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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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Sunday Week 4 August 2014

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Last week the Brotherhood of St.01 attacked CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. The Wild Man wants a chance at revenge, and that’s exactly what he’s going to get. Over the next four weeks Jack will run the gauntlet, defending his title against each member of the Brotherhood in turn, starting tonight with Art Reed. Does Jack have what it takes to survive, or has his infamous temper gotten the best of him again? Will we have a new CGC World Champion by the time ‘Battle Beyond’ comes around?”








Checking to make sure no one is watching, ART REED puts his ear to the door of the World Championship Locker Room. All quiet. He’s about to enter, when TWO SECURITY GUARDS notice him.



Whoa. Sorry Mr. Reed. You can't go in there.


Art thinks fast.



"Mr Reed"? You think I'm Art Reed? Oh, I get it "all black guys with

dreadlocks look the same". Haha. Very funny.



D… Donte?



Yeah. I’m Donte Dunn. Get away from me.


The Security Guards are confused... but steps out of Art’s way and hurry off. Art enters the...




ART REED steps inside the lavish locker room, immediately barring the door with one chair, and placing another by the window. He takes in his surroundings, helping himself to the complimentary Championship Buffet. One of Alex's blackboards, normally covered with intricate game-plans, now only has "Punch Them In The Face" written on it, accompanied by doodles of Jack doing just that to the four Brotherhood of St.01 members. Obviously Marie's handiwork. It doesn’t take Art long to find what he’s looking for...




The CGC World Title. It’s magnificent. And unguarded. An alarm on Art’s watch goes off, and he looks to the door. On cue…


JACK DECOLT (outside the door)

Art! Get out here right now!


Art picks up a magazine (with Jack on the cover... ugh) sets it on fire with a handy match, and drops it into a small trashcan into the middle of the room. Not quite satisfied, Art nudges the trashcan an inch to the left. Perfect.






The door bursts open as JACK DECOLT kicks it in! He's ready to fight… but Art Reed is nowhere to be found, having escaped through the now open window, taking with him the CGC World Title. Meanwhile, smoke rises from the burning magazine… directly up into the smoke detector.




The Smoke Alarm goes off, and so does the sprinkler system, dousing the locker room (including Jack and all of his gear) in water. Jack. Is. Furious.






Davis Ditterich “Last week Missy tried to ‘trade up’ and get into Thrill Seeker’s corner, but it seems she’s stuck with Warren Technique.”


Seeker bounces off the ropes at impossible angles, staying two steps ahead at all times, until a distraction from Missy allows Warren to slow things down. The Predator attacks violenter, but gets distracted when Missy starts excitedly jumping up and down. Excitatus. Seeker finds the opening and turns him inside out with ranas and head scissors! Warren attempts the Iactus (Exploder) but Seeker flips through to his feet! Fame Seeker! Daredevil Drop (Springboard Senton)! 1... 2... 3!










SEAN DEELEY is keeping hydrated ahead of his big fight, when FAITH comes over with STEVIE GRAYSON, who is drinking a can of Beaver Buzz Super-Deluxe-Double-Sugar.



Okay. I’ll admit that the comic book convention last week was a waste

of time. My fault. I probably should have guessed it wasn’t your scene.

Anyway. I’m determined to help you find a way to connect with the fans,

so I’ve asked Stevie Grayson for help. He seems to be pretty popular.



Idon’tknowaboutthatbuthavingthecrowdrallybehindme reallyhelpedme







Isaidthatthecrowdsupportisimportant. Iwouldn’tbeanywhereifthefans




i didn’t understand a word of that.



Maybeifwetalkaboutyourchildhoodwecanfindsomething tomakeyou




i can see why all your tag partners turn on you.








CHRISTIAN PRICE is being dropped off by his Mom, when he sees ADRIAN GARCIA standing next to a stretch limo, and a limo driver holding a sign saying ‘Mr. Price’.



What do you think? Do you love it? No more being dropped off by your

mother. No more being the laughing stock of the CGC locker room. From

now on, Christian Price, you ride in style. You travel like The Elite. Nothing

but limos and private jets. All you need to do is sign on the dotted line.



Look, Adrian. I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think this is going to-



Don’t say another word, I know what exactly what you’re thinking. “How

can I be sure that The Elite is the team for me?” “We lost to the Dirty

White Boys last week”. I think you’re being too hard on yourself, Christian,

I think that together with Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler (and maybe

using a wish to have one of you enter at No.30) The Elite are guaranteed

to win the Last Man Standing Rumble. To prove that, I’ve booked the

three of you in a match tonight against some world class opposition.




There’s a commotion nearby, as NATE JOHNSON is being carried out, kicking and screaming, by four burly Security Guards.



Get off me! This isn’t fair! Bach was only banished for six months! This

is your fault, Price! Yoooouuuuuurrr faaaaaaauuuulllttt!










Davis Ditterich “This is the “world class opposition”? They’re so small.”


The youngsters are no match for The Elite. DaLay bullies Kidd around the ring and knocks him out with a Big Boot. Chandler practically humps Drury into the mat, needlessly raking the eyes. Price takes exception to the rough treatment and argues with his ‘partners’, giving time for Morgan Malone to attacks Chandler with a flurry of dropkicks! Sliced Bread! Glittering Warlock! 1... 2... DaLay breaks it up and- BACKFIST! Malone’s out cold! 1... 2... 3.




The match is over, but the Elite aren’t done, putting the boots to the plucky young rookies, and picking up Malone for the Elegant Demise (Spike Belly to Belly Piledriver). That’s the last straw for Christian Price, who bursts into the ring, leveling Eddie Chandler with a massive uppercut! Furious, DaLay throws a BACK- European to the back of the head! Price throws the Elite members over the top rope and out of the ring, and helps his opponents to their feet.





“Pure Athlete”



Winnipeg, Manitoba

39 years old... 6’1... 241lbs


Title History: N/A

Strengths: Tactical Expertise, World Traveller

Weaknesses: Age

Speciality Moves: Dread Lock (Underhook Camel Clutch) Art Attack (Reverse DDT Neckbreaker) Hang Time Moonsault, Super Kick, St.01 Ankle Stretch, Dark Matter (Inverse Russian Legsweep)

Combat Connections: Bobby Thomas, Benny Benson, Edd Stone (Training Partners/Stablemates)


Art Reed wasn’t a wrestling fan growing up. Instead, he was a celebrated high school and college track star, who despite never technically winning a medal on a big stage (a trend that would sadly follow him throughout his career) was a celebrated competitor in both the long jump and the hurdles. It wasn’t until 1999, at the age of 24, that he and fellow athlete Owen Pinsent (Love) snuck into a wrestling show on a whim, and his life changed forever. He instantly saw a future for himself in the sport, and when he heard that the Stone family were holding tryout camps, he (like many others across Canada) jumped at the chance to see if they had what it took.


“Out of 75, only 3 survived. Me and Owen were two, and the other was

this blonde guy who was probably in better shape than any of us. His

name was Rob, although nowadays he goes by the name Bobby Thomas.”

Art Reed (2006)


Much has been written about the House of Stone Class of 2001, but what isn’t often mentioned is that every time a veteran wrestler visited the camp that year, they picked Art Reed as the stand out, including Sam Keith, who even taught him his ‘Dread Lock‘ signature hold. Yet when classmates Greg Black and Benny Benson found their way to SWF after graduation, and Johnny Bloodstone and Owen Love went to NOTBPW, and Bobby Thomas found his home in CGC, Art Reed was the one left without a job, toiling alone on the independent scene.


“I used to room with Nate Johnson, who hadn't been part of the Stone's

training camp but had been working the independent leagues for a

while. Because I was moving out, Bobby took my room, and they

ended up spending so much time together that they ended up

forming a tag team.” - Art Reed (2006)


Art Reed’s career hasn’t been without its bright spots. He’s toured Japan with both PHWG and BHOTWG. He was an instrumental part of an ill-fated hardcore promotion known as DVE. He’s wrestled luchadores in Mexico City, had hardcore brawls with psychopaths in Philledalphia, and mixed it up with some of the best wrestlers in North America as they battled their way to the big leagues. Yet much like his track career, true success, and title gold, has always eluded him.


“I'd like to win a world title, as that is something that goes down in history

and can never be taken away from you” - Art Reed (2006)


By 2014, that dream seemed destined to be unfulfilled. Past his prime, body broken, Art was on the verge of retirement, until his old friend Bobby Thomas tracked him down with an idea: The Brotherhood of St.01. Four House of Stone survivors who together could achieve success beyond their individual grasps. An unfamiliar face to most CGC fans, Art Reed is the group’s secret weapon, providing wisdom and tactical advice drawn from all across the globe. His body may have seen better days, but his mind is better than ever. That mind paired with Bobby Thomas’ body? Or Edd Stone’s? The sky could be the limit.








In his gear and ready to fight, CHUCKY is munching on a carrot.



Hi there. Do you have a moment to talk about our Almighty Lord?


WESLEY PRIEST hits Chucky over the head with a thick leather-bound book. The Rapscallion is out cold!



Don’t worry. Your sacrifice won’t be in vain.











Davis Ditterich “Chucky is unable to compete in this match, but CGC officials have found a replacement. The former Whippy The Clown; Wesley Priest. How convenient.”


Golden is quickly overcome by Hogg’s drunken thuggery. Deeley tries to go after Zeus, but Priest intercepts so that his God remains untouched. Almighty Zeus watches the puny mortals fight and struggle to throw each other over the top rope, before- BOOM! He summons lightning bolts that hit the corner posts! Hogg, Golden and Priest are incapacitated by the blast. Only Deeley remains. He pounces… but Zeus just grabs him around the throat and begins forcing him back towards the turnbuckles. The Shooter attacks the arm to free himself, but Zeus summons Godly strength to pick him up and throw him out. (Sean Deeley has been eliminated)


Wesley Priest recovers, picking up Golden and handing him to his God to finish off (Ozzie Golden has been eliminated). Grease Hogg doesn’t go so easily, laying out Priest with the Grease Spot (High Knee) and attacking Almighty Zeus with hammer blows and socket wrenches. Zeus staggers against the ropes. Hogg charges… but Wesley throws himself at the biker, sending both men tumbling over the top rope (Wesley Priest and Grease Hogg have been eliminated).




Almighty Zeus stands strong in the middle of the ring, as Wesley Priest scrambles into the ring, bowing to his God.


Davis Ditterich “With his Godly powers and “Wesley Priest” at his side, are we looking at the favourite to win the Last Man Standing Rumble?”








EDDIE CHANDLER ices his jaw, as DAN DALAY rampages around. ADRIAN GARCIA desperately tries to calm the Giant Amongst Giants down.



Danny. Calm down. We can work with Christian Price. We can get

him on our side. Think of the money. Think of the Wishes!



You think I care about a bunch of sissy Wishes? That little punk needs

to be taken down a peg. He needs to reminded that he’ll never be in

our league.



Eddie, please. Talk some sense into him.



Why? So ze Christian Price can come in and take all of our sponsorships?



He’ll be good for The Elite. Good for all of us.



Non. Just good for you. I am with ze Dan DaLay. We take ze halfwit out.








Black trunks. Black boots. Black... um... dreadlocks. CGC World Title on his shoulder, ART REED is interviewed by JENNY PLAYMATE.



After last week’s attack Jack DeColt has demanded to take on the

Brotherhood of St.01, and that’s just what he’s going to get. Over

the next four weeks Jack will run the gauntlet, defending his CGC

World Title against each member of the Brotherhood in turn. Art

Reed, you’re up first. How do you rate your chances?



I’m no fool. I know I don’t have a chance at beating Jack DeColt tonight,

but that’s not my goal, is it? This is a war of attrition. Tonight is about

dealing damage. He’s going to beat me, but what’s that going to cost

him? Will he have enough left to beat Benny next week? And if he does,

will he have enough left to beat Edd the week after? Or Bobby the week

after that? I don’t think so. It’s not a question of IF Jack DeColt is going

to lose the World Title, it’s a question of when.









Davis Ditterich “Art may not think he’s going to win this one, but he’s come up with a heck of a game-plan. By stealing Jack’s title, he’s made the Wild Man angry, and when he’s angry, he’s more prone to make mistakes.”


Gear soggy, belt on the shoulder of another man, and barely keeping his anger in check, Jack overpowers his foe early. Yet when he takes the fight to the ground, Reed’s House of Stone training is more than a match for his amateur wrestling techniques. Reed targets the leg with a barrage of stomps and an array of artistic holds. Prioritizing damage over victory, he risks disqualification several times by using the ropes and ring-posts to his advantage. Every time Jack fires back, Art cuts him off with a shot to the knee, but as the fight wears on, Art gets tired.


Jack’s anger builds and builds until he explodes and goes berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles. He mounts Reed in the corner and Punches! Him! In! The! Face! but his leg gives way when he attempts the Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam). Kick to knee! SUPER KICK! 1... 2.. Jack kicks out, but Art immediately applies the St.01 Ankle Stretch! Jack desperately fights and struggles and gets to the ropes... Art refuses to release the hold, but Jack kicks him off before the referee counts to five. SUPER KI- Jack catches it! Wild Ride! End of Days (Bow & Arrow Dragon Sleeper)! Reed taps.




Beyond furious, Jack refuses to release the hold until Marie enters to calm him down. The Wild Man reclaims his title belt, but he’s limping badly.


Davis Ditterich “One down. Three to go. Jack gets a decisive victory tonight, but can he survive the entire gauntlet against the rest of the Brotherhood of St.01? He’ll take on Benny Benson next week.”



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="top">Art Reed; Super Spy


Faith asks Stevie for advice

Garcia gets Price a limo


Price saves Malone from Elite

Golden Profile: Art Reed

Wesley attacks Chucky


Elite Argue

Playmate interviews Art

ART REED VS JACK DECOLT</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">C-













Final Rating: B-

Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.70 (down from 1.73)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.05 (up from 0.04)




That was the 100th show that I’ve posted in this diary. This thing had gone on waaaaaay longer than my first diary.


I was pretty worried going into the main event. Art Reed isn’t exactly dripping in popularity, and when the Golden Profile segment bombed, I was expecting a new worst-main-event-of-all-time (currently held by Price vs I.Am.Buff, I think) but they totally delivered. In case you haven’t picked up on it, I really like Art Reed. He’s become something of the lynchpin of the Brotherhood (in my head at least, I don’t know how well that’s translated to the page) keeping calm, making plans and delivering exposition. He allows the others to be as wacky as I want. Yet I came very close to never hiring him. While Art has many positives (backstage relationships, strong performance skills, good look) he also comes with negatives. He’s on time decline, he’s not a very good promo, and his popularity pales in comparison to his friends. There was a time when I wanted the Brotherhood to just be a trio (for roster-size purposes) but I’m glad I have him. Despite bombing, the Golden Profile was a fun one to write, as all of the quotes come from the interview on the official Cornellverse site. Canon.


End of the month, and after dropping back to Cult I was worried about my finances. I needn’t be. We made a shock $300k profit. Holy smokes. Not saying I’m gonna go on a hiring spree, but I might get a little more fast & loose with using my PPA guys on the undercard.


Only just notices that this was Deeley’s second Preview match. Thought I’d carefully split the roster so everyone would only fight once. Oopsie.




Next week, the gauntlet continues, and a special someone returns.


CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode?

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode?

Really want to say Art Reed because the first segment was gold but he let you down with the profile segment. Probably gonna go with Almighty Zeus because he's mighty entertaining.

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions



Who was the MVP of the last episode?


Art Reed, sure his profile grade was bad, but I really enjoyed your characterization of him. It made part of me want him to win, even though I knew he wasn't going to.

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode?

Christian Price. Standing up to The Elite. Turning down his own limo.

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode?

Sean Deeley & Stevie Grayson. Love me an odd couple tag team.

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i can see why all your tag partners turn on you.


That was mean! :mad: I can see why the fans turn on you.


And here's the kicker: at least Stevie Grayson actually won the World Title. What did your "no-nonsence" attitude ever got you? Dick.


CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt Reed already made it clear that the objective of the Gauntlet wasn't to beat Jack, but to weaken him.[/i

]LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker I'm tempted to vote for Grayson just to stick it to Deeley, but I think Shaffer deserves to make a big impact on his return match.

Dan DaLay vs Christian Price The only mega-face who's not the World Champion isn;t losing here.

Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions Squash


Who was the MVP of the last episode?


:D @ Art Reed impersonating Donte Dunn. He's right about one thing: CGC needs to stop hiring racist security guards who can't tell black guys apart.


Now I'm hoping we'll one day see both Art and Donte in a mega multi-men title match where Art finally gets his big win......only for the racist referee to award the title to Donte because he can't tell them apart, and everyone just assumes that Donte is the rightful champion because Art is the "guy who never wins the big one". :p

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt

- Jacko punches the cackle out of Benson's throat!


LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker

- Is he still a brooding, sexy anti-hero or has he reinvented himself yet again? Tune in same Trent Time, same Trent Channel! This should be a fast paced LMS preview.


Dan DaLay vs Christian Price

- Troubles continue for Elite as Price maintains his winning ways by standing up to the Bully Amongst Bullies.


Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions

- Lightning bolts against invisible hand grenades! Those young Rapscallions will have to pay their dues to a deity.


Who was the MVP of the last episode?

It has to be Art Reed for that opening segment alone.

Close second goes to Wesley Priest for his defense of his dark lord.


Whiner of the night... Sean Deeley! Not only do you have no personality or friends and you were mean to Stevie Grayson... you are so forgettable the bookerman didn't even realize he put you in both LMS preview matches.

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt


LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie Grayson vs Thrill Seeker


Dan DaLay vs Christian Price


Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode? Art Reed, Art fooling a security guard into thinking he was Donte Dunn so that he could gain access to Jack DeColt's "Championship Locker room" was a great part of the narrative.

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CGC World Title Match: Benny Benson vs Jack DeColt


LMS Preview Rumble: Edd Stone vs Stuart Kent vs Trent Shaffer vs Stevie

Grayson vs Thrill Seeker


Dan DaLay vs Christian Price


Almighty Zeus & Wesley Priest vs The Rapscallions


Who was the MVP of the last episode? Art Reed

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Sunday Week 1 September 2014

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “We’re two weeks away from Last Man Standing, and the gauntlet continues for Jack DeColt. Tonight he goes up against Benny Benson, but after the damage he sustained against Art Reed last week, can his knee handle it? Warren Technique, you’re something of an expert on attacking knees. Your thoughts?”

Warren Technique “...”

Missy Masterson “Warren thinks you’re an idiot, and that you should leave the hosting duties to me. Tonight, in what’s apparently a comedy edition of Title Bout Wrestling, 5 midgets will pretend they have a hope in hell of winning the Last Man Standing Rumble, as they do battle in a preview match. Look, one of them is in the ring now.”









ZeusisbackandeventhoughSamaelBachisgonehehasn’t returnedto

beingthefriendIknew. That’sashame. Andit’sashamehe’sdragged

Whippyintohisplans. Zeussayshe’sgonnawintheLastManStanding

RumblebutIwon’tletthathappen. Iwon’tbethebiggestguyinthefight





STUART KENT interrupts, making his way to the ring and trying to loom over little Stevie. He’s disappointed to find they’re the exact same height, but tries not to dwell on it.



Over a year later and you’re still talking about your partner leaving you,

Mr Grayson? I know it must hurt to see your ex teaming with another

man, but try to have some self respect. You don’t see me bringing up

Trent Shaffer at every opportunity. You’re pathetic, Stevie. You’re a

loser. It wouldn’t matter if you were 7 feet tall. You have no chance

at winning the Last Man Standing Rumble.







This time it’s EDD STONE who interrupts, and he’s delighted to find that he’s an entire inch taller than both Kent and Grayson.



Whoa. Dude. I wouldn’t go bragging about that title if I were you.

Everyone who touched that thing in the Ultimate Showdown Series

got their asses all kinds of kicked. Christian Price. Gargantuan. My

bro Bobby. It’s so totally cursed. The only reason you haven’t fallen

down a well or randomly caught on fire is because your life can’t

possibly get any worse.



You’rejustjealousthatyourfriendBennycouldn’twinit atBattleBeyond.



Dude, I’m glad Benny didn’t beat you. I want that thing as far away from

me as possible. Besides, the Brotherhood have moved on to bigger and

better. Art totally did a number on Jack DeColt’s leg last week. It’s just

a matter of time before we get the CGC World Title around our-




Here’s TRENT SHAFFER. Actually... where’s Trent Shaffer? Oh, there he is. Up in the rafters.



The CGC World Title. She calls to me, but every time I try to be with

her, I come up short. I tried as the Sparkling Vampire, and I failed. I

tried as the Dark Knight, and I failed. When Christian Price defeated

me at ‘Chaos in the Cage’ I knew I had to leave. I had to discover

the real Trent Shaffer... and in the mountains of Japan, I found him. An

ancient sect of monks took me in. They taught me meditation. They

taught me Ninjitsu. They taught me that while my destiny lay in the

shadows, it was not as a monster, or a superhero, but as a weapon.



Are you kidding me, Trent? You’re a ninja now? Is that what you expect

us to believe? Did you really go to Japan, or did you just spend three

months on Netflix watching every movie with ‘ninja’ in the title?






Dude, you were in Japan too? We could have gone halvsies on a hotel.



You cannot begin to comprehend the new techniques my masters have

taught me... but you will soon enough. I’m going to win tonight’s preview

match, win the Last Man Standing Rumble, and finally be united with

my one true love.







Drake & Chucky


Missy Masterson “If Zeus wanted someone to do his talking for him, why didn’t he give me a call?”


Priest tries to get Drake & Chucky to bow to his God, but they refuse. Atomic Drops! Spinning Heel Kick! A sunset flip nearly gets the win, but then Almighty Zeus tags in and smites them with cruel strikes and shows of Godly strength. Twisting Spinebuster to Drake! Twisting Spinebuster to Chucky! Drake throws an invisible hand grenade at Zeus’ feet, but Priest sacrifices himself to take Chucky’s cannonball himself! Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Bomb) to Drake! 1... 2... 3.




Almighty Zeus stands tall, and throws the Rapscallions over the top rope, as Wesley bows to him.


Davis Ditterich “Check out the devastating power of Almighty Zeus. Will anyone be able to stop him in the Last Man Standing Rumble?”








JACK DECOLT and his wife MARIE get out of their car and head to the arena, when the tannoy system buzzes into life.


BENNY BENSON (over tannoy)

Hey Jack (haha) Glad to see you’re still in one piece (hehe) Say,

I’ve got a joke for ya (hahaha) Why did the DeColt Fan cross

the road (hehe)...


Jack spots a SMALL CHILD in a Jack DeColt T-Shirt crossing the road. A car speeds towards him. Jack quickly pulls the child to safety, and notices a note taped to his shirt. Jack opens the note and reads.



“To distract you”. What the-?




SUPER KICK! BENNY BENSON appears out of nowhere and lays Jack out. He cackles like a madman, and runs off.








CHRISTIAN PRICE is already in the ring, warming up for his match, when ADRIAN GARCIA appears at the top of the ramp, microphone in hand.



A month ago I put an offer on the table that any sane man would have

accepted. Christian Price, since winning the Ultimate Showdown Series

you have become a star. With the right agent you could be earning

millions in advertising opportunities and corporate sponsorship, yet

you are refusing to let me help you. In doing so, you have offended

my current clients, and right now the Giant Amongst Giants Dan

DaLay is ready to tear you limb from limb. I can stop him, but you

have to see sense and sign on the dotted line. What do you say?



Sorry. You‘re right that I’ve had a lot of offers since the Ultimate Showdown

Series, and I‘ll be the first to admit I need help sorting that stuff out, but

I can’t team with a bunch of bullies like your Elite, and I can’t have an

agent that I don’t trust.



Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You can trust me. I’m the best agent around. Who

can possibly represent you better than me?



My Mom. Apparently she has a degree in advertising.



Your Mom? There are millions of dollars on the table and you’re going

to let your Mommy represent you? Are you out of your mind? We could

make each other rich beyond our wildest dreams! You want to throw

that away? So be it, but if I can’t have you, no one can. Dan DaLay!

Destroy him!





Missy Masterson “First Christian Price turns down my generous offer to be my boyfriend again. Now he’s turned down membership in The Elite. What a moron.”


Both massive men are eager to throw down. Price’s European uppercuts go up against DaLay’s heavy hands… and win. The Giant Amongst Giant is battered, until the veteran rakes the eyes and- BACKFIST! Price is knocked loopy, but luckily falls outside of the ring. DaLay batters him around ringside, allowing Garcia to take some pot shots when the referee is distracted, before bringing the fight back inside and hitting a Big Boot! 1... 2... Price is too dumb to die. He fires back with thunderous European uppercuts. Simple. Effective. Unstoppable. Stud Stopper (Twisting Snap Powerslam)! The gigantic DaLay refuses to be lifted for Price Check (TKO) and swings a BACKF- Price uppercuts him in the back of the head. Price Check! 1... 2... 3!






Christian Price is celebrating when NATE JOHNSON jumps the rail, with Security hot on his heels. He shoves Garcia down and dives to attack Christian... but is tackled mere inches away. Security drag him back through the crowd.



Wait. Hold on. Nate Johnson’s been attacking me every week, and it’s

time for it to stop. It was my fault he lost his job, so it’s only fair that

I’m the one to fix it.

First Wish

Nate Johnson gets his job back.


Nate Johnson can’t believe it. Adrian Garcia can’t believe it. In fact, no one can believe it.


Davis Ditterich “What the WHAT? Christian Price just used his first wish to get Nate his job back?”








FAITH has assembled an annoyed SEAN DEELEY, and a dancing SKIP BEAU.



Okay, so you wouldn’t listen to Stevie Grayson, but... Dancing! Everyone

loves dancing, right? So I’ve asked Skip Beau to help out and teach

you a few steps. Maybe that’ll get the fans on your side before the

Last Man Standing Rumble.



i don’t dance.



Come on, Sean. I’ve seen you memorize all kinds of complicated

armbars and kneebars and jiujutsu techniques. Compared to that

a few dance moves will be easy.



didn’t say i can’t dance. just don’t want to look like an idiot. no offense



Skip is too busy boogying to notice.











Davis Ditterich “These five men will be the smallest combatants in this year’s Last Man Standing Rumble. Typically that match has been won by bigger men, but there have been upsets, like in 2003 and 2010.”


The diminutive duelists go a mile a minute in a fast-paced, frantic attempt to throw each other over the top rope. Stevie peppers his foes with hit and run tactics. Unable to call for back-up, Kent prevents attempted assault with trickery and deceit. Shockingly it’s Edd who slows the fight down, attacking the legs of his speedy opponents with surprising discipline. Seeker finds an opening, bouncing off the ropes at impossible angles and turning his opponents inside out with ranas and head scissors.


Missy Masterson “Warren! Now! Impetu!”




Seeker is on the top rope, when WARREN TECHNIQUE bursts up from the announce desk and pulls him down to the floor! (Thrill Seeker has eliminated) Security quickly flood in to pull The Praedator away from ringside.


Missy Masterson “That’ll show him! Good job Warre… Hey! What are you doing? I have every right to be here!”


Security also escort a kicking and screaming Missy Masterson from the ringside area, and Trent (having somehow gone unnoticed until now) chooses this moment of confusion to strike, quickly hitting Edd and Stevie with lightning fast dropkicks. Wise to his old partner‘s tricks, Kent restrains him in the corner... and suddenly goes flying over the top rope. (Stuart Kent has been eliminated).


Davis Ditterich “What the? How did Trent have the space to hit him that hard?”


Stevie dodges, ducks, dips, dives and dodges, but Trent’s fast. Scary fast. He avoids the Tornado DDT and Stevie eats a SUPER KICK from out of nowhere (Stevie Grayson has been eliminated). Edd blocks a lungblower and throws ninjutsu specialist over the top, but Trent uses Skin the Cat (Lev 3) to save himself. Edd charges... and out he goes! (Edd Stone has been eliminated)!




Davis Ditterich “Maybe Trent did go to Japan after all. With skills like those, maybe he could be the smallest man ever to win the Last Man Standing Rumble.”








The Tag Team Champions; the Dirty White Boys, are bored. LEAD BELLY’s beer keg is empty. GREASE HOGG needlessly tinkers with his motorcycle.



Doesn’t look like anyone’s gonna challenge us at ‘Last Man Standing’.

Wanna just win the Rumble instead?



I guess. I mean, how hard can it be? We’re massive, fans seem

to like us now, and there’s two of us.



Only one of us can win though, so... Don’t get your hopes us.



Me? Last week you got sent over the top rope by Whippy the Clown. I’ve

seen who’s in my Preview match. Ain’t nobody eliminating me.



Okay then, hot shot. Let’s make this interesting. If I survive longer than

you in this year’s Rumble, you have to... clean my bike for a month.



Fair enough, but if I survive longer, you have to be my Beer Slave for a month.


The Dirty White Boys shakes hands, and the bet is on!








Holding an ice pack to his face, JACK DECOLT angrily limps to his locker room, but finds the door locked.



What the-?


There’s a ‘Knock Knock’ from inside the room.



Who’s there?





Confused, Jack kicks the door in to find…




… DONTE DUNN, beaten and bloody and unconscious in a chair. Behind him the words “Donte’s Done Hahahahaha” have been scrawled on the wall. Marie runs to the rookie’s side. Jack. Is. Furious.









Davis Ditterich “Donte looks to be hurt pretty bad. If Jack wasn’t angry before, he sure is now... but is that going to work out for the challenger?”


Jack forgoes grappling to go berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles, but he’s limping heavily. Benny stops him with a kick to the knee, but doesn’t follow up on the leg. Instead, he targets the ribs with his barrage of stomps, laughing maniacally as he does so. Every time Jack fires up, a shot to the leg sends him back down, allowing the cackling madman to continue the assault on the ribs.


Jack’s in trouble, and Benny takes him on a Big Adventure. Leap (haha) Atomic drop (hahaha) Trip (hahah) Strut (Oooooooooh) but before he can deliver the Fist Drop Jack explodes to his feet and goes berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles! He mounts Benny in the corner and Punches! Him! In! The! Face! but when he hops back down his knee buckles and- SUPER KICK! Benny follows up with a Frog Splash, crashing down on the injured ribs. 1... 2... Jack kicks out, but Benny’s back up top. Another Frog Splash! 1... 2... Jack barely gets his shoulder off the mat, and Benny takes his sweet time climbing back up, laughing all the way. Frog- No! Jack gets his knees up! Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam)! End of Days (Bow & Arrow Dragon Sleeper)! Benny’s stuck. He has no choice but to tap!




Jack releases the hold and collapses in pain, clutching his ribs. Marie and Referee Francis Long try to help him to his feet, but his leg can’t hold his weight. Watching from the corner, Benny Benson cackles like a madman.



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="top">Big Cruiserweight Argument


Benson's First Joke

Garcia gives Price one more chance


First Wish

Faith asks Skip for help


Dirty White Boys are bored

Benson’s Second Joke

BENNY BENSON VS JACK DECOLT</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top"> C-













Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.64 (down from 1.70)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.05 (same)




Popped it up a day early. Because voting. Decent show, pulled down a little by the angles.


My problem with Benny Benson is that he’s more talented and popular than his push requires. The focus in the Brotherhood was always intended to be on Bobby and Edd, and while I think my concept of Benny makes a pretty good wildcard in the background of the group, he’s kinda wasted in the role. He’s the Brotherhood’s best talker, and when the stable debuted, he was also the most popular. There’s a disconnect between wrestler and role that doesn’t sit well with me, and its hurt Benny in this project. If Benny had previously been nothing more than a midcard player (around D popularity) I'd probably be in love with him. As it stands, he feels cheap. He can easily slip into a great main event match... without me having to write him something to earn it.


Continuing my weird anti-cruiserweight agenda, the largest man in the cruiserweight preview rumble picked up the win. Trent’s a lightweight who can go Middleweight, unlike the others who are stuck at lightweight. That makes them garbage to me.




Like last year, I’m determining the entry order for the Last Man Standing Rumble based on popularity. First, the combatants are arranged in order of their popularity in Canada & Puerto Rico, as it stood after ‘The Battle Beyond’. From there, entrants can be shunted around according to your votes. You can give up to three wrestlers a ‘Thumbs Up’ (helping their chances by having them enter the match later) and up to three wrestlers a “Thumbs Down” (hurting their chances by having them enter earlier). Below is a list of 26 of the 30 combatants.


Akima Umaga, Almighty Zeus, Art Reed, Benny Benson, Christian Price, Chucky, Dan DaLay, Donte Dunn, Drake, Edd Stone, Eddie Chandler, Fate, Gargantuan, Gordon Mann, Grease Hogg, Lead Belly, Nate Johnson, Ozzie Golden, Sean Deeley, Skip Beau, Stevie Grayson, Stuart Kent, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Warren Technique, Wesley Priest


Thumbs Up (up to 3):

Thumbs down (up to 3):


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker


Thumbs Up (up to 3): Benny Benson (SUPERKICK), Christian Price, & Wesley Priest

Thumbs down (up to 3): Ozzie Golden, Warren Technique, & Fate

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Edd Stone, Skip Beau, Ozzie Golden

Thumbs down (up to 3): Almighty Zeus, Benny Benson, Christian Price


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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THUMBS UP: Donte Dunn, who deserves a shot at the big time.

Sean Deeley, who may find his groove in winning the Rumble.

Stevie Grayson, who needs to show the world that he's more then just the perpetual underdog.


THUMBS DOWN: Almighty Zeus, who is a dick.

Dan DaLay, who is a Bully.


No other votes, but let me say how much I'm loving this. Trent Shaffer's return is good, I love that guy and his constantly changing gimmicks. The Brotherhood going after Jack DeColt is a simple but effective storyline. Christian Price is just the ultimate Face ever - in fact, let me say more on that point.


I remember when you wrote FCK and made Harry Allen into the big babyface, you noted afterwards that he lacked a certain spark. Part of that, you observed, was because you were afraid to let him have imperfections. He had to be good, he had to be kind, he had to be smart and tough, and he didn't have any negative qualities. And you were right, it made him kind of dull. Christian Price is a good contender for the Top Babyface of CGC (with the exception of the DeColts, who are such an institution that they can't be counted on the same level). He's just about the Face-est Face that you've got. He's kind, charitable, he stands up for the weak and thinks the best of everyone. But he's also as dumb as a sack of hammers. He gets a lift to the stadium from his mum. He falls for tricks like 'your shoelace is untied' and 'got your nose'. He trusts people that he really shouldn't, and it's that weakness that makes him so effective. He is at once an aspirational figure - he's big, he's strong, he's nice, we want to be like him - and at the same time a figure we can almost pity, a guy who comes across as an underdog sometimes despite his size. He's not threatening because he's not perfect.


Christian Price. Best Face ever.

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Edd Stone, Lead Belly, Grease Hogg

Thumbs down (up to 3): Almighty Zeus, Gargantuan, Warren Technique


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt - We can hope right

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Drake, Chucky, Benny Benson

Thumbs down (up to 3): Sean Deeley, Stuart Kent, Gordon Mann


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Edd Stone, Christian Price, Art Reed


Thumbs down (up to 3): Gargantuan, Benny Benson, Trent Shaffer



CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt


LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson


Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley


Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Almighty Zeus, Stevie Grayson, Trent Shaffer

Thumbs down (up to 3): Akima Umaga, Fate, Warren Technique


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Almighty Zeus, Christian Price, Trent Shaffer

Thumbs down (up to 3): Art Reed, Skip Beau, Thrill Seeker


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

Is doing a weekly World Title match hurting the title's prestige at all?


LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson


Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley


Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

I'll probably get this one wrong but I'm an Ozzie Golden mark.

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Drake, Stevie Grayson, Skip Beau

Thumbs down (up to 3): Sean Deeley, Fate,


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3):

Benny Benson - Deserves it for his knock knock joke alone on Stevie.

Christian Price - Used a wish to reinstate Nate Johnson, the CVerse's version of Sting? (As in *always* trusts them dirty, freshly turned heels.)

Wesley Priest - Love the reinvention of the devout clown.


Thumbs down (up to 3):

Sean Deeley - My dislike of Deeley is well documented.

Thrill Seeker - The blandest of babyfaces.

Fate - How did he even qualify for LMS? I think I last saw him in a recycling blue box.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

- Serious Edd Stone vs Furious Jack DeColt... I could see DeColt losing via DQ, but not going into a PPV. I love Benny Son of Ben jokes.


LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

- Nate is still the first one eliminated... only at least he isn't restrained by security. I'm going to give this to cackling madman Benson... just because I'm enjoying his characterization the most recently.


Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

- Japaninjitsu better than Deeleydullness.


Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

- Because Ozzie doesn't have an app that translates Latin into L33t speak. Is there an emoji for that Warren?

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Thumbs Up (up to 3):

Christian Price - Used a wish to reinstate Nate Johnson, the CVerse's version of Sting? (As in *always* trusts them dirty, freshly turned heels.)


Having watched Halloween Havoc 95 recently I would really enjoy it if Johnson befriends Price and teams up with him to fight Elite leading to a horseman beatdown when he inevitably turns on Price and re-joins Elite.

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