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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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If I keep this up I'll have SWF rendered by Halloween. Cool. I'll do a few alts at some point too once I build up some more props and figures for my runtime folder.


Jungle Jack / Jungle Lord



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Shady K



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According to some of the reinventions, nor's Robbie Retro. I seem to recall some folks being surprised that other people felt Des Davids was black... I don't know exactly what's going on or who's right. But both sides seem to be behaving kind of oddly.


slightly less controversially... K'Lee Hawkins is white too apparently.


Stupid Geordies. Him and Shola Ameobi are equally hateful today

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According to some of the reinventions, nor's Robbie Retro. I seem to recall some folks being surprised that other people felt Des Davids was black... I don't know exactly what's going on or who's right. But both sides seem to be behaving kind of oddly.


Robbie Retro's black? :eek:


Des David and Knuckles aren't black? :eek:


slightly less controversially... K'Lee Hawkins is white too apparently.


Stupid Geordies. Him and Shola Ameobi are equally hateful today


K'Lee Hawkins isn't black? :eek:


My world is shattered.

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Wait, wait, wait...Des Davids isn't black? I've never imagined as anything but!


With Knuckles and Shady K I think there was always some confusion as whether the darkness was the tone of their skin or a shadow effect.


I'm of the opinion that Des, Robbie, Death Row, K'Lee and a couple of others are black. Not everyone doing the re-renders is, though, and I can't exactly say they're wrong and I'm right... but the white versions just don't work for me.

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You CAN, like, y'know... check in the editor.


Editor says Shady K is black, but that Knuckles is not.



K'Lee isn't, Robbie Retro isn't, Des is.


Race never used to be an attribute though, so us old timers had to go by the pictures. And since Adam didn't have any control over most of the pictures as they were a community project (mostly a one-man community project in the early days), it was mostly down to the creators of the images to "decide" that sort of stuff. Except obviously for the guys like Death Row who were added later.


So there was quite the debate when 2008 came out, and suddenly Des Davids was canonically black.


I've never thought of Robbie Retro as a black dude though... that'd be weird. And K'Lee Hawkins? The poor guy is from Newcastle and named Kelly, now you want to make him a black guy from Newcastle named Kelly? He'd either not survive school, or become a feared criminal overlord. And with that goofy grin on his face, the latter looks unlikely.

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Dunno if this counts as I made it originally for the BEMod but I've been using this render as a re-imagining of Donte Dunn


No disrepect to the original render/renderer, but I just couldn't get behind him as a hot prospect with it

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I did a little reimagining of Joey Minnesota (who has always been one of my favorites for no discernible reason). The style may not be to most people's liking but here they are:




I also created this Random Snobby Manager image for the fun of it but it could be a nice image for a newly created worker if you do that sort of thing:



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Best render ever. Indeed, the best thing to ever come from this thread, and it's not even a re-render.


haha thanks :) I have another one in a similar vein based on the old timey wrestler Mario Galento (as featured in the new Memphis Heat documentary).



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