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Yeah, I know what you mean about the fans. I saw some people say that both of the last two matches were among the worst of the year, which is just insane IMO. I didn't think the second half of the show measured up to the first, but by no means did I think it was a bad show. The terrible production mistakes hurt though.


Semi-related: the 10th Anniversary show is not going to be on iPPV. The 10TH ANNIVERSARY. Insane. That should have been one of the biggest shows they've ever done.

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FB spoilers below, yo:


Overall, I think I'd say I enjoyed Final Battle and definitely got my money's worth. But I thought Edwards/Richards III was kind of a letdown. All that time spent hyping up Edwards training with Dan Severn, and it didn't really amount to anything at all within the context of the match. I thought the last few minutes were overkill too. Still, I dug the end with Steen coming out. That dude should really liven up the main event picture.


I liked the match, but only liked it. It didn't live up to Richards/Edwards II which was a slight problem, would have probably been seen as a better match if there wasn't the expectation.


Oh, and ROH really should try and bring in Maria on a semi-regular basis. Aside from being ridiculously hot (seriously, did you see her? :eek:), I thought she added a lot to Bennett's schtick.


I can't argue with you on hotness, but I always find it a bit weird when real life relationships are brought into wrestling. Fans would have even more reason to jeer Bennett if they broke up, now that they have been acknowledged as a couple. But I do agree with you that her appearance did help Bennett.


Loved Steen / Corino thought the whole match and post-match stuff was really well executed. Very good opener, loved the suplex catch and some of the other spots in that match.


El Generico was great, I really like him and thought the rope to rope to Generico and then the DDT was really good. I really thought the commentary was quiet good as well.


Agree with all of this. In my opinion the first half of the show was superior to the second because of those three matches.


Semi-related: the 10th Anniversary show is not going to be on iPPV. The 10TH ANNIVERSARY. Insane. That should have been one of the biggest shows they've ever done.


WHAT? That is absolutely crazy. Although I am struggling to see what suitable main event ROH can put on for an event of such magnitude. Not being on IPPV kind of puts ROH between a rock and a hard place though, put on a too good match and eat up some buys an IPPV could have, put on a match not worthy of the event and there will be some backlash.


I personally expect Richards vs Strong, but who knows.


I haven't watched any ROH in a while, does El Generico still use that "Ole" song for his theme song?


Yes (well atleast on the PPV, I haven't kept up with TV), and the song is "Ole" by "Bouncing Souls".



And a couple of things I would add to the discussion.


-WGTT, why did they go out and play the heels? The attack on the Briscoes would have been justified, but they were getting booed for it, and Haas didn't exactly help the situation.


-Chris Hero. I really wan't to know whether he is back for good or if this was just a one time thing. Also, while I am talking about Hero, I hated his attire. It looked like he dipped into a lost and found box of wrestling gear and put on whatever he grabbed out. Chris, stick to one colour or pattern for all your gear (not a mix of camo, black and red).


-Where the hell do Steen and Generico go from here. They instantly killed off the possibility of them staying out of each others paths, but if they feud where does it finish without one of them out of the door (unless Generico turns and joins Steen, but why would he do that now)?

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I liked the match, but only liked it. It didn't live up to Richards/Edwards II which was a slight problem, would have probably been seen as a better match if there wasn't the expectation.

Agreed. I might have enjoyed the match more if I wasn't constantly comparing it to the, far superior IMO, match from BitW.


WHAT? That is absolutely crazy. Although I am struggling to see what suitable main event ROH can put on for an event of such magnitude. Not being on IPPV kind of puts ROH between a rock and a hard place though, put on a too good match and eat up some buys an IPPV could have, put on a match not worthy of the event and there will be some backlash.


I personally expect Richards vs Strong, but who knows.

Yep, totally crazy. They're doing the two-show Wrestlemania weekend iPPV for $20 combined again, which should be great bang for your buck again. I guess they're not doing the Anniversary on iPPV to avoid oversaturation, but I don't see why they couldn't work that in in early February and then have the Mania doubleshot at the end of March.


I'd figured Davey vs. Steen would be a perfect match to headline the 10th Anniversary, but no way should that happen if it's not an iPPV. Maybe Davey vs. Lethal, or some kind of tag match involving Davey and Steen on opposing sides?



-WGTT, why did they go out and play the heels? The attack on the Briscoes would have been justified, but they were getting booed for it, and Haas didn't exactly help the situation.

It came across like an intended double turn to me, but Kevin Kelly didn't really treat it as such. Not sure what the deal was with that match.


-Chris Hero. I really wan't to know whether he is back for good or if this was just a one time thing. Also, while I am talking about Hero, I hated his attire. It looked like he dipped into a lost and found box of wrestling gear and put on whatever he grabbed out. Chris, stick to one colour or pattern for all your gear (not a mix of camo, black and red).

Definitely felt like a one time deal to me. Pretty sure Meltzer's also said that the door is not closed with Hero and WWE, and he's expected to undergo more tests early in 2012, so we'll see. I didn't really notice his attire, though, as I was too focused on his physique. He looked a bit...flabbier than usual, at least to me.


-Where the hell do Steen and Generico go from here. They instantly killed off the possibility of them staying out of each others paths, but if they feud where does it finish without one of them out of the door (unless Generico turns and joins Steen, but why would he do that now)?

Yeah, I'm puzzled as to where they'll go with that. That Fight Without Honor from last year's Final Battle was so brutal that I don't really see the point of doing any more matches between them in ROH. It was a perfect blowoff.

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Maybe Davey vs. Lethal


Can throw that one out for the 10th Anniversary Show, it's been announced for "The Homecoming 2012" in about 3 weeks time. Would be shocked to see a rematch at the 10th Anniversary Show, especially with a clean Davey win pretty much a guarantee (a dead cert unless Steen interjects himself).

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I'm a big fan of WWE despite its flaws but started watching ROH with Final Battle 2010. Don't watch the TV show but I've seen most of the PPVs. Also bought a few DVDs from the Danielson/Punk/Joe era. The quality of the wrestling has blown me away.


I read a lot of negative stuff about Final Battle 2011. The main event was disappointing, so was the WGTT/Briscoes match, Nigel had an off night. I disagree on all counts. The card was solid all the way through but not the best in 2011. Nigel was great but I've never heard him announcing before (reminds of me William Regal but more exciting to listen to). Steen/Corino was good and Steen in general stole the show. Richards/Edwards from freaking awesome, even if it was overbooked. Possibly the best ROH wrestling match I've seen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sanity has prevailed: ROH is now going to show the 10th Anniversary on iPPV (and, in honor of it being the 10th anniversary, it'll be $10 instead of the usual $15.)


YES. Very happy about that. Now let's hope for a good main event. Steen vs Richards anyone?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Greatly enjoying the Edwards/O'Reilly feud. It's always been weird the Team Richards/American Wolf divide, and I'm glad it's finally becoming something. Wonder how Adam Cole is going to fit into it.


Not great actors, but a cool relationship-based story that I enjoy.

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Is there any way to catch their events Live from the PC? In a legal way, obviously. As I'm at home atm, I finally have some bandwidth left to burn on interesting stuff. University was kinda sparse with it. :p

Live? Not the TV show. They tape about a month's worth of that at a time. They do put the show up on their website for free though.


You can watch the iPPVs live on your PC, though. The next one is the 10th Anniversary on March 4th, and they'll also have a pair of shows on iPPV over the Wrestlemania weekend (Friday and Saturday.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Greatly enjoying the Edwards/O'Reilly feud. It's always been weird the Team Richards/American Wolf divide, and I'm glad it's finally becoming something. Wonder how Adam Cole is going to fit into it.


Not great actors, but a cool relationship-based story that I enjoy.


Cole fits in just fine. I dig it, although based on the whole "show don't tell" adage, I wish he'd been on screen to see the tension building.


Edwards vs O'Reilly on this week's TV was ace.

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Edwards vs O'Reilly on this week's TV was ace.

Good match, yeah.


I don't mind the Richards/O'Reilly vs. Edwards/Cole story, and I'm sure it'll be a good match, but I would have liked to see a more significant match headlining the 10th anniversary. Oh well; it should still be good, and I'm excited for the Briscoes vs. Young Bucks match. As long as they add a couple more matches I find interesting, I'll probably buy it.

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Not sure if it was just because they knew it was going to be a free episode, but the 28/01 RoH show was basically: Good match -> hype -> Grizzly Squash, LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAADDDDDDDSSSSSSSSS OF HYYYYPEEEEEEEE -> Good main event tag.


Kevin Kelly was on screen more than Triple H used to be on Raw.


Is that normal for RoH's TV nowadays? Or was that just because it was going to be a free show uploaded to Youtube? At one point there were two back-to-back segments that were just 10th Anniversary hype. At another point, there was a segment dedicated to KK hyping the O'Reilly/Richards/Edwards feud (Cole wasn't even mentioned) that we'd just seen a five minute video about.


#IWantWrestling, damnit! Especially from RoH!


I have no problem with good promo segments (always enjoy me some Steen promo), but a huge proportion of the show was Kevin Kelly's not-exactly-aesthetically-pleasing face shouting (can he not talk normally? Even Hog could get that bit right) about the 10th Anniversary show. And his commentary during the Grizz segment was cringeworthy (thought it was ok the rest of the time).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good match, yeah.


I don't mind the Richards/O'Reilly vs. Edwards/Cole story, and I'm sure it'll be a good match, but I would have liked to see a more significant match headlining the 10th anniversary. Oh well; it should still be good, and I'm excited for the Briscoes vs. Young Bucks match. As long as they add a couple more matches I find interesting, I'll probably buy it.


I agree with this statement. To me you need a stronger main event for your tenth anniversary show. It should be a title match, not a tag team match. Like you said I really do like the storyline of the main event, I think it is very well done and there is no doubt that the match will be good.


I am just not sure a tag match should be headlining their Wrestlemania. The undercard looks to be great. I am looking forward to the Steen/Jacobs match even though I felt that it was set-up in a rush job manner. To me they could have built it up a little better.


The WGTT vs. TANX will be great as well.

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It's not their Wrestlemania though, right? Final Battle's their big show. This just happens to fall on their Anniversary.


The match screams semi-main to me, but I'm into it. The rest of the card does next-to-nothing for me.


Oh I did not know that Fnal Battle was their big one. Okay well I guess it does make sense having that as the main event.

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  • 3 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not sure if it was just because they knew it was going to be a free episode, but the 28/01 RoH show was basically: Good match -> hype -> Grizzly Squash, LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAADDDDDDDSSSSSSSSS OF HYYYYPEEEEEEEE -> Good main event tag.<p> </p><p> Kevin Kelly was on screen more than Triple H used to be on Raw.</p><p> </p><p> Is that normal for RoH's TV nowadays? Or was that just because it was going to be a free show uploaded to Youtube? At one point there were two back-to-back segments that were just 10th Anniversary hype. At another point, there was a segment dedicated to KK hyping the O'Reilly/Richards/Edwards feud (Cole wasn't even mentioned) that we'd just seen a five minute video about.</p><p> </p><p> #IWantWrestling, damnit! Especially from RoH! </p><p> </p><p> I have no problem with good promo segments (always enjoy me some Steen promo), but a huge proportion of the show was Kevin Kelly's not-exactly-aesthetically-pleasing face shouting (can he not talk normally? Even Hog could get that bit right) about the 10th Anniversary show. And his commentary during the Grizz segment was cringeworthy (thought it was ok the rest of the time).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, I'm kind of with on that but I think that's the ROH TV formula: 10 minute opener / Hype or promo / possibly another short match / MORE hype / Then a 30 minute main event.</p><p> </p><p> I don't mind since they do really well leading up to their main events especially since Lethal has been in many of them lately (like tonight, for me since I'm in central time, against Strong) and I'm not going to lie, I'm a huge fan of Jay Lethal!</p><p> </p><p> Anyways, I think they hype more because they want people to buy the ippvs and dvds and stuff which is understandable because at the end of the day they gotta make moola! So yeah... I know you're post was a while ago but I figured I'd answer back.</p><p> </p><p> BTW, is Chris Silvio supposed to be a hippy or something? I actually dig his wrestling style but didn't understand his tights and stuff.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ThriceP86" data-cite="ThriceP86" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>BTW, is Chris Silvio supposed to be a hippy or something? I actually dig his wrestling style but didn't understand his tights and stuff.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tonight was the second time I have seen Chris Silvio, he didn't impress me the first time and I thought he was okay this time around. He might be a hippy that I don't know (if thats the gimmick they want to get across) but when I first saw him he reminded me of Superstar Billy Gram with the way he dresses so that might be the idea but I could be wrong.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ThriceP86" data-cite="ThriceP86" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, I'm kind of with on that but I think that's the ROH TV formula: 10 minute opener / Hype or promo / possibly another short match / MORE hype / Then a 30 minute main event.<p> </p><p> I don't mind since they do really well leading up to their main events especially since Lethal has been in many of them lately (like tonight, for me since I'm in central time, against Strong) and I'm not going to lie, I'm a huge fan of Jay Lethal!</p><p> </p><p> Anyways, I think they hype more because they want people to buy the ippvs and dvds and stuff which is understandable because at the end of the day they gotta make moola! So yeah... I know you're post was a while ago but I figured I'd answer back.</p><p> </p><p> BTW, is Chris Silvio supposed to be a hippy or something? I actually dig his wrestling style but didn't understand his tights and stuff.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am not crazy about that formula either but I will say I would rather see it done this way then the typical 4 minute match that they have on RAW and Impact.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tonight was the second time I have seen Chris Silvio, he didn't impress me the first time and I thought he was okay this time around. He might be a hippy that I don't know (if thats the gimmick they want to get across) but when I first saw him he reminded me of Superstar Billy Gram with the way he dresses so that might be the idea but I could be wrong.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think both of you are right he seems to be a hippy of some sorts. The thing is with that look you know he is a jobber right away. There is no way ROH would push a guy like that.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Also, I must say that now I get to see ROH on a regular basis I am not blown away by anyone as far as promos go. I kept on hearing how great Kevin Steen's promos are but to me they are kind of bland. The guys I think cut the best promos in the company are The Young Bucks. Even Jay Lethal's proms just do not seem as good as they were when he was in TNA.</p>
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