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JDS/Cain coming out of UFC 146 was a guaranteed money match. Cain came off as a monster with his destruction of Antonio Silva and leaving him a bloody mess. You'd rather pass up on such an obvious money match and go with a guy who didn't just try and dodge a drug test but when told he needed to take the test, ran out of the building, tried to drive off, and only took the test that he ended up failing when he was threatened with having his refusal treated as an automatic failure? That would have been a beyond stupid move to make for so many reasons, the least of which was that it would be inviting a PR nightmare. UFC got really lucky with Cain destroying Silva in the manner he did, a quick and bloody destructions, because it meant they were able to avoid making a fight that would have been inviting the media to come down on them like a ton of bricks. The fact UFC were actually trying to make that fight at all, instead of trying to leave at as their last resort for all the reasons mentioned, is not surprising because I'm sure it made business sense to them at the time, but at the same time, just taking one step back would have told them it was a bad idea to even consider it.


The whole 'lucky punch/win' thing to describe Dos Santos beating Cain is such BS. Even if the punch Dos Santos threw didn't hit Velasquez behind the ear, he was still going down from it because that punch would have knocked anybody flat on their ass. Dos Santos put everything into that punch. Trying to call it lucky is doing Dos Santos a major disservice and showing a basic lack of understanding of just how hard he hits, can hit, and does hit.

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The whole 'lucky punch/win' thing to describe Dos Santos beating Cain is such BS. Even if the punch Dos Santos threw didn't hit Velasquez behind the ear, he was still going down from it because that punch would have knocked anybody flat on their ass. Dos Santos put everything into that punch. Trying to call it lucky is doing Dos Santos a major disservice and showing a basic lack of understanding of just how hard he hits, can hit, and does hit.


Too right. I don't remember the exact quote, but Bas Rutten pretty much summed up the whole 'lucky punch' myth when talking about the Randleman/Cro Cop KO. Something along the lines of "If I'm in a fight, and I throw a punch, and it hits...how is that lucky?"

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Where do you guys see this GSP fight going?


I'm really conflicted about ordering this one. I like to watch GSP strategically break down his opponents and essentially nullify their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. Those fight just haven't been all that exciting. And from top to bottom, it's not really a card screaming "buy me!" at me. But it IS in Montreal and those cards have been pretty decent there. I'm a firm believer in the idea that a hot crowd is much more likely to produce great fights, as the fighters get amped up and want to please them.


Condit's got a real shot though and I mean him no disrespect. He's an excellent fighter and I wouldn't at all be surprised if he is just as patient as GSP has been. Problem with that is... could be a very boring fight.

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Where do you guys see this GSP fight going?


I'm really conflicted about ordering this one. I like to watch GSP strategically break down his opponents and essentially nullify their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. Those fight just haven't been all that exciting. And from top to bottom, it's not really a card screaming "buy me!" at me. But it IS in Montreal and those cards have been pretty decent there. I'm a firm believer in the idea that a hot crowd is much more likely to produce great fights, as the fighters get amped up and want to please them.


Condit's got a real shot though and I mean him no disrespect. He's an excellent fighter and I wouldn't at all be surprised if he is just as patient as GSP has been. Problem with that is... could be a very boring fight.


this is GSP, of course it will be a boring fight look at his last multiple especially against Shield good lord. I hope Condit does the Serra equivalent and lands a good counter and rocks GSP. Either way it probably won't be fight of the year, but I think Condit has something to prove, but the question is will he.

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When you're a fighter like GSP who relies on the fast, powerful 'snap' of your takedowns/guard passes etc (and to a lesser extent fleety footwork), the injury he had is a game changer. It's the one and only reason that I'm not still competing.


There are ways and means to work around it, and GSP is obviously a top shelf athlete and physical specimen. But few, if any, people are 100% after cruciate problems. Whether GSP now has limitations, and if he is able to adjust to work around those limitations, are the two big questions for me.


Also, Condit is pretty awesome.


Kampmann vs Hendricks will be all kinds of good fun too.

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If I was a betting man, I'd put some money on Condit. I don't know what the odds are, but I figure they'll moderately (or even highly) favour GSP.


GSP is -300 and Condit is +240. I think that's about right. It should be a little more close in a fair world, but the book at this point reflects betting not fighter quality. No disrespect to Condit, but GSP is a perennial top 3 p4p fighter and deserves an advantage in the odds outright. I think they are a little too high in GSP's favor, and I wouldn't really touch that fight. As BH said who knows what the hell GSP looks like coming back from such a hardcore surgery.


I think GSP should take it though. I personally think he outclasses Condit. But Condit is VERY good and it wouldn't shock me if he beats him. A first round KO or something like that would shock me from either guy though. I fully expect a slow, strategic 5 round fight.

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Major laughs at the idea GSP is boring. Outside of the Shields fight, when he was fighting with one eye for most of it and fighting with one eye tends to slow a man down just a little, GSP is never boring. The man is always active, always working, always trying to do something. Boring? Not even close to it.


GSP/Condit really boils down to two things; cage rust and his knee. Training hard is great but it just doesn't make up for not fighting for almost two-years. It doesn't work like that. Being out for so long will make any fighter, even one like GSP, a little rusty at first, and he's coming back against a guy like Condit who has the ability and drive to beat GSP because, yes, GSP is beatable. As Bradl said, the knee could be an even bigger factor because you just don't know how strong it is until GSP has been in a real fight and had the knee tested. Even if the knee has looked great so far, that all means nothing because all it could take is one bad landing from a full force takedown and the knee could be gone again and if that happens, it's probably career ending.

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I think people have the idea GSP is boring because his last few fights have been very slow and methodical. They weren't back and forth wars. They were rather one sided affairs that didn't offer up any fireworks.


I always hated the idea that GSP isn't going for the finish. That's just not a correct analysis of his fighting style imo. It's not that he's not going for the finish, it's that he's not taking unnecessary risks to do so. He's a careful, intelligent fighter who I enjoy watching very much sometimes. Sometimes his fights are so one-sided they seem slow... especially at midnight after I've had a few.


Really though, I compare him often to Bernard Hopkins (one of my absolute favorite fighters of all time). Both guys have been accused of not being aggressive enough for the finish, but I think most intelligent fans understand what's happening when they work(ed) their magic.


I guess I was personally a little on the fence because the matchup of Condit and GSP seems TOO methodical. But I already bought it on xbox live so I will be watching the fight.

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Hendricks does it again, class.


Splendid main-event, great showing from both sides, it was bloody and full of action. Saw the event in Montreal not far from the actual venue and the bar I was in lit up like if hockey was back on again. That third round sure had people shook, the kick into the mount by Condit, throughout it all the guy kept on going, amazing resilience. It was breathtaking, all of it really.

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and seriously? two of the biased ass judges give him every round


he deserved 4 rounds, the other round could have gone ether way, as the only reason condit should have won that round was the knock down.


as for points, if you look at it GSP was trying to finish but condit it great on the feat and has a good ground game, gsp was fighting strong and smart. hope he keeps up the way he did last night.

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Some major league hating of GSP going on here. I can see giving Condit the third round and I probably would give that round to him too, but GSP did end up taking control in the end and was dominant when the round was over. Not that he was totally dominant but he controlled the action, worked hard to counter Condit at every turn, and put in another stellar performance. GSP boring? Biased judging in giving him all five rounds? Seriously big laughs being had now. Best stop before I bust a gut.
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It's one of those situations where, yes Condit had GSP hurt but he did little to nothing to capitalize on the situation and/or finish the fight. He got impatient and rushed in to try and finish with strikes but did little damage by doing so which allowed GSP to recover and regain control. The fact that Condit did little to take advantage of the situation he created for himself and ended up in the same position he was in the first two rounds would give me more than enough reason to score the 3rd round for GSP if I were judging it, but I could see why it would go to Condit as well.
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GSP boring? Biased judging in giving him all five rounds? Seriously big laughs being had now. Best stop before I bust a gut.


I will admit this wasnt a boring fight, but the true exciting moment was because of Condit. I thought the third should've been Condit's just because the knockdown and he wasnt't letting GSP hold him down the entire round and was working him off. I'd give it do GSP if he took him down and Condit did nothing, but that wasn't what happened. I figured he deserved at least that round.

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Open question, but do you think people have any idea how hard it really is to stay in the top position for so long in a fight or even just one round? Condit is a top flight talent and is very dangerous, which was obvious on Sunday, but GSP still managed to take him down almost every time he tried and control him on the ground for extended periods. Anyone acting like that's no big deal or downplaying it entirely really don't know fighting or what it actually takes to keep a top-level fighter on the ground for so long.
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