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Official "Booking Committee" Thread

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Okay here. I need three more teams for my trios tournament and here's what I've got so far. This is for TNA 2004.


1. Planet Jarrett: Jeff Jarrett, America's Most Wanted (Storm and Harris)

2. Team ROH: Brian Danielson, Doug Williams, Colt Cabana

3. Team CMLL: Vampiro, Ultimo Guerrero, Shocker

4. Team NJPW: Shinsuke Nakamura, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Minoru Tanaka

5. Team CHIKARA: Mike Quakenbush, Jigsaw, Ultra Mantis Black

6. Team WWE: Al Snow, Ron Simmons, Big Boss Man

7. Christian's Coalition: Christian Cage, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles

8. Black Gospel: Christopher Daniels, Abyss, Frankie Kazarian

9. Team Canada: Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Petey Williams

10. Rising Force: Brian Kendrick, Austin Aries, Chris Sabin

11. The Band: Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman

12. Gathering: Raven, CM Punk, Julio Denero

13. Hulkamaniacs: Hogan, Nasty Boys

14. LAX: Konnan, Homicide, Hernandez

15. Sting, Ron Killings, D'Lo

16. Team X: Sonjay Dutt, Jerry Lynn, Shark Boy

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Malice in Wonderland 2016. Wolf Hawkins vs. Josh Taylor in a Cage Match for the Future Shock storyline.


Cannot decide who should go over here. I don't really want either to lose. So far Taylor won, then they were on opposite sides of a tag match that drew, and then Hawkins won by interference.


I see three options:

1) Hawkins wins clean, but Taylor is unable to accept it, sending him on a witch hunt for whoever 'fixed the match' which culminates in turning heel.

2) Taylor allies with New Wave, which prevents any interference, and he wins clean. Hawkins becomes a chessmaster trying to arrange defeat for the trio.

3) Hawkins manages to get help, leading to Hawkins win. He then moves on to chase the World Heavyweight belt, and Taylor allies with Rocky Golden to exact revenge.


Any thoughts? The Aaron/Golden run has to end anyway, because they have awful chemistry.

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Going to try a created Women's promotion to later create an alliance with QAW, AAA and maybe one more.


Who would be the best option for UC:


-Peter Michaels

-Jennifer Cornell

-a good active worker (suggestions appreciated)

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You could turn option 3 into a fatal 4 way buy I don't know if wolf and Golden will want to lose that match ... How are you on main event and UM faces . . A wolf Face turn could keep him busy if you plan on making Ggolden your champ..


I'm trying to build chance fortune up for a future storyline with Ace

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Still planning my WCW game with the BH's 1996 mod. As some of you know, I want a show based entirely on the Cruiserweight division. A real weight split where there's no crossover (except Benoit and Pillman, because Horsemen). I'm having an issue with tag teams, namely the Hardys and Edge and Christian.


Both teams had one guy low enough to be a junior heavyweight (Jeff and Christian) but one in the 230-240 area (Matt and Edge).


Is there a rule regarding total combined weight or something? Where would you put them?


This is some booking right after my own heart. Having a Total Combined Weigh cap would be a slick way to do it. I would actually approach it from the opposite direction - it would be up to the teams themselves to choose - they could declare themselves a cruiserweight team or a heavyweight team, on-screen. I would probably choose to keep both in the CW tag division, at least for now. Easier to build them up there, I think. Then at some point, they can decide its "time" to move up. I use a similar approach to the cruiserweights as a whole.

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Could I please get some rules for a TNA game starting in May 2016 using Mildly_Amusing's data? As in depth as possible would be most appreciated!! :)


1 - You can't sign anyone who was above midcarder in WWE at the start of the game.


2 - You must continue British Bootcamp and continue the tradition of the winner getting a 1 year contract with TNA.


3 - Matt and Jeff Hardy can't hold the TNA World Heavyweight championship at any point. They may hold other championships in TNA.


4 - You can't raid Lucha Underground at any point. The only time you're allowed to sign a LU talent is if they're leaving or have left.


5 - Japan dislikes TNA. For 3 years, you cannot sign anyone from a major Japanese company. This means no to NJPW, Dragon Gate, NOAH, Zero One, Big Japan Wrestling or Stardom talent.


6 - You must establish a working relationship with another named US indie. The exceptions to this rule are ROH, PWG & EVOLVE. You can use the relationship in any way you want.


7 - The Knockouts need more talent in the division. By the end of the first month, you must have signed 4 new knockouts - only 2 are allowed to come from named promotions. The other 2 must be unemployed in the USA (so you can hire them if they are employed in the UK but not the USA).


8 - The King of the Mountain title must be retired and replaced by a lower card belt that is distinctly different from the X Division.


9 - Following rule 8, the X Division must regain it's former identity. Using Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett & Mark Andrews as figureheads of the division, you must have a 10 man division which includes at least 2 more international people AND follows the other rules.


10 - As part of the 2015 Lucha World Cup, you must hire a trio of workers from AAA to work in TNA for a minimum of 3 months in accordance to other rules.

11 - Sign Bram to a 10 year contract.

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So the "tag team/stable/worker name" thread is dead as disco right now, so...


...leading up to SummerSlam in a WWE 2016 save (using a converted scenario slightly modified to resemble WWE after WrestleMania 32), and I'm planning on bringing in Abyss out of TNA as a new second-hand to Bray Wyatt, after Wyatt is betrayed by his own family. Should I keep his name as Abyss or does anybody have a new name for him that could work better?

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This is some booking right after my own heart. Having a Total Combined Weigh cap would be a slick way to do it. I would actually approach it from the opposite direction - it would be up to the teams themselves to choose - they could declare themselves a cruiserweight team or a heavyweight team, on-screen. I would probably choose to keep both in the CW tag division, at least for now. Easier to build them up there, I think. Then at some point, they can decide its "time" to move up. I use a similar approach to the cruiserweights as a whole.


The problem with the combined weight cap, though, is that it would need to be set at around 450-460 to include E&C and the Hardys. A team of Spike Dudley (165 pounds) and Chuck Palumbo (6'5", 280 pounds) is 445, making them eligible, and that's insane.


I'm thinking that I'll have the Hardys debut and talk about the incredible junior tag team division, wanting to be a part of it, etc. Then have the Suicide Blonds (Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle) attack to "continue their feud" from developmental.

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The problem with the combined weight cap, though, is that it would need to be set at around 450-460 to include E&C and the Hardys. A team of Spike Dudley (165 pounds) and Chuck Palumbo (6'5", 280 pounds) is 445, making them eligible, and that's insane.


I'm thinking that I'll have the Hardys debut and talk about the incredible junior tag team division, wanting to be a part of it, etc. Then have the Suicide Blonds (Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle) attack to "continue their feud" from developmental.


Just split the teams. They don't have to be together.

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So the "tag team/stable/worker name" thread is dead as disco right now, so...


...leading up to SummerSlam in a WWE 2016 save (using a converted scenario slightly modified to resemble WWE after WrestleMania 32), and I'm planning on bringing in Abyss out of TNA as a new second-hand to Bray Wyatt, after Wyatt is betrayed by his own family. Should I keep his name as Abyss or does anybody have a new name for him that could work better?


Well Wyatt is a character with heavy religious undertones so;

Oves (Sheep in Latin)

Isaac (Sacrificed by Abraham in the Bible)


David (Religious figure from the Old Testament)

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Could I have some rules for a WWE game in May 2016? as in depth as possible if you don't mind :)


1) You can't raid ROH, TNA or Lucha Underground for talent. You can only sign one of their workers if their contract is expiring or has expired


2) Fire one, push one, job one out:

Curtis Axel, Heath Slater, Bo Dallas


3) No new signing can debut on the main roster, until they spend 6 months in NXT, unless they have B or above pop in the US


4) Bray Wyatt must find a new family member every 3 months, however he can never have more than 3 followers


5) A part time wrestler cannot lose, unless their opponent is more over than they are


6) You can only bring up one worker/tag team from NXT every 2 months


7) You must have atleast 2 womens storyline going at all times


8) You must crown the first black WWE Champion within 18 months


9) Roman Reigns must be in the main event or co-main event of every PPV for a year


10) Braun Strowman must receive a decent midcard title run (atleast 4 months)


11) Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns can only be in a match together at Summerslam or Wrestlemania, and Roman must always go over


12) Big Show and Kane must get a tag title run of atleast 2 months, to reward them for their loyalty to the company

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I'm playing C-Verse as TCW. Is it realistic to assume that most gimmicks from SWF would be owned by them and should be changed?


i.e. I got Greg Black and Benny Benson. Should the High Concept tag team name be changed? (similarly to Legion of Doom/Road Warriors situation).

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WWF never owned copyrights for Legion of Doom or Road Warriors. The only reason they were the LoD in WWF was it was their original stable name and Vince didn't want any confusion with Ultimate Warrior.


That said, you could just imagine the name High Concept was conceived by Greg and Benny.

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Playing around and started a 2014 game as ROH.


Started off with a feud between Styles and Strong (Cole dropped the belt to Styles along the way).


Here is the thing though. Styles (face) has gone from 65 pop to 63. Strong has gone from 35 pop to 61 leading into Supercard of Honor in April.



To me, this situation is just screaming double turn. Strong is a part of the Kingdom with Steen, Cole and Bennett. the Bullet Club has a presence with Gallows/Anderson (and possibly debuting Cesaro [now as Castagnoli] with them at Supercard).


Would you turn the entire Kingdom face against the Bullet Club of (Gallows, Anderson, Styles and Castagnoli)?


Just turn Strong/Styles (potentially facing off against Castagnoli as his debut feud)?


turn no one and just give a great mega-match at Supercard of Honor (afterward Cole/Strong were going to go after the tag titles).


All turns would be sudden, as I just noticed it and did no build for them.

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So I am looking at a wrestling focused promotion in Australia. I already have some rules set out, but wondering if anyone wants to list some more specifics (i.e. particular people signed, particular people pushed, location to focus on.)


Current Rules:


- Can't sign anyone from APW/DIW/ZEN/RAW

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Playing as 21CW and thinking about doing an invasion angle which would see MoSC try to takeover 21CW.


I'd start by bringing in The Highland Warrior & Jeffrey McPeterson. Warrior would probably come in as an Authority Figure playing on his friendship with Jeff Nova. He would have some conflict with The Cockney Rebels, but it would never get physical. The Cockney Rebels would then start randomly attacking wrestlers. After they attack Men of Steel, they cut a promo about MoSC. Of course, Highland Warrior tells them this is 21CW and MoSC is history.


As the story plays out, more former MoSC wrestlers would join (I have a list of them somewhere) Eventually, Jeffrey McPeterson would come in and fall victim to the MoSC revolution before finally, The Highland Warrior himself takes a savage beatdown. Having The McPeterson's get beatdown, along with them pledging their alegiance to 21CW, would hopefully convince the fans that they're not behind the MoSC invasion.


The McPeterson's would go away for a few weeks, selling their injuries. Jeff Nova, growing desparate, would turn to Tommy & Eddie Cornell. They would be hesitant at first, but, during a big TV match, MoSC launch another attack which eventually brings out The Cornell's to save the day!


I'm hoping that I can use the overness of Tommy & Eddie to get The McPeterson's more over.


Jeffrey McPeterson would return and be aligned with Tommy & Eddie. The Highland Warrior would be in angles a lot also but be "Off Screen" to sell his injuries. This, coupled with spamming Menace angles via Danny Patterson & Nightmare should allow me to pull decent grades and get MoSC workers over.


I can add an element of "will he, won't he" to the story using DJ Reason & Kevin Jones; 2 pretty popular babyface with MoSC ties. Not sure if they'd be added yet.


Then, at a big a PPV in a 4 vs 4 elimination match which would see Jeff Nova lead the team of The Cornell's & Jeffrey McPeterson vs the 4 most popular workers from MoSC. Team 21CW would be down to Tommy Cornell & Jeffrey McPeterson vs Danny Patterson and someone else when The Highland Warrior make a big return, seemingly to takeout MoSC. He tosses a chair to Jeffrey who considers hitting Danny Patterson but instead he turns on Cornell, leading to Team MoSC getting the win, and The McPeterson's revealing themselves as the masterminds all the long.


Any thoughts or ideas? My biggest concern is getting MoSC workers over enough not to stink up the ratings.

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Need ideas to debut Chris Jericho in '96 ECW, I'm thinking of having Rob Van Dam dominate with the TV Title, before crossing Paul Heyman. Heyman tries to make RVD's life hell, but he keeps overcoming every challenger. Then Heyman signs Jericho to deal with RVD before kicking off a potentially 3-6 month long rivalry, with RVD getting ever so close before Jericho and Heyman screws him each time. Fued will most likely culminate in a Steel Cage where RVD will take the title back.


Alternatively, I'm thinking Jericho could be good in an Anti-ECW character, taking out guys like Ballz Mahoney, Mikey Whipwreck, etc. before moving on to Sandman, Dreamer and then having his long rivalry with RVD for the TV title


Anybody got any ideas?

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I'd have Jericho come in as as someone who's on the verge of breaking out of the indies - a bit arrogant, but very able to back it up in the ring. He's come to ECW to tick the final box before he moves onto one of the big two.


He starts off by taking on the usual ECW suspects (I'm a bit sketchy on who was in ECW around then, but obviously you know who the mid/upper level workers are!) and showing that he can hang in ECW, even if he's not a traditional hardcore competitor.


He can talk about Raven and Dreamer, Cactus, Whipwreck, Sandman, Public Enemy, Sabu, Taz... All the guys who defined ECW and who he has to beat.


The one name he never mentions is RVD. It's not the most noticeable omission at first, as there are a lot of guys on the list, but over time Jericho beats the others and he and RVD are on a collision course... except for Jericho not acknowledging that RVD even exists, or that he has the TV title, or that the fans are desperate for the two biggest names in the company to square off.


How you go from there would be interesting - maybe even have matches where they're on opposing teams, and Jericho finds a way to not be in the ring with him. I can't recall a similar storyline, so it'd be fun to see how it plays out.

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I'm 4 months into a default C-Verse game with NYCW. I'm in the process of pushing Bulldozer Smith to fill the void Roger Cage left when signing with USPW. In a few months I'm going to have my placeholder champ Honest Frank drop the belt to Bulldozer. After that I'm not sure what to do. My top 4 heels are over 40 and not very good in ring. I'm looking for a good heel to insert into my main event picture to feud with Bulldozer once he gets the strap. I like to keep signings realistic for NYCW so a brawler, regular wrestler, technician, or entertainer would be preferable.
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I'd have Jericho come in as as someone who's on the verge of breaking out of the indies - a bit arrogant, but very able to back it up in the ring. He's come to ECW to tick the final box before he moves onto one of the big two.


He starts off by taking on the usual ECW suspects (I'm a bit sketchy on who was in ECW around then, but obviously you know who the mid/upper level workers are!) and showing that he can hang in ECW, even if he's not a traditional hardcore competitor.


He can talk about Raven and Dreamer, Cactus, Whipwreck, Sandman, Public Enemy, Sabu, Taz... All the guys who defined ECW and who he has to beat.


The one name he never mentions is RVD. It's not the most noticeable omission at first, as there are a lot of guys on the list, but over time Jericho beats the others and he and RVD are on a collision course... except for Jericho not acknowledging that RVD even exists, or that he has the TV title, or that the fans are desperate for the two biggest names in the company to square off.


How you go from there would be interesting - maybe even have matches where they're on opposing teams, and Jericho finds a way to not be in the ring with him. I can't recall a similar storyline, so it'd be fun to see how it plays out.


That storyline sounds awesome! Can last however long you need it to, from 3 months to a year.


I may need to borrow this...

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I'm 4 months into a default C-Verse game with NYCW. I'm in the process of pushing Bulldozer Smith to fill the void Roger Cage left when signing with USPW. In a few months I'm going to have my placeholder champ Honest Frank drop the belt to Bulldozer. After that I'm not sure what to do. My top 4 heels are over 40 and not very good in ring. I'm looking for a good heel to insert into my main event picture to feud with Bulldozer once he gets the strap. I like to keep signings realistic for NYCW so a brawler, regular wrestler, technician, or entertainer would be preferable.


Has you tried a filtered search? Just a cursory glance got me:


Bradford Peverell

Bryan Holmes (he's old but he's good enough to train up any young workers you bring in)

Cali Slick

Christian Price


Jake Idol


Ernest Youngman

Greg Gauge

Marc Speed

Nelson Callum

Ricky DeColt

Shane Nelson

Shingen Miyazaki


Some of them are older talents that can be bridges between your young undercard (assuming you have it) and your existing old guys at the top of the card. Passing the torch, as it were.


However, I would seriously question your 'realistic' premise with regard to style. El Mitico Jr is out there and can GO in the ring, regardless of what his style is. Workers can change styles (and do, if it's advantageous to them) and he has the skills to switch to Regular Wrestler.

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