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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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National Wrestling Federation opened in January 2014


The National Wrestling Federation are a promotion based in London who come to the table with a fairly simple plan of attack - copy Total Championship Wrestling.


Having seen how 21CW came to dominate UK wrestling by basing large parts of their strategy on the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the NWF chiefs realised that the obvious way to fight back was to copy the one promotion to have given the SWF a run for its money in the US, that being TCW.


Armed with a large debut marketing campaign, NWF hope to take the UK by storm.


Wanna guess who the new owner is.... Tyler Baker


Tyler Baker is a business man who made a modest fortune in the dental hygiene business. He invested some of his money to follow a boyhood dream and form a wrestling promotion, and the result was 21st Century Wrestling which opened in 2001. Although the promotion was a critical success, it was a commercial flop, and was on the verge of bankruptcy by 2006. UK celebrity Jeff Nova stepped in to save it, buying out Baker to become the new owner.


Jeff Nova better watch his back.

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National Wrestling Federation opened in January 2014


The National Wrestling Federation are a promotion based in London who come to the table with a fairly simple plan of attack - copy Total Championship Wrestling.


Having seen how 21CW came to dominate UK wrestling by basing large parts of their strategy on the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the NWF chiefs realised that the obvious way to fight back was to copy the one promotion to have given the SWF a run for its money in the US, that being TCW.


Armed with a large debut marketing campaign, NWF hope to take the UK by storm.


Wanna guess who the new owner is.... Tyler Baker


Tyler Baker is a business man who made a modest fortune in the dental hygiene business. He invested some of his money to follow a boyhood dream and form a wrestling promotion, and the result was 21st Century Wrestling which opened in 2001. Although the promotion was a critical success, it was a commercial flop, and was on the verge of bankruptcy by 2006. UK celebrity Jeff Nova stepped in to save it, buying out Baker to become the new owner.


Guess Baker couldn't resist not being part of the business? Maybe figures he can beat his own company. Pretty cool, I have to say. Only thing cooler would be Ken Flanagan opening BPW.

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Guess Baker couldn't resist not being part of the business? Maybe figures he can beat his own company. Pretty cool, I have to say. Only thing cooler would be Ken Flanagan opening BPW.


Ken Flanagan. Is he not the Welshman with a rather Peter Fillic taste.

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Ken Flanagan. Is he not the Welshman with a rather Peter Fillic taste.


Yup, that'd be the fellow.


I once had an idea of having a diary where he ran a totally scummy company, with such delightful chaps as The Scotsman signed on to it (because Ken Flanagan, rather than being furious, was impressed with the blackmail The Scotsman had on him!)


I booked one or two shows, realized the company simply did too awful for me to get into. A D- show can be disheartening.

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From Raymond Diaz's bio:

he has become a favourite of PGHW management due to the fact that he is apparently completely indestructible - a huge bonus in a company that has seen its main event workers dropping to injury at a staggering rate.

I hired him, first match he had for me he broke his neck and is out for 18 months :(

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From Raymond Diaz's bio:


I hired him, first match he had for me he broke his neck and is out for 18 months :(


In my game his physical condition is terrible, and I love him so I signed him to a written deal and he has been on holiday for 10 months, only coming back to compete in 10 matches and his physical condition is still




God I hate GCG's 90% match intensity.

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Hell has officially frozen over:



Read it again. The biggest thing is WHERE he won it:



That is SUCH a weak card, it makes me giggle.

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Hell has officially frozen over:



Read it again. The biggest thing is WHERE he won it:



That is SUCH a weak card, it makes me giggle.


4 That i would watch

Kofi vs Shad

Jerciho vs MVP

Mizjamin vs HawkRyder

Hardy vs Punk

and no taker

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I'd definitely watch a fair few of those matches, but where are the likes of Cena, Orton, Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker...


That's a HORRIBLE card. The buy rate and attendance is very poor too. Not even a sellout crowd for WrestleFREAKINmania.


Exactly! The DB is a conversion of Wrestling in a Recession (from last December) but I fixed all the events and such (even gave Wrestlemania ridiculous event extras). What's funny is, the day before WM25, HBK re-signed. All of their top guns were available (hell, they all worked their respective shows the week before) but none worked the biggest card of the year. In fact, the very next night on RAW, Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena in a match that rated 91 (and Christian dragged Mark Henry to an 86 rated match). I haven't updated the rosters (I can't be bothered, really) so they still have Batista even!


Now you see why the AI needs to be able to "cheat". It's stone stupid even with cheats. :p

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Just had an amusing story in my SWF game. As is fairly common, Gregory Black changes his wrestling style from Regular Wrestler to Japanese Junior, feeling that it will help his career. I then go to the autopush (having already done it the day before) and his push changes from upper midcard to midcard. Smart move, bro! :p
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Exactly! The DB is a conversion of Wrestling in a Recession (from last December) but I fixed all the events and such (even gave Wrestlemania ridiculous event extras). What's funny is, the day before WM25, HBK re-signed. All of their top guns were available (hell, they all worked their respective shows the week before) but none worked the biggest card of the year. In fact, the very next night on RAW, Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena in a match that rated 91 (and Christian dragged Mark Henry to an 86 rated match). I haven't updated the rosters (I can't be bothered, really) so they still have Batista even!


Now you see why the AI needs to be able to "cheat". It's stone stupid even with cheats. :p


They did still pull out a B with that card. At global, a B should be enough to maintain. So maybe AI-McMahon is just giving the finger to the game world by showing what he can manage without his big guns....

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Not all that 'strange' I guess, but took me by surprise.




Based on the other stories going on in your game, he was clearly so overrcome by El Patron's heroism that he couldn't go on wrestling. :p


In a watcher game I'm enjoying, George DeColt and Zoe Ammis have fallen victim to Kenny deaths. Zoe fell out of a window. It's not pleasant, but it's not that remarkable.


George DeColt, Canadian wrestling legend and member of the Hall of Immortals... was gunned down by a SWAT team at the age of 67.

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George DeColt being killed by a SWAT team isn't even the strangest thing that happened in that game - in the indie fed I created with a roster of misfits had Dusty Bin and Mark Smart as their World Tag Team champions for three months. In this same promotion, The Big Problem is a 2 time World Champion and a double World and United States Tag Team champion with Jeremiah Moose.
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I've never understood what that is supposed to mean. What does it mean? Also, what mod ae you using?


According to Wikipedia. . .


Perverting the course of justice, in English, Canadian (see article 139 of Canadian Criminal Code), and Irish law, is a criminal offense in which someone prevents justice from being served on himself or on another party. It is a common law offense carrying a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.


Perverting the course of justice can be any of three acts:


* Fabricating or disposing of evidence

* Intimidating or threatening a witness or juror

* Intimidating or threatening a judge

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I've never understood what that is supposed to mean. What does it mean?


WC, have you ever heard of the term "aiding and abetting"? That's perverting the course of justice. In the US, that terminology isn't commonly used. We have "aiding and abetting" and "accessory after the fact", "menacing" and "judicial tampering" (to a lesser extent) and things like that. But they all fall under the same basic category.

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