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Workers Who Have Frustrated You The Most...

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I was just thinking about this a little bit ago while playing an MAW save I have going on (currently in December 2016, using the CV2014 data). How many workers have each of you tried working with that just always let you down? Whether it be their personality, ring work, etc. Sometimes it can be so frustrating to have an amazing in-ring worker who can't get out of his own way backstage.


The guy who comes to mind the fastest is Hollywood Bret Starr. I've tried it with this guy so many times but it never works. He always pulls crap on other workers and things never change. I always end up firing him after multiple incidents.


And then of course there are the wrestlers you try to push because you like their look or backstory. Cerberus would be that guy for me. Legitimate tough guy who spent time in prison. I can never get his skills to where I want them to be. He'll never be able to put on decent length matches.


Not sure if I've run across a thread like this in the past (I apologize if we already have one like this somewhere). Just curious to see what everyone has encountered in regards to this (I have many more I could list, just wanted to get it kick started). :)

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I don't usually get somebody who frustrates me, but Rusev in my 2015 game refused to lose to Hideo Itami for the US title via NXT Money in the Bank cash-in. Nothing too frustrating, but I decided to let Rusev stay champ a little longer so Hideo (and maybe also Finn Balor) can rise in popularity a bit more, especially considering Rusev is in the mid-80s in popularity IIRC and Hideo is mostly 50 in popularity across USA.
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I don't usually get somebody who frustrates me, but Rusev in my 2015 game refused to lose to Hideo Itami for the US title via NXT Money in the Bank cash-in. Nothing too frustrating, but I decided to let Rusev stay champ a little longer so Hideo (and maybe also Finn Balor) can rise in popularity a bit more, especially considering Rusev is in the mid-80s in popularity IIRC and Hideo is mostly 50 in popularity across USA.

In that case I'd run a cash in angle, then after the show go into the titles page and replace Rusev as champion.

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For me in my current save its also Hollywood Bret Starr, he's one of only three people with negative personalities the others being Akima Brave and Jay Chord.


It's not that bad yet, as he hasn't really done anything but form a strong dislike with Matthew Keith, and my backstage is @ 100% even none of the positive effect rules and all of the negative effect rules ticked. Well, he also ribbed Fonzarelli recently, but eh.


The guys that are truly annoying me are Kid Toma, Steel and Remmy Skye. They keep getting caught on soft drugs (Kid Toma and Remmy Skye) and Steroids (Steel)


Every.Single.Time I do drug testing. I just fined the lot of them, AGAIN. Every game, I want Remmy Skye to be one of my top faces, but every game he lets me down when I do the drug testing.

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In the early days of my all-women WWE Heat brand. I had a razor thin roster in terms of depth. I basically had six or so of the WWE divas present when I started the game, a handful or so of former divas and then a plethora of indy names who can wrestle, but weren't remotely over.


Among the very few that were over were the Bella twins. I don't know anything about them being difficult backstage IRL, but they were both terrible here. Each week it seems they were playing a mean prank on another diva or starting fights. I was never good at picking the right disciplinary action either so they remained that way. To make things worse, they were the highest paid divas and are dating my two most over male wrestlers.


I wanted to put the tag belts on them but they just wouldn't stop getting in their own ways. Eventually, I just buried them both and fired them. I bit the bullet with Cena and Bryan. They deserve better anyway.

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For me in my current save its also Hollywood Bret Starr, he's one of only three people with negative personalities the others being Akima Brave and Jay Chord.


It's not that bad yet, as he hasn't really done anything but form a strong dislike with Matthew Keith, and my backstage is @ 100% even none of the positive effect rules and all of the negative effect rules ticked. Well, he also ribbed Fonzarelli recently, but eh.


The guys that are truly annoying me are Kid Toma, Steel and Remmy Skye. They keep getting caught on soft drugs (Kid Toma and Remmy Skye) and Steroids (Steel)


Every.Single.Time I do drug testing. I just fined the lot of them, AGAIN. Every game, I want Remmy Skye to be one of my top faces, but every game he lets me down when I do the drug testing.


At least Remmy doesn't throw a fit or get annoyed like other workers (e.g. Marc DuBois, Big Smack Scott, even Ash Campbell) do when you sanction them for their drug habits.


But I also find it weird that Remmy Skye, despite having a low soft drugs rating, tends to get caught more often than DuBois whenever I hire him for SWF, which is almost always. Ash Campbell too.


In the early days of my all-women WWE Heat brand. I had a razor thin roster in terms of depth. I basically had six or so of the WWE divas present when I started the game, a handful or so of former divas and then a plethora of indy names who can wrestle, but weren't remotely over.


Among the very few that were over were the Bella twins. I don't know anything about them being difficult backstage IRL, but they were both terrible here. Each week it seems they were playing a mean prank on another diva or starting fights. I was never good at picking the right disciplinary action either so they remained that way. To make things worse, they were the highest paid divas and are dating my two most over male wrestlers.


I wanted to put the tag belts on them but they just wouldn't stop getting in their own ways. Eventually, I just buried them both and fired them. I bit the bullet with Cena and Bryan. They deserve better anyway.


The Bellas are negative backstage influences in that mod? :confused: Interesting. Which one is it?




To answer the question, I've been a bit frustrated with Chris Caulfield when I'd hire him for SWF (with Risque at medium) - unless you have him job to a Rich Money or even Remo, his matches would typically be B- or lower. In terms of backstage incidents, it's pretty obvious - the Eisen boys (occasionally Richard, but mostly Eric and Jerry) and Big Smack Scott. But I can't fire the Eisens just like that, and it's always fun to write backstage stuff and Scott Steiner-esque promos for the Smacker in my diaries. I don't mind guys like Joey Minnesota and Jay Chord because they're great in the ring, but since Eric and Jerry are just average at what they do, they can be a pain.


I did try giving BB Colossus a God-push (Why, flavioooo, why??? ;) ) in my old SWF diary and just like in real life when it comes to Goldberg, Ryback, etc., I fed him jobbers on short-term deals, people like the Paratroopers, Bob Casey, and Ben Williams. But even with a 15-match winning streak or something at the time I shut that diary down, his popularity only improved marginally.

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I always have problems with Matty Faith. I hire him every time as he never gets signed anywhere when he gens, and I always hope he'll become something, but I can't get his stamina up for anything; he is always a main event push (in my local or small fed) but can't go an 8 minute match without being exhausted. The longest I've ever given him is 3 years and he still hadn't improved enough to be used in a main event match :(
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In that case I'd run a cash in angle, then after the show go into the titles page and replace Rusev as champion.


Oh, hadn't thought of that.


TO ADD: Vince McMahon in my 2015 game is a senile d-bag, since he seems to always piss somebody off twice or three times a month at the most, and a couple of times, he is the target of others (ie: Randy Orton and (if I remember correctly) Kurt Angle) for those backstage incidents. He is never made happy by my responses (so for that at one point he got beat up by Bad News Barrett, Kevin Owens and Bray Wyatt IIRC on a pre-show), so I'm thinking of using the Last Chance option at some point, maybe even suspend him (especially since my user avatar, CM Punk, technically now owns WWE).

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Kirk Jameson :(


An old favourite of mine from 2008, I signed him up in 2010 and he's sat in my tag ranks for over 2 years without noticeably improving. I had high hopes for him, but he's just sat there, being average...


...so when I started a RTG game on 2013, he was an early pickup as I started to outgrow the initial roster. Within the game, he's very highly rated; He keeps winning the WPL title, the winner of which is determined by the game rather than me. He's been champion for over a year in total, but he just doesn't deliver in ring the way a top champion should do.


Never any trouble, never any complaints, but he's capable of having 50% of a good match, and can't compensate for a weaker worker on the other side of the ring. I just wish the game would stop giving him the title over workers like Frankie Perez and Steven Parker.

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I actually have one in my GPW (83) game. I want to push Magnum TA so badly, but then he got the bad roll on going all out. Plus, he craps almost every single talking angle when unscripted so his match ratings are lower than they could be and he doesn't gain anything off of most angles (even if I script them). He's been stuck between 69-74 pop in the home region for 4 months. So much for changing history.:(
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Oh, hadn't thought of that.


TO ADD: Vince McMahon in my 2015 game is a senile d-bag, since he seems to always piss somebody off twice or three times a month at the most, and a couple of times, he is the target of others (ie: Randy Orton and (if I remember correctly) Kurt Angle) for those backstage incidents. He is never made happy by my responses (so for that at one point he got beat up by Bad News Barrett, Kevin Owens and Bray Wyatt IIRC on a pre-show), so I'm thinking of using the Last Chance option at some point, maybe even suspend him (especially since my user avatar, CM Punk, technically now owns WWE).


Nice to see he's living the gimmick



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I think I've verbally cursed out Bruce the Giant and is darn Creative Control enough times that if I had a penny for each time I did it, I could stop working for a living. That big goon has given me more headaches Than just about anyone else.



Aside from that, I'd say Enygma and his ridiculous starting contract. if he's on decline and someone huge comes up that you simply MUST have or worse if Nicky Champion's contract comes due and you have to pay through the nose to keep him in USPW-land, like what recently happened to me, you could easily end up paying 70+k for whomever it is AND 70+k for a guy who's skills are declining (or worse termanlly declining) and not worth the money. Ugh.

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On 2 separate modern day mod saves (July 2014 and November 2014) I have hired Matt Hardy and then had to fire him because of in and out of ring issues!


the first time he got arrested and failed drug tests 3 weeks in a row! whats worse is he was only with me for 5 weeks!


the second time I hired both Hardys and Jeff was ok (2 minor drug offences) but Matt was causing all sorts of issues backstage. He got into a fight with Kane, Turned up late twice and missed a meeting with an agent as well. He also stunk up my tag title match on a ppv by refusing to take the pin against champions the Briscoes (I did the old protect note to get it done) the match only got a 59 rating (Briscoes other title defences all got minimum 71 ratings) then at raw the next night he failed another drug test for hard drugs so I took the opportunity to cut ties with him. Jeff wasn't even upset surprisingly

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Every time I start a game with SWF with any intention of pushing Marc DuBois, he's causing trouble and usually out of the company or on permanent vacation within 2 months. Another is Joshua Taylor, through no fault of his own. Even when I give him a gimmick I can get behind, I just can't bring myself to push him and he never pulls the ratings I would hope.
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For me there can only be one. Cristobal Pardo. Those who've been around here a long time may remember he used to be my profile avatar until I switched to Nathaniel Pross. The reason I switched was because I finally quit just digging his render and signed him in one of my training games using Remi's Queens of Chaos mod. I signed him hoping I could build him into a top star for me. He was my profile avi. Why wouldn't I show him loyalty like that?


But I learned the hard way why his profile says he has the rep for being annoying. He was almost always in trouble in one form or another with his insistence on stirring the pot backstage. It got so bad I decided that rather than fire him I wanted him to force him out. So I put on my special breed of screwjob. A special burial show where every worker on the roster gets to pin him one after the other in immediate succession. Typically in match minimum time. The thought being it will kill the offender's morale and ideally convince him to walk out. Afterward I divorced him as profile avi and have never booked the little prickleberry since. I keep wishing some lucha fed would turn him into a cross dressing pickled herring in a push-up bra and stiletto heels. It would serve him right.

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Previously Robbie Wright who despite being listed as a NBT, just can't get his in ring stats or stamina to decent enough levels for a solid main eventer. Although he works well as jobber to the stars and talking half of an endless string of tag teams. Currently pissed at Sonny Wildside who is threatening to singlehandedly tear down my previously perfect backstage rating. Also to a lesser extent Robin Newman, listed as a NBT but refuses to bulk up to lightweight and I refuse to seriously push a small male wrestler.
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Basically anyone who has had real life problems lol. (Because i play real world mids) In this game all they do is cause trouble and don't actually listen to you no matter what. The harsher you are the more they hate you and don't want to re sign


I have to say the biggest problem i had was triple H, it was a 97 mod but I started it in 93 changing all workers to 0 pop who hadn't debuted, I took over wwf in 95ish and basically took triple h in when he entered the game, I made him a main eventer only for him to have a few problems and get caught with steriods, I tried all approaches and his answer was whatever, eventually he would re sign for a new contract and left for WCW. Obviously my main rivals

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That Matt Shannon dude who's been in the Real World Chronicles mod sure has given me hell. :p:D j/k


OK, in all seriousness, the ones who would give me fits in Genadi's 1987 mod were Dynamite Kid and Billy Jack Haynes (or as Bobby Heenan so appropriately calls him at WM 3, Billy "Jerk" Haynes). Both guys were constantly getting busted for drugs, steroids, getting into fights, destroying co-workers' rental cars... you name it, they did it. It was easy firing Billy Jack because he didn't have any positive relationships backstage, but if you fire Dynamite, oh boy... you wind up pissing off the Hart Foundation and Davey Boy Smith, and possibly Owen Hart if you sign him too. So in other words, Genadi got both of those guys' personalities spot on! :D

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That Matt Shannon dude who's been in the Real World Chronicles mod sure has given me hell. :p:D j/k


OK, in all seriousness, the ones who would give me fits in Genadi's 1987 mod were Dynamite Kid and Billy Jack Haynes (or as Bobby Heenan so appropriately calls him at WM 3, Billy "Jerk" Haynes). Both guys were constantly getting busted for drugs, steroids, getting into fights, destroying co-workers' rental cars... you name it, they did it. It was easy firing Billy Jack because he didn't have any positive relationships backstage, but if you fire Dynamite, oh boy... you wind up pissing off the Hart Foundation and Davey Boy Smith, and possibly Owen Hart if you sign him too. So in other words, Genadi got both of those guys' personalities spot on! :D


Most annoying guy in the entire game. :p


I also have had issues with people who have had IRL problems with drugs, etc. It's ugh.

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Playing as the WWF the Rising Storms '91 mod and have more than a few who have frustrated me to no end.


Ultimate Warrior: No surprises here, if it wasn't steroid tests then it was issues backstage that resulted in a lot of negative relationships. After spending a year or so unemployed he got picked up by Smokey Mountain Wrestling of all places.


Jake Roberts: Was mostly well behaved, well at least until I had some major storylines for him to be a part of and that's when he decided to cut loose and fail drug test after drug test. Naturally now that he isn't doing anything since his storyline with Kane ended due to an injury on Kane's part he is being well behaved again.


Brian Pillman: Drug tests and attitude issues, I had high hopes for Pillman and wanted to push him to the top but after so many issues he is pretty much destined to be a filler guy in the upper midcard.


Dustin Rhodes: Just poached him from WCW and he has been a headache every week so far. A few issues with minor drug tests here and there but his main problem is frequently turning up to the shows late that's making me question how much I want to invest into the guy.


Roddy Piper: Consistently failed one drug test after another even when he was relegated to just being a commentator on my b-show and endless whining about missing major shows, the day he asked for his release couldn't come fast enough.


Randy Savage: This guy was truly the bane of my existence in the game for well over a year, drug tests, fights with fans, backstage issues, it was just non stop with Savage. Ended up developing a hate relationship with me before getting cut, has since gone on tours with AJPW and NJPW, currently out with a broken ankle.


Vader: My reigning World Champion, while he has had a few failed drug tests here and there it hasn't be overwhelming enough to be a problem, the issue with Vader is the amount of dud chemistry notes he has gotten from my babyface main eventers. It's at a point where the lengthy Title reign I had planned may end up being cut very short due to a lack of credible opponents that won't drag down the match ratings.

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Any worker that I want to push that has negative personalities, Scott Hall in the 1983 mod and I had awful trouble getting the Insane Clown Posse to job in the Montreal Aftermath mod as well, yet alone stay off the horse.
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As has been said, Marc DuBois. I always try to push him as I think it's fun having a 90s Shawn Michaels at the top of the card but he always messes up straight away and kills his push. I'm sorry Marc but you can't attack Christian Faith a week after being fined for drugs and think you're going to get away with it.


In my first proper save I let Brett Starr leave MAW cos he was a d!ck but brought him back 2 years later and he never caused me a problem again. He helped save me when all of my best guys were signed by the bigger companies within weeks of each other.


Complete opposite is Aaron Andrews. In my 2nd MAW game Ace fell out with Tommy Cornell days before his contract came up for renewal & got released. After 6 months unemployed he signed for me, CZCW & FCW in the same month. He then fell out with Handsome Stranger and FCW released him. He also fell out with Dylan Sidle at CZCW, though that wasn't enough to get him sacked. And yet he hasn't caused trouble at MAW once & in exactly two years with the company he has averaged a B match rating, and even got an A in a triple threat with Cameron Vessey & Roy Edison. If I went back to this game he could easily lead me to cult by himself.

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