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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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I can't find the post which explains angles length and how it affects momentum/popularity/etc. Can you remind me please?

I'd like to use some vignette for my less over wrestlers before actually make them fight their first match.

Four minutes is the minimum for popularity and skill gains.

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There is usually a penalty attached to any angle under 6 mins as well.

Yes - don't know the exact rule, but if there are a certain number of main eventers in an angle, any angle shorter than six minutes will be penalized as well. But an angle with four midcarders that lasts four minutes will not be penalized.

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So I had Bear Bekowski as Rich Money's bodyguard but I'm to the point where I am about to pull the trigger on a Money face turn. So I had Bekowski turn up with Squeeky McClean for a big match. McClean had been on a losing streak and REALLY needed a victory, a victory that Bekowski produced for him.


Then I had Money clarify the relationship he has with Bekowski and explain that Bekowski is his hired bodyguard, but the relationship isn't exclusive by any means. He said he pays the most so Bekowski has always been there for him, but anyone with enough money is free to buy his services.


Since then Bekowski has produced a tag team championship victory for The Platinum Blondes, a victory for McClean in a #1 contenders bout to get a shot at the North American Championship, and a major victory for Rogue over Christian Faith. He has been pretty fun to book so far as "Bekowski Security, Inc." His services have become so in demand that I'm considering having him expand operations and pick up someone else as an employee. Has been a fun midcard act to book.

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After many years of playing this game last night for the first time I held the Supreme Challenge. It’s not been easy to get there (I play quite slowly and I’m not that used to big companies) but it feels like an achievement. So much so that I thought I’d do a breakdown of my game on the back of it. There’s quite a lot of it so I might post in sections.


My overall objectives for the game are to work with a relatively stable roster without expanding it hugely. I’ve already let Nicky Champion go without signing him and I’m unlikely to bid big for a rival company’s stars. My view as has been stated by others is SWF make their own stars. USPW and TCW steal theirs. Having said that I won’t overpay for old talent. Joe Sexy has been extended on a short contract but I’m very prepared to let big names leave if I think I can replace them from within – and I do. I’d like to build some people that are clearly earmarked for SWF success – Primus Allen, Captain Atomic, John Greed, Dawn the Cheerleader without silly pushes.


The Supremacy take over


In an attempt to control the SWF and ensure they reap the rewards Rich Money (with his PA Kristen Pearce) has banded together with Eric Eisen (and his girlfriend Hannah whom he stole from Valiant). The tacit approval of Richard Eisen is taken as a given. Rich Money bought his way to success at Welcome to The Jungle (moved to May) and as a result won his spot in the main event of the SC to challenge for the World Title around Jack Bruce’s waist by eliminating Christian Faith through nefarious means.


Jack of course did not take this lightly and invoked a little known clause in his contract. Details are technical but it essentially meant because of the manner of Christian Faith’s elimination at WttJ he would also be in the main event as SC. Jack and Christian have formed a loose alliance with Angry Gilmore to oppose the Supremacy so this was an attempt to ensure Rich Money and Eric Eisens foul play would be countered.


Unfortunately for them the did not reckon with Money’s cash. The Supremacy announced that Richard Eisen had also entered a man into the main event at the SC – Marat Khoklov. The Russian of Mass Destruction was last seen a couple of months ago beating Christian Faith (who was trying to battle his own personal demons at not being able to defeat the huge Russian) but clearly money talks.


So the main event at the SC was set as a 4-way. Jack Bruce vs Rich Money vs Christian Faith vs Marat Khoklov for the SWF world championship.

At the actual event I was a bit stricken. Could Marat hold his end up in the ring even after a couple of months of development? Would his low momentum (after transferring back from RIPW) kill the match?


Two people in the match didn’t like the ending but with a couple of ‘keep strong’s they were mollified and the result was:




A resounding success. Good for our best match of the year as Mr SWF proved he can still go to war with a 5th title win over an amazing career.


What’s next?


Faith is likely not going to be a long-time champion. I’m not convinced he can still headline PPVs at his age and I’d very much like to make sure that PPVs dominate my list of top matches and events. He is however gold on the mic and in the current set up ably deputised by two of my best workers in-ring (Jack and Angry). Multi-man events against the Supremacy and trying to get past his nemesis in Marat will give me a few months of nostalgic fun and he’ll likely lose the title towards the end of the year.


The Supremacy will of course continue their attempts to take over. Rich Money’s contract is up in a few months so if he delivers as a top heel he’ll be extended on big numbers and if he doesn’t – The Supremacy will be run out of town.

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So I had Bear Bekowski as Rich Money's bodyguard but I'm to the point where I am about to pull the trigger on a Money face turn. So I had Bekowski turn up with Squeeky McClean for a big match. McClean had been on a losing streak and REALLY needed a victory, a victory that Bekowski produced for him.


Then I had Money clarify the relationship he has with Bekowski and explain that Bekowski is his hired bodyguard, but the relationship isn't exclusive by any means. He said he pays the most so Bekowski has always been there for him, but anyone with enough money is free to buy his services.


Since then Bekowski has produced a tag team championship victory for The Platinum Blondes, a victory for McClean in a #1 contenders bout to get a shot at the North American Championship, and a major victory for Rogue over Christian Faith. He has been pretty fun to book so far as "Bekowski Security, Inc." His services have become so in demand that I'm considering having him expand operations and pick up someone else as an employee. Has been a fun midcard act to book.


I will probably borrow this concept. It sounds like a lot of fun.

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My view as has been stated by others is SWF make their own stars. USPW and TCW steal theirs.


Not a bad philosophy to go by, but I think if you are applying it to the actual SWF as a whole and not just your game it is a bit of revisionist history.


A good bit of the SWF roster initially made their name elsewhere. Bruce was a rising star in TCW and Money was a USPW World Heavyweight Champion. Vengeance, Rogue, and James were major players in DAVE and could have gone anywhere they wanted. Des Davids was a rising star in USPW before the poach and Marat Khoklov was one of the biggest stars in the world when he came over from Japan.

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Not a bad philosophy to go by, but I think if you are applying it to the actual SWF as a whole and not just your game it is a bit of revisionist history.


A good bit of the SWF roster initially made their name elsewhere. Bruce was a rising star in TCW and Money was a USPW World Heavyweight Champion. Vengeance, Rogue, and James were major players in DAVE and could have gone anywhere they wanted. Des Davids was a rising star in USPW before the poach and Marat Khoklov was one of the biggest stars in the world when he came over from Japan.


You're not completely right about being revisionist.


I think Boltinho was referring to the fact a lot of TEW players immediately went to stole TCW or USPW bigger stars. Nicky Champion, Rocky Golden, Wolf Hawkins, Joey Minnesota, to name the most stolen. People around the 80 mark popularity in USA.


People like you mentioned weren't big stars at the time.


DaVE at max was at Cult, not when Vengeance, Rogue, Brandon James or even Kurt Laramee got poached. Rich Money was champion in a regional, Jillefski owned USPW. Angry Gilmore was a midcarder in star studded early 2000 BHOTWG. Runaway Train was a main eventer, Lobster Warrior and Squeeky McClean were uppercarders in CGC. The only exceptions could be Jack Bruce, who was at max an uppercarder in HGC, and Khoklov, who was a main eventer in cult INSPIRE, a promotion that never reached National status in Japan.

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To me saying that TCW steals their stars seems really far fetched, now HGC yes they went out big money after the top names. But as TCW, Tommy Cornell Eisen foolish threw away. Ricky Dale Johnson, and Liberty would fall under the same catergory as any pickups SWF had. Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins, Rocky Golden, Ino. TCW has probably done as much if not more to make their own stars as anyone.
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So I had Bear Bekowski as Rich Money's bodyguard but I'm to the point where I am about to pull the trigger on a Money face turn. So I had Bekowski turn up with Squeeky McClean for a big match. McClean had been on a losing streak and REALLY needed a victory, a victory that Bekowski produced for him.


Then I had Money clarify the relationship he has with Bekowski and explain that Bekowski is his hired bodyguard, but the relationship isn't exclusive by any means. He said he pays the most so Bekowski has always been there for him, but anyone with enough money is free to buy his services.


Since then Bekowski has produced a tag team championship victory for The Platinum Blondes, a victory for McClean in a #1 contenders bout to get a shot at the North American Championship, and a major victory for Rogue over Christian Faith. He has been pretty fun to book so far as "Bekowski Security, Inc." His services have become so in demand that I'm considering having him expand operations and pick up someone else as an employee. Has been a fun midcard act to book.



This sounds fun, I may steal it as well, but it will have to be with someone else. Unfortunately, I had Bear get "hired" by Emma Chase as Brandon James' personal body guard. Bear went from like an E- to a C- relatively quickly, but he was constantly getting into fights backstage so I was forced to release him.

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What is a good PPV name you guy use for a King of the Ring type tournament in SWF? The first thing that popped in my head was "Ring Supremacy", but that's more of an description than a name.


You could uses King of Kings, there's even a generic belt out there with that name on it. Supreme Ruler would be another choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just started my first SWF game; I've started a few, but I tend to quit because I can't handle a roster that size. I have "Want-to-push-everyone-itis". This time, I'm trying to focus, in the hopes that this will let me actually get more than a month through


I've got Vengeance and Faith both on severe time decline, so I've got them leading stables of younger workers to try and get them over by association, while giving Vengeance and Faith something to do in main events. Faith has "Faith in the Future", which is him, Robbie Retro (B+ Star Quality, guys, and he started with good mo!) and the Bumfholes; this will probably disband at some point, since none of these guys really need any help beyond some rub. Vengeance has DuBois, Bekowski, and Greed; mostly to keep DuBois occupied- if he gets over, fine, but I'm not super concerned. Greed and Bekowski turned out to have excellent tag chemistry, which is nice.


The Awesomeness showed up as 1 and 2 on my Next Big things, so I've got them as The Band with Jack Bruce to get them over. They're currently feuding with McClean and Roberts, to try and improve them in ring.


I've got Lobbie, Jungle Lord, and Captain Atomic as the League of Superheroes, taking down the Villians of SWF. Right now, they're up against the Pain Alliance, as a stepping stone to Lobbie vs. Marat (and I've brought up Kristin Pearce as "Natasha Khoklov" to play his mouthpiece).


So I guess my approach to handling the roster is to divide them into stables, then :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need help. Just finished the SC36 with 3 brands but it feels like i have too many top guys that im doing absolutely nothing with. Don't have enough stories for them since i do favour a lot of people. I had 95 active wrestlers and i've now cut it down to 71 after releasing a lot of people including Nicky Champion, joe sexy, lobster warrior etc.


My question is, is it better to use 3 brands or switch back to 2? What have you guys tried before?

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I need help. Just finished the SC36 with 3 brands but it feels like i have too many top guys that im doing absolutely nothing with. Don't have enough stories for them since i do favour a lot of people. I had 95 active wrestlers and i've now cut it down to 71 after releasing a lot of people including Nicky Champion, joe sexy, lobster warrior etc.


My question is, is it better to use 3 brands or switch back to 2? What have you guys tried before?


I had a similar issue when I broke out my SWF game into 2 brands. The idea was great and I was able to create storylines for everyone however, I found it slowed the game down a lot more and made it less enjoyable. So it just a matter of preference if you can make it work go ahead and stay with 3 brands if it’s too much drop back to 2.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all.


I'm struggling with a character: Squeaky Mclean.


Just cant really visualise or imagine who he is and what he wants in my head.


This is bad because he's developed nicely in my game (B+ or better in every performance stat) and can be relied upon to make midcarders look good. I'm about to start a feud with Frehley to give the big fella some nice training but cant really work out why they'd feud.


All thoughts would be extremely welcome here

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Hi all.


I'm struggling with a character: Squeaky Mclean.


Just cant really visualise or imagine who he is and what he wants in my head.


This is bad because he's developed nicely in my game (B+ or better in every performance stat) and can be relied upon to make midcarders look good. I'm about to start a feud with Frehley to give the big fella some nice training but cant really work out why they'd feud.


All thoughts would be extremely welcome here


Not sure how you're running Frehley but think of McClean as Right to Censor. Something he does doesn't sit right with McClean, he's too violent, he swears too much, he's too hood, he doesn't wear a suit and tie. McClean doesn't think a champion should have these traits so he's intent on keeping Frehley away from the title picture.

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Not sure how you're running Frehley but think of McClean as Right to Censor. Something he does doesn't sit right with McClean, he's too violent, he swears too much, he's too hood, he doesn't wear a suit and tie. McClean doesn't think a champion should have these traits so he's intent on keeping Frehley away from the title picture.


Cheers Apu


All makes perfect sense - obvious now you bring it up. Frehely is pretty much the version from Eisenverse' SWF diary if I'm being honest s this fits nicely

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Cheers Apu


All makes perfect sense - obvious now you bring it up. Frehely is pretty much the version from Eisenverse' SWF diary if I'm being honest s this fits nicely


It doesn't even need to start with violence. McClean comes up to him and tells him if he wants to be champ again he should clean up his act and offer to help him. Frehley declines polite saying he just wants to be himself and that should be enough. Things escalate slowly McClean always offering a tip, trying to straighten up Frehley's shirt rips it by accident, that kinda thing. Frehley gets frustrated and finally wails on him after awhile. Maybe Frehley gets a shot at the title or maybe its just a number one contenders match and McClean costs him the match, this time on purpose. Next nigth McClean goes on his big rant about some one as uncouth as Frehley doesn't deserve the title and he's going to make sure the Thug never gets it. Then you start having matches between the two. If the match that McClean costs Frehley was a number one contenders match than the first battle could be a tag bout between the teams of Frehley and the Champ and McClean and the new number one contender.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK - question time.


Christian Faith is 8 years past his prime and likely to hang em up any time soon. He's actually my champ (one last run!) but will be dropping the belt in a couple of weeks.


In development I have Matty Faith on a long-term deal. Given my UC is Eisen I thought Matty would get a deal.


I'd love to run a dad/son storyline but Christians uncertain future scares me. If I don't do it soon I might not ever get the chance. On the other hand Matty is no way near being ready. So I have 3 options:


A] Leave Matty in RIPW to develop

B] Call him up and have them team together in the hopes dad's skills will rub off

C] Call Matty up and have them feud together.


With either B or C I'd run the other storyline straight after (assuming Christian stays active). So either they team for 6 months and Matty turns on dad OR Matty comes in as a rebellious kid and then they reconcile.


ANy thoughts chaps?

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OK - question time.


Christian Faith is 8 years past his prime and likely to hang em up any time soon. He's actually my champ (one last run!) but will be dropping the belt in a couple of weeks.


In development I have Matty Faith on a long-term deal. Given my UC is Eisen I thought Matty would get a deal.


I'd love to run a dad/son storyline but Christians uncertain future scares me. If I don't do it soon I might not ever get the chance. On the other hand Matty is no way near being ready. So I have 3 options:


A] Leave Matty in RIPW to develop

B] Call him up and have them team together in the hopes dad's skills will rub off

C] Call Matty up and have them feud together.


With either B or C I'd run the other storyline straight after (assuming Christian stays active). So either they team for 6 months and Matty turns on dad OR Matty comes in as a rebellious kid and then they reconcile.


ANy thoughts chaps?


Some fantasy booking for fantasy character :D


Matty joins the heel stable who's facing his father and cost him the championship. The heel and his stable treats Matty nicely but in reality Matty is just a schmuck to use against Faith. Matty keeps getting in his fathers face during matches against the heel letting the heel win but each match Matty keeps messing up and the heel barely wins. In the blowoff Career vs Title Faith is getting destroyed by the heel and by the stable acting behing the refs back. Matty interferes but accidentally trips the heel who blows a gasket and has the rest of the stable attack Matty. Faith sacrifices himself by suicide dive to the heel stable which allows the heel to throw him into the ring and hit his finisher.


Matty tries to get into the ring to help his father but he's outnumbered. The heel cuts a promo calling Matty nothing more than a pawn who helped end his father's legendary career as Matty. You then send Matty down to RIPW.


Then on TV Faith gives his retirement speech where he thanks the fans and he tells Matty that he's young and he made a mistake and to own up to his mistakes.


Once Matty is better in a year you can have him come back under a vigilante/masked gimmick attacking the stable until the stable boss calls him out and they have match. Right before Matty s about to wins he unmasks himself and uses his father finisher to win the match finally earning revenge for his father and redemption for himself.


For this is works if you align them so that Faith retires at one Supreme and Matty wins the next one or the second one from then.

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Some fantasy booking for fantasy character :D


Matty joins the heel stable who's facing his father and cost him the championship. The heel and his stable treats Matty nicely but in reality Matty is just a schmuck to use against Faith. Matty keeps getting in his fathers face during matches against the heel letting the heel win but each match Matty keeps messing up and the heel barely wins. In the blowoff Career vs Title Faith is getting destroyed by the heel and by the stable acting behing the refs back. Matty interferes but accidentally trips the heel who blows a gasket and has the rest of the stable attack Matty. Faith sacrifices himself by suicide dive to the heel stable which allows the heel to throw him into the ring and hit his finisher.


Matty tries to get into the ring to help his father but he's outnumbered. The heel cuts a promo calling Matty nothing more than a pawn who helped end his father's legendary career as Matty. You then send Matty down to RIPW.


Then on TV Faith gives his retirement speech where he thanks the fans and he tells Matty that he's young and he made a mistake and to own up to his mistakes.


Once Matty is better in a year you can have him come back under a vigilante/masked gimmick attacking the stable until the stable boss calls him out and they have match. Right before Matty s about to wins he unmasks himself and uses his father finisher to win the match finally earning revenge for his father and redemption for himself.


For this is works if you align them so that Faith retires at one Supreme and Matty wins the next one or the second one from then.


A really nicely well thought out storyline.


I was going to say if you didn't want to bring Matty up at this time, and if Faith did retire from active competition before you brought Matty up you could possibly use him as a manager for Matty.

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