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What kind've user character do you use?

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I usually use Grand Avatar since I don't like to be an on-screen character. That said, I use Charles Avatar with ZEN cause I came up with a whacky character for him and for some reason I like to use Jack Avatar when I play Canadian Golden Combat. I call him either, Jack DeColt, a fake DColt brother or Jacky Bryant after the Virtua Fighter character. I give him an MMA Bad Ass gimmick and push him as a tag teammate of Shooter Sean Deely.
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I'm always a Roag Agent with very low stats and thus I'm usually pushed as Personality. I don't want to take that much part in that way 'cause I think it kinda takes away the fun if one creates that uber-user character. But, to each his/her's own etc..
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I see no reason not to use a wrestler in the games I play. Gives it more life in my opinion. I almost always use Charles or Kate Avatar, but dust off Jack or Masky once in awhile too. Charles is great for creating that 'young, upstart' feel when I playing and really adds something trying to make sure I don't super push myself to the moon.
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It in my own mind unbalance's the 'natural' unfolding of the universe to super impose my own ego into the mix, thats why if i do anything its a backstage strictly off air and medioca at best road agent and not a worker or on screen talent of any kind... Thats just my play style, for reason's that suit me... in a thread asking what people personaly do and perhaps why... it dosnt make my way any more right than your way , just happens to be the way i do it and the reason behind it.


The fact that you are booking alone unbalances the natural unfolding of the universe. Moreso if you're some entity that could not otherwise exist within it. Plus... the user character does not have to be good at anything, or even mediocre. You could easily add more challenge to your promotion by creating a poor user character, who would take up a spot on your roster that couldn't be taken by a more talented worker, for example. I mean, I find the user character the perfect candidate for the stuff Heidenreich Challenge, for example - and it makes the challenge harder when you can't use developmental to develop the guy's skills.


I also absolutely endorse any practice that would allow people to play as actual Cornellverse characters, though. I'm fairly sure I've suggested it before, and if they put that it, I'd pretty much just play as, like, Agent 69 all the time or something.

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For all of you who are complaining about using user characters as workers: What's your thought on Jushin "Thunder" Liger?


It's my understanding he's been booking NJPW for years and years, and is quite over. And thanks to that overness, he's established incredible prestige for himself and the Jr. title, and so can now put over the younger kids more easily without having to deal with trying to convince some other worker to do it.


Though... then there's Kevin Nash...

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I mike myself the Booker as SGRaaize and myself as a wrestler as my real name


On my "SGRaaize" character, I suck at everything, and my personality is just like my real personality


On my "(Name here)" character, I suck at everything, and my personality is just like my real personality, but my potential is filled to the maximum, and I am 18 years old, so I will become awesome

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Depends on the game. I like to integrate into the universe, but I don't much like being someone who was already there - I'd feel like I was playing them 'wrong'.


It's close to unheard of in my experience for the big bookerman to be someone with no experience as a performer of one sort or another - hell, it used to be effectively mandatory and WWE still hasn't hired a Head writer who hasn't taken onscreen roles - and most promotions use their owners and bookers either regularly or on rare occasions.


So I play someone who either can take an onscreen role (Horatio Dangerous, Terry Roberts for those who remember him) or who had, int he past, and is capable but doesn't (none of those games yet diarised.)


I doubt I'll come back to Horatio after this one - so I'm kinda curious to see who I end up creating next...

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I'm one of the people who was so disappointed when an earlier TEW removed user characters. I simply enjoy the game more if I have some personal connection to it.


For many games that simply meant being a faceless interviewer who's job was to nod and hold the mic while wrestlers ranted. In my MOSC game she was a Cornette type spoiled brat manager who could never quite beat the Highland Warrior and his friends. In my recent 5SSW diary, my user character was Ichigo, a masked rookie who was out there to get beat up and give other rookies someone they could beat.


Pretty much all those games I had alot more fun being able to use a user character, even if it was cheating:)


If I ever do the Fuyuko Higa/BSC game, the user character will be Higa, since that's the whole point of the storyline. Her in BSC. I'd just give her 0 or 1 point in leadership to represent the negative effect she has on the lockerroom. ^_^

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i dont think i have ever used my character as an on screen role.most real life booker's dont usually appear on screen.i think booking is hard enough job to do without having to do wrestling announcing etc as well...it just seems more realistic to me this way.
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i dont think i have ever used my character as an on screen role.most real life booker's dont usually appear on screen.i think booking is hard enough job to do without having to do wrestling announcing etc as well...it just seems more realistic to me this way.


Is that now it is now? Interesting. In the older days the booker would inevitably be a wrestler or former wrestler and usually had an on screen roll. In the current Japanese promotions pretty much all the bookers are also wrestlers.

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Is that now it is now? Interesting. In the older days the booker would inevitably be a wrestler or former wrestler and usually had an on screen roll. In the current Japanese promotions pretty much all the bookers are also wrestlers.


I'm trying to think of an example of a promotion where the head booker (if they have more than one) doesn't appear at least occasionally, and I'll be honest - I'm coming up solely with Adam Pearce in ROH at the moment. And he has in the past, as has Vince Russo...

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Nowadays (since 2008) I almost exclusively use a Grand Avatar like character, though I will frequently edit him to NOT be "The Grand Avatar".


Point is, I typically don't like to make the challenge of using any one promotion easier.


There have been, however, exceptions to this. Most notably would be Spiros the Mighty II in my EWA game from 2008. Can't remember why I did that to begin with, but then again, I also don't regret it in the least. He hold solid entertainment skills and was an average at best wrestler... so... wasn't too gamebreakiing.


Heck, I may have to bring him back someday.

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In the territory days many owners / bookers were the star of the territory and the best wrestler. I recently watched the history of the AWA and it was founded by Verne Gagne with Wally Karbo. It was founded to showcase Verne, who was in some ways the Hulk Hogan with better wrestling skills of his day, because Lou Thesz wouldn't give him the NWA title. He and Nick Bockwinkel did the prime face / heel feud for oh say two decades. Von Erik did the same in his territory. So the idea of an owner/booker not being an active talent is actually against most of wrestling history up to the days of Vince v Eric in the Monday Night Wars. Japan has an even bigger tradition in that regard. For smaller feds having a well paid booker who did nothing else would be futile. I think that forcing the player to be paid inline with his popularity / skill would make a better game, since then taking Jack to ZEN would have some possible problems when he's making 5k a month on a written contract because he is the best wrestler to ever work down under.
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I'm trying to think of an example of a promotion where the head booker (if they have more than one) doesn't appear at least occasionally, and I'll be honest - I'm coming up solely with Adam Pearce in ROH at the moment. And he has in the past, as has Vince Russo...


You gotta give Pearce a lot of credit though, the only times he's been used are pretty much comedy matches or getting squashed by Bobby Dempsey or when weather screws stuff up, a mystery partner, but he always loses. You have to have some negative-sum ego to use yourself like that and not like Russo.

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I've always been a fan of having a "hands off" Avatar. I sometimes make my character a mediocre Colour Commentator, but that's the extent of it really.


Although I accept that many people will think the contrary, I would consider having a highly skilled wrestling Avatar, somewhat unbalancing. Although, the thought of playing as an existing CV figure would be fun.

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I usually be a color commentator or a good wrestler I use to bring up/improve others. The way I see it you can either be A) A big business man coming in behind the scenes to help out a company B) A figure in brough in from the wrestling world to help out i.e. Bischoff/Russo who were on tv or C) A figure in wrestling brought in to help out who was a wrestler i.e. Jarrett/The Comedian esque
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