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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau

Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn

Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? Ricky & Jack DeColt

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©


LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau


Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn


Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? The DeColts and Sean Deeley.

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys © Hyping their ability to work as a team in the LMS....but I think they'll win in a way that doesn't get them the titles.


LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau The only guy with a running storyline.


Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn


Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? Faith and Sean Deeley.....no wait, to prove Faith right, I'm gonna just vote for Faith and Nate Johnson (who gave me my second favourite segment of the night). :D


In fact, to prove faith right, I'm totally going to vote against Deeley for the LMS unless he agrees to "play dress-up". :p

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau

Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn

Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? Either Jack or Ricky DeColt, I'm invested in this and I'm interested to see where it goes from here.

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

- DWB will lose eventually, but I think they've earned the right to lose on a PPV. Chandler seems more interested in singles success than tag teams.


LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau

- In what comes down to a battle between an emotionless automaton and West Coast Smooth White Jazz... Skip Beau shimmies his way to victory!


Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn

- Bitter Bobby picks up another dose of bitterness as he finds himself sliding further down the card thanks to the improved skills (and popularity) of the Barbarian from Barbados. (Also, being Jack's boy helps.)


Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker

- The Thrill continues to make a successful return from acute, implausible angles.


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? After a lot of thought, I have award it to Christian Price for his performance in the Battle Royal (and the aftermath with Chandler) and for unmasking the Mysterious Hotdogger!



I take it Jack won the main event at Battle Beyond? It wasn't explicitly stated.


Also, congrats on Deeley for winning that tag match with Whippy, that's some sneaky movements swapping himself in for Akima and the ref being none the wiser. ;)

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Good spot on Deeley's name. Fixed. I draft out these cards months in advance, and when plans change, sometimes little mistakes like that slip through. Fun fact, originally the Gendarmes weren't in the match either.


I believe I booked the main event to a draw (double count out) but Jack did retain the title. I've gone off the air without announcing a winner of the main event quite a bit recently. Brotherhood vs Champions. I think Alex/Ricky the week before that. It's become something of a trend. I wonder if the cverse internet is mad about it. Real finishes, pure sports build, etc.


Surprised anyone's invested in the Evil Ricky story. I've had it in my mind that it was something you guys merely tolerate, so you can get to the cosplay angles and drinking contests.

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Surprised anyone's invested in the Evil Ricky story. I've had it in my mind that it was something you guys merely tolerate, so you can get to the cosplay angles and drinking contests.


I think I speak for every single reader when I say, yea, but we were trying to be nice by not saying that out loud.

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

LMS Rumble Preview: Gordon Mann vs Vin Tanner vs Warren Technique vs Drake vs Skip Beau

Bobby Thomas vs Donte Dunn

Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker


Who was the MVP of Battle Beyond? Faith, she tried to help but Deeley can only blame himself when he ends up being the first entrant in Last Man Standing.

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I like Zombie DeColt, seeing one of the eternal faces of CGC going to the darkside has been a breath of fresh air for the main event. Like PS I'd enjoy seeing a bit more evil character development for Ricky instead of him just showing up in full on EVIL~ mode and destroying people but Zombie DeColt entertains me more than it should. It gives Alex and Jack a new motivation instead of the usual 'defeating the big bad', now they have to do that while finding a way to rehabilitate their brother. That's a new story for CGC so I approve.


CGC does enjoy their mysterious masked men.


Deeley is so not-popular he may not even qualify for Last Man Standing.

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I believe I booked the main event to a draw (double count out) but Jack did retain the title. I've gone off the air without announcing a winner of the main event quite a bit recently.....I wonder if the cverse internet is mad about it. Real finishes, pure sports build, etc.


If they are, they have only themselves to blame for watching the wrong company. Who the hell watches CGG for 'pure sports build'? It's not like the CGC has a monopoly on pro-wrestling in the C-Verse. They can stick to watching their favourite robots trading holds in NOTBPW or PGHW.


I admit I was worried about how Ricky-bot's story would go without Soothsayer initially, but I think you done well enough to keep me interested. It's not my favourite storyline atm, but that's only because you've got so many great ones for me to choose from. I wouldn't say it's merely "tolerated". At least to me, it's good enough to stand on it's own merit.

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I like the Evil Ricky storyline. Really, the DeColt storylines are the skeleton of CGC - without them, the whole thing just falls apart. The DeColts are the heart of the company. They're the big, messy, emotional core that everything else builds around. Want to know the mood of CGC? See what the family's doing.


The other angles are fun, don't get me wrong. I always want more Faith, or Christian Price, or whoever. But it needs both. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

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Sunday Week 3 August 2014

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “‘Battle Beyond’ is in the books, and we are now just 4 weeks away from ‘Last Man Standing’ and the legendary Rumble match. We haven’t yet confirmed the full list of combatants, but we do know that for the first time ever 30 men will be competing, and after the events of ‘Battle Beyond’, there will be no representatives from the DeColt Family. Who has what it takes to win? We may find out tonight in the second of five preview battle royals.”








JACK DECOLT is in the ring. Despite the CGC World Title around his waist, and his wife HOTSTUFF MARIE on his arm, his expression is one of sadness.



I guess you could call last Friday night a success. I don’t know if I

broke the spell for good, but I stopped my brother’s rampage. Ricky

is in a coma. I don’t know when he’s going to wake up. I don’t know

what he’s going to be when he wakes up. I…




Black trunks. Black boots. Black hearts. The Brotherhood of St.01 interrupt and make their way to the ring.



Dude. I just wanted to say that’s you’re my hero right now. I mean...

what was Ricky like growing up? Total kiss ass, right? Always doing

what he was told? Tattling on you whenever you took a walk on the

Wild side? I know that pain, man. Sounds exactly like my brothers. If

I had the chance to put any of them in a coma, I could retire a happy

man. I’m so totally jealous of you right now.



I bet Ricky always used to eat his vegetables (hehe) Now he is one! (hahaha)



Get out of here. I’m not in the mood for this.



And I’m not in the mood for nonsense about magic spells and comas,

when you’ve got the only thing that matters wrapped around your waist.

The Brotherhood are tired of slumming it for lesser titles. We demand

respect. We demand to be taken seriously. We demand a real locker

room! We demand the CGC World Title!



What makes you think you deserve it, Bobby? You like to point out that

you’ve been here 13 years, but that’s 13 years of never beating me.

Whether you were hiding behind your ‘Specialist’ tag partner or ‘Just

Doing Business’, you’ve never been in my league. This new Brotherhood

you’ve put together? It’s a nice new coat of paint, sure, but underneath

the black boots and black trunks you’re still the same Bobby Thomas

who’s going to fail at the last hurdle. You’re never going to be World

Champion. You’re never going to get that private locker room you want

so badly. Just look at ‘Battle Beyond’. Your team didn’t beat Stevie

Grayson. You didn’t beat the Dirty White Boys. What makes you think

you can beat me?


Bobby Thomas is getting angry. Cool, calm and collected, Art Reed takes the microphone, as the Brotherhood move to surround the CGC World Champion and his wife.



Because you’re alone, Jack. For the first time ever, you don’t have

your brothers backing you up, and that makes you weak. You’re alone.

We’re not.


Benson throws a Super Kick, but Jack manages to catch it and shove him into Reed. Stone charges, but Jack hoists him up for the Wild Ri- SUPER KICK to the knee from Bobby! DOUBLE SUPER KICK from Edd and Art!


Bobby roughly shoves Marie aside, grabs a chair, and places it around Jack’s leg. He holds The Wild Man steady as Benson climbs to the top rope, cackling like a madman. Security try to intervene, but Reed and Stone keep them at bay. Benson prepares to jump...




DONTE DUNN sprints down the ramp and into the ring, laying out Stone with a huge Lariat and knocking Benson off of the top rope. Bobby Thomas is enraged, but Art Reed sees that the tide has turned and forcibly drags him out of the ring. The Brotherhood flee.


Davis Ditterich “Jack may be without his brothers, but he still has one ally in his protege Donte Dunn. The Barbadian Barbarian will take on Bobby Thomas later tonight.”






Davis Ditterich “Thrill Seeker returned to CGC last Friday with a decisive victory over Ozzie Golden, but can he do the same to one half of the Bold Gendarmes?”


Kent’s fast, but Seeker’s faster, bouncing off the ropes at impossible angles, staying two steps ahead of the Gendarme at all times, until Kent ‘accidentally’ nudges Referee David Poker into the ropes during a springboard. Seeker crashes and burns and Kent takes advantage, enforcing his law with trickery and deceit. Seeker finds an opening and turns him inside out with ranas and head scissors! Daredevil Drop (Springboard Senton)! 1... 2... 3!










CHRISTIAN PRICE is deep in thought. Clearly this is causing him some difficulty.



Never in all of my life have I been as proud and impressed with a

professional wrestler as I am right now. My investors already knew

you were destined for singles glory, but the way you helped Eddie

Chandler throughout that Last Man Standing Preview match, and

then selflessly allowed him to eliminate you…



That’s not what happened-



… just proved all the more that you belong in The Elite. For years, the

DeColts have denied us victory at Last Man Standing, but this year

there will be no DeColt in the Rumble. It’s The Elite’s time, and with

you (and your wishes) in our ranks, Christian, we’ll be unstoppable.

Teamwork. That’s the key, and tonight I want you to further show you

can be a team player, as you partner up with Dan DaLay to-



Wait. Stop. First off, how are you able to book me in matches?

Second, I teamed with Dan DaLay last week, and he was kind

of a jerk to Skip and the Rapscallions. Third...



Whoa whoa whoa. Chris, say no more. Clearly I’ve made an error in

judgement. This was my mistake. I’ll fix it. I’ll just cancel the match.

I mean… I guess some fans will be disappointed not to see you

compete, but you’re a big star now. You decide when you fight.

Not them.


Adrian Garcia starts to walk away and…



Wait. Fine. I’ll do it-




NATE JOHNSON charges in and furiously assaults Christian. He’s barely wearing a mask this time. It might just be a pair of his tights on his face. Price gets in a few shots in return, before security quickly flood in and drag Johnson away.



You think you can abandon me and replace me with Christian Price?

No way! I’m not going anywhere! I’ll take you all out.


Adrian Garcia looks scared.











Davis Ditterich “The annual Last Man Standing Rumble is just one month away. Do any of these five men have what it takes to win it?”


It’s chaos from the opening bell. Five men wildly brawling, trying to throw each other out. Alliances constantly forming and breaking and evolving. Veteran Tanner uses good ol’ fashioned punching. Mann uses trickery and deceit. Missy Masterson makes her presence known whenever Warren’s in trouble. Drake goes bananas with atomic drops, pulls an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE and throws it at Tanner’s feet. Nothing happens... Nothing happens... Nothing happens...




In his street clothes, CHUCKY runs down the ramp, slides into the ring, and BOOM! He crushes Tanner with a cannonball in the corner. As the referees eject the Chuckmeister General, Technique and Mann overwhelm and eliminate his fellow Rapscallion (Drake has been eliminated) Meanwhile, Skip Beau has found his mp3 player and is feeling The Flow.


Level 1! He shimmies and shakes and strikes out with jabs. Level 2! Can’t touch him! His smooth moves evade attacks with ease (Gordon Mann has been eliminated) Level 3! He swivels his hips, bouncing his opponents about with butt smashes (Vin Tanner has been eliminated) Skip’s feeling it! He’s about to reach Level 4 when he’s distracted by Missy. Warren takes advantage, blindsiding Skip and throwing him out (Skip Beau has been eliminated).




Davis Ditterich “A massive win. Missy may be looking at her options, but she and Warren are making an effective team.”








The communal locker room is as packed and unpleasant as usual. Ribs clearly bothering him, STUART KENT struggles to remove his Gendarme uniform, as he glares at THRILL SEEKER on the other side of the room, who shrugs. ADRIAN GARCIA gives instructions to DAN DALAY, who’s far more interested in seeing if he’s taller than CHRISTIAN PRICE, who’s introducing himself to some local pre-show talent. Furious at the cramped conditions, BOBBY THOMAS bumps into someone while pulling up a kneepad, and is about to snap... until he notices it’s AKIMA UMAGA, who looks just as angry for other reasons.




Looking incredibly pleased with herself, MISSY MASTERSON barges into the communal locker room, completely ignoring the various wrestlers in various states of undress. Staring daggers at Christian, she quickly finds her target; THRILL SEEKER.



Impressive win, Thrill Seeker, but I can’t help but think your act is

missing something. A certain feminine touch. You saw what I did for

Warren Technique. He’s gone from a no-hoper to being one of the top

picks to win the Last Man Standing Rumble. Just think of what I could

do for you, a 3-time tag team champion. Let’s face it. Alone, you’re

useless. Together, we could rule CGC and destroy all of my enemies.



Look, I’ve taken a lot of risks in my life, but letting you anywhere near

me or my career? That’s one risk I’m not willing to take.



Warren! Impetu!




WARREN TECHNIQUE bursts in and starts violently assaulting Seeker, while Masterson screams abuse. Wrestlers and Security quickly flood in and separate them.








AKIMA UMAGA is in the ring with a microphone, and he looks mad.



I don’t know who Whippy The Clown’s new protector is, but if he’s

any kind of man he’ll come out here and face me right now.




A man appears on the ramp, but it’s not who Akima was expecting. It’s WHIPPY THE CLOWN, only he’s not a clown any more. He wears no make up. His hair isn’t green. He’s holding a microphone!






No. That’s not my name any more. I have cast aside the clown in my

heart and am embracing the real me. You may call me Wesley Priest.



I’ve got no problem with you. I just want the guy in the hood.



Poor Akima. You know not what you ask. For you are calling out not

just my protector, but a protector of us all. He is not a man to be led

astray by your savage ways, but something more. He is a God.


BOOM! Lightning bolts hit all four corner posts!




Davis Ditterich “It’s Zeus? Almighty Zeus is the one who’s been helping Whip... Sorry, ‘Wesley’.”


Akima rushes to attack, but Zeus showcases his Godly strength to smite him with powerful throws and cruel strikes. Quickly tiring of his puny mortal foe. Zeus grabs him around the throat and begins forcing him back towards the turnbuckle… Akima attacks the arm to break free, and brutalizes him with headbutts. He hooks him for the Samoan Suplex (Stalling Fisherman) but Zeus powers free. Twisting Spinebuster! Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Bomb)! 1... 2... 3!




Wesley Priest quickly enters the ring, bowing to the victorious Zeus and handing him a microphone.



My herald, the Soothsayer, has been banished from this land, but his

words of my glory have long since gone ignored. The treachery of his

actions masked the purity of his words. If the puny mortals of CGC

are to truly understand my greatness, I must have a new herald. One

pure of heart. It reminded me of my first Labor. To destroy a symbol

of innocence. To “Crush The Jumping Jester”. Whippy The Clown

served his purpose then, and he’ll serve his new purpose now.



The Almighty Zeus first came to Canadian Golden Combat to perform

Twelve Labors. Nine have fallen to his glory, and the tenth shall fall

at ‘Last Man Standing’. He shall “Survive The Gauntlet of Souls”. In

the past, you the fans have denied him victory in the Rumble. You have

worshipped false idols. Mere mortals reeking of sin. The wrath of Jack

DeColt. The gluttony of Alex DeColt. The pride of Ricky DeColt. This

year there shall be no DeColt to sway you. You must put your love and

your adoration on this God of Gods, as I have, and in return the whole

of CGC shall be rewarded.










Grease Hogg & Lead Belly


Davis Ditterich “Adrian Garcia really wants Price in The Elite. He’s even got him in a tag team title match here.”


DaLay leaves Price to the White Boys’ drunken thuggery, until he sees an opportunity to blindside Lead and isolate him from his partner. The Giant Amongst Giants takes great pleasure in bullying the gigantic biker, cheating at every opportunity. Price takes exception to the tactics, but nonetheless does his part with some thunderous european uppercuts. Blatant choking is the last straw, however. Price and DaLay argue, allowing Belly to make the tag! Hogg runs wild with hammer blows and socket wrenches. Grease Spot (High Knee) to DaLay! 1... 2... Price breaks it up. Price Check (TKO) 1... 2... Lead breaks it up. Price tries punching him in the gut. It’s not very effective. DaLay charges, but Belly ducks and Price gets BACKFISTED into unconsciousness. Lead BACKFISTS DaLay! 1... 2... 3!










SEAN DEELEY and FAITH are at a comic book convention, surrounded by happy folks, dressed up in all manner of elaborate costumes.



So? What do you think?



that i could kick the ass of everyone in here.



Sean, take this seriously. Comic books are cool now. Superhero movies

dominate at the box office. Half of the shows on TV are about ‘specials’

or ‘meta-humans’ or ‘vigilantes’. Christian Price has been dressing up

like superheroes for years, and he’s the most beloved guy in CGC

right now. He connected with the crowd by embracing something

everyone loves, and now he’s at the top. You can be too.



seems stupid.



Come on. Didn’t you read comics as a kid?



I only read instructional books on grappling techniques. And articles

about developing functional strength.



I... what are you?








JACK DECOLT is trashing his plush Championship locker room in a furious rage, as HOTSTUFF MARIE tries to calm him down, and a geared up DONTE DUNN looks on.



Maybe you should just leave this one to me, Jack. You and Marie should

go home.



What did you just say to me? You want me to run? From the Brotherhood?



Not run. Just... You’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks, with

Ricky and everything. They’re just trying to get in your head. To throw

you off your-



If the Brotherhood want to get in my head, they’re welcome to! All

they’ll find in there are images of me punching them in the face. Over

and over.... and over and over and over and over and over! They want

a fight? They want my title? Any time! Any place! I’ll take any of them

on. I’ll take ALL of the on. They’ve picked the wrong time to mess with

the Wild Man, and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!




/w Benny Benson BOBBY THOMAS VS DONTE DUNN /w Jack DeColt


Edd Stone “Dude, Davis. Move over. CGC have this weird rule against ‘multiple managers’ for some reason, but they didn’t say anything about special guest commentators.”

Art Reed “Don’t worry. We’re not going to do anything... unless Jack goes berserk for some reason. Gee. I wonder if that’ll happen.”


Thomas tries to grapple the youngster to the mat, but Donte so much bigger and stronger. Airplane Spin. 17 rotations! Lariat!


Art Reed “Benny! Do it now!”


Benson immediately antagonizes Jack, who takes the bait, yelling and screaming and shoving Security personnel until Donte has to try to calm him down. Thomas takes advantage with a chop block, attacks the leg with some serious, serious grappling, and a methodical barrage of stomps. Jack cheering him on, Donte valiantly fights back, rocking Thomas with forearms, crushing him with a corner avalanche, and giving him a taste of his own medicine with a barrage of stomps.


Art Reed “Edd. Your turn.”


Stone throws a shoe at Jack, who takes the bait and dives at him over the announce table, before going berserk with right hands on all three brotherhood members at ringside. He’s quickly overwhelmed, and when Donte turns to help him- SUPER KICK! Thomas applies on the St.01 Ankle Stretch, and Donte has no choice but to tap.




Bobby celebrates and the Brotherhood make a tactical retreat, as Security try to restrain the furious Jack DeColt.



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<table width="70%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="top"> Brotherhood interrupt Jack DeColt


Price and Garcia talk teamwork


Missy tries trading up to Thrill Seeker

Akima calls out the Hooded Man


Zeus & Wesley Promo


Deeley & Faith at a comic convention

Donte suggests Jack go home

BOBBY THOMAS VS DONTE DUNN</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">C














Maple Leaf Sports Rating 1.73 (down slightly from 1.74)

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.04 (down from 0.05)




Damn. I guess Donte just got lucky in his match with Ricky. After that performance, I rewrote this show a little, putting the Barbadian Barbarian into the main event, believing Bobby could get something good out of him. It was a fine match, but below my main event standards. Donte’s only 23 though. Plenty of time to improve.


5 matches on this show. Not something I’m too fond of, but sometimes it’s gonna happen.


In backstage news, Nathan Black has been released. He had a few months left on his contract, but I was sick of looking at him. He's one of those characters that was simply doomed from the start. Small. Old. Poor promo. Worked the wrong style. The only thing he had going for him was the 'friends with similar skills' team with Warren Technique... but ultimately that hurt him the most. Warren is a decade younger. He has time to improve and adapt. By comparison, 39 year old Nathan doesn't, and that put it in my head that the team wasn't worth pushing. Only Warren. Looking at his stats now, they aren't too bad (except selling) especially compared to some of the rookies in Funtime Combat Kingdom, but Warren is better in every way that matters except Star Quality. The Black Dog had something... but it wasn't enough. How many Nate/Nathans do you need on a roster?


Speaking of, new render for Whippy. For the record, I get the impression he’s a natural blonde, but dying his hair black seemed like the best way to cover all that green (and match the colour scheme of his new friend).




Next week’s card...


CGC World Title Match: Art Reed vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview: Almighty Zeus vs Ozzie Golden vs Chucky vs Grease Hogg vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker

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CGC World Title Match: Art Reed vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview: Almighty Zeus vs Ozzie Golden vs Chucky vs Grease Hogg vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker


Also, the show lists Akima Umaga as having been in the LMS preview rumble, though it was actually Drake.

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I'm happy that Zeus returned, I like him as a character, but he never really got a chance to shine when he was Soothsayers muscle. The gimmick change for Whippy is interesting too, as he's never had a chance to really shine before now at all; so this is something at least even if it's just Zeus's Acolyte.


CGC World Title Match: Art Reed vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview: Almighty Zeus vs Ozzie Golden vs Chucky vs Grease Hogg vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker

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CGC World Title Match: Art Reed vs Jack DeColt Too much popularity difference for Jack to be willing to job, I think....although it might make sense storylinewise for Jack to get DQed from all the mind games by Brotherhood.

LMS Preview: Almighty Zeus vs Ozzie Golden vs Chucky vs Grease Hogg vs Sean Deeley Almighty Zeus vs the midcarders!....Well, and Sean Deeley, but he's still refusing to play dress-up so he's not getting my vote!

Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker Put Missy over as an effective manager.

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CGC World Title Match: Art Reed vs Jack DeColt

- Art wins by DQ when Jack goes berzerk... again... this might build up a bit of momentum for Art heading into LSM. (Or Jack uses Creative Control to win.)


LMS Preview: Almighty Zeus vs Ozzie Golden vs Chucky vs Grease Hogg vs Sean Deeley

- By Jupiter... it is the return of a god amongst gods!


Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker

- Winner gets Missy as manager, so despite both mens attempts to lose, Thrill Seeker manages to lose more obviously! That's my logic n' I'm sticking with it.

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