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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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<p>Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs <strong>Trouser Snake</strong> vs Wacky Wolfman</p><p>

<em>- He's the best known snake west of the Rockies!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs <strong>Wesley Priest & ?????</strong></p><p>

<em>- Simply because I love Priest's reinvention and want to see him make it further into the tournament, maybe going up against his God.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs <strong>Lead Belly & ?????</strong></p><p>

<em>- When (inevitably) Dirty White Boys collide!</em></p><p> </p><p>

What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The <strong>Random Partner Tag Team Tournament</strong>? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.</p><p>

<em>- I love random tag teams and this offers up a way to book fresh and wacky pairings!</em></p>

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<p>Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs <strong>Trouser Snake</strong> vs Wacky Wolfman</p><p> </p><p>

Random Partners Tournament: <strong>Sean Deeley & ?????</strong> vs Wesley Priest & ?????</p><p> </p><p>

Random Partners Tournament: <strong>Bobby Thomas & ?????</strong> vs Lead Belly & ?????</p><p> </p><p>

What new storyline tickles your fancy most? <strong>The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament</strong>? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.</p>

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I'm most interested in Jack vs. Trent - I'm waiting for the Tag Teams to kick into a higher gear, and the Elite vs. The Brotherhood... is that Heel vs. Heel? That seems a bit weird for CGC.


Most of the Brotherhood can easily turn face if necessary. Edd and Benny's character can work just as well as faces (and Edd always seemed more of a tweener anyway). Art Reed might need a little tweak, but still doesn't need much of a change. Bobby is really the only one of the 4 that requires some measure of character overhaul to be a convincing face. Or he can be the one that turns on Brotherhood for the Elites.


Oh, and Self, now I hope to see you turn Missy Masterson into an actual voodoo witch and help her clients win matches by sticking needles into voodoo dolls stuffed with the hair of her client's opponents. :D


Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs Trouser Snake vs Wacky Wolfman Christian Price is gone, but his buddy Trouser Snake needs to win one for him!

Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs Wesley Priest & ?????


Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs Lead Belly & ?????


Since the tournament really is random, I'm just going to vote for the outcomes that I want to see, namely 1) Deeley doesn't win, and 2) Lead Belly advance so that the DWB have a shot at controlling the Elite's booking.


What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.


I like surprises, and something that even the writer himself can't predict is guaranteed to surprise me every week.

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Sunday Week 4 October

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance


Davis Ditterich “Welcome to CGC’s Halloween Spook-tacular! Tonight, several of CGC’s finest will do battle in a 5-man elimination match, but which five will it be? Getting into the spirit of the holiday, each combatant will be wearing the mask of ome of the scariest monsters in history. Who’s under which mask? We won’t know until they’re eliminated.”








BETA & EPSILON FRAGMENTS in his possession, BOBBY THOMAS arrives at the arena, to find a furious NATE JOHNSON waiting for him.



You made a big mistake last week, Bobby. The Elite made you a

more than reasonable offer. Give me the Fragments back now,

and we wont have a problem.



“Reasonable offer”. You wanted to rip my team apart. The Elite are a

joke, Nate, and you’re the punchline. The whipping boy of a band of

sellouts. What have you done in the last two years? Banished. Masked.

Hired and fired by The Elite over and over again. And why? Because

you got lazy. The second we split up you forgot the meaning hard work,

and it may have taken a few years, but everyone finally sees that

while you were the flash of The Specialists, I was the backbone.

I was the better one.



Wow. Six months in big boy trunks have given you delusions of grandeur,

Bobby. Before the Brotherhood showed up you were selling yourself as

cannon fodder to anyone with a couple of bucks in their pocket. “Hard work”

doesn’t mean a thing unless you have the spark of natural talent to back

it up. I have it. You don’t. That’s what made me the star of The Specialists,

and that’s what will always make me better than you.



We’ll just see about that. The Fragments are just the beginning, Nate.

There’s more than a tag title shot on the line in this Random Partners

tournament. The winner also gets Christian Price’s booking power over

The Elite. We’ll see how proud you are of your group when I control all

your matches.



Not going to happen. I’m going to win this tournament, and when I

control The Elite’s matches, we’ll be the most unstoppable force

CGC has ever seen, and you’re going to suffer for it.







Nate Johnson & Sean Deeley




Akima Umaga & Wesley Priest


Davis Ditterich “Ooh. Interesting pairings. Johnson & Deeley have bad blood from their Elite days, while Akima was a recent victim of Priest’s favorite god; Almighty Zeus. Can either team put their differences aside to advance?”


Things are civil early, despite Priest’s incessant preaching and Johnson’s attempts to make Deeley jealous of his many sponsorships. Akima brutalizes Johnson with headbutts. Deeley pounces on Priest with brutal takedowns and animalistic suplexes. Neither team can keep the advantage for long, however, and tensions begin to flare. Akima snaps first, finally shutting Priest up with a headbutt. Johnson & Deeley on the other hand, keep their heads, working together to overwhelm the now-solo Samoan and hit their old Leg Lariat/German Suplex double team for the victory.











Trent! You think you’re a big man, threatening a woman? Well Marie

isn’t here tonight. You can’t get to her. But you can get to me. You want

to fight? I’m right here! With your “beloved” wrapped around my waist.





I gotta hand it to the Brotherhood. They had some good ideas. Using a

gauntlet, throwing wave after wave of their own men at you, to wear you

down... I like it. I’m stealing it. Only, we’re not going to spread this out

over weeks. I’m giving you the chance to fight me tonight. You’re just

going to have to go through two of my fellow Ninjutsu experts first.



Bring them on. I don’t care if you throw a hundred ninjas at me. Nothing’s

gonna stop me from tearing your head off for even thinking about hurting

my Marie!








LEAD BELLY is sharing a couple of six-packs with some wrestling fans.



I know I’m already tag champion, but can you imagine having booking

control over those Elite scumbags? I mean, I got a taste of it before,

but if I was in control I’d really make them pay.


Lead finishes another beer and throws the can at a trashcan… but it bounces off the rim and falls to the floor.





Well, well, well. What do we have here? Don’t you know the penalties

for Littering? Not to mention Public Intoxication? I could run you in

for this.



Back off, shrimpo. I’m just waiting for my tag partner. I told them to send

whoever was randomly assigned to me to meet… me… here. Oh crap

it’s you, isn’t it.



Yeah. I’m not exactly thrilled about this either.







Bobby Thomas & Gargantuan




Lead Belly & Stuart Kent


Davis Ditterich “Was Lead Belly’s claim last week true? Can he win with anyone? He and Kent are both experiences tag team wrestlers, but it’ll be tough. Thomas and Gargantuan teamed up several times in 2013 to devastating effect.”


Lead dominates with drunken thuggery, but his attempts to be a good partner and get Kent involved result in mistimed double teams and the Gendarme taking a chokeslam. Thomas and Gargantuan work together shockingly well, considering how the genetically engineered fighting machine eyes his partner’s Fragments. Kent eventually gets the tag to Lead, who bounces Bobby about with Belly Butts. He tries to lift Gargantuan for the RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) but as he starts lifting- SUPER KICK! Unreal Clothesline! 1.. 2... 3.




Referee Ray Johnson hands Thomas the Beta and Epsilon Fragments... and that’s when Gargantuan turns on him. The genetically engineered fighting machine grabs his partner around the throat and starts squeezing. Thomas fights and struggles and the Fragments slips from him grasp.




NATE JOHNSON scurries into the ring, gathers up the Fragments, and- Gets grabbed too. Both stuck in Gargantuan’s clutches, Thomas & Johnson exchange a look, and with perfect timing break free of his grasp and hit Special Delivery (Stereo SUPER KICKS)! Gargantuan goes tumbling out of the ring, and each Ex-Specialist grab a Fragment before Security flood in to prevent further violence.


Davis Ditterich “I’m sure the argument will rage on as to which former Specialist is better, but tonight things have come out even. Both advance in the Tag Tournament. Both hold a single fragment of the shattered Canadian Title.”











JACK DECOLT finishes angrily lacing up his boots, and kicks open the door out of his plush locker room. ALEX DECOLT stands in his path.



Stop. Think. You’re about to do something stupid.



Get out of my way, Alex. He’s going after Marie. I’m going to get

to Trent any way I can.



Are you forgetting what happened 2 years ago? Or just willfully ignoring

it? He’s getting in your head. Pushing your buttons. Lucky for you, I

remember my history.




HOTSTUFF MARIE enters the locker room, armed to the teeth with a wooden stake, bat-repellant spray, and a pirate sword (for ninja fighting). She’s ready to fight, and Jack is furious!



I told you to stay home. It’s not safe.



You’re better together, Jack. She's the only one who can keep you calm,

and thats what you need right now. She’s willing to fight, and so am I.

I had your back against the Brotherhood, and I have your back now.



The Brotherhood? You mean when you had me defend my title in a triple

threat match? No. I’m done with your plans. You can protect Marie, but

you’ll do it from here. I’m taking out Trent alone.









Davis Ditterich “That could be a good move from Jack. Trent has made his intentions for Marie very clear. It can’t be safe for her out here. Jack just needs to stay calm without her.”


Jack DeColt goes berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles, but recklessly charges into a dropkick. The Ninja sticks and moves with ancient Ninjutsu techniques, but he’s no grappler. Jack takes more damage than he’d like, but catches a cross body and hits a Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam) for the 1... 2... 3!





Davis Ditterich “One down, but Jack’s off his game and has taken quite a bit of damage, and there’s still one Ninja to go before he gets his hands on Trent.”


Jack hurls the new opponent into the corner and Punches! Him! In- but the fresh Ninja slips free, and shoves Jack chest first into the turnbuckle. Jack tries to fight back with pure fury, but the Ninja has him scouted.




HOTSTUFF MARIE comes down to ringside, which infuriates Jack, despite ALEX DECOLT being on the lookout for any ninjas trying to get to her. Marie tries to get Jack to calm down and fight smarter, but instead he explodes with rage! He punches the Red Ninja in the face off of a springboard, and locks in End of Days (Bow & Arrow Dragon Sleeper)! The Red Ninja taps!




/w Two Ninjas TRENT SHAFFER VS JACK DECOLT /w Hotstuff Marie



Trent emerges from the shadows. Marie tries to attack him, but Alex holds her back. There’s no one to hold back Jack, who runs right into a ONE-INCH-PUNCH! Trent toys with the Wild Man, letting him take furious swings and dodging with ease. Lungblower! Ninjutsu Embrace (Sleeper)! The more Jack struggles, the tighter it gets. He’s fading fade… but as he looks in Marie’s eyes, he finally calms down. Thinking clearly for the first time in the match, Jack uses his amateur wrestling know-how to escape the hold and overpower the ninja. He hoists Trent up for the Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam) and- SMOKE BOMB!


Davis Ditterich “What? Wait a minute. Where did Trent go?”


The smoke clears, and Trent has vanished. Referee Ray Johnson counts him out, while Jack is furious! He still wants to fight. The other Ninjas throw their own smoke bombs and vanish too.




Davis Ditterich “Alex DeColt was right. Jack and Marie are stronger together. Trent Shaffer had the match under control, but he’ll have to come up with a new plan if he’s to win the CGC World Title.”








Content and satisfied with his earlier victory, SEAN DEELEY is leaving the building. A taxi pulls up, and out steps a distraught FAITH.



Oh my God, Sean. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had a match tonight.

Why didn’t you tell me?



oh. right. i guess i forgot or something.



I swear I’m going to make it up to you. I’m your manager. I should be

at your side. I’ll make it up to you.



don’t bother. i mean, i actually won for a change. maybe i should go

without you more oft-



No, no. I let you down. So next week I’m going to get you in a big

match. You want to get back in the Fragment hunt? I’m going to

make it happen.



okay i guess. if it’ll make you feel better.










Davis Ditterich “Last year this match was won by Trent Shaffer in a “Frankenstein’s Lobster” costume. Which masked marauder will be victories this year?”


The bell rings and the monsters collide! The Sexy Dracula instantly bails. The Wolfman bites everything that comes close. Trouser Snake finds time to do The Worm. The Murderous Mummy uses his bandages to chokes his rival monsters, but the Trouser Snake slithers from his clutches and rattles him with tail whips. He attempts a Cobra Clutch, but the Mummy is too strong, hitting a Sit Out Bomb and removing the snake mask.






The Wacky Wolfman pounces, but gets laid out by a Twisting Spinebuster! The Red Devil attacks, but is no match for the ancient Egyptian. Rather than attack, Sexy Dracula bows, and begins incessantly praising the Mummy of Mummies, who welcomes his follower with open arms… and walks right into Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker)! Sexy Dracula pulls off the Mummy mask!






Sexy Dracula celebrates the departing of the furious Almighty Zeus, unaware that the Wacky Wolfman is hunting him. He attacks in a flurry of teeth and claws and pulls off the attractive vampire mask!






It’s down to two. The Wolfman attacks with its mighty claws, but the Red Devil intelligently puzzles out his wacky rhythm and unleashes precision counter-punches, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! The loony lycanthrope attempts to bite him, but the Devil counters with the DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop) and pulls off his mask!









Davis Ditterich “Oh my word. It’s Ricky DeColt! He’s back!”




Utterly stunned, ALEX DECOLT removes his Red Devil mask and looks at his younger brother in shock.



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Johnson & Thomas argue


Jack calls out Trent Shaffer

Lead Belly meets his partner


Fragment Brawl

Alex brings Marie to Jack


Faith arrives late

HALLOWEEN MASKED MONSTER MATCH</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">










</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">B-













Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.72 (up from 1.71)

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.07 (down from 0.08)




Turns out formatting these episodes (putting in tags and copying img links from photobucket) takes the exact same time as an episode of Brooklyn 99.


Halloween always falls at an awkward time. I appreciate having the masked madness match as a defacto main event, but it’s such a random hodge-podge, and with fragments flying everywhere and a random tournament... It’s hard to have the Halloween episode be as dedicated and focussed episode as, for example, the Christmas episode.


Christian’s departure has kicked off a bit of housekeeping. My roster has been needlessly bloated for quite some time now, and if I’m to keep things fresh and interesting going forward, I can’t have a bunch of stale characters hanging around. It’s time to fire people. You know, after they’re finished with random tag nonsense and fitness competitions.


I had big plans for Akima Umaga. Big, vague, “I’ll do something with him one day” style plans, they never panned out. His team with Kid Toma quickly became a jobber act, and while I began to push him as a bearded singles a few months ago, it didn’t work. I had neither the room nor the time nor the love for the character. I think he suffered due to recent fortunes too, and despite a couple of PPV wins his popularity didn’t go up. He’s a really, really talented guy, and I dig that he’s not just another white Canadian... but it didn’t work out. He was on a Written deal, so this one has cost me.


I also fired referees David Poker and Dace Lavoie. Up until recently, the refereeing team has been led by Francis Long (Winner of 2013’s Best Referee award) who only officiates main events. Meanwhile the undercard was handled by the younger and less skilled David Poker and Dace Lavoie, with the intention of training them up. Both seem to have peaked at a C+ level, which is lovely, but I can afford better. Ray Johnson has been on a PPA with TCW for quite some time, so I swooped in with a big money deal. He’s almost as good as Long, and has some other skills that could come in handy. One day I’ll give all my referees proper gimmicks and storylines. Then you’ll know this show has jumped the shark.




Next week the random tags continue.


Almighty Zeus vs Alex DeColt

Random Partners Tournament: Donte Dunn & ????? vs Thrill Seeker & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Dan DaLay & ????? vs Grease Hogg & ?????

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Sean Deeley

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Aw man, not Akima. I'm always a fan of big bearded wrestlers that just headbutt people.


Almighty Zeus vs Alex DeColt - I'm calling draw here. Ricky coming back is interesting and can lead to shenanigans aplenty.

Random Partners Tournament: Donte Dunn & ????? vs Thrill Seeker & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Dan DaLay & ????? vs Grease Hogg & ?????

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Sean Deeley


Also, how's FCK doing?

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Great show man, really liked the twist at the end with bringing back Ricky DeColt it will be interesting to see how it plays out and that is why I love this dynasty. I love finding out what's going to happen next.


Almighty Zeus vs Alex DeColt - Draw due to interference by Ricky DeColt

Random Partners Tournament: Donte Dunn & ????? vs Thrill Seeker & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Dan DaLay & ????? vs Grease Hogg & ?????

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Sean Deeley

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I get the distinct feeling you used a KC Glenn alt as a base for the Blue Ninja. Same eye color, eyebrow shape, and head tilting. So this begs the obvious question: Did Self betray his own booking code of "use the underappreciated CVerse characters" in order to get some vanilla midget with ridiculous talent into his company? If so, I AM SHOCKED AND APPALLED.


Also, great Ricky DeColt alt image. (And angle.) All these alts could be really nice for creating second generation DeColts down the line (Seriously, we have a second generation DAN DALAY, y no DeColt Jr?)

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Almighty Zeus vs Alex DeColt

- I know most episodes with a DeColt standing tall, they need viable villains, a God of Gods seems like a good challenger. Give Zeus another shot at DeThroning a DeColt. (Likely via nefarious, albeit, godly means.


Random Partners Tournament: Donte Dunn & ????? vs Thrill Seeker & ?????

- Given Donte's poor showing in the masked brawl makes me think that Seeker somehow how gets the luckier set of ????s.


Random Partners Tournament: Dan DaLay & ????? vs Grease Hogg & ?????

- I'm calling it now, Grease Hogg's ????... none other than Eddie Chandler.


Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Sean Deeley

- The Canadian Fragment Series could go so many ways, I doubt it comes down to a Specialists final, but it could be a fun potential undercurrent.


One minor quibble, the randomness of the tag series combined with the chaos of the Canadian Fragment series there is a sense of general pandemonium going on in CGC. Luckily Shaffer/Jack is a strong, straight forward storyline.


Also, bearded Akima Brave clearly needs to return at a later date as a Bigfoot from wilds of Rockies or Cascade Mountains.

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Also, how's FCK doing?


FCK was getting a little too star-studded, so I downsized it considerably a month or two ago. I dramatically changed the product, cut most of the 'stars' (CGC lower-carders who didn't really need to be there) and so the promotion is now producing sheer garbage. The shows are terrible, but… you know… it's training. Giving hope to the no-hopers. Art Reed, Vin Tanner, and one american who I really like but doubt I'll ever bring up, are the only real talents there.


The trouble at the moment is that I've developed at least half a dozen guys who are good enough to be on the main roster right now, but if anything I'm looking to trim the fat in CGC. There's no room for newbies.


Also, great Ricky DeColt alt image. (And angle.) All these alts could be really nice for creating second generation DeColts down the line (Seriously, we have a second generation DAN DALAY, y no DeColt Jr?)


I often wonder about DeColt kids, although my musings tend to focus on the kayfabe personas I'm writing, and to consider a further reality below that is a bit too meta for me.


Although if anyone's wondering, I imagine Jack has a few daughters (because when they reach dating age that becomes hilarious) Steve had a good sized family (or two… the traitor) and the others are childless. Ricky's fairly young (well… he's 30 now… so not that young) and Alex is a bit too Sherlock Holmes-y to get married.


One minor quibble, the randomness of the tag series combined with the chaos of the Canadian Fragment series there is a sense of general pandemonium going on in CGC. Luckily Shaffer/Jack is a strong, straight forward storyline.


I couldn't agree more. Sometimes I just do stories whenever I feel like, and these two are really awkward to have going on at once. By the time I realised the headache, it was too late. Future plans depend on this stuff happening now.

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 1 November 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “It’s been over two months since Jack DeColt was forced to put his spellbound little brother Ricky into a coma to end his destructive rampage. Now Ricky has returned, but in what form? Is he still a monster, under the control of a magic potion? Or did Jack break the spell and bring the real Ricky back?”








DONTE DUNN warms up, keeping his eye on his four fragments of the shattered Canadian Title. SCOUNDREL watches him. He has a steel pipe in hand... but thinks better of attacking.



So what’s the deal with Faith?



I don’t know. She says she can look after herself, but the bleeding twit

gets into trouble every week, then complains when I have to rescue

her. Just a nightmare.



No. I mean... Is she seeing anyone? Are she and Deeley ‘together’?

Or your cousin?



Trust me, mate. She’s not worth it.




Donte stops mid-sentence, instantly on his guard as RICKY DECOLT walks up to Scoundrel, and extends a hand.



Hi. I’m Ricky. Nice to meet you.


Scoundrel takes his time sizing up the DeColt, before carefully shaking his hand.



I guess around here they call me ‘Scoundrel’. Nice moves last week,

although you’re lucky you attacked when I had my guard down.



Just trying to win. Next time don’t let your guard down.


Ricky turns his attention to Donte, and extends his hand.



Hi. I’m Ricky. Nice to meet you.


Donte is confused. Really, really confused. Nonetheless, he accepts the handshake, and Ricky walks away.



You two have met before, right?







Morgan Malone & Thrill Seeker




Donte Dunn & Scoundrel


Davis Ditterich “Both teams feature a rookie and a veteran, but one definitely looks stronger than the other.”


The two veteran members of the teams try to set the pace. Seeker instructs Malone to speed things up with a flurry of dropkicks, while Scoundrel advises Donte to slow things down and use his power. Slow and steady wins the day. Airplane Spin! 17 rotations! Lariat! Seeker bounces off the ropes at impossible angles, turning Donte inside out with ranas and head-scissors, but doesn‘t have the same luck against Scoundrel, who uses Malone as a human shield. The randomly selected high-flying partners bash into each other, and Scoundrel hits Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker) for the win.











Ricky DeColt. Congratulations on having hair again. Last week, you made

your surprise return to CGC, but since you spent most of the match In a

wolf mask, what everyone wants to know is; are you back to normal?

Or a spellbound monst-



Wow. You’re so pretty. Hi. I’m Ricky DeColt. Nice to meet you.



We’ve met many... What? What’s wrong with you?





I’ll handle this. Ricky, go introduce yourself to the catering staff.


Ricky happily leaves. Jenny is confused.



Okay. I’ll explain. Ricky woke up from his coma a few weeks ago, but

he’s suffering from Psychogenic Retrograde Amnesia. He’s fine, he

just doesn’t remember autobiographical details about his life. You know;

who he or anyone else is. I’ve been trying to help him get his memories

back, but nothing’s worked. So last week he snuck out of the hospital

and entered himself into the masked madness match. Apparently

getting back to his old life helped. He said it felt “familiar” to him.



When you say “familiar”, do you mean normal-happy-familiar? Or




I don’t know. That’s why I’m keeping an eye on him. I want to make

sure I get my brother back, and not the other guy.







/w Adrian Garcia NATE JOHNSON VS SEAN DEELEY /w Faith


Davis Ditterich “Faith got Deeley this match to make up for missing last week’s tag bout. Johnson and Deeley worked well as a team, but who will come out of top with a Fragment on the line?”


Sean tries to keep the fight grounded, but is frequently distracted by Faith's requests for him to smile and clap, allowing Nate to dominate him with strikes and legdrops from various heights. Faith starts cheerleading, looking to energize her client with a chant. It's working. Sean's fighting back. Garcia moves to physically stop her...




Adrian Garcia runs for his life as SCOUNDREL comes down to the ring to rescue Faith. His presence distracts Deeley, who is blindsided by Natural Order (Leg Lariat)! 1... 2... 3!










GREASE HOGG is tinkering with his motorbike, when GORDON MANN enters, scowling.



You’ve got to be kidding me. I thought this tournament was random.



Let’s just get this over with.









Do you believe in coincidence, Edd? Because I don’t. I don’t believe it’s

coincidence that has paired you up with Dan DaLay tonight. It’s destiny!

It’s fate! It’s that other Soldier of Fortune. It’s a sign that you belong with

us. Now I know there was some unpleasantness between Nate Johnson

and Bobby Thomas last week, but I hope that won’t stop us from being

friends. You’re money, Edd Stone. Why you would waste your time with

a two-bit operation like the Brotherhood when you could be enjoying the

perks and sponsorships of The Elite I’ll never know.



Because the Brotherhood aren’t some corporation. They’re family. I mean,

not my real family. They’re nothing like those jerks, with Jeremy constantly

butting in with tactical advice and Junior flying off the handle over nothing

and Duane being a weirdo… Wait a minute.



Christian Price refused us, and we ran him out of town. Adrian may be

impressed by your name, but I’m not, pipsqueak. I plan on winning

this tournament. I plan on getting booking power over myself and the

rest of The Elite. You’d better plan on pulling your weight.







Grease Hogg & Gordon Mann




Dan DaLay & Edd Stone

Davis Ditterich “Four experienced tag team wrestlers, but which pairing is going to be able to get along best?”


Stone & DaLay race to be the first to jump Hogg before the bell, before trying to out-do each other in beating him down. They argue, allowing Mann to apprehend Edd and serve him some police brutality. DaLay finds this hilarious, but still bludgeons Mann with heavy hands when he gets the tag. Hogg gets revenge, dismantling DaLay with hammer blows and socket wrenches and- SUPER KICK! Hogg’s out cold! Mann tries to detain Edd and- SUPER KICK! Mann’s out cold! BACKFIST! DaLay knocks out his own partner and takes the pin for himself.










SEAN DEELEY sits in silence as FAITH furiously paces back and forth.



I’m going to kill him! He screwed it up for us again! Why can’t he leave

us alone? You should have that fragment. This is all Scoundrel’s fault.



no. it’s not. i was losing that match long before he showed up. it’s not his

fault. it’s yours. you are without a doubt the worst manager in the history

of wrestling. ever since i won you in that tournament my career has been

in ruins. where exactly did you get the idea that i was supposed to be a

nice guy? before you i was a killer. people feared me. i broke arms on a

weekly basis. maybe it’s time you learned what i really am.





You wanna show someone a killer, mate? I’m right here.


Deeley pounces with a brutal takedown, but the Scoundrel’s got plenty of fight left in him. Fists fly and security flood in to separate them.








ALEX DECOLT keeps a watchful eye on his brother RICKY and- BOOM! Lightning bolts strike the ringposts! ALMIGHTY ZEUS has come... but he’s not interested in fighting. Not yet.



Do you remember me, Ricky DeColt?


Ricky shakes his head, and extends a hand in greeting, but Alex stands between him and the God of Gods.



What has this puny mortal told you of your past? That you were his

brother? That you fought side by side? No. You are being deceived.

The puny mortal Alex fills your head with lies. You did not bow to the

ways of the DeColt. You bowed to me. You were not their puppet. You

served me. Look upon your brother’s face. See the fear in his eyes

and know this to be true.



It’s... It’s not that simple, Ricky. You were-



He will not help you regain your memories, for he knows that if you do

you will remember that it was he who plotted and scheme to put you

in the coma! That when your true power was unleashed he turned

against you. Alex feared you then. He fears you now. I do not fear you,

Ricky. I am a kind and benevolent God. Your rightful place is at my

side. Together we can be-


Alex DeColt punches Zeus in the face!



/w Ricky DeColt



Davis Ditterich “Almighty Zeus isn’t lying. Sure, he was under the spell of a magic potion, but Ricky was indeed aligned with the God of Gods, and it was Ricky’s brothers who put him in that coma. Alex wants his brother to get his memories back... but not those memories.”


Alex attacks with uncharacteristic fury, and is subsequently overpowered by the God of Gods. Twisting Spinebuster! Zeus smites the Thinking Man’s DeColt with cruel strikes and powerful slams, while Wesley incessantly preaches his glory to Ricky, who has no idea who he should be rooting for. Alex desperately tries to get some distance from his Almighty opponent, to regroup and rethink his strategy, but Zeus is relentless, only stopping to try to get the amnesiac Ricky on his side.


“You belong with me, Ricky!”

“Remember the monster that you are!”

“This is your destiny!”


Letting anger get the better of him, Alex repeatedly charges to shut Zeus up... and is repeatedly smote by His glorious power. In deep trouble, Alex rethinks his tactics, and instead of charging...


“He’s right, Ricky. You were a monster. But you were brainwashed.

I should have told you.”


Now Zeus is angry. He charges to shut Alex up, and the Thinking Man’s DeColt unleashes precision counter-punches, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! Alex tries the Tower Collapse Superplex, but Wesley grabs his ankle, allowing Zeus time to fight free, send Alex plummeting to the mat, and lock in the Olympian Clutch (Camel Clutch).


“This puny mortal tried to destroy you, Ricky. Join me and together

we will be invincible.”


Ricky isn’t convinced. He didn’t approve of the cheating. He starts cheerleading for Alex, giving his brother hope, and further infuriating the God of Gods. Wesley tries to stop him, but Ricky unleashes a precision counterpunch! Zeus is enraged, and Alex uses the lapse in concentration to slip out of the Olympian Clutch. DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop)! 1... 2... 3!




Alex is overjoyed that his brother cheered him on, but the Almighty Zeus is back on his feet. He grabs Alex around the throat and starts powering him backwards towards a turnbuckle. Alex is too weak to break free. Ricky hits the ring and saves the day! DeColt Driver! Zeus is down and the DeColt brother stands strong together.


Davis Ditterich “He might not have his memories, but this Ricky DeColt knows right from wrong! The rampaging monster is dead. I think the real Ricky DeColt has finally returned to CGC.”



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Ricky introduces himself to Scoundrel


Playmate interviews Alex & Ricky


Hogg meets his partner

Stone meets his partner


Deeley loses it

Zeus makes a play for Ricky


Ricky makes his choice</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">










</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">C+












Final Rating: B-

Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.73 (up from 1.72)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.07 (same as last week)




Despite having two B rated matches, I think the show was hurt by the lack of a really good angle. Trent and Jack have been knocking it out of the park recently, and Alex and Zeus just don’t compare. Not sure why. They’re all similar in skills and popularity. Jack/Trent are certainly better, but how they get A’s and Alex/Zeus only get B-’s is beyond me. Clearly Zeus doesn’t know how to get over. I should bury him.


Random weirdness. Ever since this project started I’ve thought that Nate Johnson’s default picture has him in a singlet. I guess I use an alt in the Microsoft Word documents.


The WWE video games fascinate me, in the way that they’re usually hopelessly and unavoidably out of date by the time they hit the shelves. So back during WrestleFestival Weekend I wrote this short summary of a CGC game. It’s loosely based on the limitations of the TNA Impact game from a few years ago, and as mentioned, even though the game is “released” now, the “cutoff date” for roster changes was WrestleFestival on April 1st.


CGC 2K15


Canadian Golden Combat's long awaited first foray into the video game world is finally here. Bring all the action and entertainment of CGC into your home with CGC 2K15, available for XBox One and PS4 from November 1st.


7 Match Types - Singles, Tag Team, Triple Threat, 6-Man ‘Elimination’ Tag Team, ‘Chaos in the Cage’ Singles & Tag Teams, and the 20-Man Last Man Standing Rumble


Ultimate Showdown Series Mode


Story Mode - Create A Combatant and battle through the ranks of Canadian Golden Combat. Can you resist the offer of The Elite? Can you break the spell that binds Ricky? Can you defeat Jack DeColt and become CGC World Champion?


20 Man Roster -

<table width="80%"><tr><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">Alex DeColt

Dan DaLay

El Eet *

Lead Belly

Stevie Grayson</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">Almighty Zeus *

Donte Dunn


Ricky DeColt *

Thrill Seeker</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">Bobby Thomas *

Edd Stone

Grease Hogg

Sean Deeley

Trent Shaffer</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">Christian Price

Eddie Chandler

Jack DeColt

Samael Bach *

Whippy the Clown</tr></table>


* Complete Story Mode to unlock five alternate costumes. Good Ricky DeColt, Soothsayer, Just Business Bobby Thomas, Unmasked Nate Johnson, and Classic Zeus Maxmillion.


So how much has CGC changed? How annoyed will diehard CGC fans be at this product?


  • Of the 20-man roster, only 6 are near-perfect representations of what you see on current CGC programming. Alex DeColt, Almighty Zeus, Jack DeColt, Gargantuan, Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler. Although Jack’s missing the Iron Claw.
  • 3 of the roster aren’t currently on TV. Christian Price has left. Samael Bach was banished. Stevie Grayson exploded. All are pretty damn perfect representations though, with Bach’s unmasking just sneaking in on the cutoff date.
  • 4 of them are wildly out of date. Ricky DeColt is bald and evil (although you can unlock his “Good” move and gear). El Eet is finished (although you can unlocked Unmasked Nate), Trent Shaffer is in his ‘Dark Knight’ supervillain gear, and Wesley Priest is still in his clown get-up, doing tumbling and simple mime tricks.
  • 5 just have out-dated moves. Other than the SUPER KICK, Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone lack their rigid St.01 moveset, and as instead “Just Business” and “TCW high-flyer” wearing black trunks. Lead Belly & Grease Hogg have their old, interchangeable heel moves. Donte Dunn’s arsenal is much more shallow than it is on current shows.
  • Sean Deeley isn’t nearly as much of a bastard in the game as he is on the show these days.
  • Thrill Seeker’s actually perfect, but his inclusion stands out as odd. Wishful thinking on my part that I’d find something for him.
  • It could have been a lot more out-of-date. John McClean, I.Am.Buff and Poison were on the roster at the time I chose it, but I knew at that point that their days were numbered. I did ponder long and hard over Poison, however, and in hindsight it would have been cool to have him in. If only for Scoundrel fans.
  • The Bold Gendarmes came close to getting the nod, but I think I made the right call there. Fizzled out more than I planned. Not that intended them to be major characters yet.
  • From the current TV roster, 4 names stand out as not being in. Scoundrel and Ford Gumble simply debuted too recently. Art Reed & Benny Benson could have gone in, but at the time I decided the roster I didn’t think they’d make it to the end of the year. I expected at least one would be out of CGC by now.




Next week’s card...


Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?


Honestly, the 20 man roster. I'd have sneaked in about 5 "useless" characters i.e. the likes of Warren Technique, Akima, Vin Tanner, Skip Beau etc. to pad out the lower end of the roster. The same way WWE games throw in a Corey Graves or a Curtis Axel as a lower skilled character. The way the roster you've set out just is, it looks like it'll be a bit hard to get into.


Also, Stevie Grayson exploded. That was something. Planned exit or something darker?

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?- I agree with MichiganHero that there are no lower skilled characters but i'd still play it.

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type? Not enough selectable characters for my liking but I would still play it if it were possible.

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel Deeley gets my ultimate disdain much in the same way Pow Wow used to get my ultimate support. I've given up coming up with rational explanations of why I'd vote against him.

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau Jobber match

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ????? For dramatic purposes, the Elite will probably come close to winning their "freedom", but fail near the end.

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest An actual tag team will probably have the advantage here. That means DWB or the Gendarmes. While I don't think the tag champs will win the tournament (this is also a No. 1 Contenders tourney after all), I think they should stay in the competition a bit longer....I mean, they have to show that they're good enough warrant the hassle of having their challengers going through all this random stuff in order to get a shot at them.


Speaking of which.....the DWB's "Beer-slave" side-bet kind of fizzled out after the first week, didn't it? I was hoping there would be more references to it.


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?


The lack of Pow Wow as a secret character. (Yes I know he was gone way before even 2014, but I want him, dammit!)

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

- These two need to finish this odd Faithless mini-feud at a PPV, so I'll go for a Double DQ/count out. Build things up to the first ever Loser Gets Faith as their Second.


Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

- Please let there be a dance off, please. Ninja Sexy BatTrent Glittering Disco Vampire up against Feelin' the Flow of Skip Beau.


Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

- My initial choice was Chandler, but since I haven't picked a Random tag match correctly yet, I'll go with the Cackling Madman.


Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest

- Art Reed might seem the most likely to advance, but I need a DWB just to tease the chance of them having booking power over Elite, and I picked Priest because I simply enjoy the Whippy reinvention and if Priest had the power then Zeus essentially has a new set of corporately sponsored minions.


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?

- Oops, missed it was about the CGC Game. I'll have to rethink that.

- Having thought it over, I'd say the lack of depth of the roster, being a newly created Combatant, I suspect it would be very difficult to rise up the ranks. Unless it was lose a lot at the outset to gain enough experience to add more attributes and maneuvers.

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel

Going for the guy that isn't dull as dishwater.

Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau

Wonder if skippy'll be listening to 'Kung Fu Fighting'...

Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????

Benny is just awesome.

Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance): Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest\

Bit of a silly hunch.


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?


Eh, I'd play it.

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Based upon their positions on WrestleFestival Weekend, I'd say the lower level characters in that roster would be the Dirty White Boys (lower level heels) Bobby Thomas (jobber to the stars) Whippy The Clown (still a clown) and Thrill Seeker (always garbage). Not that I'd fuss around too much with "gaining experience" and "attributes". It's not an RPG. It's a fighting game. Make a fully-formed, fully realised character. Destroy everything in 12 mostly-linear chapters. Maybe there's a morality meter that determines what colours the lights are in the final cut scene.


Which is kind of how I envisioned CGC. It wasn't supposed to be a place for long term development, outside of the three main characters. Combatants arrive, raise hell, (get beaten by a DeColt) and leave. There wasn't really supposed to be a bunch of rookie characters slowly developing into future stars. There wasn't supposed to be time for that. And yet, there's Christian Price, Donte Dunn, and the Rapscallions, all clearly growing from rookies to champions, from undercards to main events, from bit parts to starring roles. When the hell did I get in the wrasslin' business?

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Sean Deeley vs Scoundrel


Trent Shaffer vs Skip Beau


Random Partners Tournament: Benny Benson & ????? vs Eddie Chandler & ?????


Random Partners Tournament “Second Chance” Battle Royal (final two advance):

Art Reed vs Gordon Mann vs Grease Hogg vs Lead Belly vs Morgan Malone vs Ozzie Golden vs Stuart Kent vs Thrill Seeker vs Warren Technique vs Wesley Priest


What would be your biggest complaint about the CGC game? Roster issues? Lack of a particular match type?


Roster issues could be set by a future free DLC. Scoundrel, Shane Nelson, who helped in the game development, Art Reed, Benny Benson, The Soldiers Of Fortune (Destiny and Fate), Warren Technique with Missy Masterson could be the first names added in a DLC pack. Later Ozzie Golden, Vin Tanner, Skip Beau, Ford Gumble, The Rapscallions and The Bold Gendarmes.


More players and alts beating the game in extremely difficult mode. Defeat Thrill Seeker will unlock Shane Nelson, the Soldier of Fortune will unlock Chance, Scoundrel will unlock Poison, beating Trent Shaffer will unlock his ninja alt and so on.


Some mode will further enhance the gaming experience. An example would be Golden Memories. Relieve the greatest CGC stories and rivalries with Golden Memories like the never ending DeColts - Elite rivalry, the All Business - Youth Energy clash and Ricky DeColt rise to the first CGC World Championship.


I think the Ultimate Showdown series could be a mode people would love to play or at least should be included in the story mode.


And most of all, George DeColt must be in. As the Iron Claw as well. To be unlocked in a 3 on 1 handicap match against the DeColts at the extremely difficult level.

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