?


But none have had the backing of TNA as I know of.

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But none have had the backing of TNA as I know of.


I don't follow? If people watch it, TV will show it and advertisers will buy space on it.


Didn't MTV have a wrestling promotion that was kinda different to WWE at one point? If you can't last with MTV behind you, then people simply ain't buying what you're selling.

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I don't follow? If people watch it, TV will show it and advertisers will buy space on it.


Didn't MTV have a wrestling promotion that was kinda different to WWE at one point? If you can't last with MTV behind you, then people simply ain't buying what you're selling.


I think TNA would survive if they did thing different to WWE, nothing too drastic, but in a way as Heyman said of pushing youth over older guys. With Panda Energy and their great relationship with Spike, I reckon they could do well. I see what you mean, and making money IDK, but I don't think copy WWE would be best for their future, but maybe to stay secure in where they are and if they accept being a second rate promotion and are happy not to be the biggest it would make sense for them to carry on how they are and be WWE lite.

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Question: Has any wrestling promotion that has presented something markedly 'different' to what WWE does survived for a significant amount of time on TV and made money?


If there's no evidence to support that doing something different to WWE can make money and generate longevity, surely TNA should be doing everything in their power to be as much like WWE as possible, for the sake of their future?


Valid point, but counter question - has TNA ever made money by using its "WWE formula" approach? By most accounts, it has yet to ever be a money making venture. Also, has any promotion but the WWE remained on TV and profitable for any length of time? WCW managed for awhile but they also failed pretty spectacularly. So I don't know that following the WWE formula is really any safer than any other approach.


If I ran a business and was desperate for growth, yet the same approach had generated no significant growth for several years despite throwing a lot of money at a number of supposed "fixes", I might consider changing the approach at least a little.

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