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Derek B's Mod-Making Guide

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mich75" data-cite="Mich75" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi,<p> </p><p> New to this game, and just looking for a little bit of guidance in terms of regular schedule vs. touring schedule in a real world mod...</p><p> </p><p> I get that WWE, TNA, RoH, NXT, AAA, CMLL etc should be on regular schedules, as they already have TV shows set up in real life (technically RoH and NXT do monthly tapings for weekly TV shows - however, I don't think this can be set up in the game, so the shows must be taped weekly). However, what would be the suggested set-up for independent and Japanese promotions? I know that the indies can vary wildly in terms of event frequency and type, so they're probably best dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but for Japanese promotions I think the big three tend to tour for most of the year, building up to big events most months, and the only TV coverage (other than PPV) is highlights packages; so, does this mean it's better to set up the Japanese promotions on touring schedules, and just pick two months of the year when they won't tour?</p><p> </p><p> I think with most of the indies I would tend to go for a regular schedule, and just give them a monthly event, which tends to be the case with most of the indy shows anyway, although when I've simmed through a few months you tend to find that many of them have picked up TV deals, which would seem unlikely (is this because their size is slightly too big?).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I would really love the option to give companies a TV show that is just a highlight package (just like you can for Touring conpanies) instead of booking an event for one.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Also. Here's a question about Star Quality..</p><p> </p><p> What would Mick Foley's Star Quality be? Reading through the mod I am assuming its low but Im just curious because other mods tend to give Mick a 80-90 rating in that area.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SirMichaelJordan" data-cite="SirMichaelJordan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I would really love the option to give companies a TV show that is just a highlight package (just like you can for Touring conpanies) instead of booking an event for one.<p> </p><p> </p><p> Also. Here's a question about Star Quality..</p><p> </p><p> What would Mick Foley's Star Quality be? Reading through the mod I am assuming its low but Im just curious because other mods tend to give Mick a 80-90 rating in that area.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I personally think his SQ would be around the low 60s</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mich75" data-cite="Mich75" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi,<p> </p><p> New to this game, and just looking for a little bit of guidance in terms of regular schedule vs. touring schedule in a real world mod...</p><p> </p><p> I get that WWE, TNA, RoH, NXT, AAA, CMLL etc should be on regular schedules, as they already have TV shows set up in real life (technically RoH and NXT do monthly tapings for weekly TV shows - however, I don't think this can be set up in the game, so the shows must be taped weekly). However, what would be the suggested set-up for independent and Japanese promotions? I know that the indies can vary wildly in terms of event frequency and type, so they're probably best dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but for Japanese promotions I think the big three tend to tour for most of the year, building up to big events most months, and the only TV coverage (other than PPV) is highlights packages; so, does this mean it's better to set up the Japanese promotions on touring schedules, and just pick two months of the year when they won't tour?</p><p> </p><p> I think with most of the indies I would tend to go for a regular schedule, and just give them a monthly event, which tends to be the case with most of the indy shows anyway, although when I've simmed through a few months you tend to find that many of them have picked up TV deals, which would seem unlikely (is this because their size is slightly too big?).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The real world mods that are updated for modern times are typically not very well balanced (particularly the one by Cpt. Charisma, though kudos to his hard work and the extensiveness of it). He gives many indie companies and wrestlers a lot more popularity than he should.</p><p> </p><p> If you set up a TV deal for a touring company, it automatically shows just the highlight packages, so there's no need to worry about that.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AleXtreme" data-cite="AleXtreme" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The real world mods that are updated for modern times are typically not very well balanced (particularly the one by Cpt. Charisma, though kudos to his hard work and the extensiveness of it). He gives many indie companies and wrestlers a lot more popularity than he should.<p> </p><p> If you set up a TV deal for a touring company, it automatically shows just the highlight packages, so there's no need to worry about that.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am using Fleisch's real world mod as a base, and having read all of Derek B's posts at the start of this thread, I now plan to adapt and expand this mod to my own preferences. I had been considering switching some of the promotions to a touring schedule (NJPW, AJPW etc), but was wondering if anyone that has more experience of the game has found that there is any disadvantage to this in the long term. I would basically like to set the mod up as close to real life as possible as a starting point, and then for it to develop as realistically as possible once I start playing, although I realise some things will inevitably happen that might not be very realistic!</p><p> </p><p> At the moment, when I'm simming the schedule to test it, I'm finding that WWE spends a lot of time staging shows overseas, so I'm guessing it's just a case of slightly dropping their popularity overseas? I'm also having problems trying to find the most realistic options for NXT (and OVW, which I will add once I've mastered how best to set NXT up!), as with just a weekly TV show, the AI will always create monthly PPVs (I will probably just get around this by setting up "NXT Live" as a monthly non-PPV small-sized event). On that subject, what is the difference between the size of events and the reputation of events? Should WrestleMania be the only "Legendary" event?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Genadi" data-cite="Genadi" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pro wrestling like every other form of entertainment or art, it's subjective. DB nailed a lot of common mistakes modders make but when it comes to some of the stats he's pointed out I disagree. You're allowed to also it's called an opinion.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This times 1000. That is why I roll my eyes every time a poster gives a mod maker crap over stats. I mean it is not like any other sport where you have actual data that will tell you how good or how bad a person is. For instance in Baseball if player X is hitting .335 you can compare him against the league average for that season and see where his batting average is against the rest of the league.</p><p> </p><p> You cannot do that in wrestling. Who is to say that Animal from the Road Warriors is not an 88 in the power category. The way I look at stats is, if you do not like them don't complain about them just change them yourself. Well that is unless they are really off the wall like maybe making Andre the Giant a 56 in aerial. Then the mod maker should be called out and they should have their head examined.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mich75" data-cite="Mich75" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am using Fleisch's real world mod as a base, and having read all of Derek B's posts at the start of this thread, I now plan to adapt and expand this mod to my own preferences. I had been considering switching some of the promotions to a touring schedule (NJPW, AJPW etc), but was wondering if anyone that has more experience of the game has found that there is any disadvantage to this in the long term. I would basically like to set the mod up as close to real life as possible as a starting point, and then for it to develop as realistically as possible once I start playing, although I realise some things will inevitably happen that might not be very realistic!<p> </p><p> At the moment, when I'm simming the schedule to test it, I'm finding that WWE spends a lot of time staging shows overseas, so I'm guessing it's just a case of slightly dropping their popularity overseas? I'm also having problems trying to find the most realistic options for NXT (and OVW, which I will add once I've mastered how best to set NXT up!), as with just a weekly TV show, the AI will always create monthly PPVs (I will probably just get around this by setting up "NXT Live" as a monthly non-PPV small-sized event). On that subject, what is the difference between the size of events and the reputation of events? Should WrestleMania be the only "Legendary" event?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd say that wrestling's only legendary event is WM.</p><p> </p><p> As for stats, Genadi's very accurate in his statements, though DB's main point is that the game-universe of a RWM should be balanced and act like real life, and giving people a general feel for how you should look at stats and how they're applied to the game itself is invaluably important.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AleXtreme" data-cite="AleXtreme" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd say that wrestling's only legendary event is WM.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, that's what I thought too. The only reason I asked is because I wasn't sure if that category should be rated within the context of the promotion, or within the context of the wrestling 'universe' as a whole. In other words, should TNA's Bound For Glory be legendary because it's the top PPV in TNA, even though it's probably rated below all 12 of WWE's PPVs in most categories. I guess not though, so your answer clears that up, thanks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AleXtreme" data-cite="AleXtreme" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As for stats, Genadi's very accurate in his statements, though DB's main point is that the game-universe of a RWM should be balanced and act like real life, and giving people a general feel for how you should look at stats and how they're applied to the game itself is invaluably important.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, I completely agree. In terms of stats, I will check over each wrestler before I start my game and will re-rate according to my own preferences. Having weighed up the pros and cons of both Fleisch's and Cpt. Charisma's real world mods, I've actually decided to start with Cpt. Charisma's one and remove what I don't want, rather than start with Fleisch's and add the extra content that I want. Once I've removed what I don't want, I will then begin the rebalancing process. </p><p> </p><p> In order to prevent a mass exodus from many companies within the first few days of a game, I assume what DB said is true that you need to make sure the popularity levels of the wrestlers within a promotion match up to popularity levels of the company, with the top guys being around the level of the company's popularity, dropping down to the jobbers being 30 or 40% below? Also, would you advise using the "Potential" category for some of the indy wrestlers that seem certain to have a big future?</p><p> </p><p> Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to clear up a few things, before I get properly started!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mich75" data-cite="Mich75" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also, would you advise using the "Potential" category for some of the indy wrestlers that seem certain to have a big future?<p> </p><p> Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to clear up a few things, before I get properly started!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> For me, the potential area is best used for historic real world mods, to help give people that you actually know had the potential and used it to be successful. </p><p> </p><p> I will say this though... It sincerely helps keep people in Development if they have good potential. In other words, if you put that stat on your guys in development before you start a game, they won't harass you about needing to come up to the main roster because they are not going to be capped. </p><p> </p><p> Overall: I wouldn't use it for a modern mod, meant to be up to date. I would use it on a copy of a modern mod for your own use if your going to play as WWE (so they actually develop in development, rather then already being capped, which happens on over 75% of them in my experience).</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Overall: I wouldn't use it [potential] for a modern mod, meant to be up to date. I would use it on a copy of a modern mod for your own use if your going to play as WWE (so they actually develop in development, rather then already being capped, which happens on over 75% of them in my experience).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, my plan will actually be to start with a small indy company and hopefully take them from small to regional (initially), but I want my wrestling 'universe' to be as realistic as possible, so that I can follow what is happening in WWE etc. </p><p> </p><p> I assume if you set all the guys to have random potential, the game will just decide who will develop into big stars, and whose stats will remain stagnant. I see what you're saying about guys being in developmental, but will some guys (AI-controlled) continue to develop even when they have reached WWE? And from what you're saying, does that also mean that if I give some of the NXT guys potential, they will more likely remain in NXT until they are ready for the main roster, because I do find in tests that guys seems to get promoted prematurely (although this is possibly to do with guys being rated too highly for NXT, which I can adjust)? As an example, if I want Sami Zayn to remain in NXT for a few more months, but I also want him to have a bright future in WWE, I should set his stats fairly low, but give him very high potential?</p>
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Sorry for the delay in my replies, I've not been around much due to starting a new job (yay!) and being exhausted as a result. Some of what I say has been covered by others already so I'm probably going to repeat things here a bit. :p


Two questions:


1)Is an addiction to painkillers considered as Hard Drug Use under Lifestyle?


2)When does the national spillover occur for workers pop?


When it comes to Soft Drugs/Hard Drugs there's no official line on what is what... but for the most part I'd say that Soft Drugs are your pretty harmless party type things that would be unlikely to cause an early death. While Hard Drugs would be anything that you could easily OD on if you aren't careful and/or that could generally lead to you dying early. Abusing painkillers as wrestlers are prone to do is something I have a tough time categorising, but I think I'd put it in the Hard Drugs section given the number of problems that are linked to people overusing them in wrestling.




New to this game, and just looking for a little bit of guidance in terms of regular schedule vs. touring schedule in a real world mod...


I get that WWE, TNA, RoH, NXT, AAA, CMLL etc should be on regular schedules, as they already have TV shows set up in real life (technically RoH and NXT do monthly tapings for weekly TV shows - however, I don't think this can be set up in the game, so the shows must be taped weekly). However, what would be the suggested set-up for independent and Japanese promotions? I know that the indies can vary wildly in terms of event frequency and type, so they're probably best dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but for Japanese promotions I think the big three tend to tour for most of the year, building up to big events most months, and the only TV coverage (other than PPV) is highlights packages; so, does this mean it's better to set up the Japanese promotions on touring schedules, and just pick two months of the year when they won't tour?


I think with most of the indies I would tend to go for a regular schedule, and just give them a monthly event, which tends to be the case with most of the indy shows anyway, although when I've simmed through a few months you tend to find that many of them have picked up TV deals, which would seem unlikely (is this because their size is slightly too big?).


For Japan I'd set all the companies there to Touring Schedules unless they have a weekly TV show that follows your American style format. The game is pretty good at being friendly to small touring companies, they tend to make a fair bit of cash on their off months which can offset any losses they may make when touring. Local/Small touring companies only run 1 event per week (usually losing money on their events)... regional/cult will run 2 events per week (usually making money on their events by then)... National+ will run 3 events per week. That should be able to simulate what is going on pretty well in Japan even if it isn't entirely accurate. As someone suggested, the major companies can be set up to have a couple of long tours per year, which should work out well for them. :)


For American indy companies it's up to you how you work them. Setting some of the larger ones to have a weekly event isn't a bad thing and sadly the AI isn't able to increase the number of shows they run, which is something I've been hoping for for a long time. I'd leave most with a regular schedule and their one show per month, but if there are any more prolific indy companies running shows that actually continues storylines and stuff (instead of basically just house shows that just hype the next big show) then you could give them a more active schedule by giving them a weekly show. I don't know the indy scene well enough to be able to tell (which is why I could never do a real world mod myself), but I can't think of any examples offhand since ROH has TV/PPV format for the most part now.


For American companies that do multiple TV tapings at once, they're just a regular schedule following a taping format that TEW doesn't support. Keep things simple... if they air a weekly TV show in real life, they record a show each week in-game. And you don't need to worry about NXT running up expenses with that, WWE takes their profit/loss on their own balance sheet anyway. :)


I would really love the option to give companies a TV show that is just a highlight package (just like you can for Touring conpanies) instead of booking an event for one.



Also. Here's a question about Star Quality..


What would Mick Foley's Star Quality be? Reading through the mod I am assuming its low but Im just curious because other mods tend to give Mick a 80-90 rating in that area.


Mick's would be very low in comparison to his other stats, maybe in the 40s. Testament to how good he was though, as he found great success despite that. I can name on one hand the amount of top draws who didn't have Star Quality.


Even at his peak I wouldn't put him above 60, more likely down in the 40s if I was modding him and certainly lower than his peak now. Star Quality is a Camera Skill and Mick Foley has never been a camera friendly guy. He has always looked like a fat, scruffy guy who wouldn't look out of place if he was just in the crowd with the fans. If he wasn't famous, you wouldn't look twice at him. He's just not a guy that had star quality. BUT he did have almost everything else and that's what made him a highly popular wrestler. In particular his strengths were brawling/hardcore, psychology, charisma and mic skills.... and those are the things that got him over. I love Mick Foley, the guy is a legend, he just doesn't have star quality.


Another person in a similar boat is Daniel Bryan. The storyline right now and pretty muh throughout his entire WWE career is that he never had the look to become a star. And he doesn't. We all know he's an amazing wrestler and that he's developed great charisma and mic skills but recently I had this highlighted to me by a friend who was like "Is that guy a fan or something?". Daniel Bryan doesn't stand out from the crowd until you get to see him do things. At that point, he's gold. But in terms of look, his camera skills are among the lowest of anyone on the WWE roster, I'd peak him at 50 tops for star quality. But he's phenomenal at pretty much everything else, with his entertainment skills probably being the next lowest in the 70s/80s depending on your point of view (always aim low if you're not sure).


The key, as I've said many times, is to not get Star Quality confused with being popular. All top guys are popular (by definition) and most of them have Star Quality... but if you're good enough or lucky enough, you can become popular without Star Quality. Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan are both examples of this. :)


I am using Fleisch's real world mod as a base, and having read all of Derek B's posts at the start of this thread, I now plan to adapt and expand this mod to my own preferences. I had been considering switching some of the promotions to a touring schedule (NJPW, AJPW etc), but was wondering if anyone that has more experience of the game has found that there is any disadvantage to this in the long term. I would basically like to set the mod up as close to real life as possible as a starting point, and then for it to develop as realistically as possible once I start playing, although I realise some things will inevitably happen that might not be very realistic!


At the moment, when I'm simming the schedule to test it, I'm finding that WWE spends a lot of time staging shows overseas, so I'm guessing it's just a case of slightly dropping their popularity overseas? I'm also having problems trying to find the most realistic options for NXT (and OVW, which I will add once I've mastered how best to set NXT up!), as with just a weekly TV show, the AI will always create monthly PPVs (I will probably just get around this by setting up "NXT Live" as a monthly non-PPV small-sized event). On that subject, what is the difference between the size of events and the reputation of events? Should WrestleMania be the only "Legendary" event?


I talked about touring further up this post, so hopefully that helped here. :)


As for the WWE, they should only have high popularity in places where they are being aired (which seems obvious). And if they are being aired there, then their workers are going to be popular there too since they can only get popular by being on TV in the first place. I don't know everywhere that WWE airs these days, but I'm going to assme it's pretty much everywhere in the world at this point. :p The 2 key factors is the WWE product meshing with the trends in other parts of the world AND the size of the networks they are on.


Trends: USA/Canada/UK/Australia are probably all very favourable towards a mainstream/traditional/comedy product like WWE's so their popularity is going to be strongest in those regions. Europe is probably a little different from those too, particularly the cultural references which can go over the head of people not in the US (seriously, the UK might only get half of the American references, something TNA can be bad for too. :p)... that's a bit of a clash with trends that would give the WWE lower popularity in Europe. Mexico is probably in the same boat, since they have their own style preferences that isn't the most compatible with the WWE types. And then there's Japan... which would perhaps even have a bias against the WWE type of style since they tend to prefer things that are polar opposites to the WWE style. With that in mind, the further away from the main trends in an area that the WWE is, the harder it would be for them to grow there, and therefore the lower their popularity should be. (I hope that makes sense, I'm pretty tired. :p)


TV Networks: Smaller networks mean less viewers, which means less people who are fans of the product... which in simple terms means lower popularity. In the UK at least, we have a bunch of free channels that everyone can get but I'm pretty sure the WWE only airs on the pay channels (not sure which ones offhand). That's why the TNA gets more viewers than the WWE in the UK... not because they're more popular, but because TNA is on a bigger sized network in the UK. Though I'm pretty sure the WWE gets a much better deal on revenues than TNA does, which is also in the game. :) And since WWE has been putting on better shows for a much longer period of time, they're still more popular than TNA are.


Pro wrestling like every other form of entertainment or art, it's subjective. DB nailed a lot of common mistakes modders make but when it comes to some of the stats he's pointed out I disagree. You're allowed to also it's called an opinion.


Yup, if everyone agreed with me I'd be worried. As long as people are consistent and have things that look close to "right", then it's all good. Stat inflation is the one thing that bothers me the most though... if stats are too high then it means the people are stand out for being awesome no longer stand out. Scarcity adds value. If there are 1000 people with 90+ star quality, 80 charisma, 80s in performance and 90s in top row then no-one stands out and none of them are valuable. If there is only Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Chris Jericho in that kind of category (only rough examples!)... well, those guys suddenly become the people that everyone is after and they become super important, as they should be. :)


Back to the post at hand....


NXT. It's best to keep it simple. They have a TV show and they're going to run a monthly event no matter what. The AI will automatically change the event size to the largest they can run so don't worry about that. Their monthly show will always outdraw their TV show so you could set it to be on the same day as their TV tapings to avoid them having more days with events in them if that bothers you. They aren't playable by a human player anyways and the WWE will bankroll them whatever you do with them, so you don't need to worry about them too much. Another thing you can do is to set their title belts to only be defended on TV and not at events... that way all title changes will happen on the TV shows, which might be something you'd like to do since it'll further devalue the events and increase the immportance of the TV show. :)


As for legendary events, for the WWE only Wrestlemania should be set as Legendary (and their Season Finale too), and headlining it will count towards the Hall Of Immortals. No other events they have would contribute towards that on their own. I'd consider setting the Royal Rumble as Historic, but since the Rumble match itself wil be headlining (a main event title if run by a human player, not eligible if run by the AI) then it won't count towards the HOI. I'd set Summerslam as Highly Regarded as they tend to build heavily towards that. I'd set all the other events, including Survivior Series these days, to Normal. A case could be made for Money In The Bank being Above Average, but I'd set it to normal if I were modding.


Sine TNA should be at Cult size, headlining their shows will never count towards the Hall Of Immortals until they reach National anyways. Bound For Glory is their Season Finale and I'd also set that to Historic, though that is highly debateable. Personally, if a company has been running an event as their obvious number one event for long enough then I'd raise it's importance to a level where headlining it would help a worker get to the HOI. I'd also boost Lockdown and Slammiversary to Above Average... if they were still running 12 PPVs per year I'd have set the rest to Normal. As it is, the AI is going to try to run shows in any mod and you an probably put various tournament titles on the line in those months with events set to be non-PPV in order to simulate their various gimmicky PPVs. The human player can just do whatever they like with those. :)


There are probably lots of other shows that would deserve to be raised. The ECWA Super 8 tournament would probably have Historic importance for them since it's been a big thing for a long time now. New Japan Pro Wreslting have the January 4th show which is a big deal and should be at least Historic for them. I know ROH has some big shows they run every year, but I'm struggling to think of them... whatever their top show is should probably be Historic too. Beyond that, I'm drawing blanks simply through a lack of knowledge of the indy scene.


Yes, that's what I thought too. The only reason I asked is because I wasn't sure if that category should be rated within the context of the promotion, or within the context of the wrestling 'universe' as a whole. In other words, should TNA's Bound For Glory be legendary because it's the top PPV in TNA, even though it's probably rated below all 12 of WWE's PPVs in most categories. I guess not though, so your answer clears that up, thanks.




Yes, I completely agree. In terms of stats, I will check over each wrestler before I start my game and will re-rate according to my own preferences. Having weighed up the pros and cons of both Fleisch's and Cpt. Charisma's real world mods, I've actually decided to start with Cpt. Charisma's one and remove what I don't want, rather than start with Fleisch's and add the extra content that I want. Once I've removed what I don't want, I will then begin the rebalancing process.


In order to prevent a mass exodus from many companies within the first few days of a game, I assume what DB said is true that you need to make sure the popularity levels of the wrestlers within a promotion match up to popularity levels of the company, with the top guys being around the level of the company's popularity, dropping down to the jobbers being 30 or 40% below? Also, would you advise using the "Potential" category for some of the indy wrestlers that seem certain to have a big future?


Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to clear up a few things, before I get properly started!


If the stats are good then you shouldn't neet to worry about it. Every time a new game begins, a new world is created and everything is going to be different. For example, Sami Zayn/El Generico might not get called up to the WWE soon, but he's clearly talented enough that he could be. So if he gets called up quickly in-game, so be it. Don't try to control the future (particularly in a current day mod), just make sure sure you've got everything right up to the point the game starts. :)


As for potential in general... I try not to set much of it. As DJ says, potential is best used in historic mods to help some people achieve what we already know they are capable of. But if you've got the stats worked out well, then random potential should work out fine. Stat caps will always be higher than their starting stats and are going to vary based on size (there are fixed caps for some sizes, changing size in-game can get round these), physical skills and lots of luck with things like Maturation Age for a worker (random or preset). Popularity caps are heavily influenced by entertainment and camera skill caps (I'm pretty sure it's the caps, rather than the starting stat). So if you get the stats right, everything else should fall into place eventually.... for every worker that might cap out lower than expected, another should cap out higher than expected. As long as you have reasonable expectations anyway. :)


So yeah... historical mods can use some help from preset potential (the CV97 has some set) but for current day mods I'd leave it mostly blank unless you can tell the future. :)


Well, my plan will actually be to start with a small indy company and hopefully take them from small to regional (initially), but I want my wrestling 'universe' to be as realistic as possible, so that I can follow what is happening in WWE etc.


I assume if you set all the guys to have random potential, the game will just decide who will develop into big stars, and whose stats will remain stagnant. I see what you're saying about guys being in developmental, but will some guys (AI-controlled) continue to develop even when they have reached WWE? And from what you're saying, does that also mean that if I give some of the NXT guys potential, they will more likely remain in NXT until they are ready for the main roster, because I do find in tests that guys seems to get promoted prematurely (although this is possibly to do with guys being rated too highly for NXT, which I can adjust)? As an example, if I want Sami Zayn to remain in NXT for a few more months, but I also want him to have a bright future in WWE, I should set his stats fairly low, but give him very high potential?


Workers in development will increase up to a certain amount of their stats caps (it used to be about 70% but there is some variation on this between workers) due to development, the rest has to be done through actually working. Whether it be on the main roster working with your top guys or in development with the guys you sent down to train with them, as long as they are using those skills at shows then they should keep pushing up towards their full caps.


And don't worry about the future of a gameworld too much. :) Set stats to be accurate and the game will do the rest. If the WWE call up 20 people on day 1... then they probably have Vince McMahon's/their owner's roster size preferences set too high OR everyone in development has already hit their stat caps and WWE has called them up (either because stats are high, or caps are low). Either way, tweaking a few little things can help them brought to better balance and it all starts with getting the stats right. :)




Hopefully that helps everyone who asked things, sorry if I'm nto clear about anything but I'm drained after many days of lots of work. Need more sleep and more caffeine. :)

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Another question about SQ.


Does this stat progress over the years?


It can but there's nothing you can do to train it up deliberately, though some things can affect it. Young workers will usually grow a bit in Star Quality, which I'm pretty sure is up to the point where they hit their Maturation Age (see the editor for more info), but I'm not 100% on that. Star Quality can also see a change of up to about a grade from going up or down in size too, but there is also a chance it will go down when that happens. I think steroid use has an effect too, but I've not been paying enough attention to steroid users in this version to be sure. The only other thing I can think of is movie roles/magazine shoots, which can see some fairly signifiant boosts in Camera Skills and Entertainment skills too, though those are unpredictable and pretty rare. Oh... and you can use the "Worker Fulfils Potential" narrative to have a worker max his stats out to his cap, which inludes Star Quality but isn't something that would occur naturally through gameplay.


If I've missed anything, I'm sure someone will let me know. :)

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Hopefully that helps everyone who asked things, sorry if I'm nto clear about anything but I'm drained after many days of lots of work. Need more sleep and more caffeine. :)


Thanks very much for the replies, and to the others that replied to my queries as well. It's been a lot of help :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It can but there's nothing you can do to train it up deliberately, though some things can affect it. Young workers will usually grow a bit in Star Quality, which I'm pretty sure is up to the point where they hit their Maturation Age (see the editor for more info), but I'm not 100% on that. Star Quality can also see a change of up to about a grade from going up or down in size too, but there is also a chance it will go down when that happens. I <em>think</em> steroid use has an effect too, but I've not been paying enough attention to steroid users in this version to be sure. The only other thing I can think of is movie roles/magazine shoots, which can see some fairly signifiant boosts in Camera Skills and Entertainment skills too, though those are unpredictable and pretty rare. Oh... and you can use the "Worker Fulfils Potential" narrative to have a worker max his stats out to his cap, which inludes Star Quality but isn't something that would occur naturally through gameplay.<p> </p><p> If I've missed anything, I'm sure someone will let me know. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the response.</p><p> </p><p> One more thing. Where should Dojo prestige be set around to continue the balance in a long term saves?</p>
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<p>Question about the 1985 mod I've taken over making in lieu of Alvarasus' computer losing it's memory: </p><p> </p><p>

For the WWF, where should I set their home region? Tri State or New England? I know they're based in Stamford, Connecticut(which is New England), but if I'm not mistaken, they didn't have their headquarters built there till the late 80s, correct? And their big angles were usually blown off at big shows at Madison Square Garden, which is in New York City(Tri State).</p>

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I've added a new section to the first page on angle, match and show ratings... hopefully it helps to put grades into perspetive in general for people when it comes to modding for the WWE. :)


Now, onwards!


Thanks for the response.


One more thing. Where should Dojo prestige be set around to continue the balance in a long term saves?


Depends on the dojo. Higher prestige dojos are more likely to get new and better graduates than lower prestige ones but they all have the potential to be stars. Dojo prestige will also vary over time towards the skill level of the trainer, which is judged on four stats. Basics, psyhology, respect and reputation. So even if you set it too high or too low, the game will readjust them over time. For rough guidlines...


0-20: Generic low quality school, your typical small school run by a nobody.

20-40: Probably run by an indy guy you might have heard of, but still below average.

40-60: A pretty good school, you'd expect well trained rookies out of here with maybe a rare star too thanks to a veteran likely being in charge. The ROH school might be at the top end here.

60-80: A very good school that has a reputation for quality graduates and is almost certainly run by a veteran who has done it all in his career.

80-100: Top of the line, the sort of thing you'd only get from a major company or a really talented trainer in charge. The new WWE system would be here and you'd probably have Killer Kowalski's school or the Funking Conservatory here too.


Question about the 1985 mod I've taken over making in lieu of Alvarasus' computer losing it's memory:


For the WWF, where should I set their home region? Tri State or New England? I know they're based in Stamford, Connecticut(which is New England), but if I'm not mistaken, they didn't have their headquarters built there till the late 80s, correct? And their big angles were usually blown off at big shows at Madison Square Garden, which is in New York City(Tri State).


New York. The WWF was always known as "New York", that's where their biggest and most profitable territory always has been. They may have corporate HQ in Stanford, but their heart will always be in New York and Madison Square Garden. :)

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Connecticut is Tri State. Along with NY and NJ.


Maybe technically geographically speaking, but unless something changed between 2010 and 2013 for the maps, it's considered New England according to this:




And Derek, thanks for the response. I was leaning more toward Tri State since they're biggest shows in the 80s were in New York; the first WrestleMania and first SummerSlam were in New York; and like you said, their heart will always be in New York. Not to mention, like you said, New York has been and always will be the territory name for WWE. I just wanted confirmation one way or the other for mod-making purposes. ^_^

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Ah, I stand corrected. Apologies.


No apologies needed. :) I always thought of Texas as Southwest because of things like Fox Sports Southwest and a radio show here in Dallas touting themselves(for comedic purposes) as the top-rated show in the great Southwest. Then I saw the map, and when you think about it, it makes more sense for Texas to be considered Mid South anyway. ^_^

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"The New York metropolitan area, commonly referred to as the "Tri-state area," includes the most populous city in the United States (New York City); counties comprising Long Island and the Lower Hudson Valley in New York State; the six largest cities in New Jersey (Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, Elizabeth, Trenton, and Edison) and their vicinities; six of the seven largest cities in Connecticut (Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, and Danbury) and their vicinities; and the third largest city in Pennsylvania (Allentown) and its vicinity."


According to this definition, WWE should really be based in the Tri-State region in the game, but I agree with the earlier poster that I prefer to just use the easy state boundaries created for the in-game world.

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I would still put it in New England. You can give a few reasons for them running a ton in the NY (tri state) area. One would be due to the wrestling community and importance levels that make it easier for them to gain money doing a show in NYC then in another part of the country. They aren't based there but because of the natural benefits of the region they chose to go there a lot.
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