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I'm also thinking of getting rid of Smackdown, as I'm really questioning the need for two shows a week with no brand split. Would this be a good idea?

With monthly PPV, 2 shows in a week make 8 shows between 2 PPV.

Even without a brand split, I guess you have a large roster, so you have enough shows to make real midcard storyline (4 or 5 appearance in the month) and huges storylines for the main event (build on 8 shows between the match).


With a sole weekly show and a large roster, some wrestlers might be weeks without appearing on TV, that's not really a good thing.

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Decided to put my EffVerse game on ice for a while and started another 0/0/0/0 game this time in jhdVerse. I chose Japan as my starting place with product being popularity over performance (Mainstream being the key feature while Traditional is on heavy, everything else is on low at best). The name for my promotion is Eternal Studios Entertainment (ESE), which is the name that I use every time when I create my own promotion. I also decided to use touring schedule since it gives me opportunity to have more shows in a year. As avatar I chose Puppet Master as usual. Haven´t played that much yet, my first tour only had four shows on it as it was little hard to find anyone who would have been willing to work with just 150$ per show. Then again I did only sign those guys who were unemployed so I did handicap myself a little bit. Here´s my current roster:



Main event:

Emperor Shimaoka, Heel: Only got in, because he´s willing to work with 300$ a month and with F+ overness that isn´t a bad price. Currently feuding with Tsunoda on my top title but once other guys build their overness up Shimaoka will slide down the card.


Jiro Tsunoda, Face: Tsunoda is my first ever King Of The Network (the main title) champion as he won the title by winning the tournament beating Shimaoka in the finals. Tsunoda got the title simply because he was the best on those three guys who had F+ overness in Japan. Much like the other two Tsunoda will likely drop a little bit on pecking order once I can afford signing better guys but he likely has the best shot from my current main eventers to stay on my main event scene in the future.


Otajiro Hagiwara, Face: Hagiwara is getting 300$ per show (same than my other main eventers) and that´s more than I would be willing to pay if I had better options. Otajiro is basically going to be a jobber despite his current card position and he might well be one of the first guys to go. Hagiwara is currently feuding with Mike Suzuki.


Sumiteru Hatakeda, Face: Hatakeda is my only guy who appearantly can play monster heel, but unfortunately he´s face currently so I can´t get full use from him (he does have biker gimmick though and had get some squash matches in order to build his overness a little bit). Hatakeda isn´t anything special but right now he´s going to be main eventing thanks to his starting popularity and the fact that he´s only one in my roster who can play brute gimmicks effectively.



Upper Midcard:

Air Xaymaka, Face: I love Xaymaka´s alt and he´s willing to work with just 100$ per show. Unfortunately that´s pretty much all the positive things on him as he isn´t all that skilled even for my own (rather low) standards. So basically Xaymaka is a jobber and will likely stay so. He´s also didn´t help his case by getting negative relationship with Hunter Wolfe.


Mike Suzuki, Heel: My heel side is rather tin for real talent who speak Japanese so right now Suzuki is going to be one of my top heels. He´s not that great though and is negative backstage influence so it remains to be seen how long he stay in my good books. Right now he´s feuding with Hagiwara and he´s scheduled to win that feud too.


MITSUI, Face: MITSUI can pretty much be summed with one word, JOBBER. Time will tell if he one day will be something more nut I don´t really hold my breath waiting for it.


Mystery SPARK, Face: Another one of those “I like he´s alt so I hired him” guys. SPARK has slightly more going on than some other of my guys and thus will likely stay in upper midcard but low star quality will likely stop him from becoming a main eventer especially since he´s other skills are decent but not great. SPARK is currently feuding with Shinobi Honda.


Scott Seal, Heel: Seal is first of the three heels who doesn´t speak Japanese (not sure how I managed to a) sign all three B) made them all heels but that´s what happened). Seal is easily the most talented guy in my roster and will have big role to play once he learns the language (if he stays of course).




Hunter Wolfe, Heel: Wolfe has skills to be higher on the card but until he learns to speak Japanese he´s going to be a jobber. Wolfe didn´t help his case by developing negative relationship with Air Xaymaka, as though Wolfe is seen as better from the two he´s also the one with negative backstage presence and that might lead to him leaving before he gets change to shine.


Shinobi Honda, Heel: Another negative backstage presence and he´s spot monkey on top of that. Luckily for him I always like ninjas and he´s willing to work with just 100$ per show. Honda is also currently in a feud but that´s just because only three of my heels speak Japanese.



Lower Midcard:

Meido Machine, Heel: Meido is lower on the card than he should (he´s easily my 2nd / 3rd best guy skills wise) but unfortunately he doesn´t speak Japanese so he jobs. Meido signed a touring contract with DIASPORE and I worry a little bit that he will become too over for me to afford re-signing him.



Non Wrestlers:

Fujio Kada: My announcer, willing to work with just 400$ show which is ok price considering that he has C+ on announcing.


Inejiro Katsu: He´s asking 500$ per show but there didn´t seem to be much cheaper options available. Might have been better idea to sign Blood Spider since he could have played color commentator as well but it´s not like I really need on right now.


Referee Dayu Yamahata: Decent referee who is willing to work with 300$ per show. Again I just didn´t find anyone cheaper so he will do.



It´s currently July 2013 and ESE just rose to small size so I figured that it´s good time to make an update. I had little bit troubles keeping costs down with so few wrestlers willing to work for just 150 per show. Also DIASPORA and UPJ didn´t help matters by signing few cheaper guys to tour with them as the overness gains they made pushed them way above what I can afford to. I did get little gains from that too though as both Meido Machine and Scott Seal where amongst the guys DIASPORA signed and I managed to get some matches out from both before their contracts ended (Actually Seal is still with me about 6 months).


Main event:


Emperor Shimaoka, Heel: Somehow Shimaoka is still in main event scene and has actually become somewhat over too with E+ overness in Kinki despite being on the losing side in a feud with Jiro Trunoda and not doing anything after that. Still, he is going to fall in the pecking order soon as I have more talented guys to take his spot. He will be feuding (and putting over) Go Takashi next.


Jiro Tsunoda, Face: Tsunoda is still my King of The Network champion as he has defended his title against likes of Smimaoka, Meido Machine and Sumiteru Hatakeda. He´s going to drop the title soon to Tony Chi but I expect Tsunoda to stay as one of my top faces (to be honest there isn´t that much competition right now).


Scott Seal, Heel: Seal did a tour in DIASPORA and as a result his overness is now D around Japan which likely means that he won´t be re-signed since my other most over guys have only F+ around Japan making the overness difference just too big. Shame, as I looked to build him as one of my top guys but maybe I can sign him again once ESE becomes big enough. Right now I try to abuse his overness and move it to other guys by having him lose in tag matches and having him beat guys who are low enough in overness that they might get something by just losing (not sure how well that works in popularity over performance promotion though).


Upper Midcard:


Go Takashi, Face: Takashi is one of the newer signings and one who I look to become one of my top guys. Right now he does come on a losing feud against Tony Chi but that´s simply because Chi needed to win in order to challenge Tsunoda for the main title.


Sumiteru Hatakeda, Heel: Hatakeda turned heel little while ago when I needed another challenger for Tsunoda. Hatakeda has done decent job so far but honestly that feud with Tsunoda is likely about as close as he will get to Main title belt. Hatakeda is going to feud with Kotaru Taguchi next but unfortunately for Hatakeda that will be another losing effort for him as I look to build Taguchi as title challenger.


Tony Chi, Heel: Chi was signed pretty early in 2012 to fill a spot that Meido Machine left after going to tour with DIASPORA. As I have stated already Chi will be my next King of the Network champion and thus is obviously considered as one of my top talents.




Golden Star, Face: Ok so he sucks in ring but he´s one half of the only team that has some tag experience who I can afford to sign. Basically Golden Star and he´s partner Moon Silver will be foundation to my tag division until I build some tag experience on other teams (or until I manage to find existing teams with some experience).


Kotaro Taguchi, Face: Taguchi is my latest signing and he joined me after Dark Wolf II and Wild Nanami rejected my contract offers. Still despite not being my number one choice he´s still solid guy and I expect him to be one of my top faces alongside Takashi and Tsunoda.


Mike Suzuki, Heel: With guys like Chi and Takashi coming in Suzuki has slightly fallen in pecking order but he´s still solid guy and might eventually become my number two heel after Chi since Seal is on his way out and Shimioka and Hatakeda are currently two of my weakest main eventer/upper midcarders and Suzuki has enough skills to pass both of them (of course this doesn´t take into account the fact that I will probably eventually sign more over guys who will likely pass Suzuki in pecking order). The main thing holding Suzuki down is his negative backstage presence since I generally don´t like to push guys with huge egos unless they really talented and though Suzuki is decent compered to my other guys he´s hardly great. Still he´s young so maybe he picks up enough skills to be worth the troubles that he causes backstage.


Mystery SPARK, Face: SPARK has been in two feuds so far (against Shinobi Honda and Mike Suzuki) and he´s record from them is 1-1. To be honest I don´t see SPARK being much more than midcarder currently but as my current number four face he´s going to get his share of feud in coming tours. SPARK does have good entertainment skills (compered to my other guys) and decent performance skills so there is a change that he eventually gets pushed higher but that remains to be seen.


Shinobi Honda, Heel: Honda is just another jobber and only has work because he was willing to work with 100$ per show (I was still local when I re-signed him last time). Changes are that I will eventually drop him because he´s another bad backstage influence and lot less skilled that Suzuki or Wolfe but right now he´s does ok job by putting other´s over and it´s not like I have that many better options available until I´m willing to hire more over guys.



Lower Midcard:



Air Xaymaka, Face: Another cheap jobber who will likely eventually get dropped though I do like he´s alt and that might save his job (well that and the fact that there is only few guys that I could hire to replace him :p).


MITSUI, Face: MITSUI is still jobbing and that won´t change anytime soon.


Moon Silver, Face: Second half of Moon Star and pretty much as horrible in ring as he´s brother. Still their tag experience is needed right now and so they will have a job at least for now.



Hunter Wolfe, Heel: I´m little bit surprised that Wolfe is still this low on pecking order but it´s likely just because he has less overness in Japan than other jobbers like MITSUI or Shinobi Honda. Still Wolfe should be higher on the card and I see him eventually being in my midcard (he needs to learn Japanese first though). Wolfe has also shown that he´s loyal to me as he snubbed both DIASPORA´s and LETHAL´s touring offers and that will help his career as I know now that he will stay with me and that makes him safe guy to build-up. The main thing holding him down right now is (alongside the fact that he doesn´t speak Japanese) that he´s bad backstage presence.


La Cebra, Heel: La Cebra was brought in to fill my lower card and I paired him of with another luchadore Ultimo Destino as Ultimo Cebra in order to start building my tag team division. Right now Cebra and his partner are nothing more than jobbers but both are decent enough to eventually rise further up the card.


Enchantment Talent:

Ultimo Destino, Heel: What I said about Cebra fits here too.


Non Wrestlers:

No changes here other than the fact that I signed Gihei Nosaka as my color commentator.

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A full year in the last week (NWA game, started in 95, this is 2001), only one weekly show, 1 hour and PPV, most of it while watching the beginning of cycling races on TV, but I guess I played too much those days ^^


But it wasnt my favourite year, I didnt made great long storylines.

Anyway, I pushed wrestlers to the top, like Doug Williams who became World Champion (and the second Grand Slam Champion after Daniels) and Rob Van Dam (Triple Crown Champion, like Jerry Lynn).

Also new things in the Tag Team division, with Christian York & Joey Matthews, America's Most Wanted and a new "lucha libre team" Mr Aguila & Rey Misterio Jr.

Absolutely no ideas about the Trios division, so "The Originals" (Christopher Daniels, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage) kept the titles for 14 monthes, until the S.A.T. won it (Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo & Amazing Red).


The X Division was my best part, with a 1 year long reign of AJ Styles ended by newcomer Bryan Danielson and a feud between both of them.

Beside them, the debut of Super Crazy, Low Ki and Brian Kendrick.


About my major stars at the time, I didnt give them any belt.

I used Rhino to push Rob Van Dam, while Raven and Sting were feuding together and Kurt Angle is starting to "come back" around the World title belt, with a new gimmick, he's against everybody, like there is kinda conspiracy over him, keeping him from having a title shot.


Despite the lack of ideas, I'm continuing to grow up, having my shows in bigger arenas and for the first time in the UK.



Major PPV matches :


February 2001, Revolution (St John Arena, Colombus, Ohio)

Raven def. Kurt Angle

Doug Williams def. Stevie Richards

Rhino def. Rob Van Dam

Main Event, World Heavyweight Championship : Jerry Lynn © def. Sting


April 2001, Lockdown 6 (Williams Arena, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Six Sides of Steel : Rhino def. Rob Van Dam

Six Sides of Steel : Sting def. Raven

Main Event, Lethal Lockdown : Team Lynn (Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage & Mr Aguila) def. Team Williams (Doug Williams, The Eliminators, Super Crazy & Jeff Hardy)


June 2001, The Homecoming (Amway Arena, Orlando, Florida)

World Heavyweight Title Shot, Elimination Match : Rhino def. Raven, Sting, Rob Van Dam

Submission Match : Kurt Angle def. Stevie Richards

X Division Championship : Bryan Danielson def. AJ Styles ©

Main Event, World Heavyweight Championship : Doug Williams def. Jerry Lynn ©


August 2001, Holiday in the Sun (Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California)

Jerry Lynn def. Kurt Angle

Sting def. Raven

X Division Championship : Bryan Danielson © def. AJ Styles

Main Event : Doug Williams © def. Rhino


October 2001, NWA 53rd Anniversary Show (Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) (The full card)

Street Fight : Kurt Angle def. Stevie Richards

Super Crazy def. Hector Garza

Ultimo Dragon def. Guido Maritato

World Trios Championship : The Originals (Christopher Daniels, Adam Copeland & Christian Cage) © def. Amazing Red & The S.A.T.

World Tag Team Championship, Elimination Match : Rey Misterio & Mr Aguila © def. The Eliminators, Christian York & Joey Matthews and America's Most Wanted

No Disqualification : Raven def. Sting

X Division Championship, Ultimate X : AJ Styles def. Bryan Danielson © and Jeff Hardy

Main Event, World Heavyweight Championship : Doug Williams © def. Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam


December 2001, Anarchy in the UK, (Wembley Arena, London, England)

World Trios Championship : Amazing Red & The S.A.T. def. The Originals (Christopher Daniels, Adam Copeland & Christian Cage) ©

Clockwork Orange House of Fun : Raven def. Sting

X Division Championship, Submission Match : AJ Styles © def. Bryan Danielson

Main Event, World Heavyweight Championship, King of the Mountain : Rob Van Dam def. Doug Williams ©, Jerry Lynn, Kurt Angle and Rhino


Jeff Hardy left NWA and joined WCW in December.

The Eliminators contracted ended. Saturn didnt want to stay, so I didnt keep Kronus, making Adam Copeland, Christian Cage, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels the last four wrestlers since January 95.

Sting badly inured hilself against Raven and will be out of the rinf for monthes.


Plans for 2002 :

Restart the RVD vs Lynn feud, this time about the World title.

Bringing back Adam Copeland & Christian Cage in the tag team division.

Finally have the Raven vs Daniels feud.

Create Stevie's stable.

Keeping the "ROH spirit" around the X Division.

Bringing women in the roster, but in the same roster as men, I wont have a Knockout division.



Rest of the world :


In WCW, Hulk Hogan is not the head booker of WCW anymore. Now, Ric Flair is.

So after a 33 monthes long reign, Hulk Hogan is not World Champion anymore. Now, Ric Flair is.

Chris Jericho & The Giant, Harlem Heat and DDP & The Roch has been Tag Team champions.

Shane Douglas, Booker T and Jean-Paul Levesque has been US champions.

The Giant, Dean Malenko and Taz has been TV champions.

Jushin Liger, Matt Hardy, Disco Inferno and Tony Mamaluke has been Cruiserweight champions.


Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels has been WWF World Champions.

Davey Boy Smith & Lance Storm, William Regal & Steve Corino and Steve Austin & Sabu has been Tag Team champions.

Sabu, Davey Boy Smith and Kid Kash has been Intercontinental champions.

1-2-3 Kid and Goldberg has been European champions.

Chyna has been Women's champion all year long.


With No PPV or TV contract, ECW bankrupted in April. Taz (World), Raven & Stevie (Tag) and Tommy Dreamer (TV) are the last champions.

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So on year six of my women's hardcore promotion.


Maria Guest is being an egomaniac backstage, refusing to job my champ Thea Davis. Problem is I'm trying to do a long running storyline where Davis allies herself with Deborah Young, only for Young to turn face and challenge her for the belt. So Guest winning the title muddies things up for me.


Meanwhile, my premier heel stable Les World Order (Originally Corrine White and Militia Sister, Viv Jacobs would join the group and expand it further, with Kammy Ling, Darla Knight, and Amy Galaxy all in it at one point) has imploded, when Militia Sister and Darla Knight siding with Lady Melissa (under her adult entertainment name Melissa Melons) after Jacobs kicked Galaxy out of the stable. This lead to Sister and Knight w/ Melissa vs White and Jacobs w/ Kammy, losing team leaves LEW. Sister and Knight won, so the LWA are out of the company (as a cost cutting measure, and both of them are now retired anyway).


Galaxy (who is backstage friends with May Walton) is now Walton's manager (having also retired). Kammy Ling is being repackaged, to join Roz Larren in turning face and teaming with Eve Grunge, who are going to be a punk/grunge rock stable/band (whose name I haven't deicded on yet). I've also got Laura Flame, and I'm considering giving her a Hell Monkey Girl gimmick, Power Girl (glorified jobber at this point) and Calamity Joan (who is turning heel next show to balance out my roster).


I'm losing money due to increased pay costs but I'll be hitting Small soon so it should balance out.

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I started out with a few wrestlers I recognized in the real world and wanted them in the company, but it seems like I'm using them less and less to be able to make stars and feuds with wrestlers I'm not most familiar with. Dean Ambrose(Jon Moxley) for example. I knew he was a wrestler in FCW and had some impressive matches with Seth Rollins though. During the writer's meeting they were telling me he was one to 'look out for' so I checked out his stats, liked what I saw and hired him: now he's an upper-midcarder with a (so far) 2 month undefeated streak in the company. As for the 'well known' wrestlers as much as I enjoy having them in the company, I decided not to renew their contracts and let them go back to TNA/WWE while I'll hold onto younger talent who I'm not most familiar with and make stars out of them.


But there's still a few big names that I still have uses for.

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Decided to give the weaker women of the CVerse some love and am in the process of signing every unemployed woman under 30 into development - I won't get anything out of it other than, maybe, a manager or two, but for...


Bobbie Dylan, Bonnie Clyde, Calamity Joan, Debbie Rose, Eri Sato, Faith McGee, Kinuye Mushashibo, Kaede Sugiyama, Kuniko Matsura, Olivia Diamond, Power Girl, Sakura Sada, Sister Beth Mercy, Tiffany Massive, Yukiko Matsumara and Adela Martinez


...the chance is there to go to work for BSC, the undercard of AAA or the CWWF or even to be a prelim worker for 5SSW.


Hey, they're in development - it's not a miracle factory.

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It´s currently July 2013 and ESE just rose to small size so I figured that it´s good time to make an update. I had little bit troubles keeping costs down with so few wrestlers willing to work for just 150 per show. Also DIASPORA and UPJ didn´t help matters by signing few cheaper guys to tour with them as the overness gains they made pushed them way above what I can afford to. I did get little gains from that too though as both Meido Machine and Scott Seal where amongst the guys DIASPORA signed and I managed to get some matches out from both before their contracts ended (Actually Seal is still with me about 6 months).


Sounds like a fun game Zergon! I've had a couple of games in Japan, but always as one of the existing promotions. It's definitely the most difficult area to try a small created promotion so I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D

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Running with 4C on 2008. Been raided countless times of course. Lost Newton, Devine, Poison, Ali:mad:, & just as I was about to get behind them as a team, lost Phenomenal E.



Jack Avatar(self booked champ)

Jett(ditched HC title, regional title that will become TV)(face)


Thomas Morgan(heel)

Craig Green(now leader of 187's/co-tag champ)(heel)




Canadian Dragon(h)

Frankie Dee(f)



Slim V(tag)(h)

Brett Fraser(h)


Grease Hogg(h)

Lead Belly(h)

Masked Cougar(f)

Too Hot(f)

TJ Bailey(f)

Brady Prince(h)



Canadian Crusher(h)

California Love Machine(h)

Thunder & Lightning(F)

Kentcky Bill(f)



Chris Flynn(f)





Besides the talent raids, just having problems getting anyone any momentum. Avatar has C, the rest of the main has D+ or D as well as the uppers. The rest is in E & still F. Year and a half in. Winner's a bit peeved at the moment. Gonna fail one critical goal with the other easily in hand.

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decided to give PSW a go but gave them a t.v show as i prefer booking more cards in a month allows me to build feuds


Main Feud

Frankie Future vs Johnny Martin

Future is playing a cocky heel, and Martin s claiming he does not deserve to be top of the card, Martin lost a number 1 contender to Braun, who invited Future to dinner, in a Dinner Table match, a normal table match but covered in kitchen ware such as plates and forks, Future won the match, and now has to face Doug Peak, but Martin has managed to get himself in the title hunt by beating The Deadly Alliance in a handicap match


The Warrior Invasion

Doug Peak, Larry Wood and Gareth Wayne invaded PSW as WEXX representatives, dominating the lower card, Peak now has his eyes set on the main prize planning on taking the belts back to japan


The rise of Speed

Marc Speed beat Matthew Kieth in a casket match for the National Title, when someone is leaving they are always involved in a casket match, as its a sign of them being dead to the company, Speed is now playing superior and has teamed with Future, Ash Campbell was his latest opponent


Main Event


Johnny Martin

Freddie Datsun

Alex Braun


Doug Peak


Upper Midcard


All Heel

Frankie Future - PSW Champion despite being strongly booked is a UM

Larry Wood

Steven Parker

Marc Speed



Ash Campbell

Teddy Powell - i really don't like him, but am trying to keep the original roster as much as possible

Tank Bradley


Hell Monkey

JD Morgan

The Punisher

The Wolverine


L. Midcard

All Hell

Nelson Callum


Primal Rage



The Good Ol Boys



Lazy Joe

Little Bill



Gareth Wayne is out for 2 months thanks to a WEXX show


New Signings

Hell Monkey

Gareth Wayne

Larry Wood

Doug Peak

Marc Speed



Phunk - both in casket matches against Speed

Matthew Kieth


i hold a big event every two months, so my first big one was Febuary 2010


PSW Table Manners


Main Event

Dinner Table match

PSW Championship Match

Frankie Future beat Alex Braun in 15:51

as above, a table match with kitchen ware for weapons, Peak interfered and destroyed Alex Braun for Future to win


Freddie Datsun beat Nelson Callum

just a standard match, debut of Datsun


Cage of a Hundred Weapons

National Title

Marc Speed Beat Ash Campbell

Cage Escape but the cage has weapons all around the cage for hardcore effect


No 1 Contender

American Death Match

Peak Beat Powell and Parker

a little less risky than a normal death match


Thumbtack/Strap match

Martin Beat Hell Monkey

Monkey has been a wrestler for hire to Future hired him to take out Martin, it failed



The Deadly Alliance Beat Bill and Tank

Crappy opener


Next Big Event


American Garbage

Sunday April wk 4

Main Event

Garbage Match

PSW Championship

Frankie Future vs Johnny Martin vs Doug Peak

PSW version of fans bring the weapons

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Just ran Wrestlemania XVII in my WWF 2001 game. Here's the card:


(Pre-show) T&A defeated Crash Holly and Steve Blackman Grade: D

(Pre-show) Hugh Morrus and D'Lo Brown defeated Mitsuharu Misawa and Osamu Nishimura Grade: C-

Rob Van Dam defeated Mr. Perfect for the European title Grade: C

The Undertaker defeated Chris Jericho (Hair vs. Hair match) Grade: B

Dudley Boys defeated Hardy Boys and Edge and Christian to retain the Tag Team titles (TLC match) Grade: B

Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental title Grade: B

The Rock defeated Kurt Angle Grade: B+

Triple H defeated Steve Austin to retain the World title Grade: B-


Got a B- overall.


EDIT: And a week later, I drop down to cult. I'm gonna start a new RW game, this time set in the modern age. Just with a little twist. Every wrestler is a free agent and I had Shane McMahon bring back WCW.

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So running a women's hardcore fed called Ladies Extreme Wrestling, and the first show since officially becoming a Small sized fed.


First I had the second annual X-Treme X-Mas 15-woman battle royal which features tables and barbed wire boards surrounding the ring, won by Natalie DiMarco (it's a "tournament" title, to satisfy her title demand)


Then Thea Davis (who was injured at a CWWF show so couldn't wrestle) comes out, saying that since she won the LEW championship for the second time, she's been completely unstoppable, and since the roster has already been through one match tonight, it wouldn't be fair to defend her title because even if they were fresh she'd still dominate them. She also claims that she deserves to have not one but two title belts, declaring herself the first-ever holder of the "Ladies Extreme Wrestling Thea Davis Is The Queen Of Wrestling Championship"


Next up the Les World Order (Darla Knight and Militia Sister) beats Roxy Kitten (member of my face stable/punk band Riot Girls) and Power Girl in an "LWO Rules" match (essentially elimination bra and panties). Roxy would actually win the match after stripping Darla Knight, but referee Eugene Williams took a bump and LWO's valet Melissa Melons ripped off Roxy's shirt and Darla Knight rolled out of the ring, meaning the LWO was awarded the win.


Roxy then demands a one-on-one rematch against Darla Knight, which she wins.


May Walton then beats Principessa and Calamity Joan in a three-way dance by pinning Principessa clean. During the match though, third person in the commentary booth/road agent Buttercup was badmouthing Thea Davis...


Prompting Davis to jump her after the match, hitting her with a piledriver through the announce table. This writes Buttercup off into a purely backstage role and Officer Goodhead becomes the third person running commentary.


Next up the Death Junkies (Christy Higgins and Natalie DiMarco) beat Laura Flame and the newly turned heel Maria Guest clean by hitting Flame with their "High on Violence" (450 splash/flying kneedrop combo) finisher.


After the match though, Maria Guest attacks Christy Higgins and puts her in a ringpost figure four until DiMarco can get Guest off of her tag partner. This is to set up Higgins vs Guest while DiMarco challenges Davis next show.


Finally, after a dance intermission featung the LEW Girls (Kali Fornia, Julia Silver, and Sweet Tabitha), our main event to crown the first-ever LEW Southern Tag Champions:


A brutal ladder match as an end of a mini-tournament (the qualifiers were last show), between Riot Girls members Eve Grunge and Roz Larren vs the Brute Force Alliance of Deborah Young and Julliette King. Originally the Riot Girls were going to win, but both Young and King wanted a title run, so I gave the BFA the belts instead.


Actually not the best show LEW's put on (Roz Larren apparently can't go for 15 minutes, and I had to work around my champ being injured) but still a successful and pretty fun event.

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So I started up a game sort of inspired by the road to glory challenge. I spent 750 points to create a avatar wrestler, but I made the company basically a performance based Ring of Fire clone based in Western Australia. It's not quite following the rules since I gave the company $50,000 to start with, but I wanted it to be performance based to set it apart from the other Aussie companies and with low sponsorship you need a boost to be able to survive.


My goal firstly is to see if I can make the company financially sustainable and perhaps eventually become the top company in Australia. My other goal is to develop my avatar character become the best wrestler in Australia.


I'm about 6 months/shows in and here's where I am currently:


(Quotes so people who don't care can skip it)

World Wrestling of Australia:


Size: Local, Owner: Cesar Sionis, 9 Popularity, 1 Prestige, 6 Momentum.


Last Event Rating: 44


Main Eventers: Boo Smithson, Whirlwind Lee Wilkes, Blitz Simpson, God of War


Boo Smithson holds the title and has been in the main event of every event I've held. He's a perfect guy for a company like this since although his charisma and star quality are awful he's probably the best in ring worker in Australia. He's been basically carrying the company with his main event performances and is good for teaching the younger guys.


Whirlwind and Blitz are both fairly young guys, but they both can deliver in the ring and fit in with a promotion where entertainment skills don't matter. God of War is alright, but he's the weakest of the main eventers.

Upper Mid Card: Cesar Sionis, Max Langstrom, Michael Rheur, Craig Phoenix, Blood Money

Cesar Sionis has already caused one backstage incident, but he's the owner so what are you going to do. He'll probably take God of War's spot in the main event at some point since he's a little more talented and a few years younger.


Langstrom and Rheur are veterans who are decent in the ring and can hopefully pass on some skill and put on a decent match against my top guys, but both are on time decline and Langstrom is a negative backstage influence so I don't know how long they'll remain employed.


Craig Phoenix isn't really as good as any of these other people, but he's a decent young wrestler based on Australian standards. Blood Money is the name I chose for the avatar character; the 750 points translates to about 40 technical and brawling and about 50 Performance stats, but he's about on par with Phoenix and more importantly he's free so he might as well get the last upper midcard spot.

Midcard and Lower Mid card: Felix Harding, Adgee Cross, Francis Burke, and Jake D'Angelo.

Harding has great selling and consistency, but that's about it. Cross, Burke, and D'Angelo are all terrible, but they're very cheap young guys I could find to round out the roster and if I'm lucky they might actually be decent some day since Burke and Cross are on the hot prospects list.

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TCW game, centered around Stable Wars. If you're not in a stable, you ain't nothin'. A while ago I posted in a "What would you do if you ran..." thread, claiming I wouldn't run this game, but I did. 10 months into it.



The Syndicate*(suit themed, black gear) Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins

Freedom Fighters*(cowboy themed, brown) Ricky Dale Johnson, Joey Minnesota, Harry Allen,

Party Animals*(college douchebag themed, pink) Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins

Family Values*(no theme, orange) Sam Keith, Matthew Keith, Gregory Keith

The Golden Army*(military themed, green & gold) Rocky Golden, Guide, Scout, Koshiro Ino

The Storm Front*(rock star themed, purple) Troy Tornado, Sammy Bach

Hellfire Club*(evil themed, red & black) Genghis Rahn, Eddie Peak, American Buffalo, Texas Pete

The Lawbringers*(police themed, blue) Rick Law, Brent Hill, John Anderson


The Syndicate were quickly disbanded in a war with the Freedom Fighters. Wolf Hawkins, begrudgingly joined The Party Animals. Tommy Cornell joined The Family Keith, positioning himself as a stern uncle to Sam’s kids.


Bryan Vessey, under siege from the Hellfire Club, sought help from The Freedom Fighters. Together, the cowboys took out the villains in a Total Warfare match, disbanding them forever. Genghis Rahn and Texas Pete left the company. American Buffalo eventually found a place as a roadie for The Storm Front. Eddie Peak… we’ll get to him later.


Meanwhile, douchebag frat The Party Animals (Edd, Freddy & Wolf) began a prank war with new stable ‘Kappa House’ (Benny Benson, Danny Fonzerelli, Chance Fortune, Aaron Andrews) until the teams put their differences aside and joined forces, the Animals turning babyface. They came up against Family Values. “Alpha Dog” Wolf Hawkins was seconds away from defeating his former mentor, until Aaron Andrews defected to follow the teachings of Cornell. Hawkins has since left to shoot a movie, significantly weakening the stable and sending them on a losing streak.


With The Hellfire Club destroyed, Eddie Peak was looking for a home. Practically every stable campaigned for his services, but he chose to follow Rick Law’s authoritarian faction The Lawbringers. A stellar performance in the Summer Heavyweight League found him surpassing Rick Law, which lead to Peak taking over the stable and booting out Rick. Renamed ‘Police Brutality‘ they have shunned their previously straight-laced image, and have adopted a more psychotic mentality, complete with torn police uniforms and animalistic attacks. Only Deputy Davis (Wayne Newton) seems uncomfortable with the new direction.


Family Values went from strength to strength, with Tommy Cornell winning the Summer Heavyweight League and the World Title. Yet there was friction between him and Sam Keith. Tommy encouraged cheating and backstabbing, while Sam wanted his kids to be better than that. After Tommy heartlessly fed Greg to an enraged Rocky Golden. Sam left, asking his sons to come with him. Greg did. Matthew didn’t. The only veteran left in the group, Cornell has renamed the group “Tommy’s Boys”, surrounding himself with the most talented youngsters in wrestling, to mould them in his twisted image.



Freedom Fighters*(cowboy themed, brown) Ricky Dale Johnson, Joey Minnesota, Harry Allen, Bryan Vessey

Party Animals*(frat house themed, pink) “24 Hour” Edd Stone, “Bro-Tastic” Freddy Huggins, “I’m 29” Benny Benson, “Dr. Love” Danny Fonzerelli, “Always Lucky” Chance Fortune.

Tommy’s Boys*(no theme, red) Tommy Cornell, Matthew Keith, Aaron Andrews. Steven Parker, Trent Shaffer.

The Golden Army*(military themed, green & gold) Rocky Golden, Guide, Scout, Koshiro Ino

The Storm Front*(rock star themed, purple) Troy Tornado, Sammy Bach, Shredder Ramoray (Champagne Lover) American Buffalo.

Police Brutallity*(torn police themed, blue) Eddie Peak, Officer Hill, Officer Anderson, Deputy Davis


Unaffiliated (black trunks) Rick Law, Sam Keith, Gregory Keith


I'm a bit puzzled as to what to do with those 3 unaffiliated chaps. I know Law's gonna feud with Peak, but he needs a stable to back him up. Similarly, Sam & Greg will feud with Tommy's Boys, but maybe they needs help too. I'm also in the mood to kill off another stable completely. It's been 6 months since Hellfire Club passed on. I suppose the split of Family Values sorta counts as a shake up, but I fancy a bigger shift before settling into the Winter Tag League.

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I'm a bit puzzled as to what to do with those 3 unaffiliated chaps. I know Law's gonna feud with Peak, but he needs a stable to back him up. Similarly, Sam & Greg will feud with Tommy's Boys, but maybe they needs help too. I'm also in the mood to kill off another stable completely. It's been 6 months since Hellfire Club passed on. I suppose the split of Family Values sorta counts as a shake up, but I fancy a bigger shift before settling into the Winter Tag League.

Align Law, Davis & The Keiths together as the Stalwarts. Good, clean, lawful, patriots of their countries, and have them go to war with both stables.


Or just have Law go full-throttle as a one-man vigilante, a nice break-up to the stables scene, while Keith & Keith reform Family Values into the Proton Scions/Keith Dynasty.

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Hmm. Why didn't I think of putting them together. New stable. I dig it. Especially since Davis is set up to join Law.


Now I just need to figure out while stable to kill. Freedom Fighters hold all the lower-card titles, and are kings of killing other factions, but are stale. Golden Army... well, the fact they weren't mentioned in any stories above speaks volumes. The Party Animals are essentially Edd + Jobbers at this point. However, since members of defeated factions can't team together for a full year, splitting any of those stables requires splitting a long term tag team. Canadian Animals? Ricky Dale & Minnesota? New Wave? DECISIONS! Yay.

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Hmm. Why didn't I think of putting them together. New stable. I dig it. Especially since Davis is set up to join Law.


Now I just need to figure out while stable to kill. Freedom Fighters hold all the lower-card titles, and are kings of killing other factions, but are stale. Golden Army... well, the fact they weren't mentioned in any stories above speaks volumes. The Party Animals are essentially Edd + Jobbers at this point. However, since members of defeated factions can't team together for a full year, splitting any of those stables requires splitting a long term tag team. Canadian Animals? Ricky Dale & Minnesota? New Wave? DECISIONS! Yay.


... Ricky Dale & Minesota. Most to benefit from a split-up.

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I'm gonna start a new RW game, this time set in the modern age. Just with a little twist. Every wrestler is a free agent and I had Shane McMahon bring back WCW.


Alright, I got this all set up. The only feds with an owner at the start were WWE (Vince McMahon) TNA (Dixie Carter) and WCW (Shane McMahon). I signed up to be a booker for WCW. Here's my roster:


Main Event:

Alberto Del Rio (Heel)

Chris Jericho (Heel)

Kevin Kiley (Heel)

Kurt Angle (Heel)

Paul Lloyd Jr (Face)

Randy Orton (Face)

Sheamus (Face)


Upper Mid:

AJ Styles (Face)

Bubba Ray Dudley (Face)

Joe Hennig (Face)

Keiji Mutoh (Face)

Samoa Joe (Face)

Shelton Benjamin (Heel)

Ted DiBiase Jr (Heel)



Alex Shelley (Heel)

Bobby Roode (Heel)

Bryan Danielson (Heel)

Charlie Haas (Heel)

Chris Sabin (Heel)

Harry Smith (Face)

Homicide (Heel)

James Storm (Heel)

Steve Corino (Face)

TJ WIlson (Face)


Lower Mid:

Chris Hero (Heel)

Davey Richards (Face)

Jimmy Jacobs (Heel)

KENTA (Heel)



El Generico (Face)

PAC (Face)

Rocky Romero (Heel)


Enhancement Talent:

Dan Paysan (Face)

Niles Young (Face)

Super Dragon (Face)


Women's Division:

AJ Mendez (Face)

Ashley Lane (Heel)

Beth Phoenix (Heel)

Daizee Haze (Face)

Lacey (Heel)

Sara Del Rey (Heel)

Shantelle Taylor (Face)

Trish Stratus (Face)

Velvet Sky (Heel)



Bret Hart (Face, Harry Smith and TJ Wilson)

Maria (Face, Joe Hennig)

Stacy Keibler (Face)

Stephanie McMahon (Heel, Kurt Angle)

Stevie Richards (Heel)



Joey Styles

John Layfield



Adam Copeland


Road Agents:

Arn Anderson

Bret Hart (Doubles as a manager of Harry Smith and TJ Wilson)

Dean Malenko


Shane McMahon is my authority figure and D-Von Dudley, Jay Briscoe, Jay Lethal, Mark Briscoe, and Mark Jindrak are all currently out suspended.


Randy Orton won the World title, AJ Styles won the Premiere title, Motor City Machine Guns are the tag champs, KENTA the crusierweight champ, and I'm currently in the middle of a tourny for the Women's belt.


Until I can get a TV Show, I've been running a weekly event on PPV simply called World Championship Wrestling.


It's been fun so far, getting everything set up just right and trying to figure out who goes where and what is the best way to book the roster I have.

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In a personal game I'm playing as 3 companies, one of which CZCW. Brought in The Big Problem as a change of pace guy, even retiring the Xtreme title to make an Openweight title so Problem could squash jobbers until he was ME ready.


Day of his first defense he gets caught with steroids. Kills CZCW's prestige. I set up termination, job and bury him to Matt Sparrow and fire him. Will never, ever hire him again. Hate.

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I think Problem is one of the most heavily roided people in the game.


That is not going to stop me from hiring him again at some stage. It is one of my personal objectives with TEW to make that lunk into something (as well as making Harry Allen and Danny Fonzarelli main eventers, removing Matty Faith's suck and pushing Big Smack Scott).

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Started a new game as TCW and having fun with it. Just created a brand split here in March of 2010 and now the rosters look like this:


TCW Badge of Honor

GM: Eric Tyler

ME: Rocky Golden, Benny Benson, Eddie Peak

UMC: American Buffalo, Genghis Rahn, Texas Pete, Rick Law, Joey Minnesota, Scout & Guide

MC: Frankie Perez & Mikey James, Ghost Monkey (Hell Monkey), Silver Shark

LMC: Maxi Marquez (Champagne Lover), Eddie Howard & D.C. Rayne

O/ET: Bali So'oialo & Rhino Umaga, Matt & Greg Keith, Gino Montero

Managers: Floyd Goldworthy


TCW Saturday Night Showcase

GM: Mason Braddock (User Character)

ME: Bryan Vessey, RDJ, Koshiro Ino, Troy Tornado

UMC: Danny Fonzarelli, Joel Bryant, John Anderson & Brent Hill

MC: Giant Tana, Robert Oxford, Aaron Andrews & Chance Fortune, Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins, Clark Alexander, Harry Allen, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Insane Machine

LMC: Burning Exile, Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite

O/ET: Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz

Managers: Jasmine Saunders, Laura Huggins, Karen Killer


TCW Champions (appearing on both brands)

TCW World Heavyweight: Sam Keith (with Nemesis)

TCW World Tag Team: Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins (with Nemesis)

TCW International: Josh Taylor

TCW All Action: Edd Stone (with Charlie Thatcher)


Product: Tee-Cee-Dub!

Key: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream and Modern

Medium: Cult, Hardcore and Daredevil

Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 55%


Show grades have been consistently good though not outstanding (77-87), Sam Keith winning the title from Rocky Golden at Malice In Wonderland with the help of Nemesis. The Syndicate subsequently forced Freedom Fighters to split up. The four man stable of Cornell, Hawkins, Keith and Nemesis are proving tricky to beat: Keith has just one loss thus far and Cornell & Hawkins are undefeated.


Meanwhile, SWF made a big play for the obnoxious but talented Joey Minnesota--I managed to hang onto him but at $30K/month he's now making more than Tommy Cornell. Better be worth it, Joey (according to my Creative Team, he's a Next Big Thing.)

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I think Problem is one of the most heavily roided people in the game.


That is not going to stop me from hiring him again at some stage. It is one of my personal objectives with TEW to make that lunk into something (as well as making Harry Allen and Danny Fonzarelli main eventers, removing Matty Faith's suck and pushing Big Smack Scott).


Working on it and done.

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... Ricky Dale & Minesota. Most to benefit from a split-up.


In an intentionally counter-move, I broke up The Golden Army, and The New Wave along with them. Scout turned on his friends, giving Police Brutality the win and a new member of their ranks. He goes by "Sleuth" now. Hard-drinking. Trenchcoat-wearing. I think I need to fire up Daz3d.


I'm getting B's without any real thought into matchmaking. Splitting my one A* experienced team seems a nifty way to make things slightly more difficult. Zero idea what to do with Guide, beyond the initial feud with his old partner. I'm sure he'll fall into some group.

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Getting ready for Wrestlemania XX. So far my card will be:


Chris Jericho Vs. Kurt Angle for the Undisputed Title

Triple H Vs. Kane

Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart, loser retires match


JBL, my World Heavyweight Champ doesn't have much to do. I may have him lose the title at No Way Out.


Also considering bringing in Money in the Bank a year early.

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Almost a year into a new game I started as a Local fed WWA - pop>perf. Set us with 10% pop in MidWest and now at Small...


Ernie Turner was the inaugural champ. He picked an argument with a man in the crowd who to his surprise took up the offer to go him in the ring, that man claimed he was just a Regular Joe. After that fued and with title still around his waist, ET was petrified by an interuption during a promo by the debuting Sammy the Shark who claimed ET owes him a lot of money through past dealings. Deciding the belt was worth roughly the amount of the debt, they ended up in the ring and Sammy is our 2nd ever champ.

Got tag straps going as well, which will actually be our main focus. Hoping to bring in experienced duos that become available as the game goes on to boost our shows, especially when we're close or at Regional. Hopefully come across a few chemistries along the way too. Generally it will involve a champ team and challengers coming in and out of the promotion via an ambitious manager. So far it's Playboy Jack Sawyer, who after failing to win the straps by recruiting Rex Reeves & Jed Jones (Super Sonic), he brought in The Good ol' Boys and succeeded in beating Wiley Coyote, who were the inaugural champs.

Wiley Coyote will split though. Ernie Turner's match stipulation with Sammy was he couldnt get the singles strap back for a year, so he's turning his attention to the tag belts and will partner his old mate Coyote Dynamite (already C- tag exp), who'll turn heel against Wiley Steinway and release Wiley for a singles push to the title over a heel-turned Sammy (I always push Wiley as a likeable simpleton, a gimmick he always scores well on). Whilst The Southern Assasins (ET & CoyD... although I might rename them) will fued and go over a recently face-turned Good ol' Boys, who'll rebel from their pompous and demanding manager PJS.

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