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What's going on in your game?

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So I started a new game for the hell of it, USPW, and have put on about 3 shows.


So far I've not made any drastic changes to the original setup, however I'm making moves.


Jumbo Jackson is going to be my hotshotted star. Andre Jones is about to turn tweenery face and have a mediocre feud with Peter Valentine to re-retire the National belt (ultimately - I'm planning on replacing it with an annual tournament)


Kind of interested in totally rebooting the tag division, but I need new teams and I'm not interested in having an incredibly bloated roster...


I am about to have Bruce the Giant and Giant Redwood go ape**** on Enygma but I'm not particularly thrilled with the idea of them being successful. I kind of want to see a fiery young team debut and chop them down...but we're back to not wanting to bloat the roster.


So far I'm having fun, but I could be destroying USPW's "rich history"...I have no idea how they'd be faring on their own. Show ratings have been in the mid to high 60's, and TV Ratings at .75 & .77 respectively.


I'm very interested in firing the Hillbillies but they are perfectly fine as jobbers, as I literally never intend to push them.

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Just passed the two year mark in a watcher game I am running. NOTBPW hit Global after about 15 months and I'm not surprised. Of the 41 defenses that have taken place of their Canadian Championship, 33 of the matches have been between Dan Stone Jr and Steve DeColt (DeColt held the belt until July 2011 then dropped it to Dan), talk about overkill! Not one rated below 88 actually, and there were five 99's and one 100!


In SWF Giedroyc and Valiant have been tag champs for over two years now but have only defended the belt 15 times. In BHOTWG, Nakasawa has been World Champion for over two years also but has only defended 13 times while Kikkawa managed 27 defenses of his King of Fighters title in the space of 15 months before dropping the belt to Iesada who has made 13 defenses. Something I have noticed in companies with two main event singles titles is that only one will ever be defended at any given PPV. Has anyone else noticed this?

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a new update of my game


Begining of March 2012


my promotion is still in small size... but it's growing every month. around 6 months and I think to grow up to Regional size.



Buddy Garner (ME - Heel)

Madman Boone (ME - Heel)

Zeus Maxmillion (ME - Heel)


Antix (UM - Heel)

Great Tiger (UM - Face) (my avatar)

Regular Joe (UM - Face)


Ant-Man (M - Heel)

Bob Casey (M - Face)

Roderick Remus (M - Heel)

Running Wolf (M - Face)

Thomas Morgan (M - Face)


Biff The Bruiser (LM - Heel)

Hugh de Aske (LM - Face)

Joey Beauchamp (LM - Face)


Dean Lutter (Opener - Face) (generated worker)

El Diablo (Opener - Heel)


Captain USA (Colour Commentator)

Duncan Kendall (Road Agent)

Remmington Remus (Announcer)

Wilson Carlisle (Referee)


Tag Teams

Madman Boone / Roderick Remus



World Champ : Antix (since August 2011) (ME title)

North America Champ : Biff The Bruiser (since March 2011) (M title)

Tag Team Champs : Madman Boone / Roderick Remus (since October 2011) (floating title)


a new year in my game... a new update for those who are interested. :D



Middle of January 2013


I have grow to regional size with my show of November 2012.




Great Tiger (ME - Face) (my avatar)

Joey Poison (ME - Face)

Regular Joe (ME - Face)

Zeus Maxmillion (ME - Heel)


Bob Casey (UM - Face)

Hugh de Aske (UM - Face)

Mario Heroic (UM - Heel)

Philippe LaGrenier (UM - Heel)


Ant-Man (M - Heel)

Dean Lutter (M - Face) (generated worker)

Madman Boone (M - Heel)

Mighty Cavanagh (M - Face)

Roderick Remus (M - Heel)

Thomas Morgan (M - Face)


El Diablo (LM - Heel)

Harry Allen (LM - Face)

Running Wolf (LM - Face)


Biff The Bruiser (Opener - Heel)

Darryl Devine (Opener - Heel)


Stretch The Chicken Boy (Enhancement Talent - Heel)


Captain USA (Colour Commentator)

Duncan Kendall (Road Agent)

Remmington Remus (Announcer)

Wilson Carlisle (Referee)



World Champ : Great Tiger (since December 2012 - beat Maxmillion) (ME title)

North America Champ : Thomas Morgan (since November 2012 - beat Joey Beauchamp) (M title)

Tag Team Champs : Philippe LaGrenier / Roderick Remus (since December 2012 - beat Wolf / Casey) (floating title)


Finally, Maxmillion takes the belt to Antix in a 4 way. He have lost him against Tiger for 2 reasons : 1- To have a new champion and bring some new stories. 2- He have sign a new contract with us a few months ago... and he request a title run... and since this old reign didn't count has the title run for this contract... He was unhappy to loose against me... and many others wrestlers... but in few months, he will regain the title against Tiger. Morgan wants a new run too... I will try to let him lose the title against someone a have a shot to the Tag Team (maybe with Dean Lutter).


The wrestler who have left us


Antix (start to have a big head (read here unhappy booking) and give medium rating matches)

Buddy Garner (sign written with GCG)

Joey Beauchamp (let him go after a higher bid fight between me and UEW... $2500 P.P.A. for Beauchamp? not for me...)


I know... hiring Stretch at this size is surprising... but hiring a lower salary... some one I can made jobber to give a little candy to another wrestler is always a good thing. After a long joobing work, El Diablo will be reward with some better exposure in the promotion (maybe a NA title run). Heroic will start a work to become a ME. For the rest, it will depend of what I can think about them. I made enough money each week to start to think about a second show per month. If I done it... it will be elsewhere to increase outside Quebec.


High Impact Wrestling have just open (owner is Geordie Jimmy Morris) and Haruki Kudo is now a member of HoI.


See you again for another update. don't hesitate to send a PM with comments or suggestions.

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In my SWF game Kurt Laramee died in a car crash after Supreme TV. His last match was the show opener, in which he lost to Gregory Black.


The week before he caused a problem backstage when he was spreading rumors about Jack Bruce (current SWF champion).


I guess you don't mess with the face of the company.

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In my SWF game Kurt Laramee died in a car crash after Supreme TV. His last match was the show opener, in which he lost to Gregory Black.


The week before he caused a problem backstage when he was spreading rumors about Jack Bruce (current SWF champion).


I guess you don't mess with the face of the company.


He loses the opening match and then kicks the buckett.


Mess with Jack Bruce and you get buried twice I guess.:p

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In my SWF game Kurt Laramee died in a car crash after Supreme TV. His last match was the show opener, in which he lost to Gregory Black.


The week before he caused a problem backstage when he was spreading rumors about Jack Bruce (current SWF champion).


I guess you don't mess with the face of the company.


Wonder how long it'll take for fans to start chanting "Bruce cut the brakes!"

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In my SWF game Kurt Laramee died in a car crash after Supreme TV. His last match was the show opener, in which he lost to Gregory Black.


The week before he caused a problem backstage when he was spreading rumors about Jack Bruce (current SWF champion).


I guess you don't mess with the face of the company.


What, no chants of "It was Black! It was Black!"?


They probably duel like WWE audiences with "Let's go Cena!" "Cena sucks!"



"Bruce cut the brakes!" "It was Black!" "Bruce cut the brakes!" "It was Black!"

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So if anyone was paying attention to what I was saying in the "small questions" thread, I *think* I'm in the process of resolving some long running issues...anyway. Here's what happened in Island of Pain (0/0/0/0 Hawaii) over the past several months.


Note: IoP hires only Free Agents, with 0 popularity in Hawaii. If a member of our roster signs elsewhere we do not renew their ontracts upon expiration.


Current Date: February 2040 (Small size, 19% Popularity in Hawaii)


Several months ago Julio Dominguez announced his retirement during his 3 year reign as the IoP Islands champion.


It was at this time I made a SERIOUS booking error with Parajo del Fuego, who had just won the title from Dominguez.


Capitao de Brazil, our then IoP Top Gun champion, was in the Main Event challenging for the Islands title, and fail. However, in my haste or simply a lack of attention, I habitually put Capitao over (his reign as the Top Gun champion was rather lengthy) to win the title, even though Del Fuego was slated to win.


At this point, I'm not going to break my systematic booking structure to account for my error...so I decided to just roll with it. Now, what complicated things here is that I had just tried out "call in ring"....with my entire roster. As a result, the show completely bombed. None of my guys, except for Del Fuego, have the necessary psychology skill for it to work. We went from a 38 show rating, the month that Dominguez lost the strap, immediately to 26 on the show that saw Capitao win it. Basically I double whammied myself...


So. Capitao vacates the Top Gun title and goes on a crappy main event streak, the following three shows were 25, 27, 28 (approximately). By this time, Parajo del Fuego is back in title contention, ready to take the belt back. Big win...FINALLY the shows are back in the 30s. 33 Rating overall.


For what it's worth, the Top Gun title changed hands 3 times since. 1 -randomly won by a newer guy in a show opener. 2 - Lost the following show to Matty something (not Phatty). 3 - Lost to DeCipher, current champion, making it his 2nd or 3rd reign with the belt.


Our last show, main evented by DeCipher vs. Parajo Del Fuego, ended up at 35. So clearly something I've done is working. Perhaps just having the belt on the wrong guy was the catalyst for my recent failures.


...anyway, we just lost Nathan Rigger to Japan (Saisho), which is perfectly fine since he was sort of an *******, so the push of Welsh Dragon begins now. So far I'm a fan.

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Since the first 2010 episode of SWF Supreme, SWF Chairman Richard Eisen and his son, SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen have been having major problems. At Nothing To Lose, in a triple threat steel cage match contested between Jack Bruce, Rich Money and champion Eric Eisen, both Marat Khoklov tore off one of the walls, allowing he, Enforcer Roberts and Everest to interfere on Eric's behalf. The next week on Supreme, Richard said that Eric had besmirched his name, and was about to fire him, when Eric, Roberts, Everest & Khoklov beat him to a bloody pulp.


Dennis Van Pelt Jr returned to the promotion the following week*. Where Eric Eisen announced he, along with several other members of the board, were selling their shares of the SWF to Van Pelt, and since Richard Eisen was incapacitated, Van Pelt was named the CEO of the SWF. Van Pelt would then assist Eric in retaining his title, all the way up to the Welcome To The Jungle pay-per-view, where he lost it to Jack Bruce, due to his Father's return and subsequent distraction.


The next night, Richard announced that Eric's match at The Supreme Challenge** would be against a returning Christian Faith, and if Eric lost, he would be fired. Eric would then lose the match, and would be fired by his Father. However, on the next Supreme, Van Pelt announced he was still 50% owner, which means that Richard can't fire Eric. Dennis & Eric then announce the formation of the eLite, which would destroy the SWF from within. The origional line-up for the eLite will consist of Eric Eisen, Enforcer Roberts, Everest and Marat Khoklov.


Anyway, my plan for this is to end up with a brand split***, but I have no idea how to go about this, any ideas for a climax to my storyline? :D


*Dennis Van Pelt Jr is my user character. He is a billionaire, due to owning Van Pelt oil, but has been a huge wrestling fan since he was a young boy. He is also a very successful actor, after playing the titular role in the Mastermind TV series from 1980 to 1987, as well as several successful movies. He was also in the SWF for half a year, managing all of Sam Strong's rivals during that period, even helping Dread beat him in the main event of the fourth Supreme Challenge.


**In my game the Supreme Challenge is one month after Welcome To The Jungle


***I was able to do a brand split because, although TCW isn't dead, they're in serious debt, and have about 20 wrestlers left.

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If the brand split is purely storyline (that is, no brand-specific shows), draft all the faces to one brand and the heels to another. Essentially, you have two stables. Of like...50 or so workers.


If the brand split isn't purely storyling (brand specific shows), then...


I suppose eLite and...noteLite should be on different brands. Then they clash on PPV. The undereLite and undernoteLite-that is, what would be considered the underlings of the groups-would be on the oppostie brands of their counterparts.


i.e. Eric Eisen is on brand one. Christian Faith is on brand two. Big Smack Scott joins eLite, but he's on brand two. Lobster Warrior joins up with Faith, but he's on brand one.


That way you can still fuel the over-arching story without over-exposing your main feud matches.

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Playing with WCW from the 1988 mod. I edited the game before I started and deleted the WCW belts and assigned the same champs to the NWA titles. Cooler to have title histories. I'm only a couple of months in. WCW Saturday Night is on TBS and I recently debuted Monday Night Nitro on TNT.


NWA World Heavyweight - Ric Flair (starting champ)

NWA World Tag Team - The Road Warriors (starting champs)

NWA United States Heavyweight - Sting (beat Barry Windham)

NWA United States Tag Team - Harley Race and Sgt. Slaughter (beat the Steiners)

NWA Junior Heavyweight - Eddie Gilbert (won tournament final over Dory Funk Jr.)

NWA World Television - Harley Race (beat Bam Bam Bigelow)


My main events right now are primarily involving Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Sting and Dusty Rhodes. Flair is embroiled in a feud (along with his new look Horsemen of Barry Windham, Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) with Sting and C.H. International (Eddie Gilbert, The Steiners, Missy Hyatt and Jim Cornette)... some great matches happening between Sting and Flair and Flair and Gilbert.


I also have Harley Race feuding with Lex Luger... sort of a buff good looking rookie versus the bitter veteran nearing the end of his career. Also running Steamboat versus Dusty Rhodes. Since I resigned Dusty and in my version of history fans never had to look upon those horrid yellow polka dotted tights Dusty is playing the role of the NWA/WCW true born and took great offence to Steamboat just strolling back into his backyard after his run with McMahon. After a wicked heel turn Rhodes is having a new golden age in the ring putting on awesome matches... even reforming The Texas Outlaws with Dick Murdoch!


I signed a lot of great guys like Hector and Chavo Guerrero, Davey Boy Smith, Sgt. Slaughter, Terry and Dory Funk, Stan Hansen, Nikita Koloff (managed by Ivan), a young Scott Hall and a very young Undertaker (wrestling under the name The Punisher and managed by the flamboyant Percy Pringle), I even managed to steal away Gene Okerland and Bobby Heenan from the WWF!


I love this mod, man. So much fun starting WCW from the ground up.

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Playing with WCW from the 1988 mod. I edited the game before I started and deleted the WCW belts and assigned the same champs to the NWA titles. Cooler to have title histories. I'm only a couple of months in. WCW Saturday Night is on TBS and I recently debuted Monday Night Nitro on TNT.


NWA World Heavyweight - Ric Flair (starting champ)

NWA World Tag Team - The Road Warriors (starting champs)

NWA United States Heavyweight - Sting (beat Barry Windham)

NWA United States Tag Team - Harley Race and Sgt. Slaughter (beat the Steiners)

NWA Junior Heavyweight - Eddie Gilbert (won tournament final over Dory Funk Jr.)

NWA World Television - Harley Race (beat Bam Bam Bigelow)


My main events right now are primarily involving Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Sting and Dusty Rhodes. Flair is embroiled in a feud (along with his new look Horsemen of Barry Windham, Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) with Sting and C.H. International (Eddie Gilbert, The Steiners, Missy Hyatt and Jim Cornette)... some great matches happening between Sting and Flair and Flair and Gilbert.


I also have Harley Race feuding with Lex Luger... sort of a buff good looking rookie versus the bitter veteran nearing the end of his career. Also running Steamboat versus Dusty Rhodes. Since I resigned Dusty and in my version of history fans never had to look upon those horrid yellow polka dotted tights Dusty is playing the role of the NWA/WCW true born and took great offence to Steamboat just strolling back into his backyard after his run with McMahon. After a wicked heel turn Rhodes is having a new golden age in the ring putting on awesome matches... even reforming The Texas Outlaws with Dick Murdoch!


I signed a lot of great guys like Hector and Chavo Guerrero, Davey Boy Smith, Sgt. Slaughter, Terry and Dory Funk, Stan Hansen, Nikita Koloff (managed by Ivan), a young Scott Hall and a very young Undertaker (wrestling under the name The Punisher and managed by the flamboyant Percy Pringle), I even managed to steal away Gene Okerland and Bobby Heenan from the WWF!


I love this mod, man. So much fun starting WCW from the ground up.


This all sounds ridiculously epic dude. Good work, please keep the updates coming!


I am still playing my 87 mod game and it is freaking awesome currently.


Debut of the Four Horsemen at Survivor Series went quite well, and immediately following the event, Hogan, Andre, & Savage were all 3 at 100 momentum, with Dibiase now being at a 92 from it. The Horsemen all came in with each member getting momentum 88 or higher from the get go (oddly enough Flair did most of the work in the debut and had the lowest momentum, but thats an easy fix).


Since the debut I have played almost 3 weeks of action, and Dibiase continues to brag about his Championship reign (havent had him defend it yet, not sure if i will anytime soon) and the Horsemen are hyping up the fact that they destroyed Hogan. Had Hogan sit out 2 shows selling the beatdown by The Horsemen (do 3 shows a week though, and the third show he would have sat out was the debut of that new show, so I felt i needed him back for the ratings for that one, so I think I kind of rushed him back since it was barely a full 7 days he was actually out). Since then him and Savage have formed the Mega Powers and have been at war with Dibiase, Andre, as well as verbal insults back and forth with the Horsemen. So far The Horsemen are perfect in the ring, and I am planning to not have them lose for a while and to play up a stable winning streak storyline for them. My next plan is for Flair to face Steamboat at either Royal Rumble 88 or WM 4 and to win the Intercontinental title from him. Flair will then either have an epic long reign with the belt, or one swerve idea I have is for Jack Tunney to then come out and rule Flair inelligible to hold any of the WWF Titles for his actions in the WWF Title change part, and then Flair & Horsemen will go on a campaign to get Flair's title eligibility reenstated. Not sure that makes as much sense as I would like for it to tho haha.


I have recently bought out the AWA and all of their titles, and a few of their stars. Any ideas what I could do with them would be appreciated. Slightly considering a brand split with them, but if i did that i would need to hire a lot more people, so suggestions on who to hire would be great too.


In other news, negotiations with Jake the Snake are coming down to the wire with his contract expiring soon and im not sure I will be able to resign him, so currently him and Piper (Jake is the heel) are in a feud, that is going to end this month at my ppv with them fighting in a career vs career match. Not sure who will lose yet, definitely will be Roberts if i can't resign him, but if I can then it will probably be Piper who loses so I can hide him away for a bit and repackage him.

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I'm in a WWE game and I'm at war with TNA. Christian who is my main eventer is earning 40,000 a month. HIs contract was up for renewal so TNA offered him more money then me so we went through a bidding war, and I won and out bidded TNA's offer by offering him 150,000 a month. He is now currently my highest paid wrestler on the roster with The Rock as the runner up.
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Just completed the 26th year of my MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2036

With $9,194,028

314 Shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Matty Faith

Prestige: 70

5 Defenses made so far

Defeated Chris Kaladaro at Long Live The Champ 14 to claim both the Title and the Long Live The Champ Trophy


MSWA Regional: Swipe Romero

Prestige: 50

3 Defenses made so far

Defeated Clyde Huey


MSWA Tag Team: R & R Brian Rampage and Paul Reinhold

Prestige: 40

1 Defense made so far

Defeated Dagger and Chris Flynn after the titles were reactivated in 2035



Clyde Huey vs. C.H. Threepwood


Dean Vedder vs. Matty Faith ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2036 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Atlas vs. Darrell Florian


Eddie St. Hubbins and Alfred Waterman vs. R & R Brian Rampage and Paul Reinhold ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Justin Sensitive vs. Swipe Romero ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Dustin Deuce vs. Jay Fry


Clyde Huey vs. C.H. Threepwood


Dean Vedder vs. Matty Faith ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match



Robbie Sanchez

Doug Peak

Ace Youngblood

Animal Harker



Animal Harker – Released after retired.


Left Company after their Contract Expired

Robbie Sanchez

Doug Peak

Ace Youngblood


New Signings

Bounce Buchanan

Flip Buchanan

Leblanc Auriville

Brian Rampage

Paul Reinhold

Justin Sensitive

Eddie St. Hubbins

Alfred Waterman


New Teams

The Buchanan’s: Bounce Buchanan and Flip Buchanan

Experience: 50


R & R: Brian Rampage and Paul Reinhold

Experience: 36


Bad Reputation: Justin Sensitive and Hudson Drake

Experience: 2


St. Hubbins and Waterman: Eddie St. Hubbins and Alfred Waterman

Experience: 4


Note: With the signing of these four teams I reactivated the MSWA Tag Team Titles and gave them back to Dagger and Chris Flynn who were the last holders of the titles before they were retired.


So even though I provided this update, I am going to put this game on hiatus once again. I am not doing this for the same reason I did so last time (Last time it was because I had no tag division). Now that I have a tag division I am more willing to continue this when I do but I started another game recently with a 0/0/0/0 company and I want to focus on that for a while.

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I made a horrible mistake in my NYCW game. I had KC Glenn win my King of New York tournament. I had initially hired him to make him a jobber to improve my midcard heels, but he actually lasted a year with me, so I decided to pull the trigger on his push. He had a big heel turn on Sammy the Shark, and the two of them met in the finals, with Glenn cheating to win. This was supposed to lead to a feud before Glenn challenged for the big belt. I say supposed because about 4 days later, he signed a development contract with PGHW.
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I made a horrible mistake in my NYCW game. I had KC Glenn win my King of New York tournament. I had initially hired him to make him a jobber to improve my midcard heels, but he actually lasted a year with me, so I decided to pull the trigger on his push. He had a big heel turn on Sammy the Shark, and the two of them met in the finals, with Glenn cheating to win. This was supposed to lead to a feud before Glenn challenged for the big belt. I say supposed because about 4 days later, he signed a development contract with PGHW.


no worries. Thats a ready made uber-heel trick there. he takes the belt and then releases a statement that says he only wanted the gold and you dont deserve his time. Hell be back someday with great heat

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