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Derek B's Mod-Making Guide

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What stat determines a worker's asking wage? in my 2004 mod, Eddie Kingston is F- over but is asking a crazy high 1000+ open contract wage.


I could be wrong, and if I am, someone correct me. But anyway, I think personality might play into it. IIRC, a manipulative worker tends to ask for more money and/or perks.

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What stat determines a worker's asking wage? in my 2004 mod, Eddie Kingston is F- over but is asking a crazy high 1000+ open contract wage.


I could be wrong, and if I am, someone correct me. But anyway, I think personality might play into it. IIRC, a manipulative worker tends to ask for more money and/or perks.


I also believe a workers Respect level plays into it. I've noticed workers with the same overness requiring different wages, it's always the more respected one that is higher priced.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mrwhippy" data-cite="mrwhippy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there a special skill set required from a worker to be able to take a bump successfully? I've only ever done it a few times but it's always been a negative on the segment.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sorry for referencing this old post. Who have you used for the sick bump? I haven't tried it yet in TEW 2013, but when I'd use a sick bump in TEW 2010 (always my avatar, btw), it boosted the segment. of course, I always played as TEW 2010's Takayuki Avatar or Jack Avatar, and did it in big matches, and in promotions that don't have similar products to WWE's current product, where a nosebleed seems to be enough to stop a match. </p><p> </p><p> Assuming it has the same algorithm that I believe TEW 2010 did, you need a combination of overness, psychology, and selling.</p><p> </p><p> - Overness makes them care about you in the first place. After all, Jeff Hardy's sick bumps from the TLC matches are still remembered because people cared about him, but random indy jobber #329, not so much.</p><p> </p><p> - Psychology is needed because you need to set it up and build up to it. Using Jeff Hardy as an example again, let's look at his TLC match at Wrestlemania 18, and that sick bump where Edge speared him off of the ladder. You had Hardy and another wrestler (I can't remember who off of the top of my head. I believe it was Christian) on the ladder, slugging it out. When Hardy gets his hands on the belts, Devon Dudley pulled the ladder from underneath him, leaving him dangling there....with Edge clearly perched on the top rope. There's a good two or three second pause between Devon removing the ladder and Edge coming off of the top rope, giving the crowd enough time to think "holy s***, this isn't going to be good." Now, compare this to say...Wrestling Society X in general, and Teddy Hart's contributions in particular. The moment that sticks out to me the most was Chris Hamrick getting dropkicked off of the apron and doing a front flip onto the floor. It just seemed kind of random.</p><p> </p><p> - Finally, selling. What's the point of a high spot/sick bump if the victim gets up like nothing happened?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AlaricRose" data-cite="AlaricRose" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry for referencing this old post. Who have you used for the sick bump? I haven't tried it yet in TEW 2013, but when I'd use a sick bump in TEW 2010 (always my avatar, btw), it boosted the segment. of course, I always played as TEW 2010's Takayuki Avatar or Jack Avatar, and did it in big matches, and in promotions that don't have similar products to WWE's current product, where a nosebleed seems to be enough to stop a match. <p> </p><p> Assuming it has the same algorithm that I believe TEW 2010 did, you need a combination of overness, psychology, and selling.</p><p> </p><p> - Overness makes them care about you in the first place. After all, Jeff Hardy's sick bumps from the TLC matches are still remembered because people cared about him, but random indy jobber #329, not so much.</p><p> </p><p> - Psychology is needed because you need to set it up and build up to it. Using Jeff Hardy as an example again, let's look at his TLC match at Wrestlemania 18, and that sick bump where Edge speared him off of the ladder. You had Hardy and another wrestler (I can't remember who off of the top of my head. I believe it was Christian) on the ladder, slugging it out. When Hardy gets his hands on the belts, Devon Dudley pulled the ladder from underneath him, leaving him dangling there....with Edge clearly perched on the top rope. There's a good two or three second pause between Devon removing the ladder and Edge coming off of the top rope, giving the crowd enough time to think "holy s***, this isn't going to be good." Now, compare this to say...Wrestling Society X in general, and Teddy Hart's contributions in particular. The moment that sticks out to me the most was Chris Hamrick getting dropkicked off of the apron and doing a front flip onto the floor. It just seemed kind of random.</p><p> </p><p> - Finally, selling. What's the point of a high spot/sick bump if the victim gets up like nothing happened?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You certainly don't NEED selling, now that doesn't mean selling won't increase the "effectiveness" of it...I'm not sure.</p><p> </p><p> Your product is the main thing. Daredevil MUST be set at ATLEAST "Low". If it's "None" or "Very Low" a Crazy Bump will have a negative effect.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="PhenomenalPat" data-cite="PhenomenalPat" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You certainly don't NEED selling, now that doesn't mean selling won't increase the "effectiveness" of it...I'm not sure.<p> </p><p> Your product is the main thing. Daredevil MUST be set at ATLEAST "Low". If it's "None" or "Very Low" a Crazy Bump will have a negative effect.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Like I think I said, I'm not sure for TEW 2013. I haven't used sick bumps since TEW 2010, so it could be entirely different. Kind of afraid to, seeing as it tends to put my guys out of commission for a month plus. I hope I don't sound defensive. I'm just saying this for full disclosure purposes.</p>
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  • 4 months later...

I'm working on an historical scenario and need some help with two things,


If i'm prepping for Misawa's split from AJPW to form NOAH what is the best way to set this up? The game is set in 2000 and I've got Misawa's contract set to expire in 6 months, Misawa as the mandatory founder of NOAH and NOAH to form in July 2000. Will that work? What's the best to get some guys to jump with him? Loyalty relationships? All AJPW natives have the similar 6 month contracts.


Second thing is, with yet to debut workers... if I set someone to graduate from a company dojo like BJW Dojo which already exists, will they get a contract with BJW offered or will they just spawn as unemployed? Is there a way to get them to join those companies after they debut?


Thanks a lot :)

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I can only say I've seen companies sign guys coming from their dojos a lot yeah. I don't think they will 100% sign him, not sure. I signed a guy who WWE didn't coming from their developmental thing in Fleisch's mod. Granted he was a newly generated player by the game.


I think they decide if they'll sign him or not. I mean a big company probably won't sign up a useless wrestler even if he does graduate from their dojo.

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I'm working on an historical scenario and need some help with two things,


If i'm prepping for Misawa's split from AJPW to form NOAH what is the best way to set this up? The game is set in 2000 and I've got Misawa's contract set to expire in 6 months, Misawa as the mandatory founder of NOAH and NOAH to form in July 2000. Will that work? What's the best to get some guys to jump with him? Loyalty relationships? All AJPW natives have the similar 6 month contracts.


Second thing is, with yet to debut workers... if I set someone to graduate from a company dojo like BJW Dojo which already exists, will they get a contract with BJW offered or will they just spawn as unemployed? Is there a way to get them to join those companies after they debut?


Thanks a lot :)


The only thing that it sounds like is missing would be Misawa having a "Dislike" or stronger relationship with whoever you have set as the AJPW owner (presumably Motoko Baba). That should trigger AJ not renewing his contract, allowing Misawa to be available for NOAH to open. Not 100% sure, but that sounds right.

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I am making a British Isles and Europe mod.Most of the mod is complete.I really want to get the popularity of workers and feds right...Should I base things from the Cverse i.e. main eventers being around 70 and above pop in uk and openers around 20 for a cult fed.....Although im not sure what pop to give feds.Most of the uk feds are probably regional in game terms.But a lot are local....I looked at the guide for workers from derekb but it is mainly about wwe and tna.It would be interesting to see peoples thoughts on how pop/overness would be worked out in just a british/European mod.
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I am making a British Isles and Europe mod.Most of the mod is complete.I really want to get the popularity of workers and feds right...Should I base things from the Cverse i.e. main eventers being around 70 and above pop in uk and openers around 20 for a cult fed.....Although im not sure what pop to give feds.Most of the uk feds are probably regional in game terms.But a lot are local....I looked at the guide for workers from derekb but it is mainly about wwe and tna.It would be interesting to see peoples thoughts on how pop/overness would be worked out in just a british/European mod.


I would say that you should try to copy the popularity levels of IPW and GSW in the C-Verse. Or at least that is what I would do. So the highest main eventer in GSW (Which starts as local in the C-Verse in 2013) has a popularity level of 26. Therefore, I would not go over 26 and you may even want to scale that down even further.

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I would say that you should try to copy the popularity levels of IPW and GSW in the C-Verse. Or at least that is what I would do. So the highest main eventer in GSW (Which starts as local in the C-Verse in 2013) has a popularity level of 26. Therefore, I would not go over 26 and you may even want to scale that down even further.


I was thinking of going along these lines.There are no companies above regional on the british scene, and using dereks guide would be difficult to do.Probablly the biggest star in Europe would be someone like Doug Williams, who never got above Midcard in TNA.

I looked at ACPW in Canada, who are local sized fed and there workers pop is as follows..


ME 22 28 19 19 26


UM 15 14 14 17 15


MI 10 9 9 9 8


LM 7 8


OP 6


I will create myself an overness list to use as a base for all my feds.Then test the game a few times to see how things plan out.Thanks for the help BHK1978.

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I'm pretty busy (as always) but a rough guide to use for the top end of popularity for any level would be as follows...


National+ = B and higher range

Cult = between B and C

Regional = between C and D

Small = between D and E

Local = up to E


That's the kind of range I'd put top guys who have grown up withthe company... obviously guys can come in from other places to have higher popularity, and there can be cases made for people who have really exploded in popularity with a company, but that's a rough guideline for where to put top guys. :) Everyone else would obviously be lower, with 0 pop guys not being unheard of if they are just debuting. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Quotes from the second post of this thread.


Being known is not the same as being cared about


TV viewership is lower than it’s ever been, PPV buyrates are down on where they have been despite the growth of PPV as a medium…


Was wondering how does the game world settings fit into things? Should one tweaked those in a RWM to reflect what's happening IRL rather than using the default numbers? I'm mainly speaking of Community Size. How does that setting help/or mess up things?


Is it best to just keep those at default and adjust company size?


This popped in my head because WWE AI only run 2 shows at National size and TNA AI only run 1 at Cult.


I'm thinking of creating a RWM for my personal use

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One of the posts in Derek's original couple mention that there is a rating when it comes to recent fortunes.


This isn't visible, is it?


Recent Fortunes is a hidden stat, it's something that you need to manage by making sure to avoid burying people. It's why it's good to hire and fire some people regularly, as they can get bad fortunes, go away again and then come back later with as neutral again. :)

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Derek, or anybody, can you elaborate a bit on how a bad Recent Fortunes will reflect visibly on a person? I don't know if it's my booking style, but I'm not sure if I've ever encountered this...


Recent Fortunes is essentially a multiplier on potential gains or losses in popularity. If things are good, you'll find that you can gain more easily, while your losses won't be so bad. The opposite is true with bad fortunes... people will struggle to get over, even if they are doing well, at least until their fortunes have improved.


Generally speaking, you will probably find that your top guys are the ones you book strongest, so they end up with good fortunes even by accident. Your undercarders, and your jobbers to the stars will tend to have bad fortunes as you're going to be booking them to do badly. The most obvious sign that you've booked someone to have bad Recent Fortunes is when you try to push them and they just don't seem to do as well as you'd hope. You'll end up with matches where the winner loses more popularity than the loser gains, which is the most common way to spot it. It's why it's a good idea to give someone a string of wins before you try to push them, that way they are ready.


There are no hard or fast rules about judging how bad it is... storylines will give you the most accurate showing of how well someone has been doing, but won't take into account anything not part of the story. Otherwise, you've just got to be careful with how you book people. If someone loses a bunch of matches, have them win some on the B-show against jobbers.


Oh... and people pushed as Enhancement Talent or Openers don't see changes to their Recent Fortunes. However, when they bump up to Lower Midcard then they will start to change... and anyone moving downwards from Lower Midcard will stay with whatever their Recent Fortunes were at that point, which will then stay put the entire time they are down there. In short... someone moving up has a good chance to keep going up, but someone going down is seriously in trouble.


Hope that helps. :)

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