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Started a game with ZEN. First time I've ever played with them and I have to say, they're awesome. The F.E.A.R stable may just be my favourite thing in the game. I've started as the owner of ZEN with The Grand Avatar because I want to make some changes to the company.


I've lowered Comedy to 'Medium' and increased Hardcore & Risque to to 'Low'. I want to keep the comedy elements as that's what ZEN really seems to do well. But, with the F.E.A.R stable I want to be more edgy and incorperate more hardcore elements. So far so good.


On my show, The Sky Kings defended their Harmony titles against Cyanide & Massacre. The Sky Kings won but Cyanide & Massacre were not happy and kidnapped Molly Coddle (or is it Cuddle?) I plan to have Cyanide & Massacre hold Molly hostage and demand that The Sky Kings give-up their Harmony title to get her back. The Sky Kings will negotiate and offer Cyanide & Massacre to a re-match. If The Sky Kings win, they get Molly back, if they lose then Massacre & Cyanide win the Harmony title and keep Molly.


Elsewhere, I'm running with the basic storylines of Lone Shark/Halloween Night and Devilfish/Necromancer. On the first show, Devilfish faces Necromancer and wins but after the match, he's attacked by a debuting Anguish (in a D rated angle) Lone Shark loses to Halloween Knight after Anguish interfere's and attacks him, too. Questions arise over whether or not Anguish is the newest member of F.E.A.R??


Forgot to mention, the blind ref is ALWAYS the ref in F.E.A.R's matches meaning they ALWAYS have an advantage because other members of the group can interfere and they can cheat without the ref seeing.


'Mirror Universe' John Gordon has been targetted by Nightmare Slasher & Nightmare Stalker who have found the mirror that John Gordon possessed and turned him into 'Mirror Universe' John Gordon. Slasher & Stalker want to bring back the old John Gordon and after he loses a Three-Way against C-W-A and Shaolin, they run to the ring with the mirror. Horrified, Guru Vishni & Gordon scarped backstage. Will Slasher & Stalker finally bring back the old John Gordon or is he gone forever?


I also signed Dan Reacher & Blitz Simmons who debuted on my first show. Reacher claimed that Simmons was 'The Most Dangerous Man In New Zealand' and promised that people would get a glimpse of him 'soon'.


My biggest signing has been Swoop McCarthy. I gave ZEN $2,500,000 so I could have some fun with them and I love Swoop. He'll be debuting next month as a fun babyface whose on a mission....to bring F.E.A.R to an end.

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My biggest signing has been Swoop McCarthy. I gave ZEN $2,500,000 so I could have some fun with them and I love Swoop. He'll be debuting next month as a fun babyface whose on a mission....to bring F.E.A.R to an end.


Possible spoiler for ZEN players:

The best thing is they do actually get $10m given to them by an investor via a narrative

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It's April 2003 and I am going to be bringing Brock Lesnar up to the main roster as John Cenas bodyguard and tag team partner. As a tag team they will lose to Legion (Rick Steiner, and Road Warrior Animal), and other top teams. Alone John Cena will continue to win some matches and lose some so he isn't considered dominant yet.


CM Punk will continue to work matches with Chris Benoit, and in a tag team with Bryan Danielson going against Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo).


Goldberg will now show signs of weakness against Kurt Angle, and other guys with technical ability. Triple H will beat Goldberg with the help of Kevin Nash too. Eventually Goldberg will lose to Brock Lesnar who will be the new monster of WCW.


I kinda hope Goldberg signs with WWE since I am stealing their stars and don't plan on resigning Goldberg when his contract expires.

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Have a little lower card training feud going on in TCW between The Tag Team Specialists and Mightily Mainstream (Mighty Mo and Mainstream Hernandez). Probably should've sent Mo off to dev, but the team's ssteadily gaining experience and I don't really want to derail that.


Anyway, I pitted the teams against each other in a pair of singles matches for the first time. Match one... Mo has good chemistry with Joel. Match two... Hernandez has great chemistry with Oxford.


Wish I had that kinda luck with my main event feuds!



Edit: As a random aside, I've never understood why The Tag Team Specialists don't start off with more experience. They've been with TCW for 12/13 years (Joel/Oxford) and won the tag team titles for the first time in 1998, yet they still only have middling experience together. Very odd.

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About 6 months into my Zen game, and I've come up against a horrible destiny roll. Only about two people on the roster (john Gordon and the Lone Rider) have made any sort of improvement as far as performance stats go. I brought in Boo Smithson to help people improve, and its unfortunate.lately not done much. Plus, he's been identified as a time decline already, which makes me sad :(
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I am having fun with Brock working with John Cena as a tag team known as the Chain Gang. Together as a team Cena has cost them a couple times by being the losing team mate. Both in singles competition beat most in front of them. Brock is undefeated in singles action while Cena loses rarely and is an upper midcarder for me right now.


I plan on having Cena feud with Goldberg sometime this year and eventually win with the help of Brock Lesnar. Then have Brock move into a program with Goldberg. Brock will then win clean and Goldberg will be let go to sign with the WWE or whatever he chooses to do.

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Guest TheLexEffect

<p>Right now, I've recently started a new game in 2006 with the WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cena's the current WWE Champion, feuding with Kurt Angle. I'm planning on having him drop the belt to Angle at the Royal Rumble, and then continue their feud until Wrestlemania with Angle retaining the belt. I'm working on signing Chris Jericho at the moment, I plan on his first storyline being a WWE title feud against Kurt Angle in around April.</p><p>

Batista is also the current World Champion, having him lose the belt at No Way Out to Orton, then Orton entering a World title feud with The Undertaker who's going to win the Royal Rumble match.</p><p> </p><p>

I've also recently signed a few other big name wrestlers like Stone Cold, Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy.</p><p>

I've got a few guys out with injury at the moment like Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Hardcore Holly and Mr. Kennedy.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I'm holding a US title tournament as the US Championship is vacant. I've got 16 guys from SmackDown all in the tournament, but it's going to come down to JBL and Chris Benoit at No Way Out.</p>

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Finally getting some spillover with FTW but unfortunately I'm now involved in a war with CZCW. Almost as if sent by the TEW gods there was a news article saying that Hell Monkey hasn't worked a wrestling match in 6 months (despite having PPA contracts with both PGHW and GCG) so I decided to bite the financial bullet and sign him.


Keep your fingers crossed!


Spring Showdown is my next show and it's my 2nd biggest show of the year. The main event is Darryl Devine and Phillippe LaGrenier vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Robbie Flame in a steel cage. Also on the show will be FTW's first ever ladder match between KC Glenn and a newly heel turned Island Boy Apollo. West Texas Coliseum will be packed to the hilt!


Just an update on the champions


FTW World - Robbie Flame

FTW American - KC Glenn

FTW Tag Team - Evil Inc (Big Evil and 'Dirty Deeds' Donte Dunn)


Just realized WHY Hell Monkey hasn't worked in ages it's because he shattered his elbow. He's out for 5 months but thankfully is both available for angles and isn't signed with a downside.


EDIT: The Big Problem was caught with steroids the day of the show in which he was supposed to re-enter the FTW World Title scene and my prestige took a huge hit. Goodbye Big Evil. Enjoy getting buried tonight you prick.

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<p>2036 January</p><p>

John Temperence is TCW World Champ</p><p>

Garry The Entertainer is USPW Champ</p><p>

SWF is Vacant</p><p>

Knuckles is FCW Champ</p><p>

Marc Speed is CZCW</p><p>

Jay Chord is MAW</p><p>

Ernest Youngman is NYCW</p><p>

David Stone is NOTBPW</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ChrisKid" data-cite="ChrisKid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>2036 January<p> John Temperence is TCW World Champ</p><p> Garry The Entertainer is USPW Champ</p><p> SWF is Vacant</p><p> Knuckles is FCW Champ</p><p> Marc Speed is CZCW</p><p> Jay Chord is MAW</p><p> Ernest Youngman is NYCW</p><p> <strong>David Stone is NOTBPW</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This in particular I like</p>
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<p>Time for another IWL update as I've just crossed into 2013. Pretty crazy when I think about it. My last training fed game in 08 went two years and had been a record at that time. To be three years in is foreign territory for me.</p><p> </p><p>

Starting at the world title, Klaus Blut is still champ but the path wasn't exactly as planned. I forgot to do the tainted title storyline and ended up doing the dueling titles storyline from DOTT in its place with Aleksandr Knyazev and Bob Shrunkle as the heels. Now the three of them are doing the Mister Monster story from SvR 07. I'm thinking Shrunkle will take the belt at the end of the story and feud Knyazev to assert his independence from being everyone's flunky before battling a face for the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

The tag titles are on Island Ink. But that's going to be changing soon. The Firmament, Brother Haruhiro (Tsumemasa) and (Sozen) Ishino Mori are doing the Dynamic Duo split from DOTT and will be taking the belts just before shattering their union. I'm planning a face push for Mori and hope to get him positioned to do Andre The Giant vs Big John Studd with Shrunkle.</p><p> </p><p>

I've finally separated longtime rivals Mystery Mask and Kinji Akamatsu. Akamatsu is running amok playing Loose Cannon with Bob Casey as stopper. While Mystery Mask battles the British Bothers (The Minor Annoyance and Wade Orson) Orson's started to get ridiculuously over for a tag guy. So I have him battling M. Mask to try and get my user character some overness back. I'm not anxious to bust up my most experienced tag team. Plus Mystery Mask is going to need it if he's going to hand it over to the next hot prospect like he did Akamatsu.</p><p> </p><p>

The broadcast table's become something of a mess. I replaced Dale Young as Announcer with Davis Ditterich and then I forgot to resign color guy Scott Hickey. So I've been going back to the 30something women but I've tried Pettle, Abi Romanov and Rebecca Petty but none of them have any chemistry with Ditterich.</p><p> </p><p>

I've also been working on freshening the undercard having brought in Josh Jones, Panda Mask 2, Wez Dobberly, Cip Conduit and a Greek computer gen named Alexandrukas Torosidis. Naturally that first name's been shortened to just Lex. He's debuted C+ in all three major Entertainment skills and has decent ring skills for a rookie so he and Conduit are my new jobber tag team, Lexicon.</p><p> </p><p>

But the best part is the bank account. The last quarter of 2012 was all profit. $12413 bucks over the four months. Can't remember the last time I was that profitable for that long a stretch at a time.</p>

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<p>Building to Supreme Challenge 2012, where the card will include:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>World Title:</strong> Eric Eisen © vs <em>Sam Keith</em></p><p>

<strong>North American Title:</strong> Tom Gilmore © vs <em>Dragon Mask</em> (Hell Monkey)</p><p>

Dan Stone Jr. vs <em>Edd Stone</em></p><p>

Jack DeColt vs <em>Ricky DeColt</em></p><p>

<strong>Tag Titles:</strong> One Tonne Army (Bruce The Giant & Marat Khoklov) © vs <em>The Keith Twins</em></p><p> </p><p>

It's the culmination of a fourteen month feud that started as Ricky DeColt vs Dan Stone Jr and escalated into a new vs old battle between Eisen, Ricky, Edd and the Keiths (and Jay Chord for a few months) feuding with Money, S.Keith, Dan Stone, Jack DeColt, and Sean McFly (and Runaway Train during his face run). Keith/Eisen will be a double turn, setting up Keith domination for a while with the World & Tag Titles.</p><p> </p><p>

Bruce & Khoklov have been champs since October, and this loss is going to start the break-up storyline but I want them to face off for the first time one-on-one at next year's SC, so it'll need to be drawn out, so they'll probably get another brief run with belts before the team explodes.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm at the show before Master Of Puppets and I'm not completely sure what I'll be doing with Rich Money, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Troy Tornado, Remo, Rocky Golden, Sean McFly, Joey Minnesota, Fergal Asher (Captain Atomic), RD Johnson, Jackson Riley (James Prudence), Spencer Spade, Runaway Train, Steel, Atlas, John Greed, Koshiro Ino, Necatus (Tyson Baine), Vengeance, Liberty, Paulie Johnson (Roger Cage), Hunter Richards (Paul Huntingdon), nevermind the midcard and below. Hmm. Might put the Uprising title on a high-flyer and build a six way ladder match. And maybe an SWF vs TCW style match.</p>

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<p>Decided to let American Patriot's popularity in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Europe, and the UK get out of control (A* across the board). I decided NOT to manage his popularity around re-negotiation time to see how intense negotiations would be...</p><p> </p><p>

$2.4 million for two and half years ($200k/mo), 20% merchandise, 10% PPV, travel expenses ($1,000), and a main event title run.</p><p> </p><p>

In my opinion this is actually a legitimate contract for someone of Brandon's caliber (performance and popularity). It's going to suck if I let any other workers popularity get out of control and they expect the same type of deal. I don't need a real life WCW spending issue in <em>my</em> WCW. Though it doesn't bother me one bit considering Patriot's contract is about $1 million a year and I make five times that much in a single month.</p>

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<p>I've started playing my 0/0/0/0 game, AREA 64 again. I'm firmly at Cult, ranked #11 in the world, and on the way to National. </p><p> </p><p>

I just recently ran Tokyo Nippon Budokan for "Trick the AREA 2019" drawing 11,490 paid. In the main event, Tanyu Toshusai defended his Glory Crown championship over Gidayu Katou. Tanyu's been my "Ace" since he debuted in 2011 with three Glory Crown reigns, two Glory Tag reigns, one Summer Solstice tag league victory and three Winter Solstice Cup victories. Gidayu Katou is one half of my tag team aces, NEWSTAR and has been setting AREA on fire with partner Tadashi Koiso with two Summer Solstice Tag League victories, a Glory Tag Crown reign, and a Young Lion Cup victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Katou put up a strong challenge coming within an eyelash of winning the championship, but Tanyu pulled through by putting the younger man down with a Nadare-Shiki Brainbuster (Top Rope Brainbuster) after 34 minutes in a 84 rated battle. </p><p> </p><p>

In other action, MUSASHI retained his Glory Jr. Crown by defeating Stone Yoshikawa (73) with an STO. ORIGINALS, Lion Genji & Goemon Komiya retained their Glory Tag Crown over Kyuichi Matsumoto & Kadonomaro Kamisaka (76) when Komiya pinned Matsumoto with a Goemon Cutter. And in the battle of Gaijin leaders, James Diaz earned his position at the top of the heap beating Josh Jones (76) with a Powerbomb and earning the next Glory Crown championship match.</p><p> </p><p>

Now I move on to the 2019 incarnation of the Winter Solstice Cup. Last year, Josh Jones won the tournament while holding the (then named) North Tokyo Ward Championship. Due to Josh Jones' task, the North Tokyo was rechristened the "Glory Crown" and all other championships were renamed as well. Fourteen heavyweights over two blocks and a month look to become the 10th annual tournament champion.</p>

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<p>I decided to drop GNN Total Sports from Sunday Stampede on the 4th Monday of May (skipping the final show that month). I have a deal with a Japanese network and the show will go on, but without any North American viewers for a week. That brand has a PPV on the Friday of that weekend anyway, so nobody will miss anything and the fans aren't being "jipped" in any way, shape, or form.</p><p> </p><p>

I put together a deal with CBA to expand Stampede onto their network. This gives me a Huge amount of viewers in North America and allows me to venture out to other networks in Mexico and beyond. I was restricted with GNN due to them covering Northern Mexico. I cancelled my B-show in attempt to start a new A-show with CBA, but they wanted complete control over WCW content (something I'd never seen before). By expanding onto Stampede I was able to bypass that. Losing the B-show isn't much a worry because I'll either get a hold of a new deal some other time or build stars through "down segments" on my A-shows. I suppose I'll use pre-show time more wisely as well.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm a tad worried how things will go considering the last time I put an A-show on a US Mainstream network (ACE) it had horrible ratings. I'm hoping I have better luck this time around and am hopeful that I could get all three of my A-shows on CBA (they're willing to put on 3 shows, I saw in the editor) if things work out. My two other A-shows (Mayhem and Takeover) are on American-Sports 1 (among others).</p>

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<p>My WCW 2003 Diary Game...</p><p> </p><p>

I am gonna be having a 64 man tournament over the next few months. I have 51 on my roster but the Heavyweight Champion Booker T will not be in the tournament. So I am going to bring in 14 people either on loan or from developement.</p><p> </p><p>

Unsure where to plug a couple guys in at. Goldberg, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and Kevin Nash all are used as occasional wrestlers for me. Should I make them high seed numbers (48-64) or low seed numbers (1-20)??? I have no idea who I want to win this whole tournament but I am hoping to find new chemistries with it.</p><p> </p><p>

1) Kurt Angle VS 64) ???</p><p>

32) Kaz Hayashi VS 33) Great Sasuke</p><p> </p><p>

3) Triple H VS 62) ???</p><p>

30) Matt Hardy VS 35) Brock Lesnar</p><p> </p><p>

5) Eddie Guerrero VS 60) ???</p><p>

28) Steve Corino VS 37) Mitsuharu Misawa</p><p> </p><p>

7) Monty Brown VS 58) ???</p><p>

26) Rob Van DamVS 39) Abismo Negro</p><p> </p><p>

9) Brian Adams VS 56) ???</p><p>

24) Chavo Guerrero Jr. VS 41) Christian Burkman</p><p> </p><p>

11) John Cena VS 54) ???</p><p>

22) Bryan Danielson VS 43) Jinsei Shinzaki</p><p> </p><p>

13) Lance Storm VS 52) ???</p><p>

20) Rick Steiner VS 45)Chris Sabin</p><p> </p><p>

15) Ken Shamrock VS 50) ???</p><p>

18) Ron Killings VS 47)El Hijo del Santo</p><p> </p><p>

17) Billy Kidman VS 48) ???</p><p>

16) Chris Benoit VS 49) ???</p><p> </p><p>

19) Road Warrior Animal VS 46) Russ Haas</p><p>

14) Rey Mysterio Jr. VS 51) ???</p><p> </p><p>

21) Hugh Morrus VS 44) Justin Credible</p><p>

12) Christian Cage VS 53) ???</p><p> </p><p>

23) Berlyn VS 42) Matt Sydal</p><p>

10) Bryan ClarkVS 55) ???</p><p> </p><p>

25) Mike Awesome VS 40) Osamu Nishimura</p><p>

8) Shane Douglas VS 57) ???</p><p> </p><p>

27) Vampiro VS 38)Yoshiro Tajiri</p><p>

6) Taz VS 59) ???</p><p> </p><p>

29) Kanyon VS 36) CM Punk</p><p>

4) Adam Edge VS 61) ???</p><p> </p><p>

31) Jeff Hardy VS 34) Shane Helms</p><p>

2) Sting VS 63) ???</p>

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<p>Brief APWF update:</p><p> </p><p>

1. We've recently hit the magic $7million mark, and just barely managed to wrangle 10 guys under written deals (which means house shows!!! $$$). I'm nine shows away from being able to offer most of the rest of my roster written deals, now, as I'll hit 200 booked shows with them and be able to add my seventh point in negotiating.</p><p> </p><p>

2. AAFW's one big signing of recent years, The Bostom Bomber...</p><p> </p><p>

Has died of a drug overdose. Not what my struggling rival needed.</p>

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<p>Right now in my TNA Knockouts game....</p><p> </p><p>

Mickie James is feuding with Madison Rayne and Tara for the TNA Knockouts title. Each time Mickie gets close Madison gets herself disqualified which means she retains the title. </p><p> </p><p>

Sarita and Winter (Katie Lea) have joined together and are feuding with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky.</p><p> </p><p>

Lacey Von Erich is the current Knockout's Law and she is currently being stalked by Daffney. </p><p> </p><p>

ODB is back and she is feuding with Hamada who has stolen her liquid courage.</p><p> </p><p>

I've just signed Jazz, Cheerleader Melissa, Candice Michelle, and Molly Holly. Not sure what to do with them so they will be working dark matches until I figure out how to debut them...any thoughts? <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="stratusfaction" data-cite="stratusfaction" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Right now in my TNA Knockouts game....<p> </p><p> Mickie James is feuding with Madison Rayne and Tara for the TNA Knockouts title. Each time Mickie gets close Madison gets herself disqualified which means she retains the title. </p><p> </p><p> Sarita and Winter (Katie Lea) have joined together and are feuding with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky.</p><p> </p><p> Lacey Von Erich is the current Knockout's Law and she is currently being stalked by Daffney. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>ODB is back and she is feuding with Hamada who has stolen her liquid courage.</strong></p><p> </p><p> I've just signed Jazz, Cheerleader Melissa, Candice Michelle, and Molly Holly. Not sure what to do with them so they will be working dark matches until I figure out how to debut them...any thoughts? <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's such a "Wrestlecrap" storyline I wouldn't be shocked to see TNA do it one day.</p><p> </p><p> In other words, good job. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>I'm not sure why the significance of this didn't occur to me earlier, but playing as TCW, I looked at my time decline.</p><p> </p><p>

None of Bryan Vessey, RDJ, Joel Bryant or John Anderson (granted he's younger, but still one of the older members of the roster at 35) are on there. This is the first time that's happened. I think I got really lucky. Even Oxford is only 7 years past his prime.</p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith on the other hand, apparently got past it at 29. He's immortal though, so it doesn't matter.</p>

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<p>Looking to see if the DeColt's were available to hire, I checked CGC's roster page, and was saddened to see that Alex was the only DeColt left in Canada's finest. Yet again, those evil Stone brothers had lured away the pure, wholesome DeColts away with promises of gold and glamor. </p><p> </p><p>

The actual shocking thing I found, though, was that as I was skimming their roster, I noticed someone by the name of Ares. Thinking him to be a DeColt dojo grad, I checked up on him to see if he was worth my time, and he definitely was! Ares, more commonly known as Vengeance, even more commonly known as Skull DeBones, was working for the Canadian promotion under a PPA contract, and I was quick to snap the legend up.</p>

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