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Last time I checked crap was OK but sh** and f*** were strictly banner.


I might want to go take another look at them. You're probably right on the F word, but I'm pretty sure the former is not banned. Problem is, I forgot where D-Lyrium's post about this can be found...

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National Wrestling Alliance taken over




It Was announced last night that The National Wrestling Alliance has been taken over. The new President of the NWA is Rob Conway who aims to take NWA Wrestling to another level.


"NWA has a long history in wrestling and we want to use that history and make NWA Bigger and better, NWA will aim to put on the best matches possible and please the crowd with the wrestling on offer."


No Other details have been released yet but the NWA hope to start announcing talent for NEW Blood Rising in January.

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Dust to Dust


WWF 1991: Dust to Dust


This story is set in an alternate timeline, one that commenced with two virtually simultaneous phone calls and resulted in an unlikely chain of events. The diary will take the format of a biographical set of memoirs on the life of Dusty Rhodes, written by his son Dustin and giving both Dusty and Dustin’s take on events. I will be using a modified version of justtxyank’s Rising Storms mod, turning the clock back to 1 December 1990, updating the WWF & WCW rosters. Rather than be blow for blow accounts of the shows and events themselves, I’ll be writing them up from the historical perspective as diary extracts with brief results (and ratings!). I’m trying something a little bit different in my writing here that I hope I can keep up – there will be the odd bit of promo in there of course, but for the most part it’s going to be ‘Person X challenged Person Y to a match’, ‘Wrestler A surprised Dusty with a strong performance and really moved up in his estimation’ etc. We’ll see how it goes, hopefully it’s not a disaster! 


And now the preview post:



An Extract from the Dusty Rhodes Biography “Dust to Dust” by Dustin Runnells, first published 2017.



“The story of how my father came to be the Head Booker for the WWE, at the time WWF, is a funny one, even for the world of wrestling! After some determined lobbying, Dusty had managed to bring me on board and gave me the biggest break of my career to date. There’s no question that my dad went out to bat for me but what I didn’t realise until years later was just how much he put on the line to get me that shot.



“The way Dusty tells it, he had gone along to Vince’s office in Stamford, Connecticut with one thing and one thing only on his mind – resigning. He’d smiled and danced in the polka dots long enough and Jim Herd had come calling – it was time to come home! Ole Anderson was slowly driving WCW into the ground with a horrendous Black Scorpion gimmick and all signs were that it was all smoke and mirrors – his grand reveal was looking to be a damp squib. Anyway, Dusty went into that room determined and left confused. Rather than putting his resignation in that early September morning, Dusty had walked away with his son, me, given a guest role in his feud with Ted DiBiase.



“The DiBiase feud had saw the erosion of Dusty’s WWF character – losing his Sweet Sapphire sidekick and taking on a more sombre tone. The problem was that the fans had been conditioned to treat him as something of a joke – it was part of his reason for wanting to move on but Vince had convinced him that adding me to the mix would add pathos to the journey… I was to be used as fodder for a Ted DiBiase and Virgil beating that would bring great sympathy to Dusty but would leave me as little more than a jobber. Dusty objected and said that if Vince wanted to bring me in, he’d need to bring me in as an equal – someone to be reckoned with and someone with the potential to be a breakout star. Vince had laughed and agreed to give it a shot… he had seemed, in Dusty’s words, ‘Unusually Agreeable’ and it made him suspicious but he took it in on face value and prepared to leave when Vince laughed again and asked him to take a seat.



“Sitting down, Dusty prepared himself for what he figured would be the price he had to pay – and not just to the Million Dollar Man – steeling himself that he should just put the resignation in and be done with it when Vince startled him with a brief statement “thing is Dusty, I’m in need of a favour…” This was unusual, particularly at this time, but Vince continued: “I’ve just had a call that, well, I won’t bore you with the details but it’s opened up a few unexpected opportunities and I need to know that everyone is on the team, you see what I’m saying?”



“Vince went on to tell him that he’d had a call that would pull his time away from the wrestling business a little if things went to plan, that it was an exciting time but before he set-up how things were going to play out he just wanted to see that all of his main players, and that’s the exact words he used his main players, were still on board… It was too much for my dad, he had to be honest… He told Vince that Jim Herd had been in touch and that WCW wanted to bring him in, in January to take over the book. Dusty explained that they wanted him to walk out before the Royal Rumble but that’s not how he does business and that he would do the job to Ted or to Virgil or anyone else that Vince saw fit on the way out.



“Visibly taken aback, Vince whistled and then laughed again. He thanked Dusty for his honesty, asked if his mind was made up and shook his hand. Grabbing his jacket, Dusty turned and went to leave the room when Vince stopped him in his tracks… ‘It’s a pity Dusty… a real pity because I feel like we’ve turned a corner you and me... I had wanted to ask your opinion on where we go in the next six months…’



“Was Vince McMahon, the owner and man with the plan in the WWF asking him, the son of the plumber, the former NWA World Champion, a man who had to virtually beg McMahon for a job after losing Crockett’s book? A man who had been demeaned and ridiculed for weeks, months on WWF TV and events?



“Dusty had only one word in response: ‘Why?’ It was a good question, and McMahon admitted as much, in brief Vince had received a call only ten minutes before Dusty arrived from Hulk Hogan. Hogan had been on a chartered flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles for a chat show appearance when he’d bumped into an old friend and colleague, Sylvester Stallone. Stallone had just wrapped filming some insert shots for Rocky V and was headed out to meet the money men in L.A. Stallone was bemoaning that his vision for the movie was slowly being unravelled – the financiers didn’t get what he was trying to do – he wanted Rocky to go back full circle and be closer to the vision (and critical success) of the original but it wasn’t panning out – the interference was such that he had no choice but to film and write scenes he was unhappy with. Apparently Stallone needed cash and needed it badly from someone who would be happy to work as a silent partner but he was struggling to find anyone who would want to take the financial risk for what would be little return, especially if the film wasn’t the success he wanted it to be.



“And that’s where Vince came in… ever the opportunist, Hogan had asked Stallone to call Vince and give him the chance to see if he could help out… Vinnie Mac saw the opportunity without Hogan even having to point it out and bit his hand off! The result? Rocky V would take another four months to reach cinemas… and would have a pair of new Executive Producers in the shape of Vincent K. McMahon and Terry Boella…



“So Vince now had one of the biggest action stars of the 1980s to call on for publicity purposes and, coincidentally, a massive show to take place in Los Angeles around the time of the film’s rescheduled release… but why was Vince telling Dusty this? Looking back on it now, and through talking to Dad about it? I think he was gloating… to begin with at least… I think Vince was putting the boot in that no matter what Dusty did and no matter what he had up his sleeve, he couldn’t match-up to the star power that would be on show at Wrestlemania VII that the WWF would use this event to springboard to the next level and WCW would be left in the dirt... After his story, Vince with a smug look on his face asked Dusty to pitch the next six months since he still fancied himself as a top level booker… Dusty thought about it for a brief instant, why would he reveal some of the plans that he could use to this jerk? Except as much as Vince might’ve been arrogantly crowing about what the WWF was going to achieve, he’d bargained without Dusty and that this was probably the last time he could look him in the eye and show him how good a booker he was and that whatever was going to happen would happen due to his skill, not through luck, not through chance, just pure unadulterated talent…



“With a sly smile Dusty opened his mouth and began to talk, pretty small scale at first… but he kept talking, and talking, and talking – he told Vince of the minutia of plot points, of new match types, of shock twists and turns, new signings. He told him how he could really harness that star power, he told him everything that could ultimately destroy Dusty and WCW – he couldn’t help it! Once he started, there was no putting the genie back in the bottle, he wanted to show this man, this beast who had attempted to ruin his legacy that not only could he never stop him from being the People’s Champion, that he was no match for him with a pencil either… Vince’s expression went from smug, to confused, to excited, to captivated on a rolling basis, as Dusty reached his crescendo and outlined the main event of Wrestlemania, of the biggest wrestling event of all time, Vince was in slack jawed amazement – this was coming from the top of Dusty’s head! He hadn’t... he couldn’t have planned this! And yet here it all was, so much more coherent than anything that he and Pat had talked about…



“When Dusty finished talking, Vince simply shook his head… ‘Is that it?’ bellowed with laughter and offered him a hand… ‘Whatever you do Dusty, don’t sign that deal… I’ll get back to you in a couple of days…’





“What did that even mean?! Dusty was a confused man alright… Next day at the Superstars taping he found an envelope in his personal locker, inside was a sealed contract for twelve months addressed to Dustin Rhodes, the other was another contract, an extension for six months… with the additional duties of Head Booker – effective 1 December 1990… within minutes the ink was dry and the wrestling business was never quite the same again… there was a Dust Storm coming…

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A more traditional diary than my previous effort focusing primarily on the American Wrestling Association of 1978. If anything of note (major talent movements, title changes)happens then it will be covered. Take a look, make a comment if so inclined otherwise just enjoy.



AWA Roster January 1978

World Champion-Nick Bockwinkel defeated Verne Gagne November 8, 1975 at the St.Paul Civic Auditorium. The astute Bockwinkel is beginning his 3rd year as champion turning back the challenges of Billy Robinson, The Crusher, former champion Verne Gagne, to name a few.


World Tag Team Champions-The High Flyers(Jim Brunzell/Greg Gagne) defeated Bobby Duncum/Blackjack Lanza at the Winnipeg/Manitoba Arena July 7th,1977. The exciting young team of Brunzell and Gagne pulled off an upset defeating the 2 big cowboys Duncum and Lanza and show no signs of being fluke champions as they are in their 7th month as champions.

Main Roster January 1978



Nick Bockwinkel

Ray the Crippler Stevens

Bobby Duncum

Larry The Axe Hennig

Blackjack Lanza

Jim Brunzell

Baron Von Raschke

Greg Gagne

Mad Dog Vachon

Verne Gagne

Super Destroyer

The Crusher

Lord Al Hayes

Dick The Bruiser

Angelo Mosca

Rufus R. Jones

Roger Kirby

George Gadaski

Race Bannon

Steve Olsonoski

Bobby Heenan

Johnny Valiant

Jimmy Valiant


Jan Nelson

Evan Johnson

Puppy Dog Peloquin

Kenny Jay

Frank Hill

Chris Markoff



Bobby Heenan-Nick Bockwinkel, Bobby Duncum, Blackjack Lanza

Lord Al Hayes-Super Destroyer



Roger Kent

Al DeRusha

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  • 2 weeks later...



For your AWA '78 diary, will you be wearing bell bottoms, sitting in a bean bag chair, watching the 3 networks plus your one local and PBS channel on your small color TV with channel knob (& rabbit ears), have a KISS '76 poster up on your wall, a lava lamp, 8-track deck with speakers that flash multi-colored lights with 'Rumours' cranked up on it, an Atari 2600, and a reel-to-reel Super 8 movie projector next to your typewriter as you bang out this whole thing?

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With the announcement of TEW16, I've been thinking of re-attempting a diary.. Heres roughly how it would begin.



Tuesday 31st December 2013

Portland Place Conference Room



As the doors opened, journalists clambered over each other to try and get to the front of Portland Places dimly lit room. The walls were plastered with advertisements for various upcoming functions alongside tacky art pieces that the management thought - in their infinite wisdom - gave the room an air of elitism and money. At the front of the room was a slightly elevated platform that on most weekends would have housed a local DJ or a motivational speaker, but today only housed an old wooden podium. There was a bustling in the crowd as they began setting up their microphones and cameras, conferring with their rival papers or networks about what they were about to hear.


In the adjoining room he waited, listening carefully to the journalists while they busied away and trying to hear if anything had been leaked. A last minute announcement got people worried especially on New Years Eve, but he knew that this would get people interested, people who may not normally care. He walked over to the mirror and looked himself over, before brushing his hand down his goatee and sorting out his tie. He heard his assistant tapping on the microphone in the other room and knew that it was time. He steeled himself for the task in hand, and strutted to the door and threw it open.


'Guys' he said upon reaching the stand. 'I'm sure you're all wondering exactly what your doing here today instead of being at home with your family.. or in the arms of some young lady right!'


The gathered crowd laughed, but he couldn't gauge how much was sincere or for his benefit.


'2013 has been a great year for us here at 21st Century Wrestling with Edward Cornell taking the World Championship off Dark Angel and holding it for the last 8 months, whilst Luke Cool defended the UK belt against any and all challengers.'


'Our last PPV, Crisis Point performed extremely well in today's climate and Best Of British continues to be one of the better programs on UK Broadcasting Secondary'


The gnawing in his gut increased and he had to compose himself before continuing.


'However.. I didn't build 21CW by being complacent. I sought out opportunities whenever I could and built a brand that I am very proud of. Sure, there may have been a few casualties along the way and I'm sure a few of you are still bitter about the closure of Ring Of Fire or Men Of Steel Combat, but I can assure you that if it wasn't me, they would have folded. They had no future.'


He let that sink in for a moment. Almost 4 years on and Northerners were still bitter about the closure of MoSC, bringing signs to the show in defiance, not to mention his ill fated invasion angle causing thousands to send vials of blood and beer to his offices in protest.


'With each new year, I look at the future of 21CW and where its heading and who steers the ship to out destination. Harry.. or as you guys know him 'Pit Bull' Brown has asked for some time off from the company and I'm sure you can agree that he has earn't it, but that has left me searching for a new booker.'


The adjoining door creaked open and the journalist flew into action. Cameras flashed and popped as the volume in the room increased.


'I give you 21CW's new booker, and the man who's livelihood I destroyed.. Robert Brown.. The British Samurai.'


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  • 1 month later...

I saw this in the active diaries thread and thought I would bring it over here as to not clog up that thread.


I like to think a lot of CVerse players are biding their time for 2016. RW mods get updated monthly so there is always new jumping in points but the CVerse doesn't get these updates so after a period of time, you've really done everything you want to do and tell the stories you want to tell.


Once 2016 comes, we'll get a whole new spate of CVerse diaries. Always happens. :p


It seems to have been that way for the past two years or so. The diary board used to be dominated by the C-Verse and then about two years ago there seemed to be a boom in Real World diaries writers and readers.


I have also noticed that people who follow Real World diaries tend to not follow C-Verse. There is not much of a cross-over audience for some reason.


Also, a lot of the old C-Verse writers seem to have gone M.I.A. from the board so that could be a reason as well. Sort of like what killed the Mafia games.


Believe me I would love to see more C-Verse games. There are only so many WWF/WWE diaries one can read before they all start looking the same.


Like you said I am sure people will come back for the release of the new game.

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I saw this in the active diaries thread and thought I would bring it over here as to not clog up that thread.




It seems to have been that way for the past two years or so. The diary board used to be dominated by the C-Verse and then about two years ago there seemed to be a boom in Real World diaries writers and readers.


I have also noticed that people who follow Real World diaries tend to not follow C-Verse. There is not much of a cross-over audience for some reason.


Also, a lot of the old C-Verse writers seem to have gone M.I.A. from the board so that could be a reason as well. Sort of like what killed the Mafia games.


Believe me I would love to see more C-Verse games. There are only so many WWF/WWE diaries one can read before they all start looking the same.


Like you said I am sure people will come back for the release of the new game.


I for one would love to do a C-Verse game when 2016 drops with also my Attitude Era diary.

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I hope, and think, that BHK and MHero are right that the release of 2016 brings a lot of people back writing diaries.


I've had the itch to start one for quite a while now but the second 2016 was announced I knew I had to wait for that. I'm surprised I'm being patient enough but I just know that once it's out I'll never want to play 2013 again nevermind devote lots of time to writing a diary based on it.


So is anyone else in my boat? What diary do you think you'll start? I was going to start a separate TEW 2016 Dynasties thread but it would feel wrong to get in the way of people still working hard on TEW 2013 diaries here but no other forum seemed right for it.


Personally I always enjoy playing as TCW or NOTBW and creating an alliance with the other one to make a 'real wrestling' alliance to take on SWF. The new features like alliance champions will make this twice as fun so I'm fairly certain my diary will be related to either TCW or NOTBW, depending on roster changes and their situation at the start of the game.


Saying that, I do also have an itch to have a diary as a true sports entertainment company, but A) I don't tend to like SWF and B) To really get into writing a SE diary properly I'd want to devote a lot of time to it.


So does anybody else have plans already? Or hopes for the C-Verse?

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I hope, and think, that BHK and MHero are right that the release of 2016 brings a lot of people back writing diaries.


I've had the itch to start one for quite a while now but the second 2016 was announced I knew I had to wait for that. I'm surprised I'm being patient enough but I just know that once it's out I'll never want to play 2013 again nevermind devote lots of time to writing a diary based on it.


So is anyone else in my boat? What diary do you think you'll start? I was going to start a separate TEW 2016 Dynasties thread but it would feel wrong to get in the way of people still working hard on TEW 2013 diaries here but no other forum seemed right for it.


Personally I always enjoy playing as TCW or NOTBW and creating an alliance with the other one to make a 'real wrestling' alliance to take on SWF. The new features like alliance champions will make this twice as fun so I'm fairly certain my diary will be related to either TCW or NOTBW, depending on roster changes and their situation at the start of the game.


Saying that, I do also have an itch to have a diary as a true sports entertainment company, but A) I don't tend to like SWF and B) To really get into writing a SE diary properly I'd want to devote a lot of time to it.


So does anybody else have plans already? Or hopes for the C-Verse?


I've already got a skeleton plan in mind for a CVerse 2016 diary. And a rough logo/banner (not TEW banner size!) in mind.




Saltwater Battling Company: Where Sea Meets Land!


Think CHIKARA. But more more sealife. :cool:

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I've already got a skeleton plan in mind for a CVerse 2016 diary. And a rough logo/banner (not TEW banner size!) in mind.




Saltwater Battling Company: Where Sea Meets Land!


Think CHIKARA. But more more sealife. :cool:


lol that's great.


Making it a RTG type thing?

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I've already got a skeleton plan in mind for a CVerse 2016 diary. And a rough logo/banner (not TEW banner size!) in mind.




Saltwater Battling Company: Where Sea Meets Land!


Think CHIKARA. But more more sealife. :cool:



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Guest Asaemon
I've already got a skeleton plan in mind for a CVerse 2016 diary. And a rough logo/banner (not TEW banner size!) in mind.




Saltwater Battling Company: Where Sea Meets Land!


Think CHIKARA. But more more sealife. :cool:




I think that this guy might be interested in a tryout to secure a spot on that roster. :D

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="christmas_ape" data-cite="christmas_ape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hope, and think, that BHK and MHero are right that the release of 2016 brings a lot of people back writing diaries. <p> </p><p> I've had the itch to start one for quite a while now but the second 2016 was announced I knew I had to wait for that. I'm surprised I'm being patient enough but I just know that once it's out I'll never want to play 2013 again nevermind devote lots of time to writing a diary based on it. </p><p> </p><p> So is anyone else in my boat? What diary do you think you'll start? I was going to start a separate TEW 2016 Dynasties thread but it would feel wrong to get in the way of people still working hard on TEW 2013 diaries here but no other forum seemed right for it. </p><p> </p><p> Personally I always enjoy playing as TCW or NOTBW and creating an alliance with the other one to make a 'real wrestling' alliance to take on SWF. The new features like alliance champions will make this twice as fun so I'm fairly certain my diary will be related to either TCW or NOTBW, depending on roster changes and their situation at the start of the game. </p><p> </p><p> Saying that, I do also have an itch to have a diary as a true sports entertainment company, but A) I don't tend to like SWF and B) To really get into writing a SE diary properly I'd want to devote a lot of time to it. </p><p> </p><p> So does anybody else have plans already? Or hopes for the C-Verse?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> On the Real World front, I plan on running WCW sans Hulkster and Ric Flair in '93 at some point. </p><p> </p><p> A lot, for me, depends on C-Verse changes. I have been thinking of a "Monday Night" TCW/SWF Wars with Vince Russo playing TCW and Jim Cornette playing SWF -- and possibly Bischoff running USPW if they are still National. But that'll probably wait until I've finished/my file has corrupted/I lose interest in my 2013 RTG Diary. </p><p> </p><p> If there is another multiplayer diary attempt [draft? etc?] I've wanted to start a "fantasy" promotion -- using wrestling to "act out" a play -- sort of like Circe De Solei in a ring. I'd probably use a medieval Japanese setting and incorporate aspects from mythology, Anime and Kabuki Theater. The match specifications -- rules and types -- would borrow heavily from Japanese Junior and Lucha Libre.</p><p> </p><p> Finishers would be heavily protected, as would very impressive moves -- essentially, the audience has already bought the premise of "work" and "suspended disbelief" -- so old-school ring work can be integrated with heavy kayfabe -- in the ring, I will incorporate a lot of puroresu. </p><p> </p><p> The company would be completely integrated and have a strict weight limit (lightweight or middleweight). Masks, while not required, are heavily encouraged, and the referees will have period costume -- the announcers will observe the action from the audiences vantage point. There will also be a "special set" -- sort of like the temple in Lucha Underground. </p><p> </p><p> I think new additions will let me bring this particular vision to life -- if I ever won the lottery and could run a wrestling company, this would be the one I'd invest in.</p>
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When your champion tries to steal your top prize and jump ship to the competition, Don't Trust Anybody.




When your protege is willing to usurp your power at any given moment, Don't Trust Anybody.




When your own brother tries to destroy you for the perceived sins of your past, Don't Trust Anybody.




When your best friend sells you out just to keep his championship, Don't Trust Anybody.




And when you're the baddest SOB to ever lace up a pair of boots, and you're on the road to Wrestlemania, ready to open up a can of whoop-ass on anyone that gets in your way of the WWF Championship, Don't Trust Anybody!


If you're ready for Andylion to take on 1998 WWF, give me a hell yeah!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've already got a skeleton plan in mind for a CVerse 2016 diary. And a rough logo/banner (not TEW banner size!) in mind.<p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/yVK9Rv8.png</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/qOJbslZ.png</span></p><p> </p><p> Saltwater Battling Company: Where Sea Meets Land!</p><p> </p><p> Think CHIKARA. But more more sealife. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We want Inky The Squid Boy! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/InkySquidBoy.jpg</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KnowYourEnemy" data-cite="KnowYourEnemy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On the Real World front, I plan on running WCW sans Hulkster and Ric Flair in '93 at some point. <p> </p><p> A lot, for me, depends on C-Verse changes. I have been thinking of a "Monday Night" TCW/SWF Wars with Vince Russo playing TCW and Jim Cornette playing SWF -- and possibly Bischoff running USPW if they are still National. But that'll probably wait until I've finished/my file has corrupted/I lose interest in my 2013 RTG Diary. </p><p> </p><p> If there is another multiplayer diary attempt [draft? etc?] I've wanted to start a "fantasy" promotion -- using wrestling to "act out" a play -- sort of like Circe De Solei in a ring. I'd probably use a medieval Japanese setting and incorporate aspects from mythology, Anime and Kabuki Theater. The match specifications -- rules and types -- would borrow heavily from Japanese Junior and Lucha Libre.</p><p> </p><p> Finishers would be heavily protected, as would very impressive moves -- essentially, the audience has already bought the premise of "work" and "suspended disbelief" -- so old-school ring work can be integrated with heavy kayfabe -- in the ring, I will incorporate a lot of puroresu. </p><p> </p><p> The company would be completely integrated and have a strict weight limit (lightweight or middleweight). Masks, while not required, are heavily encouraged, and the referees will have period costume -- the announcers will observe the action from the audiences vantage point. There will also be a "special set" -- sort of like the temple in Lucha Underground. </p><p> </p><p> I think new additions will let me bring this particular vision to life -- if I ever won the lottery and could run a wrestling company, this would be the one I'd invest in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I definitely like the fantasy promotion idea, don't think it would need to be a multiplayer game?</p><p> </p><p> I've not seen anybody talking about another 8RoW style diary. It's a shame really because if even 3 or 4 promotions kept it going for any decent length of time it would definitely be a really interesting read. But it's rare enough that single player ones last never mind multiplayer. I've been part of a couple myself, and the planning stages of a few more, always had a really good team who enjoyed bouncing ideas of each other but I think you need some luck to keep a good 2/3/4+ people interested for any decent length of time.</p>
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