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Road to Glory Challenge

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I will hopefully be starting yet another RTG with my character soon using the old XDW fed.

Anyone wanna see a dynasty?


I'd certainly take a look at a dynasty, XDW has the potential to be quite a fun read.


I'm going to start this up again, I'll post my new starting stats when I sort them out. Out of interest, has anyone tried this in the UK? And if so, any success?

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I'd certainly take a look at a dynasty, XDW has the potential to be quite a fun read.


I'm going to start this up again, I'll post my new starting stats when I sort them out. Out of interest, has anyone tried this in the UK? And if so, any success?


i did, a few quite cheap workers.

Not that much fun due to a lack of cheap workers like a big gap.

200 ppa than suddenly 400 ppa.


S'ok, but I only did it up to small status.

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Well... I started a new one up in Europe (getting sick of the American scene... since I pretty much know almost everybody)



I started the game and then for some reason I thought my stats looked relatively low, even for this type of game and found out I was 80 short... That would not have been very fun lol.I did'nt feel like doing the hiring process again so I just fixed via in-game editor(screencap is current stats).


Love the roster too, mainly the fact that aside from 4 of em (Greg Gauge, Keith Adams, Red Dragon and Trance) all the wrestlers are 250/less.


Skipping my way to February now.

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Here's my starting stats. I wimped out of doing the UK in the end, and started off in the US.


Yeah, I was thinking of doing Mexico (since I have a promotion/logo/titles already). But the travel expenses (assuming I don't go the cheap route) would be murder. Plus, the rules of the challenge would require me to either leave my comfort zone (women) or have to build a promotion to the National level (there are no National+ womens promotions, even in my mod :p).

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Okay, so my first attempt at the challenge will be as Women of Texas Wrestling (WTW), based in the Mid South (as you might expect from the name).



Product, designed to make the challenge easy (from a financial standpoint) while still incorporating a Southern/Lucha fusion concept:



Detail, for those interested:



My owner (and announcer) will be Tsuki Kawamata. I chose her because she can play multiple roles (which will be an ongoing hiring theme in this game), she already has ownership skills that would fit a promotion like this (who doesn't have a grand to toss into a chance like this?) AND, in case I get fired, she has booking skill that's good enough that she could do it herself. I'm turning Perfect Show Theory off (because I don't like/believe in it) and maybe penalty for small rosters too. Labor costs being the albatross they often are (ask General Motors and American Airlines), I can't see the point in hiring people just to take up spots. Plus, as pretty much anyone knows, I have a penchant for running with LARGE (some might say 'bloated') rosters and often feel the need to use EVERYONE. So having folks on the roster and not being able to use them (due to financial constraints) would be akin to waterboarding for me. I'm going to have to cut everything as it is (managers, 'developmental' workers, backstage amenities, Internet distro, many of my favorite workers, etc) and be a miser (which I don't like to be) so I need to keep some fun in it.


Working on my user character now. 750 pts sounded like a lot at first but, man, this is kickin' my hiney. :(


EDIT: Okay, I went over. I can't cut anymore without turning her into a random gen.

User character: Migdalia Ramos (Ring name: Dahlia (face)/Black Dahlia (heel) )

I used the 'Show Stopper' template and then cut as much as I could without killing her concept. I picture her as an amalgam of Kana and Emi Sakura with a little Riho thrown in. Not exactly lucha but with the ability to work in that type of product. Since there's no way I'd be importing her from her home area, I used J.Silver's awesome re-render of Rachel Dearheart.



Few things. First, she's Hispanic from south Texas so yes, she speaks Spanish (not like it'll help any). Secondly, she graduated HS a month before her 16th birthday and entered an accelerated degree program at the University of Texas. At game start (January 2010), she's days past her graduation (at 18, she turns 19 in Feb) with a bachelor's degree in business management (thus, the ridiculously high 'driven' level in her personality). I made her 18 at game start because with a Feb birthday, she's essentially 19 anyway (and doing it the other way would make her 20 for all intents and purposes). Besides, by the time we run a show, she'll be well into 19 anyway.



Dahlia: Finisher -

, Uber Finisher - Rolling Dahlia Cradle

Black Dahlia: Finisher - Black Rain, Uber Finisher - Passion Clutch


WTW will run shows quarterly for the first year (maybe two) and then perhaps move to bimonthly. My general plan is that we won't be monthly until year 4. Part of the reason for that is money but part of it is realism. Many promotions of this type disappear quickly because they overextend themselves, primarily because the promoters have both unrealistic expectations and really inflated revenue estimates (I've been approached on several occasions to invest so I've seen my share of business plans), which is why so many people are hesitant to invest in these types of ventures (vicious cycle and all that).


Let's see how we do. And please join me in praying that Cherry Bomb's contract with USPW doesn't come up for renewal for at least two years. I don't think I could resist bringing the Bomb in, at any price. :(

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Remi, how have you not tried this yet? I thuoght you of all people would've jumped all over this.


I dunno. I guess I got stuck in my 'deep pockets' rut. This is basically the opposite of how I typically play, which is something I need right now since blitzing through Cult isn't much of a challenge anymore.


Will probably turn it into a diary, if for no reason other than dissecting my typical way of thinking and maybe helping someone come to grips with TEW's (potential) depth. I've gotten lots of "How do you..." type PMs over time so maybe seeing it illustrated would work for someone.

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I'm in March of 12 and this game has been very different than any other time I play Cverse. SWF is still the top promotion having won promotion of the year in 10 and 11. Matthew Keith was signed by SWF no big shock but his contract came up and SWF didn't sign him so he now works for me at small almost regional. Jared Johnson signed by NOTBPW to a written deal is not resigned a month after Keith so I pick him up. Buddy Garner comes back in September of 11 and agrees to sign with me and has yet not worked for anyone else. Finally within a week or two of debuting Ernest Youngman gets a dev deal with SWF his contract came up and he signed with me and gave notice to SWF which I've never seen happen.
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One year in.... I really should have restarted when I realized I missed those points instead of editing in the fixes. My flash has peaked at 40 because of it. Rolled a "bit part" and gave +10 to my mic skills. My promotion has ran 10 shows (one month to set up, 1 month to regain some finances) and has 3, maybe 4 pop...averaging about 4-6 fans a night. I think europe hates me. I'll be opening a small SE promotion in the states as soon as my reputation is high enough.

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Lightfoot after my own first year.




Rolled a 17 for the bonus... bit meh on that. A +5 in puro really isn't likely to make a huge difference (Hardcore and Puro to me are the irrelevant top row stats... outside of Japan and garbage promotions anyway), especially when it was one of my dump stats.


Interestingly, pre-bonus, she gained exactly 100 points in the first year (as well as 14 points in babyface), Acting, Stamina and Charisma showing the biggest gains with 9, 7 and 6 extra points, respectively. It's been nice to see her Athleticism and Star Quality increasing on their own as well. She still blows up far too quickly and gets inconsistency dings improbably often, but as a developing talent... not too shabby. Could be doing better, but my resources have been limited due to a combination of where I'm based and my product, which is only slightly favourable to sponsorship. (Well aside from those four months where Gil Thomas gutted it by turning it into some hideous Sports Entertainment monstrosity, but I reverted that in the editor, since not setting the minimum/maximum levels of various parts of the product properly was a genuine oversight).


Oh... and her mask has hit 7% prestige, lol.


She clocks in with a 24 average for the year, the highest rating match being a 37, where she partnered Stretch the Chicken Boy to defeat KC Glenn and Kamikaze Christian Vars. Half my roster (hi Paratroopers!) has basically just been rotting, but I don't have the money to spare to use more people than it takes for an hour long show. It's taken me a year of frugal spending to come into year two with $7,370 in the bank, and with industry/economy dropping, I can't see that improving soon.


Inaugural and reigning champ is Roderick Remus, who isn't coming along too badly himself as a development project. His perennial challenger is Nomad... both are likely to drop down the card so fast they leave cracks in the pavement once I hit Small and can hire better. I'm at 7 pop right now, so I still have a fair ways to go.


Fun distraction of a game... my 0/0/0/0 is calling though. :p

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Decided to start another one since my last one kinda went bleh after I left RCW. Took my character from the jhdverse




And brought back RCW with change!





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Is the goal to get an A* main event for a National PPV? Or a 95? If it's 95 then I think I just did it.






... and for anyone balking at the 750 cap for stats, don't worry, you'll develop. Look at how my guy improved over 10 years (granted, with some useful end-of-year dice rolls). Forgive the different score images. I've been playing across two computers.


ATHOS D'OLIVIER in January 2010





ATHOS D'OLIVIER in November 2019





Enough to get a 99 in a performance promotion. Sure, it was a top class opponent, with maxed out popularity, for two main event titles, after a hot storyline... but a 99 in a performance promotion nonetheless. Athos D'Olivier didn't carry anyone for years (he was 19. Not supposed to) but he held his own in the end. Now I can quit BHOTWG and find somewhere fun to work. Maybe start up a little 0/0/0/0 promotion in the UK, to kill time before a good job comes up.

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Much applause there for you Self, I think you are the first person to accomplish this goal so far. Possibly also the longest play into the game too. Ever since making the move to weekly TV I've slowed right down in terms of progress, though real life has also been getting me at the same time. My SWF is developing one heck of a roster and I'm out to destroy TCW and NOTBPW as much as I can while I've got the chance. Otherwise I'm looking at maybe starting a cult level company thanks to my reputation to see how much I can make from it. Only thing is that if I do it in Japan/Mexico/USA/Canada I'll end up in National battles with NOTBPW/TCW on a regular basis... but anywhere else and I won't ever get to National as none of the regions have the talent to get near it.


SWF may be my best hope for a long time... just gotta hold on for a while against TCW/NOTBPW and keep trying to churn out supershows once per month to try winning the National Battles. Getting them down from 100 popularuty isn't easy.

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9 years. 10 months. 2 weeks. 4 days. That's the record. Beat it if you can.


Not sure I'm going to continue my game. Honestly, I didn't know success meant that much to me, but the world seems hollow without it. I quit BHOTWG immediately after the PPV, and have set up a UK promotion to kill time until another job opportunity comes up. Might be a while.


May do another game to try to beat my record. I just have to think of a different enough character and/or starter promotion. Maybe a giant brawler in a deathmatch promotion. Might also fudge the game world a little so TCW & NOTBPW don't dominate. Would be more interesting if SWF or USPW ruled the roost this time.


The Road To Glory challenge is really fun though. Gave me permission to jesus-push 'myself'. Something I never did before.

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Gave this a shot changed Rocky Mountain Wrestling in the editor to be the place. Gave my user character 75's in performance ratings star quality and charisma not much of anything else. Worried about one owner goal of most improve on being 37th in the promotion war. End of the 1st year i got +15 popularity in all home areas it made me a main eventer. Mark Smart, Antman,

Bud Wiser (me) are the top 3 heels feuding with Fearless Blue, Running Wolf and Donald Petty (no picture guy who is good in the locker room and has 90 selling) who are our top 3 faces.


Gil Thomas is the owner does colour with Lee Bambino as the announcer and they have great chemistry. Chad Bent is our refree and Reese Paige is our road agent and 3rd person in the booth.


I hope i don't get fired as i like this little promotion just need more time and i can take it all the way.

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I always thought that they were supposed to be PPA. Otherwise, you're pretty much guaranteed to go broke or pick a horrible owner to lower costs as the cheapest Written contract is $1,000 or $1,500. I would think you would want to edit it to a written deal when you hit Cult or sign a TV deal.
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I always thought that they were supposed to be PPA. Otherwise, you're pretty much guaranteed to go broke or pick a horrible owner to lower costs as the cheapest Written contract is $1,000 or $1,500. I would think you would want to edit it to a written deal when you hit Cult or sign a TV deal.


Cool. I'll make Hall into a 2k PPA until I find out his default PPA, then.

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