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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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dse81, you win, I cant beat that! Mainly because that is pretty much were I was going to go with him, although I was going to go more for for the lantern jaw Cena-esque look than Iceman from TopGun. I like it though :D

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ok, I have to say this, I'm sorry if it get any of the renderers upset, but I feel like I missed a memo or something, when did this turn into a render request thread, I thought we were doing this to give the c-verse more life not to sit here and have people tell us how they want to see a character made?, I think we all have the intellegence to look at the workers pic and go off of that. like I said if this offends any renderers, I apologize :(


Trell, I wasn't trying to demand anything, it was just a suggestion in case someone was to to do a rerender of the Latino Kings. It was basically a creative pitch, not a "this must be done" type thing. It's just me trying to help in the creative process. It was me saying "Hey, this might a cool idea" and then saying that idea. It was the same as if I told a writer "Hey, you know what might be cool for a character, if you...". That does mean the writer has to do it, but he might like that idea and run with it.


That's what I meant by my comments.

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dse81, you win, I cant beat that! Mainly because that is pretty much were I was going to go with him, although I was going to go more for for the lantern jaw Cena-esque look than Iceman from TopGun. I like it though :D


I saw a couple other attempts at him, and thought it would be a challenge with the original pose. And it was, so i changed it lol.

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I like Grace


keeps her basic features, while still making her match her sex appeal


That was exactly why I suggested her. There are several women in the C-Verse whose renders make you go, "Um, is this a bug?" and Grace was one of 'em. I've always portrayed her as having a kind of raw magnetism that her looks might not reflect. That "thing" that some people (male and female) seem to have that just draws you to them but that a picture wouldn't necessarily pick up on. Another person along those lines is Suzanne Brazzle. She's too good to have such a vapid look about her IMO. Melody Cuthill is another one with her empty look.


But that's just me. I spend WAY too much time staring at them. :p

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I got beat to the punch with these two, but...


Al the Hillbilly and Pete the Hillbilly



You just made me want to PUSH the Hillbillies. I hate you now. :D

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I agree on Melody but I like Brazzle's default render. She seems like a more talented Michelle McCool in terms of size


Go wash your mouth out with soap! "More talented Michelle McCool" is like saying someone is "smarter than a moss covered rock". :p

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Very nice Grace Harper, Trell. Hot stuff.


I always assumed that whenever a picture didn't match up to the character's sex appeal, it just meant they had unusually fantastic T&A. I think I've just gotten used to Melody's render. She's one of my favourite characters, but looking at her picture now it's... It's good, but it could do with an update.

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Here is my grace Harper, I've been in talks with Remi cause I know he is the king of female wrestling and i wanted to make sure he was happy with it :D












ok, I have to say this, I'm sorry if it get any of the renderers upset, but I feel like I missed a memo or something, when did this turn into a render request thread, I thought we were doing this to give the c-verse more life not to sit here and have people tell us how they want to see a character made?, I think we all have the intellegence to look at the workers pic and go off of that. like I said if this offends any renderers, I apologize :(


Who said you had to do it? I mean it was a request but you can also take it as a suggestion as well for the future. I don't need it, but I would be happy if somebody can do it.

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Suggestions are fine, as long as people aren't expecting the worker to be catered especially to them, and as long as they don't keep nagging on about it. I'm certainly starting to run out of renders that I personally want to do/have the capability to do so its nice to see what people are after and give it a go. If I don't like it, it'll stay stagnant in my photobucket!
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Suggestions are fine, as long as people aren't expecting the worker to be catered especially to them, and as long as they don't keep nagging on about it. I'm certainly starting to run out of renders that I personally want to do/have the capability to do so its nice to see what people are after and give it a go. If I don't like it, it'll stay stagnant in my photobucket!


Any comments I make are likely to come up after a random load screen reminds me the guy exists...


...Which does bring me to Weird Waldo Odlaw, who allegedly is a young talent but sure as hell doesn't look it.

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I don't mind a little conversation about renders that don't quite look up-to-scratch any more, or are particularly unsuitable for their characters. I haven't played TEW in weeks, and my knowledge of the outer edges of the C-Verse is a bit lacking, so a little conversation can be helpful. I am something of a free spirit though, render-wise. I do what I want, when I want. I'd rather work on my own favourites than yours. ;)
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Thanks for all the nice words on the Emma render. I was pretty happy with the way that turned out. Here's a cut off of it...


Emma Chase




Beautiful render. Will you be doing alts to incorporate some of the classic Emma looks? (suit,glasses, paler skin, etc)


Gorgeous stuff the last couple days. The Big Problem, Scout, a look at Steel's face (finally!)

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Just wanted to chime in with my two cents. I want to thank all the people who have done renders for this thread and made their work available to the community as a whole. It takes time, effort, and a lot of dedication to do this just to add to the TEW community.


Whether you like, dislike, or are ambivalent about some of the renders, the fact is these people are doing this on their own for no recompense and for that alone they deserve recognition and praise. And to be fair, some of these renders are so incredibly awesome they should become the default for the character ( I'm looking at you Emma Chase! Damn that was an awesome render!)


As for requests, I think that if there is something specific you want , pm the renderer directly and see if they are amenable rather than put them here, or use the thread for alt requests that already exists.

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I have no problem if you throw it out that someone could use a freshen up but I dont like it when someone tells me how they want the worker to look(maybe I've just become to big headed)



well here is my attempt at Suzanne Brazzle after talking it over with Remi






I posted 2 lights because Remi said that the normal lights made her look like a heel and the other lights made her look like a Face


hope y'all enjoy it :)

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Awesome work. I think this one is your best yet.


I have no problem if you throw it out that someone could use a freshen up but I dont like it when someone tells me how they want the worker to look(maybe I've just become to big headed)



well here is my attempt at Suzanne Brazzle after talking it over with Remi






I posted 2 lights because Remi said that the normal lights made her look like a heel and the other lights made her look like a Face


hope y'all enjoy it :)


Nice work. I prefer the lighting on the first one, but both are great.


Here are a few Emma Chase alts...


Emma Chase



Also, re-posed and re-lit Leper Messiah/Tully Arthurs...


Leper Messiah/Tully Arthurs



And, finally, I got beat to the punch a little bit on this one but...


Sam Strong



I'll do some young Strong alts in the future.

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Chase: You take the red pill, you and everything you know about professional wrestling will remain the same...you take the blue pill you come with me and I will revolutionize every aspect of the sport today


Emma Chase is the one y'all...

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As far as some suggestions


Brains Mcghee: Or atleast a cut where we can see his whole face like the other dwarfs in the game.


Burning EXILE: His mask looks "choppy" I don't really know how to describe it really. We see some excellent Masked Renders lately and I think someone could make him beastly.


Joe Sexy: This is bias because I love him but I want to see him more sleazy or something to reflect his name better


K-Squared: This may sound harsh but his render is bleh to me. I don't know if its the eyes or beard or what but its ehhh


Robbie Retro: See Joe Sexy, but at the same time I would like to see an alt where he has a more serious look (different hair at least)


Raymond Diaz: Only because we have seen some great Brutes rendered and I would love to see what someone would do to one of the best

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The first cuts of Ryan Powell, and a bald Guide I think someone requested earlier.



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