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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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Some fantasy booking for fantasy character :D


Matty joins the heel stable who's facing his father and cost him the championship. The heel and his stable treats Matty nicely but in reality Matty is just a schmuck to use against Faith. Matty keeps getting in his fathers face during matches against the heel letting the heel win but each match Matty keeps messing up and the heel barely wins. In the blowoff Career vs Title Faith is getting destroyed by the heel and by the stable acting behing the refs back. Matty interferes but accidentally trips the heel who blows a gasket and has the rest of the stable attack Matty. Faith sacrifices himself by suicide dive to the heel stable which allows the heel to throw him into the ring and hit his finisher.


Matty tries to get into the ring to help his father but he's outnumbered. The heel cuts a promo calling Matty nothing more than a pawn who helped end his father's legendary career as Matty. You then send Matty down to RIPW.


Then on TV Faith gives his retirement speech where he thanks the fans and he tells Matty that he's young and he made a mistake and to own up to his mistakes.


Once Matty is better in a year you can have him come back under a vigilante/masked gimmick attacking the stable until the stable boss calls him out and they have match. Right before Matty s about to wins he unmasks himself and uses his father finisher to win the match finally earning revenge for his father and redemption for himself.


For this is works if you align them so that Faith retires at one Supreme and Matty wins the next one or the second one from then.


I don't know who you have on the Roster but you could go the opposite way with Matty teaming with his father while a young stable consisting of as many second Generation Stars as you can get your hands on tears its way up the card. Look for The Gauges, Jay Chord, Brett Starr, I know there are quite a few others. Have them managed by Runaway Trains duaghter if you can. Matty can be the lone hold out.


Matty and his dad maybe get a run with the tag titles and after they lose them the stable starts coming after Matty to recruit him. Its his Dad's fault the titles were lost, he's getting to old to be of any use. Matty fights back you have a few matches, tags, singles, Dad brings in some old friends for a 4vs4 or 3vs3. Finally after won loss to many Matty realizes sticking with his dad means killing his own career, and at the end of the match her turns on him.


Now that he's joined the stable, they give him one job, his initiation, but his dad out for good. Depending on how long Faith has you can drag this out but if you want to push Matty big in their final battle Matty injures his father so bad he is forced to retire.


Then you have further story with the stable. Matty's beaten his own dad. Who else here can say that. He wants to take control of the group, he deserves it after all. And then you can have some of the members side with him untill finally the old leader is cast out turning Face and now he will try and stop Matty and guess who he has in his corner, the returned Christian Faith. No longer working in the ring but he's still got backstage pull and looks to help the now outcast help redeem his son.


Usually i like to call this stable The Second Sons of Wrestling.

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I don't know who you have on the Roster but you could go the opposite way with Matty teaming with his father while a young stable consisting of as many second Generation Stars as you can get your hands on tears its way up the card. Look for The Gauges, Jay Chord, Brett Starr, I know there are quite a few others. Have them managed by Runaway Trains duaghter if you can. Matty can be the lone hold out.


Matty and his dad maybe get a run with the tag titles and after they lose them the stable starts coming after Matty to recruit him. Its his Dad's fault the titles were lost, he's getting to old to be of any use. Matty fights back you have a few matches, tags, singles, Dad brings in some old friends for a 4vs4 or 3vs3. Finally after won loss to many Matty realizes sticking with his dad means killing his own career, and at the end of the match her turns on him.


Now that he's joined the stable, they give him one job, his initiation, but his dad out for good. Depending on how long Faith has you can drag this out but if you want to push Matty big in their final battle Matty injures his father so bad he is forced to retire.


Then you have further story with the stable. Matty's beaten his own dad. Who else here can say that. He wants to take control of the group, he deserves it after all. And then you can have some of the members side with him untill finally the old leader is cast out turning Face and now he will try and stop Matty and guess who he has in his corner, the returned Christian Faith. No longer working in the ring but he's still got backstage pull and looks to help the now outcast help redeem his son.


Usually i like to call this stable The Second Sons of Wrestling.


Another way to go would be that Matty is unhappy with Christian for some unknown reason. He works up to a retirement match against his father. Christian cheats to win the match and turns heel and Matty has to leave (town/promotion). Matty goes down to development. When he returns he resumes his feud and this time retires his dad and reveals his valid reason for being upset with his dad. Christian eventually sees the error of his ways and reunites with his son.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I fired up another game of TEW, playing as SWF.


This time, I tried a different tack with developmental. I called up all our talent and ended the arrangement with RIPW in favor of setting up a B brand ala WWE and NXT.


It's worked out well for me so far. I have more control over how my workers are developed, how they are pushed, and so on. It lets me test out character ideas before bringing them up to the big show.


I also have a handful of wrestlers unassigned to a brand that I use to work with the developmental talent, similar again to how WWE sends guys like Tyson Kidd and Sin Cara to work with the youngsters.


I wish there were a way to create your own network (like was implemented in WMMA4) and also that there was a way to create B events. Right now, I the Uprising show before the PPV serve as a TV "PPV" event where the big matches are typically held.

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So I fired up another game of TEW, playing as SWF.


This time, I tried a different tack with developmental. I called up all our talent and ended the arrangement with RIPW in favor of setting up a B brand ala WWE and NXT.


It's worked out well for me so far. I have more control over how my workers are developed, how they are pushed, and so on. It lets me test out character ideas before bringing them up to the big show.


The only thing is that workers won't develop as fast. What I've done is take the guys who are ready or cloe to ready (Spade/Lenny) and leave the rest there (Ekuma/Avalanche).


Then hire some indie (Ant-Man/Amazing Firefly) and international talent (Mexico's Premier Couple Gino and Gabriela/ The Johansson Brothers) who I don't expect too much along with a few of the Parkers/Keiths/Glenn mega indie stars and use them to create my B-Show setting.


One of the things I like to do is hire Eric Tyler as the William Regal GM, Sara MArie York under her Miss Sara gimmick as his secretary and Findlay O'Farraday under the bodyguard alt pic as Tyler bodyguard. My B-Shows are run like a TV-Drama based around creating characterization along with the rare appearance of Christian Faith or Rich Money looking to scout some rookies to join their stables in the future or a little more common having the midcard champion come down before a PPV to warm up against someone similar to his ooponent. Supreme TV is serious stuff involving popular wrestlers while my B-Show feature romance, friendship, and occasionally comedy.

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So I fired up another game of TEW, playing as SWF.


This time, I tried a different tack with developmental. I called up all our talent and ended the arrangement with RIPW in favor of setting up a B brand ala WWE and NXT.


It's worked out well for me so far. I have more control over how my workers are developed, how they are pushed, and so on. It lets me test out character ideas before bringing them up to the big show.


I wish there were a way to create your own network (like was implemented in WMMA4) and also that there was a way to create B events. Right now, I the Uprising show before the PPV serve as a TV "PPV" event where the big matches are typically held.


Three biggest things I want in the next TEW is the ability to control your development territory, B-events, and being able to set up some sort of network.


I would at least like to be able to create a new user and use him to run the development promotion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
possible the scariest thing ive seen in the game :



Everest feels he should be a Upper Mid-Carder.




i dont know, he TV champ for 3 weeks and it goes to his head



I usually send Everest to RIPW at the very start of my game. His backstage attitude is worse than Big Smack Scott's, he tires easily, his matches grade terribly - heck, there are times I'd release him right from the get-go if his contract is up within the next three months.


The guy's absolutely useless - sorry, not sorry.

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I usually send Everest to RIPW at the very start of my game. His backstage attitude is worse than Big Smack Scott's, he tires easily, his matches grade terribly - heck, there are times I'd release him right from the get-go if his contract is up within the next three months.


The guy's absolutely useless - sorry, not sorry.


I usually fire Everest, Scott, Laramee and DuBois on day one. I know a lot of folk think DuBois can be the future but I play with owner goals on and he frequently (read always) doesn't meet one of them so i see no point in keeping him around on top of his bad attitude. Your SWF you have tons of cash it doesn't cost more than you'll make back in a month or two to let a few people go even on years long contracts.

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I usually fire Everest, Scott, Laramee and DuBois on day one. I know a lot of folk think DuBois can be the future but I play with owner goals on and he frequently (read always) doesn't meet one of them so i see no point in keeping him around on top of his bad attitude. Your SWF you have tons of cash it doesn't cost more than you'll make back in a month or two to let a few people go even on years long contracts.


I'm the exact opposite. Playing SWF can get "easy" at times so I often try to give myself crazy goals. My last game I really wanted to put the tag titles on Scott and Laramee but they couldn't stay out of trouble, literally every week it was something new, so instead I made the team of Everest and DuBois (they had great tag chemistry) and put the titles on them! Their match ratings were subpar, but it game me a fun challenge with a couple of people who usually get no love at all during games.


In that same game I also put the SWF title on Marat... his matches were awful lol

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In that same game I also put the SWF title on Marat... his matches were awful lol


I was actually planning that for my upcoming SWF diary. In the last one, Remo became champ in February, with Duane Fry as his mouthpiece - I like booking Remo as a Brock Lesnar-type, so Fry was serving as his equivalent to Paul Heyman. Tried the same thing while testing scenarios for the new one, replacing Remo with Khoklov in the Lesnar role (hey, they're both part-timers!) but the dude just couldn't last more than ten minutes in as match. And his match grades sucked.


I did give DuBois a good midcard push in the old diary game. Giving him some early wins fixes his attitude up a bit, making him a neutral backstage presence. Sure, he'll get busted every now and then for smoking them joints, but otherwise he's well-behaved if you can get his attitude to improve with some wins. Interesting thing you did, though, teaming him up with Everest.

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[*]Marat Khoklov's sister Tatyana Khoklova (a repackaged Kristen Pearce up from RIPW) will announce that the Board of Trustees has granted her permission to create a new monthly challenge for the so-called SWF superstars - The Bear's Den! If any superstar can triumph over Khoklov in a Bear's Den (modified MMA) rules match, they will automatically be granted a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight Title. But, if Khoklov can go an entire year without losing, he will get the shot in a match of his choosing!


This, good sir, is a marvelous idea. My next diary will start in-game in 2015, and I've been wondering what to do with Khoklov once he's through pulverizing jobbers in handicap matches, as I usually do in CV2014. Will probably use this while building up the framework, i.e. playing out 2014 before the diary starts in earnest.

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So I have this thing with Bear Bekowski where I love him and think he could be a star...but, he's a massive jerk. I try to limit my back stage cancers, especially those farther up the card. Has anyone successfully humbled him in any of their games?
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So I have this thing with Bear Bekowski where I love him and think he could be a star...but, he's a massive jerk. I try to limit my back stage cancers, especially those farther up the card. Has anyone successfully humbled him in any of their games?


You can try making him serve as someone's bodyguard, maybe Rich Money's or Eric Eisen's. I usually reserve this role for Primus Allen when he starts whining about being stuck in developmental, but if you want to push the Bear, having him work as hired muscle makes sense for starters. What I'd do is have him defeat less-pushed babyfaces who are still more over than him, say, American Machine or Robbie Retro, or Donnie J, whom I often end up hiring. And give him bonuses for good matches (by Bear standards, that is).


It's not going to make him neutral, but at least he'll be less of a jerk.

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In the past, i don't remember in this thread or the Creative one, someone suggested to use Bear Bekowski as a bodyguard entrepreneur.


I would use this suggestion to set up the Glacial Security Inc. formed by Bear Bekowski, Everest, Chill and Avalanche.

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I haven't actually had a game yet with SWF on the 2014 data, which I think is tragic. They are so fun to book and the potential is endless.


Using someone as an advocate for Remo is an interesting thought. I've similar used him in a Brock Lesnar-like, super-athletic bully manner. He's always pulled really strong segment grades for me. On the 2013 data, I loved teh storyline between him and Frehley. Neither has the most amazing entertainment skills, but I used really simple talking angles, rated on Entertainment (talker) and on-screen Overness (subject) and would get constant A and A+ grades.


Bear is an interesting one. A guy with a lot of potential, but its hard to look past that attitutde. One way around that for someone you really want to use is to pick them as the user character.


It seems like the only way to keep Dubois around is to stop drug testing. It seems like he never gives up the habit, no matter what approach you take. And despite the SQ, I'm not sure he's worth the effort. Just sucks to see him go to TCW or USPW and help them out.

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Looks like it's impossible to sign Champagne Lover to SWF while he's still in his prime. :( Did some experimenting earlier and offered him a six-year, $125,000 a year deal with 20% PPV bonus and creative control, but he still wouldn't leave SOTBPW. Has anyone been able to sign him up to SWF?
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Looks like it's impossible to sign Champagne Lover to SWF while he's still in his prime. :( Did some experimenting earlier and offered him a six-year, $125,000 a year deal with 20% PPV bonus and creative control, but he still wouldn't leave SOTBPW. Has anyone been able to sign him up to SWF?


No, for many reasons.


1) He has a strong friendship with Jorge Ibanez, SOTBPW's owner.


2) He's almost an icon in Mexico, while in USA Everest is slightly popular than him, default C-Verse 2013 database speaking.


3) He's extremely conservative and he wouldn't sign for SWF unless you lowers the risque level to medium.

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Just curious in the first few months of starting a game what do you guys do with Vengeance? Can't seem to come up with anything to get the ball rolling with him?


If you dont' want to use him in a top level feud, then use him as a gatekeeper. Either as the "step before a title feud" feud, or the "moving up from the midcard" feud. For someone like Valiant, he can be the feud that elevates them up to the point where they can step into the world title scene. Of course, if Vengeance is putting them over, he needs to be kept strong otherwise. So I would also use him in feuds with midcard guys who are not going to get clean wins over him. But it elevates them and keeps the big guy strong.

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If you dont' want to use him in a top level feud, then use him as a gatekeeper. Either as the "step before a title feud" feud, or the "moving up from the midcard" feud. For someone like Valiant, he can be the feud that elevates them up to the point where they can step into the world title scene. Of course, if Vengeance is putting them over, he needs to be kept strong otherwise. So I would also use him in feuds with midcard guys who are not going to get clean wins over him. But it elevates them and keeps the big guy strong.


Cheers buddy,


was looking at him and literarily could come up with nothing. I'll be finishing up Valliant's start feud with Eric then use Big V as a build up feud try and get Valliant into the main even...


Got a feeling I'll need it got creamed with time declines, several workers either deep into or in the early stages of.

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Cheers buddy,


was looking at him and literarily could come up with nothing. I'll be finishing up Valliant's start feud with Eric then use Big V as a build up feud try and get Valliant into the main even...


Got a feeling I'll need it got creamed with time declines, several workers either deep into or in the early stages of.


No problem.


Time Decline can be killer in the SWF on the 2014 data. Litterly half of the main event can be in serious decline and it definitely affects grades. Maybe not as much as in TCW, but it hurts. Christian Faith is pretty much guaranteed to be in some stage of decline, so I typically use him moreso as a tag team guy - whether its in main event level team with someone like Bruce or Lobby, or a team to develop a younger worker.


With Vengeance, I find it really helps with story ideas to get a proper grip on the character. to take the time to flesh him out in your mind a bit, almost like you were gonna do a diary. What do his promos sound like? How does he work in the ring? Its easy to think of him as sorta kinda like The Undertaker and leave it at that. But I personally find that kind of vague "sorta kinda based on a real worker" conception leads to me not making effective use of a worker. They tend to float rather than really get fully formed storylines and pushes. Rather than Undertaker, I typically see Vengeance as more like Kane but with a biker-like gimmick. You could also use Psycho Sid, or Kevin Nash. I see him having a pretty typical big man style - physical, punishing, hard to take off his feet. For promos, I go with intense and sometimes crazy more than the dark and ominous vibe of Undertaker promos. Almost like a Mick Foley at his best level of intensity, but it often pushes into the crazy. So a typical backstage interview with Vengenace is probably gonna start out with him just being angry and intense, leading to him getting himself angry and yelling, and quite possibly resulting in the interviewer or camera-man getting choke slammed. With the avenging angel aspect, I like to think of him as slightly unhinged and unpredictable. Most of the time, you know what he's gonna do. But every so often, he's gonna lose it - whether that means turning on a tag partner for no reason or abusing a jobber for several minutes after an easy win.


One idea I've been toying with for Vengeance is to have him tagging with someone on an occassional basis - someone like Eisen, John Greed, etc. And that person does something to cause Vengeance to lose it. Something relatively minor, but well, he is prone to coming unhinged. And that sets the big guy off on a really lengthy chase. Like a year to a year and a half. Most of the time, Vengeance would have short feuds with guys that EE/Greed or whoever puts in his way. Like maybe Eisen convinces the Bumfhole's that they can become superstars if one of them takes down Vengeance, so he's spend severals months feuding the two of them. He eventually turns babyface and eventually gets his payoff win. It keeps him busy, keeps him strong, elevates whoever the feuds is with, and also should help out whoever the small feuds are with. Or course, its all out of the window if he's on serious time decline when I finally start the SWF game I'm planning....

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No problem.


Time Decline can be killer in the SWF on the 2014 data. Litterly half of the main event can be in serious decline and it definitely affects grades. Maybe not as much as in TCW, but it hurts. Christian Faith is pretty much guaranteed to be in some stage of decline, so I typically use him moreso as a tag team guy - whether its in main event level team with someone like Bruce or Lobby, or a team to develop a younger worker.


With Vengeance, I find it really helps with story ideas to get a proper grip on the character. to take the time to flesh him out in your mind a bit, almost like you were gonna do a diary. What do his promos sound like? How does he work in the ring? Its easy to think of him as sorta kinda like The Undertaker and leave it at that. But I personally find that kind of vague "sorta kinda based on a real worker" conception leads to me not making effective use of a worker. They tend to float rather than really get fully formed storylines and pushes. Rather than Undertaker, I typically see Vengeance as more like Kane but with a biker-like gimmick. You could also use Psycho Sid, or Kevin Nash. I see him having a pretty typical big man style - physical, punishing, hard to take off his feet. For promos, I go with intense and sometimes crazy more than the dark and ominous vibe of Undertaker promos. Almost like a Mick Foley at his best level of intensity, but it often pushes into the crazy. So a typical backstage interview with Vengenace is probably gonna start out with him just being angry and intense, leading to him getting himself angry and yelling, and quite possibly resulting in the interviewer or camera-man getting choke slammed. With the avenging angel aspect, I like to think of him as slightly unhinged and unpredictable. Most of the time, you know what he's gonna do. But every so often, he's gonna lose it - whether that means turning on a tag partner for no reason or abusing a jobber for several minutes after an easy win.


One idea I've been toying with for Vengeance is to have him tagging with someone on an occassional basis - someone like Eisen, John Greed, etc. And that person does something to cause Vengeance to lose it. Something relatively minor, but well, he is prone to coming unhinged. And that sets the big guy off on a really lengthy chase. Like a year to a year and a half. Most of the time, Vengeance would have short feuds with guys that EE/Greed or whoever puts in his way. Like maybe Eisen convinces the Bumfhole's that they can become superstars if one of them takes down Vengeance, so he's spend severals months feuding the two of them. He eventually turns babyface and eventually gets his payoff win. It keeps him busy, keeps him strong, elevates whoever the feuds is with, and also should help out whoever the small feuds are with. Or course, its all out of the window if he's on serious time decline when I finally start the SWF game I'm planning....


Thats awesome thanks.


I was thinking of having him as sort of a Reaper, aiming to remove and lead those who have "passed their prime" to the "afterlife" or retirement, but your idea was pretty awesome too.

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Thats awesome thanks.


I was thinking of having him as sort of a Reaper, aiming to remove and lead those who have "passed their prime" to the "afterlife" or retirement, but your idea was pretty awesome too.


I think my favorite use a Vengeance is as a guy who thinks he is "saving" SWF. You know how they say most evil people don't see themselves as evil. My favorite incarnation of him was when he thought a cancer had grown on the SWF, that there was too much corruption and evil within the organization and to save it he had to excise that cancer. First he would start with Faith as the defacto face of SWF he represents the company and so even if he can't see it himself he is a symbol of everything that is wrong with SWF. And once he's done destroying the body of SWF he will go after the soul, the SWF World Heavyweight titles. Once he controls this symbol of the SWF he'll be able to cleanse the company as a whole, freeing it from its wicked ways.


I loved that Vengeance.

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Thats awesome thanks.


I was thinking of having him as sort of a Reaper, aiming to remove and lead those who have "passed their prime" to the "afterlife" or retirement, but your idea was pretty awesome too.


Almost any approach works with him, TBH. Just tweaking his mentality or target a bit creates a potentially much different take on the character. Personally, I avoid the supernatural aspects that defined the Undertaker, but one can go full hog with that and have fun with it.


Given the age of much of the SWF main event, the reaper idea works quite well.


I think my favorite use a Vengeance is as a guy who thinks he is "saving" SWF. You know how they say most evil people don't see themselves as evil. My favorite incarnation of him was when he thought a cancer had grown on the SWF, that there was too much corruption and evil within the organization and to save it he had to excise that cancer. First he would start with Faith as the defacto face of SWF he represents the company and so even if he can't see it himself he is a symbol of everything that is wrong with SWF. And once he's done destroying the body of SWF he will go after the soul, the SWF World Heavyweight titles. Once he controls this symbol of the SWF he'll be able to cleanse the company as a whole, freeing it from its wicked ways.


I loved that Vengeance.


Its funny - I was recently reading some stuff from Mick Foley explaining his anti-hardcore heel turn in ECW. He talked about a great heel needing to believe that he is justified in his actions. No matter how clearly unacceptable the behavior is, it has to be logical and justified to the heel. Its an important dynamic, I think.


I like your approach with this idea, particularly as it would allow him to function as a babyface at times, depending on whom he was targeting. And you can go in different directions with the storytelling - keep it "realistic" or go a more "SE" approach with mind control and all that jazz.

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