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For anyone who doubted why reality TV rules the entertainment industry, just look at this story.


Now, think back to similar situations through TV history. When the cast of Friends wanted big fat raises, how much did they want each, per episode? $1 million dollars </Dr Evil>


There are networks who WISH they had the "problem" of the cast of their biggest hit show asking for so little money. That show also makes a lot of money in merchandising, which the network and producers get a cut of.


By the way, World's Worst Tenants is the best show on Spike. Biased? Me? Naw!!

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A lot of people were confused by S3 E2 because they thought Jojen and Meera Reed were younger versions of Theon and Asha Greyjoy appearing to Bran in a dream (fair enough, they got the dream bit right in their first few scenes... ¬_¬).




Jojen I can kinda see as a young Theon. But Meera? Meera is perfect. She even has her trident!


Also, would it be so hard to have cast a ginger guy as Anguy? I really hate it when they do that. Take a character with really distinctive features, and then cast a guy with... none of those features.


Generally the casting is awesome, and I agree with most of the occasions where they've merged several characters into one (Ros, Bronn, Thoros for instance, and the actor playing Thoros is awesome, although it's funny that Rains of Castamere is the only song anyone in the show knows. ¬_¬). I'll never agree with Robb marrying some random Volantine girl who isn't in the books though. Would it be so hard to have named her Jeyne Westerling ffs?

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Hannibal episode 2 is coming on in a few minutes. Anyone catch this yet? Episode 1 was interesting. I'm a big big fan of Harris' books and the subsequent film adaptations so I'm biased I knew I was going to watch it when they announced it. But it's cool. Different than most stuff on TV right now. The look and feel and narrative just are different. Which is what I like. I hope it gets more into psychological stuff and less on the shocking gore.


I had the pleasure of watching Luther (thank you Netflix) so I just got done probably the best psychological police thriller I've ever seen in any medium. I'd love Hannibal to take more of a page from that.

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Hannibal episode 2 is coming on in a few minutes. Anyone catch this yet? Episode 1 was interesting. I'm a big big fan of Harris' books and the subsequent film adaptations so I'm biased I knew I was going to watch it when they announced it. But it's cool. Different than most stuff on TV right now. The look and feel and narrative just are different. Which is what I like. I hope it gets more into psychological stuff and less on the shocking gore.


I had the pleasure of watching Luther (thank you Netflix) so I just got done probably the best psychological police thriller I've ever seen in any medium. I'd love Hannibal to take more of a page from that.


I have not had a chance to watch the second Hannibal yet, but I will say that I was not all that impressed with the first episode. I am not sure why but I just felt it was kind of blah.


On the topic of Luther, yes that is one of the best shows on television. I love the psycho hot chick that is stalking him.

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In addition to being so happy GoT is back and awesome, is anyone watching Vikings on History?


I can't decide if it's good or I just love the guy playing Ragnar.


I have every episode on my DVR. I love that show. The subtle underpinnings ("There are no lands....heyyyy, whatever you found is MINE") and the writing overall is great.

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Really random, but I started watching the Marvel Anime shows on Crackle and I keep seeing advertisements for a Crackle Original called CH:OS:EN with Milo Ventimiglia as the lead. Has anyone given it a shot or even heard anything about it?


The concept seems pretty cool.

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Love vikings.


So what did you all think of this seasons walking dead.


1. Vikings is awesome.


2. I LOVED Walking Dead season three... except for the finale. The finale was completely underwhelming and poorly executed. And it's a shame, because until then it was rivaling the first season as the best so far of the series.




But hey, Game of Thrones is back.

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I try to get into Walking Dead but man every season they just seem to sit down somewhere for a long period of episodes and do nothing. The prison was a very cool concept for a place to hide out at for a whole one episode before they ignored how freaking cool it could be.


I could go on but in short I want to love the series but about half the episodes just bore the hell out of me.

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Anyone going to watch defiance tonight on sci fi.


I am not to familiar with show i believe it is based off a game or som not to sure but previews look good.


Actually they are launching the game and show at the same time. More companions than one being based off the other. Unfortunately Sci Fi doesn't really put their stuff up on Hulu Plus so I probably won't be seeing it.


Another show I won't be seeing anymore is Hannibal (I dug the first 2 episodes) as NBC has decided to make the show Web Only and won't allow Hulu Plus members to see it on PS3, XBox or mobile devices. Sucks but I don't like watching tv on my monitor and prefer to stream through my PS3 to my tv.

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I've already got the Deever set for Defiance, it looks like it'd be right up my alley. Sucks to hear that Hannibal is going to be web-only, I kinda liked that show. Also, even though The Walking Dead is one of my favorite shows on TV, I can't help but feel that it's somewhat overrated. It seems to be credited with being brilliant all the time, when I myself usually find it to vary between Very Good and Great. To me, though, the comics are far superior.


But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.



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GoT S3E3 spoilers:




Seriously, HBO?


Vargo Hoat has two phrases he's known for. Two. One is a single word, even. And he manages to get through by far his most meaningful episode - with the scenes which include both phrases, in the books - without uttering either of them? I am dissapoint. The casting was good, IMO, but he was nowhere near flamboyant enough for my liking. He'd better come out with them at some point (although given that he's already cut Jaime's hand off, which was a bit rushed IMO, he's rapidly running out of time).


What this episode did have in abundance was great new casting choices though. Iwan Ifons as Ramsay Snow? They say Peter Dinklage was born to play Tyrion Lannister, but Jesus, anyone who's seen Misfits will know that nobody was more born for a role than Iwan Ifons as Ramsay Snow. I cannot WAIT for some of his scenes with Reek. Theon, Theon, it rhymes with DAYUM (near enough, throw me a bone here)!


Clive Russell as Brynden Tully? Hell yeah.


And the "fishscale mail" looks AWESOME. All of the costumes do and they've done an excellent job of making houses look distinctive other than just in colours, but God damn who wouldn't want to be a Tully? You get to live in the coolest castle, take virtually no part in the war at all... sure, you have by far the weakest rulers (the plural is for if you include Lysa and her council of idiots) in the entire series, but then to make up for it you get given the BEST one later on! And you can just sit there and chill, take in the awesome views, wearing your awesome armour.


As far as I'm concerned, the Vale wins. :p Not necessarily the Tullys... ¬_¬ But the Vale, for sure.


But yeah. Shame on you, script-writer people, for depriving me of my THAPPIRETH! KINGTHLAYER! YOU ARE MY CAPTIFTH!


The Ramsay Snow thing though... man, if anything it's even better in the show than in the books.

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Yeah, he's one of those weird combo characters. He's definitely supposed to 'represent' Vargo (he looks almost identical to how Vargo would look. As much as I'd love that to be hilariously ironic given poor Anguy, it was more than likely deliberate), but since the Brave Companions have essentially been cut (for good reason, really. They don't do anything else important) it'd be silly to have them in for one small passage. So they've essentially made him one of Roose Bolton's lieutenants. Which doesn't work out too badly, all things considered (it works out a lot better than "let's have Robb marry a random non-canon Volantine girl!" in terms of future impact on the story), they can easily have him butchered by Roose for letting Jaime go, rather than by Clegane. No real biggy in the bigger picture. They've bollocksed Roose up already by not having him at Harrenhal while Arya was there. So I'm kinda worried what they'll cut from Roose's storyline. Currently he's "one of Robb's right-hand men that looks a bit like Tywin Lannister". At this point, I'm not even sure they're going to acknowledge him turning on Robb, since they've already jumped the gun on the main catalyst for that happening in the books (Robb's marriage). I know there's another very obvious catalyst for it coming up they can use instead, but...


I had hoped they'd retain more of Vargo's character though. Or at the very least, KINGTHLAYER, YOU ARE MY CAPTIFTH! should've made it in. Rather than "oo by 'eck lad, we can't let you go or t'King will have me 'ead!", which is all we got.

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he's not Vargo Hoat on the show.


Hes some random Bolton. Apparently.

Yep. His name's apparently "Locke", though I can't say I've ever heard it on the show itself. I guess they thought Vargo was too over-the-top and wouldn't translate well to TV, but I miss him. No "thapphireth" is a shame. :(


While we're talking about GoT, am I the only one who really hates the casting of Mance Rayder? Nothing against the actor; I liked him in Rome. But he's just nothing at all like Mance. Maybe that's more down to the show's writers, but either way, this Mance seems a lot less interesting than the one from the books. I know it's still early, but Mance hooked me in his very first scene in the books.

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