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<p><strong>CGC Chaos in the Cage TV Pre-show, C</strong></p><p>

Intrepid Ian Identity d. Cobra</p><p>

Ozzie Golden d. Gram Gorman</p><p>

Shane Nelson d. Jamie Atherton</p><p>

Masked Patriot d. Marcel LeFleur</p><p>

Dan DaLay d. Blockbuster</p><p>

CGC Television Title Tournament Final: Christian Price d. Joey Poison </p><p>

<strong>CGC Chaos in the Cage, C+</strong></p><p>

CGC World Tag Team Title Match: The New Specialists (Bobby Thomas & Jamie Atherton) d. The Predators (Nathan Black & Warren Technique) © by DQ. </p><p>

CGC Cruiserweight Title Match: Frankie Dee © d. Mimic. </p><p>

The Montreal Mafia d. The Dirty White Boys</p><p>

Cage Match: Zeus Maxmillion d. Stevie Grayson</p><p>

CGC Heavyweight Title Cage Match: Jack DeColt © d. Dan DaLay in a Cage Match</p><p> </p><p>

CGC Chaos in the Cage marked a turning point. Most long-term feuds ended in the Cage -- Maximillion went over Grayson and DeColt went over DeLay. I've used DaLay as an "Enforcer" who's job isn't necessarily to win but to beat up his opponent, leaving DeColt too injured to fend off more over and talented challengers. </p><p>

Next year, it actually makes sense for this to be the season finale and not Wrestlefestival. </p><p>

He's going to be the #1 Contender for the title at CGC In the Company of Legends. He'll put over Mario Da Silva after botched interference. Da Silva's by far the biggest prospect in the company at the moment. </p><p>

But the biggest match at that next PPV will be Jack DeColt defending against the newest Elite wrestler. </p><p>

I planned a double-turn in the tag division. I don't think either the Dirty White Boys or Montreal Mafia will be around long. I've got two excellent over teams in the division -- one, The New Specialists, were on the card and the over is a "true super team" with two great workers near the main event. </p><p>

The Predators will join the new signing, The Heartbreakers (Raphael & Justin Sensitive) and the two new teams as the core of the tag division. I'll cycle teams in and out from the independents, often for short jobber runs.</p><p>

For right now, The Montreal Mafia and the Dirty White Boys occupy these two jobber spots. </p><p>

Zeus Maxmillion finally punched his ticket to the Main Event with a win over his former partner. Now a heel, he'll be on the pre-show next time feuding with Price for the Television strap. I'm not quite sure where to put Maxmillion at this point -- but within the year, he'll probably have a shot at the main strap.</p>

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<p>Annnndddd....... Frankie Perez has been offered a written contract by BHOTWG... I may move my event a week or so earlier so he can do the job too..... Remmy Sky.. I have very few guys left in the main event other than the 40 years old I got in to fill gaps and put over the younger guys...</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy sky, Greg Black, Super Ninja.. not a lot to chose from... Bryan Holmes is on tour currently. Clark Alexander and Air Attack Weasel are not carrying my company..</p><p> </p><p>

Tempted to just put the strap on my user until everyone who's going to leave has left and I get some of my midcarders over enough to hold the strap.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

edit... Flying Jimmy Fox was just released by TCW, signed him back to the Coastal Zone where he originally found fame. I'm tempted to have him hold the title. Take the title from Perez at my next event Welcome to the CoastalZone... which is my Wrestlemania. The old favourite coming back to take the title from the leaving champion.</p>

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<p>Hey guys, long time on and off player, first time poster here.</p><p> </p><p>

Disclaimer: I am not good at this game and I'm mostly still feeling my way around discovering what does and doesn't work. I'm only 3 months into my game right now.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm currently playing as the WWF booker, using the Montreal Aftermath database.</p><p> </p><p>

I am having some horrible luck with chemistry in this game (I assume it's random?), especially among my main eventers.</p><p> </p><p>

So far, I've found that:</p><p> </p><p>

HHH vs Taker</p><p>

HHH vs Austin</p><p>

Austin vs Taker</p><p>

Michaels vs Shamrock</p><p> </p><p>

All have bad chemistry and all are main eventers. It's made booking my shows a little tricky. At least Rock and Austin have good chemistry. I think I'm going to try and make that the feud that carries me forward, though Rocky's top line stats need work.</p><p> </p><p>

As an unexpected positive, I signed Tommy Dreamer for no other reason than I like the guy and it turns out that him and Kane have good chemistry and put on surprisingly good matches, even with Dreamer's complete lack of current heat.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I'm pretty sure Vince hates me. He's given me the important tasks of getting Barry Windham and Rikishi to D+ popularity. Windham is doable, as he's in a tag team with Bradshaw and they can usually put on good matches with NAO or the Goodwins. I gave them the tag titles and Windham has just about enough heat to avoid Vinnie's wrath.</p><p>

Rikishi on the other hand is useless. It's infuriating as his stats aren't too bad, and he even has good charisma and menace. He just won't perform and his popularity is frozen around the D- mark. I had him in a half decent feud with Goldust which had promise but Goldie has a drug problem and it's messing with ratings. I considered putting him in a feud with one of my big players, but I doubt any of them would be down with putting him over.</p><p> </p><p>

Another pain in the butt is having to have a Mayhem/Wild Brawl/Car Crash in every event and a storytelling match. They never seem to get good ratings and I've started just pawning them off on 5 minute lower card matches and accepting that they will never be good.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall though, the game is going decently. Most of my shows have been B+ which raises my popularity across the board, though I don't know if it'll be enough to fulfill my main owner goal of hitting International size. Time will tell.</p>

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<p>Gave up on the Golden Age mod awhile back. My locker room went to hell with all the drug test failures and I just got annoyed dealing with it. Decided to give it another try after doing my homework, reading up on how other people have played the mod. Doing good to start. Only drug testing for hard drugs and painkillers (for now). Only JYD in rehab right now from wrestling high on drugs. </p><p> </p><p>

Anywho, here’s my Wrestlemania III card! </p><p> </p><p>

Live from the Pontiac Silverdome!</p><p> </p><p>

In their WWF wrestling debut, <strong>The Road Warriors</strong> defeat <strong>The Dream Team</strong> after destroying Brutus Beefcake with the Doomsday Device.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tully Blanchard</strong> defeats <strong>Koko B. Ware</strong> after the Slingshot Suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase</strong> defeats <strong>Billy Jack Haynes</strong>, rolling him up after sending him face first into the exposed turnbuckle.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Curt Hennig & Strike Force</strong> defeat <strong>The Heenan Family</strong> (Paul Orndoff, King Kong Bundy, & Hercules). Hercules is put down for the 3 after Strike Force’s Dropkick-Sunset Flip Combo.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Originally was going to be JYD vs Orndoff, so there was a change of plans after JYD was sent to rehab.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a Hair vs Hair Match, <strong>“Rowdy” Roddy Piper</strong> defeats <strong>Adrian Adonis</strong> after putting him to sleep with the Sleeper Hold! Adonis is out cold as Piper gives him a clean trim! Adonis wakes up to a big surprise, and the entire crowd laughing and pointing!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Cowboy”Bob Orton & Magnificent Muraco</strong> defeat <strong>“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan & Manny Fernandez</strong> after Orton blasts Fernandez with his cast behind the referee’s back.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Originally was supposed to be Sgt. Slaughter teaming with Duggan, but an injury forced him out.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In the match of the night (96), WWF Intercontinental Champion <strong>“Macho Man” Randy Savage</strong> defeats <strong>Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat</strong> to retain his championship. An epic counter, Savage rolls through on Steamboat’s cross body attempt into a pinning predicament, and manages to just barely keep the Dragon’s shoulders down for a 3 count!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Don’t worry fans of history, there will be a rematch! Steamboat’s time will come!</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWF World Tag Team Champions <strong>The Hart Foundation</strong> defeat <strong>The British Bulldogs</strong> to successfully retain their championship. If the Harts got DQ’ed or Counted Out (like the previous match), they would lose their titles. Unfortunately, the referee didn’t catch Bret Hart hitting Dynamite Kid with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Harley Race</strong> defeats <strong>Jake “The Snake” Roberts</strong>. The Snake came into the match with Chronic Lower Back Pain, and many wondered if he should even be competing. Race took full advantage, and Roberts could never overcome the effects of the injury. </p><p> </p><p>

In the Main Event, WWF World Heavyweight Champion <strong>“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan</strong> defeats <strong>Andre The Giant</strong> to retain his championship. The epic encounter we all expected, Giant stays down barely for the 3 after Hogan hits the Leg Drop of Doom. This time, history takes its course!</p><p> </p><p>

Next big event (Bashed in the USA) will pit Hogan & The Road Warriors versus Andre & The Heenan Family, furthering the feud a little longer. Endgame is an eventual Cage Match between Hogan & Andre. Event will also be headlined by Savage versus Piper for the IC Title. </p><p> </p><p>

Long term plans is Hogan versus Savage at Summerslam, then a potential rematch at Survivor Series or Wrestlemania!</p>

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<p>With a few weeks before I rose to Cult with my Mexican high flying, but performance based promotion, the big boys raided, and I lost Gino Montero, Angel de mexico, Silver Tiger, and Kill Switch (Frankie Perez).</p><p> </p><p>

I managed to retain Mr. Lucha III, Extraordinario Jr., Kirk Jameson, Masked Cougar, Amo del Gato, and El Mitico Jr. I signed them to written contracts, and they are the future of my company. Mr. Lucha III is now my champion and figurehead. Cougar and Jameson are still climbing the popularity ladder. Extraordinario is established the #2 guy, while Gato and Mitico are developing into main event performers.</p><p> </p><p>

After almost a year in the booth, Peter Michaels has finally mastered fluent Spanish. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Update on my WCW 94 game I'm heading to Starrcade 94 and I decided to go full over the top WCW 1994 style with my main event feud.</p><p> </p><p>

So for background for those who didn't see it on the first post It all started at when Flair reformed the Horsemen to beat Hogan at Bash of The Beach the other three guys are Arn, Steve Austin, and Vader. This lead to the rematch which Hogan again lost due to 4HM. The next night on Nitro, Hulk Hogan who already had Sting and Steamboat on his side decided he would go out of company for his fourth guy who would even the odds and it was The Warrior.</p><p> </p><p>

This lead to a War Games match at Fall Brawl which team Hogan won. This set up a Steel Cage match Hogan Vs Flair III for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship where Hogan finally beat Flair and won his first WCW World title. After the match Sting, Steamboat, and Warrior came out to celebrate with Hogan and shockingly Warrior attacks Hogan! The other two force him to stop. The next couple of weeks Hogan is furious but can't find Warrior, the third week Hogan comes out and before he can speak the lights go out and Hogan is gone with a Warrior mask now in Black and White instead of the old bright colors lays in the ring. Now I'm having a series of "Where's Hogan" segments where Sting and Steamboat try to find where Warrior has taken Hogan. Hogan will eventually break free and face Warrior in the main event of Starrcade 94.</p>

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<p>Also using the Golden Age mod;</p><p> </p><p>

My World Title scene is currently Hogan vs Savage. Hogan retained at WM3 whilst Savage lost to Steamboat.</p><p> </p><p>

Hogan would go on to win his feud with Andre whilst Savage would eventually lose his feud in a series of classic matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Savage would go on to win the King of the Ring tournament thus gaining a title shot at Summerslam for Hulk Hogan's belt.</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage was the hottest wrestler in the company defeating high profile superstars on the way to winning KOTR whilst Hogan was sidelined with a (Kayfabe) injury.</p><p> </p><p>

Many wondered how Hogan would be after his injury and if he had enough left in the tank to defeat the Macho Man. During their match Hogan accidentally bumped the ref out of the ring and soon after Scott Hall and The Undertaker came out and attacked and laid out Randy Savage, Hogan gave him a leg drop and 1..2..3, Hogan retains his title with the help of Scott Hall and The Undertaker, after the match Hogan turns on the fans calling them sellouts for cheering Savage in his absence and declares that Hulkamania is dead and the NWO is here to stay, Bobby Heenan (who was fired by Andre) leaves the commentary desk to raise Hogan's hand as he now manages the NWO.</p><p> </p><p>

The bout featured a double turn of Hogan (Face to Heel) and Savage (Heel to Face) and got my first A* rating of the save. It also won match of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm building now towards a Randy Savage Royal Rumble win to face Hollywood Hogan at WM4 where he will win the title and get his moment in the spotlight alone. Then at WM5 I'm hoping to start a Megapowers storyline vs the NWO after they kick out old and washed up Hogan in favour of a younger leader (either Sting or HBK, HBK is the first choice but he's currently in rehab so we'll see if he improves his behaviour in the future lol).</p><p> </p><p>

IC scene is Ricky Steamboat vs Bret Hart at the moment, Hall and Taker currently hold the tag titles, I sacked off the womens division entirely.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jbutton169" data-cite="jbutton169" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Savage would go on to win the King of the Ring tournament thus gaining a title shot at Summerslam for Hulk Hogan's belt.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Geez, great minds think alike! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Last time I played this mod, Bret Hart got a significant bump in star quality in the first year, so I'm biding my time, waiting to see if it'll happen before rushing to break up Hart Foundation. The temptation is there with Bret being such a good worker...and he's my fav all time wrestler! haha</p><p> </p><p> Eventually, Road Warriors will take over the Tag Division, leading to the epic clash with the Freebirds by the fall/winter. </p><p> </p><p> Definitely feel like I got a better grasp with this mod the 2nd time around. Plenty of plans going forward, too. One of the personal favorite is starting Curt Hennig off as a handsome, white meat babyface before eventually snapping into the persona who all know and love.</p>
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So I finally managed to get Rikishi's fat ass over.


I ran a story with him becoming Vince McMahon's bodyguard in a feud with Austin, and any angle with Vince and Stone Cold in tends to be pretty damn good. Those two dragged Rikishi over.


So yeah, the key to getting Rikishi over is to never let him wrestle.

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<p>4 weeks before Starrcade 87, I'm really hyped since it's the very first time I get a long-time save running and I'm still enjoying the game.</p><p> </p><p>

My card for Starrcade 87:</p><p> </p><p>

Arn Anderson © vs. Barry Windham for the US Heavyweight title</p><p>

Luger & Blanchard vs. Sting & Curt Hennig</p><p>

Rick Rude vs. Bull Fernandez in a Last Man Standing match</p><p>

The Fantastics vs. The Powers of Pain</p><p>

The Garvin Brothers vs. The New Breed</p><p>

The Midnight Express vs. The Fabulous Freebirds for the US Tag titles</p><p>

Rock 'N Roll Express vs. North-South Connection for the World Tag titles</p><p>

Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair in a Steel Cage match for the World title.</p><p> </p><p>

The stipulations for the main event are that no member of The Horsemen may get involved and if Dusty loses, he may not challenge Flair for the title again.</p>

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In my "next generation lucha" promotion, Edd Stone has broken his neck, and is out for the year. He is one half of the current tag team champions, and his partner, Davis Wayne Newton, must now find a new partner, with whom he'll team up with and attempt to retain the belts.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="JB3rzWQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JB3rzWQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">WWE October 2017 Review</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

Fleisch Oct '17</span></em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

So the first month of my WWE save has come to an end with a fantastic PPV in the shape of TLC 2017. I believe the first month of a WWE save is the hardest, so to get that out of the way, I'm delighted. I've booked very similar to WWE did last month too.</p><p> </p><p>

Before we could get to TLC, Smackdown held a sub-par PPV in the shape of Hell in a Cell 2017, which was headlined by Kevin Owens and Randy Orton in a Hell in a Cell match. Shane McMahon was the original plan, but unfortunately I can't push him as anything other than an Authority figure, which sucks, so Orton was drafted in last second. Also on the show, Breezango defeated The Ascension, before viciously being beat down by the debuting Authors of Pain. Carmella submitted Naomi clean in the and is showing some fantastic momentum, Sami Zayn had a defiant victory over Rusev in a 76 B (***3/4) rated match, Natalya defended against Charlotte and AJ Styles came out victorious over Baron Corbin. The Usos won the tag championships inside the cell, before Jinder Mahal defeated Shinsuke Nakamura, wondering what's next for the King of Strong Style?</p><p>

In the main event, Kevin Owens defeated Randy Orton inside the cell, after the referee took a bump, and Zayn ran out covering his face, until he was in the ring, turning on Orton, turning heel and allowing Owens to grab an important victory. Overall, the show scored a disappointing <strong>68</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

On the RAW side of things, the month was exceptional. With no mumps or viral infections, the proposed Main Event of the Shield vs. The Miz and The Bar went ahead, and completely stole the show in an 89 rated match (****1/2). Also on the show, Bayley once again lost to Alexa Bliss, in a match which would see Bayley be forced to leave the Raw brand, as well as Sasha Banks wishing Bayley 'good riddance' and seemingly wiping her hands with her former best friend. Sasha had blamed Bayley for her disappointing year. Cena made his return to WWE, and re-opened his Open Challenge, which was answered by The Monster Among Men, Braun Strowman! Strowman handily defeated Cena before Powerslamming him through the stage! (Cena had signed a movie deal.) Enzo Amore's gloating about being "the greatest cruiserweight of all time" seemed to get under the GM Kurt Angle's skin, and he announced the return of one of the greatest cruiserweights, Chavo Guerrero! Enzo however, retained the championship at the PPV. Asuka also made her main roster debut, defeating Emma. The show drew an 85 rated B+.</p><p> </p><p>

Up next for WWE, a dual-brand PPV in Survivor Series, how will it go down?</p>

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In my "next generation lucha" promotion, Edd Stone has broken his neck, and is out for the year. He is one half of the current tag team champions, and his partner, Davis Wayne Newton, must now find a new partner, with whom he'll team up with and attempt to retain the belts.


Newton revealed Kirk Jameson as his new tag partner, and they won back the titles.


SWF inexplicably released Atom Smasher, who is only 33 and still improving across the board. I signed him onto my Cult promotion, and he's a main eventer now.

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CZCW- August.


I had just replaced the guys that got poaclhed from me at the start of the game.. got stables set up.. and now another wave of guys going... Zero (Flemmingway), Gino Montero, Nicolas Lopez, Reaver, .... 3 of those were involved in feuds and part of shows for the rest of the year..


Oh well. time to adapt and let others have a chance.



Signed Motoyuki Miyaki to replace Zero in The No Fly Zone Stable. Signed a couple of young unemployed Cruisers/Luchas to develop on the pre show.



I'm planning on signing 1 women to a long term contract to be my womens champion. With a new women coming in ever month to job to her for the rest of the year, if the performances are solid enough and she gets over... I'll hire a second women to a long term contract and do the same with her.. have them only clash on my 2 top events of the year.


In a years time I expect to have 2 Main event level women. If that happens I'll add a couple more. Sarah Marie York I'm having pegged as my top women. Her impressive high flying stats will fit in well.





Making Bryan Holmes the most hated person in CZCW, He competed in 5 man ladder match for the Extreme title. My secondary title, that has a stipulaton for ever match. In order to stomp out the spot monkeys and high fliers he decided to put himself into the match in order to take the title that represents them the most. He won the title, without using any spot. just using his technical skills and the occasional battering people into the dirt with ladder. The only time he voluntarily left his feet was to climb the ladder to grab the title. Bryan is holding the title hostage, only defending it in straight up matches or matches that showcase wrestling skill. Bryan beat the fliers at their own game.. can they defeat Bryan in straight up wrestling??

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Making Bryan Holmes the most hated person in CZCW, He competed in 5 man ladder match for the Extreme title. My secondary title, that has a stipulaton for ever match. In order to stomp out the spot monkeys and high fliers he decided to put himself into the match in order to take the title that represents them the most. He won the title, without using any spot. just using his technical skills and the occasional battering people into the dirt with ladder. The only time he voluntarily left his feet was to climb the ladder to grab the title. Bryan is holding the title hostage, only defending it in straight up matches or matches that showcase wrestling skill. Bryan beat the fliers at their own game.. can they defeat Bryan in straight up wrestling??


So, Drew Gulak, but successful? :D

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<p>Ha yea, I would be lieing if I said he didn't have an influence. I find it such a fun gimmick and I imagine with CZCW they would have a very intense, hot crowd that would hate Bryan for taking their precious high flying away. </p><p> </p><p>

It also gives me a stable to get some non high flyers onto the roster whilst making sense. Bryan will catch as catch can them to death, Motoyuki will Puro Stiff shot them to death and Pavel will Uppercut them to death. Shooter Shaun Daley will amateur wrestle them into the dirt. I need a monster at later date maybe to swat down the high fliers.</p><p> </p><p>

I also realised that With having a women division.. Sarah Marie York being the champion, defeating the different women I bring in every month.. I'm accidentally helping AAA by getting their Main eventer over at twice the rate. If they were smart they would have her hold their womens title and main event every show and they'd probably beat me. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Last few months have seen pushes for several guys that have been defeating and replacing guys like Steve Flash, Snap Dragon , Clark Alexnder, Super Ninja, Flying Jimmy Fox as the top guys in the company. Greg Gauge is their, Thrill Seeker/ Ernest Youngman /El Mitico/ Shooter Shaun Daley are on their way. I should have a younger a refreshed Main event after getting pillaged for 6 months and having to reply on oldies.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Orange Tsuchie - He's getting over without any effort, performing good for his level, is young... his monk pacifist gimmick is very unque and i'm trying to find a way to elevate that so he's a real force. So far all I have is that he was losing at first due to him holding back due to pacifist ways... but something will happen where he has enough and he goes all out unleashing his full power of martial arts kick, punches, throws with some monk high flying into the mix... a little like Low-Ki.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Winter8905" data-cite="Winter8905" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ha yea, I would be lieing if I said he didn't have an influence. I find it such a fun gimmick and I imagine with CZCW they would have a very intense, hot crowd that would hate Bryan for taking their precious high flying away. <p> </p><p> It also gives me a stable to get some non high flyers onto the roster whilst making sense. Bryan will catch as catch can them to death, Motoyuki will Puro Stiff shot them to death and Pavel will Uppercut them to death. Shooter Shaun Daley will amateur wrestle them into the dirt. I need a monster at later date maybe to swat down the high fliers.</p><p> </p><p> I also realised that With having a women division.. Sarah Marie York being the champion, defeating the different women I bring in every month.. I'm accidentally helping AAA by getting their Main eventer over at twice the rate. If they were smart they would have her hold their womens title and main event every show and they'd probably beat me. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Last few months have seen pushes for several guys that have been defeating and replacing guys like Steve Flash, Snap Dragon , Clark Alexnder, Super Ninja, Flying Jimmy Fox as the top guys in the company. Greg Gauge is their, Thrill Seeker/ Ernest Youngman /El Mitico/ Shooter Shaun Daley are on their way. I should have a younger a refreshed Main event after getting pillaged for 6 months and having to reply on oldies.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Orange Tsuchie - He's getting over without any effort, performing good for his level, is young... his monk pacifist gimmick is very unque and i'm trying to find a way to elevate that so he's a real force. So far all I have is that he was losing at first due to him holding back due to pacifist ways... but something will happen where he has enough and he goes all out unleashing his full power of martial arts kick, punches, throws with some monk high flying into the mix... a little like Low-Ki.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> FOr the AI CZCW usually has a max size of Light Heavyewight which I adhere to. But I see CZCW not really having a women's division. I'd let the women wrestle the men.</p>
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<p>So kinda just been jumping around a couple of my saves over the past few days trying to decide what I wanna play and what grabs me, inspired by Winter I picked up my CZCW game and long story short decided to re-roll a few times till something stuck from a story POV.</p><p> </p><p>

Hit what felt like a good story in that Donnie J got picked up by USPW (didn't in the last few games) as well as Cougar who got picked up in all of my games, so I had Donnie drop the title in a 3 way featuring Fox Mask & Frankie Perez, which Perez won with help from Britney Hollywood, essentially turning heel, I know they don't have a heel/face divide but in my head cannon it was a heel turn, they then made out to celebrate, opened the next show and acted like overly arrogant d**ks, with Perez even cheating in the main event against a visiting Bulldozer Brandon Smith, his next foil for the coming few months will be Fox Mask who has taken exception to the new attitude. </p><p> </p><p>

I had plans to have the Cobra's join Perez and form a power group, however in a tag defence against Rich & Famous Idol botched a move and put Marvel out for just over a year with a Herrniated Spinal Disk, which via surgery have managed to get this down to 9 months so now need to rethink the stable idea, will likely just go with Rich & Famous to be fair.</p>

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<p>Finally, it is time to start playing again. </p><p> </p><p>

Doing the WCW lives mod with WWE. </p><p> </p><p>

Turned Austin face again.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho is heel. He won the king of the ring. Nice how the royalty gimmick is legendary already. You can just picture it though, can't you? Jericho as the king. Would have been magic. I'm not making him a clown or anything. He doesn't want Lawler to be known as the king anymore. I'm getting a nice midcard Summerslam match for Jericho against Grandmaster Sexay. </p><p> </p><p>

I signed Cena, Juventud Guerrera and Bryan Danielson to main roster straight away. Cena is in as rapper, how original. Bull and Mickie James support him. Thinking of bringing in Joe as well. They can team. </p><p> </p><p>

Juvi will be the evil masked guy that goes against good masked guy Liger.<img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The tag team division is fairly weak, or like Tony Soprano said - the best is over. Still have the Hardyz, Dudleyz, but it is time for the end of Edge and Christian. Need additions. Malenko/Regal is all I've come up with so far. :/</p><p> </p><p>

Austin took Cena under his wing. 3/4 shows have had updates. All 3 for selling. John Cena will be rivalling Shawn Michaels in a few months. </p><p> </p><p>

I like the look of Danielson's stats. He's going places. I've brought in Liger on ppa to be the figurehead of the light heavyweight division. Yeah, one of those Jerry Lynn is losing the title on the first show moments. Never gets old. Sorry, Jerry. You're just not what I'm looking for in a champion. Christian will challenge Liger at Summerslam. I'm turning Christian face soon.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Austin vs Triple H will feud all over the summer. Interesting dynamic with Bret being the user character and Austin having a gm/owner on his side. Of course, Austin is all - I don't need your help etc. Tough, you're getting it. </p><p> </p><p>

No real plans for The Rock yet. Throwaway match with Rhyno at Summerslam. Was thinking of doing Rock vs Kurt but Kurt is only after a loss vs Austin and his Summerslam plan is to be involved in the Cena vs K Kwik rap battle. Rock has just returned from the movie. pop all 100s. Probably follow a familiar pattern and get Hogan in. Bring him in as face and have Rock heel like it was in their second match. </p><p> </p><p>

Gave The Undertaker 3 months off. I hate the human Undertaker. After the initial surprise wore off he didn't really appeal to me anymore. Then we go into worst wrestler of the year, get off my tv heat territory. Just go away, Undertaker. So I had Kane do the deed once more. He gets more powerful by the week after the latest murder attempt on his brother. Wrestling, don't you just love it? I wasn't waiting around until 2004 to make The deadman all supernatural again.</p>

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<p>Steel City Wrestling - January 1996.</p><p> </p><p>

After months of money-wasting on breaking markets in New England, SCW finally gets a contract with WFFF-TV, a channel which belongs to News Corporation, which it's owner of Extreme Championship Wrestling. With that SCW will slowly get popularity while doing shows on Tri-State without losing so much money.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, SCW World Champion Steve Austin is a feud with Jim Neidhart, while Mikey Whipwreck who was fired from ECW by Hulk Hogan, has just won the SCW World Junior Heavyweight Championship. Traylor Dudley and his Dudley Family is in a feud with Tommy Dreamer, because Traylor wants to marry Beulah McGillicutty to continue the Dudley lineage. However, Dreamer has allies in Terry Funk & Bull Pain. Also, Spike Dudley debuted joining the family.</p><p> </p><p>

The Sandman and Rob Van Dam are feuding with Raven's Nest (Raven, Cactus Jack, Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie) and Taz is feuding with Mike Awesome for the SCW World Television Title.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm planning to feud The Pitbulls and hire the Public Enemy so they can feud over the SCW World Tag Team Titles.</p>

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<p>Austin influence over Cena. Looks like he got him on the drink. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="austin.png" data-src="https://s1.postimg.org/26zty0s8hb/austin.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="cena.png" data-src="https://s1.postimg.org/5xozj9le0f/cena.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The throwaway match with Rock and Rhyno ended up being Summerslam match of the night. 92 I was at an English speaking venue but got language deductions for promos with English speakers. Not sure what was going on. Was past the point of changing the venue because I'd already signed a local. It hurt the show a little bit. The rap battle etc. Triple H and Austin got 90 for a dq finish. They will face off in hell in a cell at No Mercy in October. I'm not doing a ppv in September, I'm going to do Saturday Night Main Event instead. 10 PPVs a year is the plan for now.</p><p> </p><p>

Summerslam highlights </p><p> </p><p>

Danielson and Jerry Lynn had a decent match. 68 Liger and Christian disappointed with 71. No negative chemistry, I guess Liger isn't popular enough yet. </p><p> </p><p>

Hardyz beat Dudleyz. This must continue. </p><p> </p><p>

More ideas about teams will come as I continue to book. I like mixing what would seem like odd-couples on paper yet they end up having excellent chemistry. I'll be trying to find some teams on pre-show matches. </p><p> </p><p>

RVD won a 10 man battle royal opener on his debut for the vacant ic title. Yeah, strapping the rocket to RVD as he smokes the rocket. Paul Heyman is his manager. Big Show was the final elimination. Got too cocky and RVD used his athleticism to avoid an attack. Big Show pretty much eliminated himself. They will feud now. RVD pop is pretty low. Not quite the ovation he received at the real Summerslam 2001.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cena won the rap battle against K Kwik. Kurt Angle is heel and the judge so K Kwik had no chance. </p><p> </p><p>

Your rhymes aren't quick, K</p><p>

You ain't got the flow</p><p>

better watch your step </p><p>

or I'll feed you to Joe</p><p>

Word Life</p><p> </p><p>

King Jericho defeated Grand Master Sexay. Followed that up by telling Jerry to take off the crown. Jerry responds with a loud NEVER!!!!! Then Jericho is about to attack but Jushin Liger comes out to back up Lawler. lol It's my world. It's a match I want to do.</p><p> </p><p>

Edge and Christian lost to APA on Raw.. Christian then got on the mic and put on his Gordon Ramsay voice saying - ''Give me your jackets and get out of my kitchen, Edge and Christian, you're done.'' They had an emotional hug. Christian was found laid out backstage later. Edge will not be revealed as the culprit. Have no idea who it is going to be yet. haha Obviously, people are going to accuse him. Keeping Edge as a heel and turning Christian face. </p><p> </p><p>

Billy Gunn is trying desperately to put the band back together. Billy interfered in the Summerslam title match to try and prove something. Triple H was not that impressed since he is not the WWF champion. Checkmate but Billy will not give up. He promises to hurt Austin in the main event of Raw. hahaha Cool story, Billy. </p><p> </p><p>

Bret is being a straight shooter.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Macca316" data-cite="Macca316" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So kinda just been jumping around a couple of my saves over the past few days trying to decide what I wanna play and what grabs me, inspired by Winter I picked up my CZCW game and long story short decided to re-roll a few times till something stuck from a story POV.<p> </p><p> Hit what felt like a good story in that Donnie J got picked up by USPW (didn't in the last few games) as well as Cougar who got picked up in all of my games, so I had Donnie drop the title in a 3 way featuring Fox Mask & Frankie Perez, which Perez won with help from Britney Hollywood, essentially turning heel, I know they don't have a heel/face divide but in my head cannon it was a heel turn, they then made out to celebrate, opened the next show and acted like overly arrogant d**ks, with Perez even cheating in the main event against a visiting Bulldozer Brandon Smith, his next foil for the coming few months will be Fox Mask who has taken exception to the new attitude. </p><p> </p><p> I had plans to have the Cobra's join Perez and form a power group, however in a tag defence against Rich & Famous Idol botched a move and put Marvel out for just over a year with a Herrniated Spinal Disk, which via surgery have managed to get this down to 9 months so now need to rethink the stable idea, will likely just go with Rich & Famous to be fair.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Starting to think this save is cursed, not just for me but for every company as there has been almost not a day going by where someone isn't getting injured, Jack Bruce even tore his rotator cuff and is gonna be out 9 months.</p><p> </p><p> The latest in a long line of issues for me however, BHOTWG have decided now would be a great time to hire my CZCW Coastal Zone Champion & no.1 wrestler in the company Frankie Perez to a written contract, not only ruining my main story, but also ruining the story I was banking on for the rest of the year.</p><p> </p><p> Silver lining, the contract was agreed a few days before Welcome to the Costal Zone so can easily have him drop the title to no.3 wrestler Fox Mask (no.2 is Ross Henry, however he will be challenging COTT Champion Air Attack Weasel earlier in the night) seriously need to find some new main eventers from somewhere... </p><p> </p><p> Really enjoying this game and having to constantly adapt, never really had it as bad in a save as a smaller company.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just finished up July 1993 and it's been an amazing year so far. Wrestlemania IX was our fifth straight Wrestlemania with a 100 rating, headlined by The Undertaker defeating the Heavyweight title against Rick Rude. The day after Wrestlemania, a game changer happened as Hulk Hogan resigned with the WWF after spending five years in the WCW. Hogan would make his return a few weeks later on Monday Night Raw but it was not a hero's welcome, as he would rip apart the WWF and it's roster. He would go on the next week to proclaim that a war was coming and he was not alone. First saying that it was Randy Savage who was on his side, than Ric Flair, and than the injured Bret Hart, Hogan would make WWF President Gorilla Monsoon nervous enough to interview the whole roster to find out who was on Hogan's side.<p> </p><p> The WWF Tag Team champions, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin, known as the Hollywood Blonds, turned out to be on Hogan's side. After defending their titles with the help of Hogan against Ric Flair and Randy Savage, the trio would announce the formation of the New World Order. Attacking Flair and Savage the next few weeks, the nWo kept promising more people and another would be revealed at the next PPV...after Bret Hart came down to ringside while the nWo was once again beating down Flair and Savage, many thought he was going to join in, only for the Hitman to save Flair and Savage before being jumped from behind by Mr. Perfect!</p><p> </p><p> The next month would see Hart watching on the sidelines, still injured, while being quizzed by Flair, Savage, and Monsoon if he was with the nWo, or still WWF. At King of the Ring, Hogan would finally wrestle in a WWF match, teaming with Mr. Perfect to defeat Flair and Savage. It was after the match, where Hart would accidentally lay out both Flair and Savage while aiming for Hogan that was the big story. The next night on Raw, Hogan would set his sights towards the Heavyweight title, still held by The Undertaker. After accepting Hogan's challenge, the entire nWo would attack the Deadman, only for Flair, Savage, and Hart to make the save. But after running the nWo away...Hart would attack The Undertaker! This would cause Gorilla Monsoon to make Hart the special guest referee for the Hogan/Undertaker match, telling Hart that after the match, he would truly know where Hart stood.</p><p> </p><p> With the tension running high going into our July PPV, nobody knew where Hart stood. His feud with The Undertaker (Hart being the only man to defeat Undertaker since he's been in the WWF) is legendary. But he's also proclaimed his hatred for the nWo and what they stand for. During the match, Hart called it right down the middle...preventing the nWo from getting involved, and not letting Hogan cheat...but at the end of the match, as Hogan made the pinfall, Hart would make the three count extremely fast, screwing the Undertaker out of his title. Where does Hart go from here? Is he with the nWo? </p><p> </p><p> Else where in the WWF, Owen Hart would have a classic feud with Shawn Michaels over the Intercontinental title, losing to the Heartbreak Kid twice thanks to Diesel, HBK's ever watchful bodyguard. Owen would challenge Michaels to a cage match, which proved to be HBK's downfall, as Hart would win the IC title for the second time in his career.</p><p> </p><p> The Tag Team titles, after being held by the Hollywood Blonds most of the year, are currently in the hands of bitter enemies. Kerry Von Erich and Rick Rude, after feuding with The Undertaker over his Heavyweight title, put aside their differences for one night to take on the Blonds, and with the help of Haku and Nikita Koloff, ending up winning the titles. They still hate each other and usually brawl after they defend their titles.</p><p> </p><p> For the first time in WWF history, the King of the Ring was held as a round robin tournament. In perhaps the biggest shock in WWF history, Jerry Sags would defeat Earthquake in the Finals to become the 1993 King of the Ring. After his tag team partner, Brian Knobbs was released for repeated drug violations, Sags has turned to the single ranks, putting on 90+ ratings against Owen Hart.</p><p> </p><p> I've been making some changes to my roster, releasing a number of wrestlers that have either been on the roster too long with nothing going on, or wrestlers I wanted to get experience elsewhere. I also brought up Bryan Clarke from development, named him the Nightstalker, gave him Jimmy Hart as a manager, and sent him on a nice winning streak to start his career. Brought Steven Regal back in and he's going to challenge Owen Hart for the IC title soon. Planning to let a few wrestlers contracts expire before bringing up some more from development. Gotta keep things fresh, ya know. I honestly wouldn't mind if a few of my older wrestlers decided to retire, forcing me to push the younger guys.</p><p> </p><p> So far, I've booked 1115 shows in just over eight and a half years in this save. It's amazing.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It took me a while, but I finally finished 1993. Sting snapped Hulk Hogan's streak of winning the wrestler of the year. Ric Flair won veteran wrestler of the year for the second year running. New Japan Pro Wrestling was company of the year, while River City Wrestling was most improved. Sting beating Barry Windham at a Saturday Night taping won match of the year, but Wrestlemania was the best show for the fifth year running.</p><p> </p><p> For the Power 500, I finally had a good showing, with for wrestlers (Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Mr. Perfect) in the top ten. Brian Pillman (116)and Steve Austin (107) both jumped from the 100s to 22 and 24.</p><p> </p><p> Storyline wise, at Summerslam in August, Hulk Hogan would defend the WWF Heavyweight title against Ric Flair. Hogan would come out on top with help from the nWo. Mortal enemies Bret Hart and Undertaker would team up to defeat nWo members Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. Their victory was short lived as Hart would attack Undertaker as soon as the bell rang. Despite the lost, the Blonds would continue to dominated the WWF tag team scene, winning the 1993 WWF Tag Team Classic.</p><p> </p><p> Going towards the end of September, tensions between the nWo and the WWF would continue to rise with Flair challenging them to a War Games match. The WWF team of Flair, Savage, Undertaker, and Bret Hart would come up short with Hart costing them the victory. Hart and Flair would face each other at our October PPV, with Flair coming out on top. The Undertaker would become the first man since Hogan's return to defeat Hogan but it was by DQ, so the Heavyweight title would stay with the nWo.</p><p> </p><p> November would see Owen Hart, who lost the WWF IC title to nWo member Mr. Perfect in October, trying to convince his brother Bret to change his ways and join with Flair, Randy Savage, and The Undertaker to run the nWo out of the WWF. A Survivor Series match would be set for the PPV, pitting the four nWo members against Undertaker, Flair, and Savage. It was supposed to be Bret Hart joining them, but the week before, Flair and Savage would tell Bret that they couldn't trust him and wanted Owen on their team. However, at the Survivor Series PPV, the nWo would viciously attack Owen, knocking him out of the match. Finally wanting revenge, Bret would join with Flair, Savage, and The Undertaker but it wouldn't be enough as the nWo once again came out on top.</p><p> </p><p> The next night on Monday Night Raw, the nWo would celebrate, as they now held two victories over Team WWF, Hogan had the Heavyweight title, Mr. Perfect was the IC champion, and The Hollywood Blonds had regained the WWF Tag Team titles, beating The Smokin' Gunns at Survivor Series. The battle would continue throughout December with Bret Hart firmly the WWF's side. The nWo would end the year still on a high note, with the Blonds defending the Tag Titles against the Harts at our December PPV, and Mr. Perfect and Hogan beating The Undertaker and Ric Flair. The big news coming out of the PPV, however, was an injury to Steve Austin, which will see him out for the next two months. Can the nWo survive without one of it's strongest members?</p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere in the WWF, the legendary tag team High and Mighty would reform with Rick Rude coming to Jake Roberts aid in Roberts's battle against Ted DiBiase and his Corporation. Hoping that Austin recovers in time for him and Pillman to take on High and Mighty at Wrestlemania. Dream match for this game, for sure.</p><p> </p><p> Alundra Blayze held the Women's title from May until November, losing the belt to Manami Toyota. Still trying to build up some more women, but the division is mainly those two.</p><p> </p><p> Both Scott Steiner and Dusty Rhodes asked for their releases. Steiner was at the start of a major push, but got hurt facing a local wrestler, and was unhappy while hurt so it wasn't that hard to release him. Rhodes, also got hurt, but I tried to turn him into either a manager or a color commentator. Despite being 47 years old, Dusty wasn't feeling it and asked for his release. Trying to inject some new blood into my main roster, I signed Jeff Jarrett, Steven Regal, and Sean Waltman. Waltman, going as The Kid, has mainly been a jobber, but is getting a little push, teaming up with Nikita Koloff against Jerry Sags and Stan Hansen. Regal had a brief feud with Owen Hart over the IC title but hasn't done much since then. He's on my next big things list so I'm slowly building him up to be a major force. Jarrett, debuting with The Roadie at his side, is winning matches, keeps threatening to sing, but hasn't entered into a program with anybody yet.</p><p> </p><p> 1993 finally saw both the AWA and WCCW close, with WCW buying them both. Paul Heyman would leave WCW and take over the booking of ECW. AJPW would fall to cult status, having reached national in October. No big retirements or deaths happened and no major random incidents this year. </p><p> </p><p> I think 1994 is going to be a big year for the WWF. My shows are getting great ratings but the main event scene is getting up their in age. Neither Flair or Savage are on the time decline list but I feel like it could happen any day now. Especially Savage. Shawn Michaels feels ready to break out any time now, but with the nWo being the major heels in the WWF, where is the room for HBK?</p>
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